research writing
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 236-246
G. Nurmatova

The article introduces corpus-based DDL (Data-driven Learning) technologies in teaching ESP (English for Specific Purposes). The aim of the author is twofold: to offer English language teachers to design grammatical and lexical activities to develop senior students’ research writing skill and to assist senior students to construct scholarly field-related sentences. For the purpose of the study, the author used a mini manually compiled corpus of robotics, one of the branches of mechanical engineering and demonstrated practical instructions of corpus-based grammatical and lexical insights with DDL technologies. In spite of some limitations and future research, the findings of the study can contribute language teachers to develop senior students’ productive (writing) skills via designing corpus-based data driven materials as well as improve students to construct grammatically and lexically correct sentences for succeeding in their further research and career growth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 214
Dennis Foung ◽  
Kin Cheung

This research addressed a research gap in scrutinizing the language problems of English as a second language (ESL) transfer students (TSs) with regard to the aspects of “transfer deficit” and “transfer capital”, instead of simply labelling the use of English as a “transfer deficit”. One hundred and twenty-four TSs participated in this qualitative study. From qualitative content analysis, three main categories were identified: (a) English competence as transfer capital; (b) English competence as transfer deficit; and (c) transition from deficit to capital. Based on the results, educational practitioners are advised to pay attention to the specific implications of proficiency-based courses, with support measures not limited to essay-writing or referencing skills, but including advanced research writing genres such as the Capstone Project.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Ira Eko Retnosasi ◽  
Tri Indrayanti ◽  
Agung Pramujiono ◽  
Henricus Supriyanto ◽  

Abstract Purpose: The objectives of implementing community service include providing insight to teachers about best practice writing and providing best practice writing training. Method: The method used is field observation. The target in community service is junior-high school educators in Waru Sidoarjo district. These activities are carried out in the form of training activities, teaching, discussions, and research writing practices. Results: The training that has been carried out on middle-high school educators, namely (a) educators respond well to training in the PPM program, (b) educators have the motivation to improve in making scientific papers, (c) variety of scientific language is a common material in Indonesian language lessons so that educators are active in participating in training, (d) the teachers have a fairly good understanding in writing scientific papers, and (e) the educators respond well to aspects of the implementation of activities, aspects of the presenters, and aspects as a whole. Then, the final results show that from 44 participants, quantitatively that 30 participants have finished writing a best practice writing report, and only 14 participants still needed improvement. Conclusions: Through community service, teachers are able to make research through best practice. Although, there are some teachers who need revision related to the research content.

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-90
Nicole Bowers

AbstractWe work in the ruins of a world that has produced those ruins (Sauvé, 2017; Tsing in The mushroom at the end of the world: On the possibility of life in capitalist ruins. Princeton University Press, 2015), this time often referred to as the Anthropocene, science educators and researchers have been called to break with post-positivism, dualisms, and reductionism to settle on new onto-epistemological grounds (Bazzul and Kayumova,.Educational Philosophy and Theory 48:284–299, 2016; Haraway, D. (2016). Staying with the trouble: Making kin in the Chthulucene. Duke University Press.; Lather & St. Pierre in International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 26:629–633, 2013). One promising proposition lies in ontologies of process and epistemologies that expand to encompass affect with new combinations of knowing/experiencing/researching that honor the more-than-human world we need to navigate (Manning, E. (2013). Always more than one: Individuation’s dance. Duke University Press.; Muraca,.Environmental Values 20:375–396, 2011). In this chapter, I will introduce artful writing as inquiry in science education and explain the elements of magical realism that may contribute to works that reverberate with the-more-than-human world of the Anthropocene (Faris, W. (2004). Ordinary enchantments. Vanderbilt University Press.; Manning, E. (2016). The minor gesture. Duke University Press.; (Richardson & St. Pierre in The Sage handbook of qualitative research. Sage, 2005).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S3) ◽  
Nurhayati Sitorus ◽  
Eva Fitri Y. Siregar ◽  
Beslina Afriani Siagian ◽  
Febrika Dwi Lestari ◽  
Harpen Silitonga

Rhetorical approach is a tool that can be used to analyze essay writing. Not only to analyze but also to help us making an essay. By using rhetorical, the writer can narrate, describe, classify, and give example. This research discusses about the structure and the difficulties of tertiary learners in essay writing based on rhetorical approach. The sample of this research was tertiary learners and they became the source of the data in the research. Writing test was used as the instrument in the research. Here, the researcher asked the tertiary learners to write an essay. Then, analyzing the data based on rhetorically approach. The result of the study showed that 55,56% tertiary learners are able in writing an essay based on the rhetorically approach. And Based on the analysis, the researcher found tertiary learners’ difficulties in essay writing, namely grammar, vocabulary, cohesion and coherence, misspelling, developing and organizing idea, and arranging or building sentences are still based on first language.

Ugboaja Uchenna Chikwendu ◽  

Students’ final year projects are often characterized by poor quality, duplication of existing works, prolonged research writing and late submission. This TetFund sponsored research project: Web-based Student Project Management System, is designed with the latest technologies to mitigate these challenges. The project is designed to provide continuous, timeless and boundless communication between project coordinators and students, students and their supervisors, as well as students researching in the same field. The project automates routine project activities such as listing and selection of project topics, approval of project topics, project report writing guidelines, student/supervisor correspondence, assessment and report submission, and finally report storage and management. Thus, it will eliminate the duplication and recycling of existing projects by making sure that such projects are rejected automatically at the very point of submission for approval, as well as guarantee high quality and timely completion and submission of students’ projects. Agile software design approach, due to its high degree of stakeholder involvement and incremental testing of functionalities, was deployed to design the project. Also the system was developed using Java programming language with Apache Tomcat Server and MySQL as the Database Management System.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 101-118
Patricia Paredes-Baan

The study aimed to develop a framework for teaching Practical Research and to find out the most appropriate instructional design to use in the development of instructional material for Practical Research 1. It utilized a qualitative research design. The research instrument includes two (2) curriculum guides and forty-five (45) literature searches on the best practices in teaching Practical Research 1. Data analysis used document analysis and thematic analysis. The findings revealed the components of the framework. Among these components are the learning competencies, enhancement/ measurement of prior knowledge, use of instructional material, feedback, and research writing. The most appropriate instructional design for developing the module in Practical Research 1 is the use of 5Es. The 5Es instructional design is used in science instruction and anchored on the principles of constructivism which follows procedural application of knowledge suitable to teaching Practical Research 1 which is deemed science-related. The following recommendations were made: the module in Practical Research 1 should be implemented and evaluated by Grade 11 Practical Research 1 instructors and students; materials containing contents specific to the learner's strand be developed; it is ideal to develop and produce audiovisual materials to add convenience in teaching Practical Research 1, and Practical Research 1 should be taught by teachers who have at least postgraduate units.

Dr Catherine Robertson

You are invited to submit an article for the fifth volume of JOVACET to be published in October/November 2022. JOVACET is an accredited publication with the Department of Higher Education and Training. Articles should be topical with regard to current debates/discourses and recent research in the TVET, adult, and continuing education and training domains. Submissions should be of high quality and follow academic research/writing conventions of journal articles in the social sciences. Specifications can be found on the JOVACET website ( or obtained from Dr Catherine Robertson at [email protected]. Articles should comprise a maximum of 8000 words, which include the abstract of approximately 200 words and a list of references, and be submitted in MS Word format via the journal website at or emailed to Dr Catherine Robertson at [email protected]. Kindly follow the style guide which is provided on the website. We look forward to receiving your submissions! Due date for full paper submissions: 15 April 2022

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