Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM)
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Negeri Jakarta


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-344
Siti Sri Wulandari ◽  
Bambang Suratman ◽  
Triesninda Pahlevi ◽  
Novi Trisnawati

This Community Service provides a solution to the above problems, namely by improving nutrition to the community through the provision of basic food ingredients to people affected by COVID-19. The expected benefits of this Community Service are helping the economy, especially to meet the needs of its staples, and the welfare of people affected by COVID-19 in Cemandi Village, Sedati District, Sidoarjo Regency. The method applied is to provide direct food assistance to people affected by COVID-19. The results of the implementation of Community Service in the form of documentation and citizen responses to basic food assistance, among others. The implementation of community service as an effort to increase food security through the provision of basic necessities for the people affected by Covid 19 which was carried out to the residents of Cemandi village, Sidoarjo Regency received a positive response by providing basic necessities from the Community Service team and feeling that it was sufficient for their family's food needs in the next few days and had already right on target because residents desperately need basic food assistance due to decreased income and unable to fulfill their family's nutrition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-280
Rina Febriana ◽  
Yeni Yulianti

This Community Service (P2M) activity aims to improve young women's health in the health sector, to improve the health of young women, especially reproductive health. One of the problems faced by adolescents is the lack of knowledge about health, especially reproductive health. Efforts to increase understanding of reproduction are by providing education. Counseling on reproductive health and nutrition for young women has given in basic nutrition subjects, which are adaptive in Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Catering expertise. The method used is by providing lectures, discussions, and evaluation of activities. The review has carried out by distributing a satisfaction questionnaire to P2M activities consisting of 10 statements. P2M was conducted at SMK Negeri 33 Jakarta online in the subject of Nutrition Science by involving the principal, vice-principal, 57 female students, three civil servant teachers, and four P2M Faculty members Engineering team. Activities will have held on Monday, 10 August 2020, from 07:30 to 10:00 WIB. The counseling material provided was beautiful to the participants, seen from the whole questionnaire items' average result that they were delighted with 59.4% and 37.5% expressed satisfaction. Thus the P2M activity on improving the degree of reproductive health and nutrition is beneficial for participants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 306-319
Sachriani ◽  
Yati Setiati Muhaenah

To increase community empowerment in the Benda Baru sub-district, Pamulang sub-district, South Tangerang City, in the form of product diversification of cassava leaves and catfish so that community welfare is created through optimizing the potential of cassava, processing various processed products of mashed beef jerky from cassava leaves and catfish that are varied, of high quality, nutritious and has a high selling value. This Community Service Program is aimed at the community as many as 16 mothers. The goal is to enable the community to plan and manage the potential of cassava to form/develop a group of people who are economically independent and prosperous. Outputs: (1) Products of cassava leaf jerky and catfish jerky (2) Publication of the activity of making pulverized cassava leaves and catfish jerky on YouTube. The method used in this activity is the provision of material, direct practice, and assistance. The presentation of the material was carried out in the local hall, with material on diversification of local food ingredients to introduce various alternative food sources and to introduce several examples of diversification of food based on existing local ingredients. The technique of making cassava leaves and catfish jerky is mentoring as well as the practice of making ground beef jerky and catfish jerky.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 320-334
Annisaa Siti Zulaicha ◽  
Indah Puspitasari ◽  
Angga Saputra Yasira ◽  
Iwan Syahjoko ◽  
M Alvien Ghifari

Hand sanitizers, handsoaps, and disinfectants (H2D) have become necessities in a new normal during the Covid-19 pandemic. These three items are necessary to use in daily activities to prevent the spread of Covid-19. One of the efforts to successfully adopt a new normal is to educate the youth on preventing the spread of Covid-19. Workshop and education on making simple H2D at SMK Negeri 3 Kotabumi have been held through outreach activities and hands-on practice. The goal of this activity is to increase the students knowledge of SMK Negeri 3 Kotabumi in living a new lifestyle to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in North Lampung Regency. The result of this educational program is an increase in the knowledge of students of SMK Negeri 3 Kotabumi about H2D in terms of composition, making, and use. Besides, through the workshop program, students of SMK Negeri 3 Kotabumi also acquire skills in making simple H2D. Through presentation and direct practice, students of SMK Negeri 3 Kotabumi have been educated to become new lifestyle agents to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in North Lampung Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-290
Heni Widyaningsih

Several local government agencies have made efforts to empower the community in the use of householdwaste, however, due to the vastness and complexity of internal problems resulting not all areas can be reached. The State University of Jakarta requires lecturers to carry out community service or Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) every year. The purpose of PKM is to provide understanding, skills, and enrichment to the community to utilize household waste so that residents of Karang Tengah Village, Bogor, West Java can play an active role in creating economic independence for residents by utilizing waste with the 3R concept (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle). This activity was held on Monday, September 28, 2020, at the Head Office of Karang Tengah Village, Babakan Madang District, Bogor, West Java. The activity was opened by representatives from the Sub-district and attended by around 50 participants. The output of this activity was the publication in the PosKota and Suara Karya ewspapers on October 3, 2020, the Activity Poster, and the Tutorial Video on Making Candles from Used Cooking Oil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 291-305
Agus Umar Hamdani ◽  
Indra ◽  

Residents in the neighborhood of Rukun Tetangga 03 Rukun Warga 02 Pondok Jati Jurangmangu Barat Pondok Aren mostly belong to the lower middle class. Most of the residents in this RT 03 environment run their business businesses such as warungs, drinking water supply services, cellphone counters, workshops, printing houses, internet cafes, house rentals/rents, vehicle rentals, vehicle care services, midwives, and furniture. Although some business actors have used information technology tools to support their business, their use is limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Residents do not understand how to sell and market products using information technology tools. E-Commerce technology is a technology used to conduct business transactions that occur on electronic networks. E-Commerce technology can help market products, especially when implementing large-scale social restrictions (PSBB). Based on the above conditions, we conducted training to build a business using Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) technology for residents to foster an entrepreneurial spirit based on information technology. the methodology in this community service activity uses the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach which consists of the identification of problems, planning activities, implementing activities, monitoring activities, and evaluating community service activities. The output of this community service activity is that the residents of Rukun Tetangga 03 Rukun Warga 02 Pondok Jati Jurangmangu Barat Pondok Aren gain knowledge and experience on how to use E-Commerce technology to support their business activities. For this community service activity to run optimally, it is necessary to provide assistance during the adaptation process of E-Commerce technology and conduct training on digital marketing in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 258-268
Muchamad Nur Qosim ◽  
Isworo Pujotomo ◽  
Aas Wasri Hasanah ◽  
Rinna Hariyati

Keberadaan penerangan jalan dan atau fasilitas umum adalah salah satu hal yang sangat penting demi kenyamanan warga khususnya di area parkir mobil malam hari. Tetapi, tidak semuanya telah terpasang penerangan seperti halnya di area lapangan tanah, blok B/C tahap 1, Villa Mutiara Serpong, Pondok Jagung, Tangerang Selatan. Area ini merupakan lahan Fasum yang areanya masih tanah, dan sebagian besar belum terpasang lampu untuk penerangan seluruh areanya, karena parkir mobil juga membutuhkan pencahayaan yang cukup penting untuk memantau hal yang tidak diinginkan, oleh karena itu diperlukan pemasangan penerangan fasilitas umum tersebut dan jalan dalam hal ini berupa lampu tenaga surya sebagai alternatif efektif untuk solusi dalam penerangan dan pengurangan biaya pemakaian energi listrik dari PLN. Lampu tenaga surya di pasang di titik strategis yaitu di area yang sedikit pencahayaannya. Lampu yang digunakan adalah lampu daya 60-90 watt guna lebih terang lebih bagus. Selain untuk penerangan jalan dan fasilitas umum, analisis ekonomi juga dilakukan pada kegiatan ini dengan cara membandingkan total biaya yang diperlukan antara penerangan lampu pijar dengan tenaga surya. Dimana didapat selisih nominal dalam rupiah Rp 2.607.455 lebih efisien dari PJU lampu pijar, dan lampu tenaga surya tidak dipengaruhi oleh TDL (tarif dasar listrik).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-200
Hairudin La Patilaiya ◽  
Sitti Nurhidayanti Ishak

Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu permasalahan bagi negara-negara yang beriklim tropis seperti di Indonesia. Melonjaknya angka kematian akibat penyakit ini setiap tahun menjadikan sebuah peristiwa luar biasa. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, tim Ibm UMMU berupaya melakukan kegiatan pengendalian DBD dengan melakukan sosialisasi DBD dan gerakan PSN (Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk) dengan 3M plus yaitu Menguras, Menutup dan Mengubur. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap resiko penyakit DBD serta kesadaran masyarakat mengenai pola hidup bersih. Metode pemberdayaan yang digunakan yaitu pemberian literasi dan praktek Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk. Program ini terbukti dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam pemberantasan sarang nyamuk yang menyebabkan penyakit DBD. Dengan adanya program ini, masyarakat kelurahan Tomajiko kecamatan Pulau Hiri diharapkan dapat selalu menjaga lingkungan agar tetap bersih untuk menghindari penyakit DBD. Hasil dari program ini diharapkan dapat ditiru oleh beberapa desa sekitar kepulauan Hiri yang memiliki karakteristik demografi yang sama.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-241
Ahmad Kholil ◽  
Budiaman ◽  
Aam Amaningsih Jumhur ◽  

Dampak dari tidak optimalnya manajemen sampah pada Kelurahan Jakamulya yang selalu terkena banjir akibat sampah dan Situ Wo yang tidak bisa menampung air. Upaya-upaya untuk mengelola sampah dari sumbernya sudah dilakukan dengan bank sampah namun belum optimal. Tujuan Program Kemitraan Wilayah Kota Bekasi adalah peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan Sampah dengan konsep 3R (reuse, recycle, reduce).   Berdasarkan hasil penerapan program PKW dapat disimpulkan bahwa operasional  Bank sampah Mutiara Pondok Suryamandala di Kelurahan Jakamulya Kota Bekasi berbasis TPS 3R menjadi kunci penanganan sampah berbasis masyarakat (komunal) sangat efektif untuk pengelolaan sampah yang langsung masyarakat sebagai pengelola plus (pemilik home industri). Tanpa system komunal ini mustahil sampah dapat diatasi dengan tuntas atau berkelanjutan. Membudayakan cara pembuangan sampah yang baik mulai dari lingkungan rumah tangga hingga dengan cara menyerahkan sampah ke Bank Sampah adalah metoda efektif di tingkat masyarakat yang akhirnya akan memandirikan masyarakat dalam mengelola sampahnya sendiri. Menata TPS 3R menjadi pusat pemanfaatan sampah organik dan anorganik secara maksimal merupakan program pengelolaan sampah berbasis komunal yang secara pasti akan memotong mata rantai distribusi sampah dari TPS 3R ke tempat pembuangan akhir.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-214
Mariani Alitimbul ◽  
Guspri Devi Artanti

Program yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan ibu rumah tangga dan kader Posyandu di  Kelurahan Benda Baru Kabupaten Tangerang Selatan dalam bentuk pelatihan pembuatan jajanan sehat  berbasis limbah perikanan berupa kulit udang yang merupakan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat yangditujukan kepada sebanyak 25 orang ibu rumah tangga dan kader Posyandu. Hasil yang diharapkan dari  pelatihan adalah peningkatan keterampilan sebagai upaya untuk membentuk/mengembangkan sekelompok  masyarakat yang mandiri secara ekonomi dan sejahtera. Luaran dalam pengabdian masyarakat adalah  produk jajanan dari limbah perikanan, modul jajanan sehat berbasis limbah perikanan, publikasi ilmiah dan  publikasi kegiatan pembuatan jajanan sehat berbasis limbah perikanan berupa platform Youtube. Metode  yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini ceramah, demonstrasi, serta praktek bersama-sama dengan peserta  pelatihan membuat jajanan sehat dengan bahan dari limbah perikanan berupa kulit udang. Hasil pelatihan  peningkatan keterampilan pembuatan jajanan sehat berbasis limbah perikanan diikuti dengan baik oleh  peserta dengan membuat produk simping dan telor gabus asin yang menggunakan bahan tepung dari limbah  kulit udang.

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