scholarly journals Perbandingan Strategi Pembelajaran Jigsaw dan Group to Group Exchange Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Fisika

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-269
Misbahul Ihsan ◽  
Yahya AD

Abstract: This study aims to determine whether there are differences in the average understanding of the concepts of physics students are taught using learning strategies jigsaw with learners who are taught using instructional strategies goup to group exchange and see the difference in both learning strategies jigsaw and group to group exchange of average to seven aspects of the concept of a higher understanding. Class VIII SMP Negeri 24 Bandar Lampung in academic year 2015-2016. This research is quasi-experimental research. This study uses two classes as a class experiment. The population in this study were students grade SMP Negeri 24 Bandar Lampung with 67 students of two classes of grade VIII VIII G and J as a sample. Then the researchers gave the treatment of class VIII G as the experimental class 1 with the use of learning strategies jigsaw in learning, and VIII as the experimental class 2 learning strategy group to group exchange. Based on the results of the calculation of average chart between the jigsaw and group to group the most different exchange haasilnya on summarizing aspects. The sixth aspect being acquitted of the same because there is no difference in the difference in value is high. From the t test calculation can be concluded that the hypothesis is rejected and Ha = H0 = acceptable, it indicates that there is no difference between the conceptual understanding of physics jigsaw strategy and group to group exchange.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan rata-rata pemahaman konsep fisika peserta didik yang diajar menggunakan strategi pembelajaran jigsaw dengan peserta didik yang diajar menggunakan strategi pembelajaran goup to group exchange dan melihat perbedaan kedua strategi pembelajaran jigsaw dan group to group exchange dari rata-rata ke tujuh aspek pemahaman konsep yang lebih tinggi. Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 24  Bandar Lampung tahun pelajaran 2015-2016. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian eksperimen semu. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas SMP Negeri 24 Bandar Lampung dengan 67 peserta didik dari dua kelas yaitu kelas VIII G dan VIII J sebagai sampelnya. Kemudian peneliti memberikan perlakuan terhadap kelas VIII G sebagai kelas eksperimen 1 dengan penggunaan strategi pembelajaran jigsaw dalam belajar, dan kelas VIII sebagai kelas eksperimen 2 strategi pembelajaran group to group exchange. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan grafik rata-rata antara jigsaw dan group to group exchange yang paling berbeda hasilnya pada aspek merangkum. Sedang keenam aspek lainnya dinyatakan sama karena tidak ada perbedaan selisih nilai yang tinggi. Dari perhitungan uji t dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis  Ha = ditolak dan H0 = diterima, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan pemahaman konsep fisika antara strategi jigsaw dan group to group exchange

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 477-483
Lina Listiana ◽  
Arsad Bahri

Purpose of Study: Creative thinking skills are indispensable for the investigation of a problem, finding and analyzing facts and data in solving the problem. The role of creative thinking in learning to prepare students to be a problem solver. The lack of empowerment of the creative thinking skills of students in the biology classroom can be caused by the non-optimal application of learning strategies. Methodology: This study was a quasi-experimental study designed to explore the effect of GI learning strategies, TTW, GITTW, and conventional learning in empowering creative thinking skills of students in high school. The research sample was 162 students of X grade of science majors SMA Muhammadiyah 1 in Surabaya, Indonesia academic year 2015/2016. Creative thinking skills of students measured by essay test given at the beginning and end of the study. Results: The results showed that the application of learning strategies affected the creative thinking skills of students. GITTW learning strategy can maximize the creative thinking skills empowerment. Also, note that the strategy TTW could improve creative thinking skills were higher than GI and conventional strategy. Implications/Applications: The GITTW strategy can be considered to be used by teachers as a learning strategy to empower creative thinking skills.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ramdani R

The ability of understanding mathematical concepts and was a math learning goals stated by the Ministry of Education, and was a very important aspect in learning mathematics. Lack of understanding of mathematical concepts students will affect the quality of student learning that result in low student achievement in school, it was also happening in SMP N Lembah Gumanti. Think Talk Write learning strategies was one alternative to improve the liveliness and creativity of students in learning.This research is a Quasi Experiment. The population in this study were students of SMP N Lembah Gumanti District. The samples in this study were students of class VIII 1 SMP N 3 Lembah Gumanti as experimental class and VIII 2 grade students as a class randomly selected controls. Instrument used was a written test. The data obtained were analyzed using ANCOVA test (analysis of Covariance).The results showed that the ability of understanding the overall concept and capable students who are taught by low initial learning strategy TTW higher than students taught with conventional learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Bambang Joko Surya

<p>: This study aims to determine: (1) Differences biology student learning outcomes that dibelajarkan with learning strategies Learning Cycle better than students who study with strategei conventional learning, (2) The difference of students who have internal locus of control to obtain the results of studying biology better of the students who have external locus of control, (3) Interaction between learning strategies and locus of control in giving effect to biology students' learning outcomes. The research was conducted in the Junior School I Binjai. The population of this study are all eighth graders Binjai SMP Negeri 1 212 people. Samples were taken with a random cluster technique samplig and further through the draw, the class VIII was selected as the class-2 treated with the learning strategies and classroom Learning Cycle VIII-3 was chosen as the class that were treated with conventional pembelajara. Locus of Control Data was collected using a questionnaire and data with the test results to study Biology.Instruments used after validated by the validator and test instruments. The test results show the distribution of the data requirements for learning outcomes Biology and Locus of Control is the normal distribution and homogeneous. The research hypothesis was tested by using ANOVA test followed by Tukey test. These results indicate (1) learning strategy gives a significantly different influence on the result of class VIII studying biology SMP Negeri 1 Binjai (Fcount 6.110&gt;Ftable 4.10), (2) Locus of Control gave a significantly different effect on learning outcomes Biology class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Binjai (Fcount 19.703&gt;Ftable 7.35), (3) There is interaction between the learning strategy with the Locus of Control students on the results of class VIII studying biology SMP Negeri 1 Binjai (Fcount 6.255&gt; 4.10 Ftable ), (4) The study of biology students in the class who have a Learning Cycle Internal Locus of Control was higher ( = 81.50) compared with students who have an External Locus of Control on Conventional class ( = 67.50), higher than students who have the Internal Locus of Control on Conventional class ( = 74.32) and higher than students who have an External Locus of Control on Conventional class ( = 70.23).</p><p> </p><p>Kata Kunci: Learning Cycle, Locus ofControl, IPA</p>

Bambang Hariadi ◽  
Tutut Wurijanto

The research aimed at examining the effect of instructional strategy (web-based STAD and text-based STAD) and achiever motivation toward student learning outcomes. The research implied quasi-experimental design with nonequivalen control group factorial version. The subjects were undergraduated students of Information Systems of academic year 2014/2015 at STIKOM Surabaya. Two groups were involved in the investigation with which amounts to 67 students, comprised of 34 students for the experimental class and 33 students for grade control. The collected data were statistically processed using analysis of variance techniques (ANOVA) two paths using a significance level of 0,05. The results of this research indicate that there is a difference in outcome study of Organization Behavior courses is significant between groups of students who studied with a web-based STAD type cooperative instrutional strategies and textual STAD type cooperative strategies. Based on the findings of this research, researchers suggest implementing STAD tipe cooperative of instructional strategy, with simultaneously (complementary) between the web-based and text-based in the form of blended learning.

Amiruddin Kade ◽  
I Nyoman Sudana Degeng ◽  
Muhammad Nur Ali

Conceptual understanding should have serious attention due to the low score of Physics subject on national examination in Palu. The difference between learning style and jigsaw strategy is able to combine abstract conceptualization and active experiment towards the conceptual understanding for students whose learning style is converger and diverger. The research design was quasi experiment. The sample is the eleventh class of Senior High School students in Palu that are chosen using cluster random sampling (multistage), that is, 167 students. The research instrument was Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory (KLSI) of conceptual understanding test on Physics (Tes Pemahaman Konsep Fisika or TPKF). The data was analyzed by using ANOVA, with the significant level is 5%. The result shows that: (1) cooperative learning strategy of jigsaw type has more benefits than direct learning strategy in conceptual understanding on Physics, (2) student group of which learning style was converger has higher conceptual understanding than that of which learning style was diverger, (3) there are interaction influence between learning strategy and learning style towards the conceptual understanding on Physics

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 454 ◽  
Aan Ardian ◽  
Sudji Munadi

This study aims at investigating the difference of creativity between the students treated with the Student-Centered Learning (SCL) strategy and the students treated with the Direct Learning strategy. It was a quasi-experimental study employing the non-equivalent control group design. It was conducted using the 2x2 factorial design. The research population were 40 students attending the course of Fabrication Construction Design. The results of the study showed that (1) The creativity of the students using the SCL strategy attained mean scores of 42.65, higher than the students using the Direct Learning strategy with mean scores of 39. (2) The students with high spatial ability using the SCL strategy attained mean scores of 49, higher than the students using the Direct Learning strategy with mean scores of 36.3. (3) The students with low spatial ability using the SCL strategy attained mean scores of 36.3, lower than the students using the Direct Learning strategy with mean scores of 41.70. (4) There was an interaction between the learning strategy and the spatial ability in terms of the effect on the creativity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Asnewastri . ◽  
R Mursid

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) hasil belajar Sejarah siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran elaborasi lebih tinggi dengan ekspositori, (2) hasil belajar Sejarah siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir logis tinggi lebih tinggi dengan berpikir logis rendah dan (3) interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan kemampuan berpikir logis dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar Sejarah siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan  adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain faktorial 2 x 2. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah  analisis varians dua jalur (Two Way Anava 2 x 2) dengan taraf signifikansi a = 0,05 dengan menggunakan Uji-F, pengujian uji lanjut  menggunakan uji Scheffe. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan: (1) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar Sejarah siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran elaborasi dengan strategi  ekspositori, (2) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar Sejarah siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir logis tinggi dengan berpikir logis rendah, dan (3) Interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan kemampuan berpikir logis akan memberikan efek yang tinggi dalam penguasaan materi pembelajaran sehingga hasil belajar Sejarah yang diperoleh tinggi. Kata Kunci: strategi pembelajaran, kemampuan berpikir logis terhadap hasil belajar sejarah Abstract: This study aims to determine: (1) the results of studying history students who are taught by learning strategy elaboration higher with expository, (2) the results of learning history students who have the ability to think logically high is higher by thinking logically low and (3) interaction between learning strategy and logical thinking skills in influencing student learning outcomes History. The method used is a quasi-experimental design with 2 x 2 factorial analysis technique used is the analysis of variance of two lanes (Two Way Anova 2 x 2) with significance level a = 0.05 using the Test-F, a further test testing use test Scheffe. The findings show: (1) there is a significant difference between the results of studying history students who are taught by learning strategies elaboration of the strategy expository, (2) there is a significant difference between the results of studying history students who have the ability to think logically high to think logically low, and (3) the interaction between the learning strategies and ability to think logically will give high effect in the mastery of learning material that learners' achievements obtained History high. Keywords: learning strategies, the ability to think logically to the learning outcomes of history

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Lily Rohanita Hasibuan ◽  
. Mukhtar ◽  
Abdul Hamid K

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran inkuiri dibandingkan dengan siswa yang diajar dengan  strategi pembelajaran ekspositori; (2) perbedaan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir abstrak tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir abstrak rendah; dan (3) interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan kemampuan berpikir abstrak dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar matematika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar matematika siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran inkuiri (rata-rata 80,23) lebih tinggi dibandingkan hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran ekspositori (rata-rata 71,33); kemudian hasil belajar matematika siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir abstrak tinggi (rata-rata 80,20) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir abstrak rendah (rata-rata 71,35). Selanjutnya penelitian menemukan bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan kemampuan berpikir abstrak tehadap hasil belajar matematika siswa. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan kepada guru matematika untuk lebih inovatif dan kreatif dalam memilih strategi pembelajaran dan diharapkan untuk dapat menerapkan strategi pembelajaran inkuiri untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa. Kata Kunci:   Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri, Kemampuan Berpikir Abstrak, Hasil Belajar Matematika  Abstract: The objectives of this study to investigate: (1) the difference achievement of students on mathematics between the students who taught by Inquiry learning strategy and the students who taught by expository learning strategy; (2) the difference achievement of students on mathematics between students who have low and high abstract thinking ability; and (3) an interaction between learning strategy and abstract thinking ability toward the students’ mathematics achievement. The research method used is experimental method. The result of experiment show that the students’ mathematics achievement taught by inquiry learning strategy (80.22) is higher than the students taught by expository learning strategy (71.3), then the mathematics achievement of students with high abstract thinking ability (80.20) is higher than students with low abstract thinking ability (71.31). Then, the research also found that there is no interaction between learning strategy and abstract thinking ability toward the students’ mathematics achievement. So, as the next step it implies the mathematics’ teachers to be more innovative and creative in choosing the learning strategies and applies the inquiry learning strategy in increasing the students’ mathematics achievement. Keywords: Inquiry Learning Strategy, Abstract Thinking Ability, Students’ Mathematics Achievement

Nurvilia Apriyanti ◽  
Lovy Herayanti ◽  
Habibi Habibi

This study was conducted to determine the effect of buzz group discussion learning methods on the activeness and learning achievement of physics in class VIII of SMPN 4 Praya Barat Daya 2015/2016 Academic Year. The type of research used in this study is a kind of quasi-experimental research. The population in this study were all eighth-grade students totaling 38 people consisting of class VIII A totaling 20 people as the experimental class and class VIII B totaling 18 people as the control class with the sampling technique used was a saturated sampling technique. The instruments used are valid observation and test sheets both in content, construct, and empirical with a value of 3.34; 3.40; and 3.23, and reliable with the value of αCronbach = 0.608. The results of this study were also able to influence the achievement of learning physics. Based on statistical calculations using the ttest test, the value of tcount = 23.00 is greater than t table = 2.02 (t count = 23.00> t table = 2.02). Thus, it can be concluded that there is the influence of buzz group discussion learning methods on the activeness and learning achievement of physics in class VIII Praya Barat Daya SMP 4 2015/2016 Academic Year.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 145-156
Angela Orengwu Okatahi ◽  
Hosea Abalaka Apeh ◽  
Omolara Ayoka Iyiegbuniwe

The study was on the effect Brain-Based Learning Strategies on the academic achievement of secondary school students in Abuja, Nigeria. The pretest post-test Quasi Experimental Research design was used with a sample of 142 Senior Secondary School Students drawn from two schools. Two intact classes were randomly selected from each school. Data for the study was sourced using the Economics Achievement Test (EAT). The hypothesis was tested at a significant level of 0.05 using ANCOVA. The findings revealed a significant difference in the academic achievement with mean difference of 15.82 in favor of the Experimental Group. The study concluded that Brain-based learning strategies have significant effect on students’ academic achievement as the result indicated that the effect of the treatment, (brain-based learning strategy) was significantly positive on students’ academic achievement in Economics. The study recommended that teachers should adopt the Brain-based learning strategies in teaching Economics by providing a relaxed environment with low threat, good nutrition, physical exercise, movement, drama, drinking of water before and during lessons.

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