SISTEM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MENURUT H.O.S COKROAMINOTO (Konsep Muslim Nasional Onderwijs, Historis dan Globalisasi)

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-63
Wildan Rusli

H.O.S. Cokroaminoto is one of the imprtant figures in Indonesian education. He was famous with his concern in education, especially with his briliant concept of Moeslim National Ondewijs, an educational concept adressed to natives of Indonesia. In his concept of Moeslim National Ondewijs, H.O.S. Cokroaminoto explained the principles of democracy and society on the basis of Islam. The principles were then applied in the teaching of Aqidah Akhlaq, Qur’an and Hadits, Fiqih, The History of Islamic Culture, etc. those are the ideal materials that should be taught at schools. Besides concerning with cognitive aspects, education should care about: 1) growing sense of independence and democracy; 2) bravery, sincerity, and truth; 3) spirituality, good attitude and behavior; 4) religiosity and simplicity. The concepts are relevant to be applied in Islamic education of the present time.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 471
Mohammad Muchlis Solichin

Abstract: Ecological Spirituality is an awareness for connecting the environment through education. Education is a means of shaping the character of the environmental awareness. The knowledge and awareness of the importance of the environment can be fostered through the process of learning in school/madarasah. Ecological Spirituality can be implemented in the Learning of Islamic Education (PAI) by integrating the concept of Islam which is related to the environment into the teaching. This paper focus on 1) What are the learning materials of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) associated with ecological spirituality?, 2) How is the implement of the learning model of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) with associated with ecological spirituality. The findings revealed that the PAI learning materials which is related to the ecological spirituality comprising the learning of  environment in the perspective of Alquran, Hadith, Fiqh, Aqidah, Moral and History of Islamic Culture. Meanwhile, the learning models encompassing a contextual learning, thematic learning and, inquiry learning models.الملخص: إن الروحانية الإيكولوجية هو الوعي للقدرة على التعامل مع البيئة، وأن ينمّى هذا الوعي – بقدر المستطاع – عن طريق التربية. والتربية هي الوسيلة لتكوين طبيعة الاهتمام والوعي بالبيئة. ويكون الفهم عن الوعي بالبيئة يمكن تنميته عن طريق عملية التعليم في المدارس. والروحانية الإيكولوجية يمكن تكوينها عن طريق عملية التربية الإسلامية ببيان التعاليم الإسلامية المتعلقة بالبيئة والعالم. وتركيز هذا المقال هو: 1) ما هي المواد في التربية الإسلامية في ضوء الروحانية الإيكولوجية: 2) كيف تطبيق نماذج التعليم في مادة التربية الإسلامية في ضوء الروحانية الإيكولوجية. ومن البيانات المجموعة يمكن الاستنتاج منها : أن مواد تعليم مادة التربية الإسلامية في ضوء الروحانية الإيكولوجية تحتوى على تعليم موضوع البيئة في ضوء القرآن والسنة والفقه والعقيدة والأخلاق وتاريخ الثقافة الإسلامية. وأما نماذج تعليم مادة التربية الإسلامية على ضوء الروحانية الإيكولوجية فهي : نموذج التعليم السياقي، ونموذج التعليم الموضوعي، ونوذج التعليم على أساس التحقيق. Abstrak: Spiritualistas Ekologi merupakan suatu kesadaran untuk mampu berhubungan dengan lingkungan yang ditanamkan melalui jalur pendidikan. Pendidikan merupakan wahana pembentukan karakter peduli terhadap lingkungan. Pemahaman, kesadaran akan pentingnya lingkungan alam dapat ditumbuhkembangkan melalui proses pembelajaran di sekolah/madarasah. Spiritualitas Ekologi dapat dilakukan melalui pembelajaran Pendidkan Agama Islam (PAI) dengan menjelaskan ajaran Islam berkaitan dengan lingkungan, alam. Fokus tulisan ini adalah 1) Apa saja materi pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) berwawasan spiritualitas ekologi, 2) Bagiamana pelaksanaan model-model pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) berwawasan spiritualitas ekologi. Dari penelusuran data, terungkap bahwa materi pembelajaran PAI berwawasan spiritualitas ekologi meliputi pembelajaran lingkungan hidup dalam perspektif Alquran, Hadis, Fiqh, Aqidah, Akhlak dan Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam. dan Akhlak. Sementara itu model-model pembelajaran (PAI) berwawasan spiritualitas ekologi, adalah model pembelajaran kontekstual, model pembelajaran tematik, dan model pembelajaran, inquiry.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-224
Habrun Habrun

Islamic education in the family means education provided by members of the family, especially parents, to their children in the family environment to form the child's personality in order to be a muslim in which the attitude and behavior is in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The motivation of parent’s devotion in educating their children is solely for the sake of natural love, so, in this atmosphere of love, the process of education takes place well since the child is dependent to the family. Urgency of Islamic education in the family in building children’s noble character is the realization of the ideal human; intelligent and fear Allah SWT. إن التربية الإسلامية في الأسرة هي التربية التي يقوم بها أعضاء الأسرة خاصة الوالدين لأولادهما في وسط الأسرة لبناء السلوك حتى يكون الولد مسلما يتخلق بأخلاق تتفق مع تعاليم الإسلام. وحافز الأسرة في تربية الأولاد مؤسسة على الحب الفطري، فمن ظلال هذا الحب الفطري تجري عملية التربية بصورة جيدة في خلال سن الولد الذي يكون تحت مسؤولية الأسرة . وتكمن أهمية التربية الإسلامية في الأسرة لبناء الأخلاق الكريمة في تحقيق الشخصية المثالية، وهي الإنسان الذي يتقي الله سبحانه وتعالى وذكي. مفتاح الكلمات: التربية الإسلامية، الأسرة، الأخلاق الكريمة. Pendidikan Islam dalam keluarga yaitu pendidikan yang diberikan anggota kelurga terutama orang tua kepada anaknya dalam lingkungan keluarga itu sendiri untuk membentuk kepribadian anak menjadi muslim dengan adanya perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Motivasi pengabdian keluarga (ayah-ibu) dalam mendidik anak-anaknya semata-mata demi cinta kasih yang kodrati, sehingga dalam suasana cinta kasih dan kemesraan inilah proses pendidikan ini berlangsung dengan baik seumur anak dalam tanggungan utama keluarga. Urgensi Pendidikan Islam di lingkungan keluarga dalam pembinaan akhlak mulia anak adalah terwujudnya manusia yang ideal, yaitu anak yang bertakwa kepada Allah SWT. dan cerdas.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Rofik Rofik

Nowadays, information and science are abundantly available. Therefore, we need to select the materialswhich are really benefical for student. As one of subjects in the Islamic school curricula, the history ofislamic culture that are in line with the ideal demands, as are formulated in the content standards. Inpractice, the formulation is expressed within textbooks. However, people’s understanding of the subjectof the history of islamic culture is sometimes stigmatized that history of islamic culture materialsshould be the politics. Thus, this study finds its urgency for readers understanding that in accordancewith the 2008 curriculum, the prominent materials are moral, belief system, efforts and habits, insteadof politics.Keywords: Cultural Elements, Textbooks of The History of Islamic Culture.

Dialogia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 309
Fuad Fitriawan

Abstract: This paper examined the history of the development of Islam in Karanggebang Village founded by Kyai Muhammad Hasan. He is a descendant of Kyai Nur Sodiq. Karanggebang Village Ponorogo has its own uniqueness. This village still keep evidences of the history of Islamic civilization since the 18th century. The historical evidences is in the form of the mosque, the tomb, the heirloom, the ancient house, and other artifacts that are the heritage of Islam's history and development. In addition, as a historical heritage of Islamic education is existed in terms of relics of school buildings called PGA (Teacher Religious Education). Research of history and Islamic culture proved that the development of Islam in Java influence the various aspects of life. It is occurred due to the methods applied by the Ulama and Kyai in spreading Islam in the land of Java, especially in the village Karanggebang Jetis district Ponorogo district that appreciate the culture of Java. This kind of method is appropriate to the character of Ponorogo residents who tend to moderate and prioritize the harmony in life. It is in line with the concept of Frans Magnis Suseno who claims that Javanese has a respectful and friendly characteristics. ملخص:تبحث هذه المقالة فى تاريخ تطور الإسلام في قرية كارانج جيبانج التي أسسها أستاذ محمد حسن. وهو سليل أستاذ نور صديق. قرية كارانج جيبانج فى بونوروغو من القرية الأنيقة. هذه القرية توفر الكثير من الأثار التاريخية للحضارة الإسلامية التي لا تزال موجودة حتى اليوم. كان مجيئ الإسلام في قرية كارانج جيبانج قبل القرن 18 ميلاديا. الآثار التاريخية في قرية كارانج جيبانج التي تدل على ذلك هو المسجد، والمقبرة، والتراث، والمنازل القديمة، والآثار الفنية. وبجانب ذلك هناك آثار تاريخية في مجال التربية الإسلامية وهي بناء المدرسة الخاصة للمعلم دين الإسلام. أثبت المؤرخون أن تطور الإسلام في جزيرة جاوة لايؤدي إلى الصراع فى جوانب الحياة الاجتماعية. وهذا لا يفك من الطريقة التي يستخدمها العلماء في نشر الإسلام في جزيرة جاوة، وخاصة في قرية كارانج جيبانج التي تقدم الدعوة اللينة المناسبة لطبيعة السكان كارانج جيبانج الذي يميل إلى التسامح والحياة السليمة. وهذا يناسب بقول فرانس ماغنيس سوسينو إن سكان جزيرة جاوة لين ومفتوح. Abstrak: Tulisan ini akan mengkaji bagaimana sejarah perkembangan Agama Islam di Desa Karanggebang yang didirikan oleh Kiai Muhammad Hasan. Kiai Muhammad Hasan adalah keturunan dari Kiai Nur Sodiq. Desa Karanggebang Ponorogo memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Desa Karanggebang merupakan desa yang di dalamnya masih menyimpan banyak bukti-bukti sejarah peradaban Islam yang masih ada hingga saat ini. Islam di Desa Karanggebang sudah ada sejak sebelum abad 18 M. Bukti–bukti sejarah di Desa Karanggebang yang masih ada hingga detik ini adalah masjid, makam, pusaka, rumah kuno, dan artefak lainnya yang merupakan peninggalan sejarah dan perkembangan Islam di desa Karanggebang. Selain itu sebagai peninggalan sejarah desa ini, perkembangan di bidang pendidikan Islam juga menjadi bukti sejarah perkembangan Islam di Desa Karanggebang, dengan ditandai peninggalan bangunan gedung sekolah bernama PGA (Pendidikan Guru Agama). Penelitian sejarah dan kebudayaan Islam yang telah dilakukan oleh Para ahli membuktikan bahwa perkembangan Islam di tanah Jawa tidak banyak menimbulkan goncangan dalam berbagai segi kehidupan masyarakat. Hal ini tidak lepas dari metode yang digunakan oleh para Ulama dan Kiai dalam menyebarkan agama Islam di tanah Jawa khususnya di desa Karanggebang kecamatan Jetis kabupaten Ponorogo yang bersikap toleran terhadap budaya lama tanah Jawa. Pendekatan semacam ini sangat sesuai dengan watak penduduk Ponorogo yang cenderung moderat serta mengutamakan keselarasan dalam hidupnya. Hal ini sejalan dengan pendapat Frans Magnis Suseno yang menyatakan bahwa Jawa memiliki ciri khas yang lentur dan terbuka. Kata kunci : Perkembangan Islam, Kiai Muhammad Hasan, Karanggebang  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 425-443
Hasan Asari ◽  
Saiful Akhyar Lubis ◽  
Hayatun Sabariah

The increasing number of crimes that have occurred has caused Rumah Tahanan Negara to carry out coaching activities for prisoners, especially in nonformal education. Islamic religious education is not only carried out in school institutions in Rumah Tahanan Negara education for prisoners has also been implemented, which aims to change attitudes and behavior, especially for female prisoners. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique was carried out by interview, observation, and documentation, while the data analysis method used data reduction, data presentation, and verification, and conclusion. The purpose of this study was to analyze the management, material, supporting, and inhibiting factors of nonformal Islamic education for female prisoners in Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas II B Tanjung Pura Langkat. The results showed that nonformal Islamic education consisted of fostering personality and independence, eradicating literacy in the Koran, group dynamics and leadership, introduction to Islamic religious knowledge, the Islamic creed, jurisprudence, morals, and the history of Islamic culture. The supporting factors are the cooperation of various parties, the attitude of the prisoners, facilities, and the majority of Muslim women. Inhibiting factors are the lack of budget for Rumah Tahanan Negara, teaching staff, and the schedule of Islamic education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-73
Desita Nur Azizah

Theoretically ideology is the theoretical foundation and philosophical view that provides operational direction. In its development there are current of three major ideology that influence education, namely: conservative, liberal, and critical. Traditional education systems tend to use conservative ideology as the basis for their education. Meanwhile, modern education that is currently growing rapidly in the pace of globalization is guided by liberacy the education management by carrying the spirit of high humanism. On the other hand, Islam as a religious building that carries the concept of rahmatan lil 'alamin basically has the concept of humanist value that is actually available in the Qur'an. It's just how humans can dig up and maximize their use in educational studies appropriately and to achieve the ideal educational concept needs to be developed more broadly. Thus, the concept or ideology of Islamic education actually already exists in the Qur'an and how human can maximize their potential to explore these sciences.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-224
Habrun Habrun

Abstract Islamic education in the family means education provided by members of the family, especially parents, to their children in the family environment to form the child's personality in order to be a muslim in which the attitude and behavior is in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The motivation of parent’s devotion in educating their children is solely for the sake of natural love, so, in this atmosphere of love, the process of education takes place well since the child is dependent to the family. Urgency of Islamic education in the family in building children’s noble character is the realization of the ideal human; intelligent and fear Allah SWT. ملخص إن التربية الإسلامية في الأسرة هي التربية التي يقوم بها أعضاء الأسرة خاصة الوالدين لأولادهما في وسط الأسرة لبناء السلوك حتى يكون الولد مسلما يتخلق بأخلاق تتفق مع تعاليم الإسلام .وحافز الأسرة في تربية الأولاد مؤسسة على الحب الفطري، فمن ظلال هذا الحب الفطري تجري عملية التربية بصورة جيدة في خلال سن الولد الذي يكون تحت مسؤولية الأسرة .وتكمن أهمية التربية الإسلامية في الأسرة لبناء الأخلاق الكريمة في تحقيق الشخصية المثالية، وهي الإنسان الذي يتقي الله سبحانه وتعالى وذكي. Abstrak Pendidikan Islam dalam keluarga yaitu pendidikan yang diberikan anggota kelurga terutama orang tua kepada anaknya dalam lingkungan keluarga itu sendiri untuk membentuk kepribadian anak menjadi muslim dengan adanya perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Motivasi pengabdian keluarga (ayah-ibu) dalam mendidik anak-anaknya semata-mata demi cinta kasih yang kodrati, sehingga dalam suasana cinta kasih dan kemesraan inilah proses pendidikan ini berlangsung dengan baik seumur anak dalam tanggungan utama keluarga. Urgensi Pendidikan Islam di lingkungan keluarga dalam pembinaan akhlak mulia anak adalah terwujudnya manusia yang ideal, yaitu anak yang bertakwa kepada Allah SWT. dan cerdas.

Ridhwan Ridhwan ◽  
Wardhana Wardhana

This study discusses environmentally sound Islamic education in Islamic Madrasah in Bone South Sulawesi Regency. Islamic Education summarized in Quranic Subjects Hadith, Aqidah Akhlak, Fiqih and History of Islamic Culture can be used as a medium in instilling environmentally sound Islamic education in students. This study uses a literature review approach and in-depth interviews. The findings of this study indicate that Islamic education has been integrated into the subjects of moral aqidah for example to animals and plants, while fiqh subjects such as maintaining the cleanliness of the body and the environment. Thus children learners have scientific insights which can then be practiced to love and care for the environment.

2018 ◽  
Ahmad Ghozali Harahap

Rekognisi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kependidikan Volume 1, no.1, Tahun 2016 PGSD, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara This study aims to determine the views of Mahmud Yunus about islamic education. This study needs Mahmud Yunus’ works about Islamic education concept. Besides as a comparison, it is also used some lite¬ratures about Islamic educational concept from other authors’ works. Mahmud Yunus views that the purpose of Islamic education is to prepare children in order to have the skill to do the world work and here after practice. To achieve these purposes, it needs the metods of Islamic education that takes into students psychology aspects, the rules of teaching, and three aspects incuding cognitive, affective, and psychomotoric. Islamic education has three aspects as follow as the mind education, moral education, and public education. Methodologies of moral education are to adorn themselves, training and habits, giving an overview despicable character, and its bad impact by an example, the story and the history of the biography contained in the alquran and the pious hero.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Peter DeScioli

AbstractThe target article by Boyer & Petersen (B&P) contributes a vital message: that people have folk economic theories that shape their thoughts and behavior in the marketplace. This message is all the more important because, in the history of economic thought, Homo economicus was increasingly stripped of mental capacities. Intuitive theories can help restore the mind of Homo economicus.

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