2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-224
Habrun Habrun

Abstract Islamic education in the family means education provided by members of the family, especially parents, to their children in the family environment to form the child's personality in order to be a muslim in which the attitude and behavior is in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The motivation of parent’s devotion in educating their children is solely for the sake of natural love, so, in this atmosphere of love, the process of education takes place well since the child is dependent to the family. Urgency of Islamic education in the family in building children’s noble character is the realization of the ideal human; intelligent and fear Allah SWT. ملخص إن التربية الإسلامية في الأسرة هي التربية التي يقوم بها أعضاء الأسرة خاصة الوالدين لأولادهما في وسط الأسرة لبناء السلوك حتى يكون الولد مسلما يتخلق بأخلاق تتفق مع تعاليم الإسلام .وحافز الأسرة في تربية الأولاد مؤسسة على الحب الفطري، فمن ظلال هذا الحب الفطري تجري عملية التربية بصورة جيدة في خلال سن الولد الذي يكون تحت مسؤولية الأسرة .وتكمن أهمية التربية الإسلامية في الأسرة لبناء الأخلاق الكريمة في تحقيق الشخصية المثالية، وهي الإنسان الذي يتقي الله سبحانه وتعالى وذكي. Abstrak Pendidikan Islam dalam keluarga yaitu pendidikan yang diberikan anggota kelurga terutama orang tua kepada anaknya dalam lingkungan keluarga itu sendiri untuk membentuk kepribadian anak menjadi muslim dengan adanya perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Motivasi pengabdian keluarga (ayah-ibu) dalam mendidik anak-anaknya semata-mata demi cinta kasih yang kodrati, sehingga dalam suasana cinta kasih dan kemesraan inilah proses pendidikan ini berlangsung dengan baik seumur anak dalam tanggungan utama keluarga. Urgensi Pendidikan Islam di lingkungan keluarga dalam pembinaan akhlak mulia anak adalah terwujudnya manusia yang ideal, yaitu anak yang bertakwa kepada Allah SWT. dan cerdas.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-224
Habrun Habrun

Islamic education in the family means education provided by members of the family, especially parents, to their children in the family environment to form the child's personality in order to be a muslim in which the attitude and behavior is in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The motivation of parent’s devotion in educating their children is solely for the sake of natural love, so, in this atmosphere of love, the process of education takes place well since the child is dependent to the family. Urgency of Islamic education in the family in building children’s noble character is the realization of the ideal human; intelligent and fear Allah SWT. إن التربية الإسلامية في الأسرة هي التربية التي يقوم بها أعضاء الأسرة خاصة الوالدين لأولادهما في وسط الأسرة لبناء السلوك حتى يكون الولد مسلما يتخلق بأخلاق تتفق مع تعاليم الإسلام. وحافز الأسرة في تربية الأولاد مؤسسة على الحب الفطري، فمن ظلال هذا الحب الفطري تجري عملية التربية بصورة جيدة في خلال سن الولد الذي يكون تحت مسؤولية الأسرة . وتكمن أهمية التربية الإسلامية في الأسرة لبناء الأخلاق الكريمة في تحقيق الشخصية المثالية، وهي الإنسان الذي يتقي الله سبحانه وتعالى وذكي. مفتاح الكلمات: التربية الإسلامية، الأسرة، الأخلاق الكريمة. Pendidikan Islam dalam keluarga yaitu pendidikan yang diberikan anggota kelurga terutama orang tua kepada anaknya dalam lingkungan keluarga itu sendiri untuk membentuk kepribadian anak menjadi muslim dengan adanya perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Motivasi pengabdian keluarga (ayah-ibu) dalam mendidik anak-anaknya semata-mata demi cinta kasih yang kodrati, sehingga dalam suasana cinta kasih dan kemesraan inilah proses pendidikan ini berlangsung dengan baik seumur anak dalam tanggungan utama keluarga. Urgensi Pendidikan Islam di lingkungan keluarga dalam pembinaan akhlak mulia anak adalah terwujudnya manusia yang ideal, yaitu anak yang bertakwa kepada Allah SWT. dan cerdas.

Masthu Mastuhu

It is necessary for Islamic educational institutions to have the power of changing themselves to be able to take part in determining the ideal and success of national education. Precisely, today, Islamic educational sys­tem is perceived weak and powerless in the dynamic of social changes have been occurring in the society. Even, this situation, it is frequently assumed as the burden of national education. Why can it be so? Aren't Islamic educational providers are also referring to the only one Law, that is, Law Number 20 year 2003 regarding National Educational System? What is wrong with Islamic education ? How is the quality of human resources of these providers? This article tries to answer those questions. This article also deals with analogue of Islamic Education as a subsystem of national education with family system in Islam. Fam­ily is a system. Child is a subsystem of the family. The more the child is matured and independent the better his/her family is.

Fitria Nuraini ◽  
Toni Anwar Mahmud

The title of the research is The Role of Parents in Shaping the Character of Children in the Globalization Era in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. In the current era of globalization, there are many influences, both positive and negative. This negative influence must be avoided because it can affect a person's habits, attitudes, and behavior. Character education is one of the important things that must be applied in the family environment. Parents must reflect good attitudes and habits in interacting in the family environment and in the community environment. This is important for fostering good attitudes and habits in children. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the role of parents in improving children's character in the era of globalization, Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. What factors can influence the formation of children's character in the era of globalization, Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. What efforts are made by parents in shaping children's character in the era of globalization in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. This study aims to determine the role of parents in shaping children's character in the era of globalization in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. The subjects of this study were 6 parents and 6 children in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data analysis in qualitative research is by doing data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City has been good in shaping children's character in the era of globalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-132
Muhammad Darwis Dasopang

Education is the most important part in human life who has morals and progress. Education can be carried out by everyone in an educational institution, but the primary education should be implemented through family education which is instilled by parents towards their family members from an early age. For this paper, the author will describe the nature and understanding of education in the family; What are the hadiths about education in the family; how the methods and aspects of family education based on the hadiths. The author uses the literature review (library research), with the primary data sources from the hadiths relating to children's education in the family. Study in this paper, Islamic education requires a simultaneous process and sustainable which involves aspects of disciplinary learning and compliance to implement Islamic education towards students. Education in the family, can be found patterns that must be implemented in the family environment, for the formation of a happy family according to what was taught by the prophet Muhammad SAW, and according to the word of Allah SWT in Q.S. Lukman: 13-19

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Andi Makmur ◽  
Mustari Bosra ◽  
Bahri Bahri

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa yang melatar belakangi pemikiran dan perjuangan Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said, bagaimana pemikiran Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said, serta Perjuangan Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said.Prosedur dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan tahapan: Heuristik, Kritik, Interpretasi dan Historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yang melatar belakangi pemikiran dan perjuangan Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said ialah pendidikan yang beliau dapat dari keluarga yang memang mencintai agama, serta pendidikan yang telah diperolehnya di pondok Pesantren As’adiyah Sengkang. Pemikiran Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said meliputi, pemikiran keagamaan, kenegaraan, dan pendidikan Islam. Beliau selalu menekankan kepada setiap muridnya untuk menjadikan Al’Qur’an dan Hadist sebagai pedoman utama dalam menjalankan syariat Islam. Selain itu beliau juga menekankan untuk tetap patuh terhadap pemerintah yang ada dan tetap bersikap netral tanpa memihak satu parpol tertentu. Keterlibatannya dengan gerakan DI/TII bukan karena beliau sepenuhnya setuju dengan gerakan tersebut, melainkan untuk melindungi keluarganya agar tidak tidak dipaksa untuk terlibat dalam gerakan tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemikiran beliau tehradap pendidikan islam, keagamaan dan kenegaraan beliau peroleh dari lingkungan keluarga dan lembaga Pendidikan yang fokus terhadap agama. Setelah memutuskan untuk keluar dari gerakan DI/TII pada tahun 1961. Beliau melakuakan begitu banyak perjuangan, baik itu dalam mencari lokasi untuk mendirikan Pondok Pesantren Darrul Huffadh hingga perjuangan untuk mempertahankan Pondok Pesantren tersebut.Kata Kunci: Anregurutta, Pondok Pesantren, Darrul Huffadh,This this study aims to find out what lies behind the thoughts and struggles of Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said, how the thoughts of Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said, and the Struggle of Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said. The procedure in this study uses historical methods with stages: Heuristics, Criticism, Interpretation and Historiography. The results showed that the background of the thoughts and struggles of Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said was education that he got from families who really loved religion, and the education he had obtained in the Sengkang As'adiyah Islamic Boarding School. The thoughts of Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said include, religious thought, statehood, and Islamic education. He always emphasizes to each of his students to make Al'Quran and Hadith the main guideline in carrying out Islamic law. In addition, he also stressed to remain obedient to the existing government and remain neutral without taking sides for certain political parties. His involvement with the DI / TII movement was not because he fully agreed with the movement, but rather to protect his family so that he was not forced to become involved in the movement. From the results of this study it can be concluded that his thoughts on Islamic, religious and state education were obtained from the family environment and educational institutions that focused on religion. After deciding to leave the DI / TII movement in 1961. He carried out so many struggles, both in finding locations to establish Darrul Huffadh Islamic Boarding School to the struggle to maintain the Islamic Boarding school Keyword : Anregurutta, Islamic Boarding School, Darrul Huffadh

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Alfrida Dyah Septiyani

The results showed that: 1) Monotheism Education in Surat Al-An'am: 74-83 namely: 1) Monotheism Education Rubūbiyah, which is in verse 75 which explains that Allah SWT has shown signs of the greatness of Allah SWT in the sky and grounded to prophet Ibrahim as so that his soul is directed. Then the prophet Ibrahim (as) discovered the truth of the belief in a Godhead through observation and contemplation about the universe by using his fitrah, and this is following verses 76-78. 2) Education of Uluhiyah Tauhid is in verse 74, which explains that the father and the prophets of Abraham made the idols they made into gods. Moreover, verse 79, that is, the sincerity of the prophet Ibrahim as to surrender, confronts his view of Allah SWT. It does not follow his people to associate Allah by way of worshiping other than Him, such as worshiping the stars, the moon, and the idols that they made themselves.3) Implementation of Tauhid Education in Islamic Education: The faith taught by Islam to humans since childhood is critical. Because the goals of Islamic education itself are in harmony with religious goals: 1) To realize a believer who believes and is devoted to Allah SWT.2) Education in Islam seeks to develop and inculcate monotheistic education to humans as optimal as possible to be able to function as a driving force in daily practice. 3) Development and inculcation of monotheism education can be done with learning activities, namely through various institutions. 4) In the school environment, both elementary, middle, and for the development and planting of monotheism, education is carried out through multiple activities, both at the time of KBM and extracurricular. 5) Outside the school, the development and cultivation of human monotheism education start from the family environment

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-172
Ni Made Wiratini ◽  
Ni Komang Sutriyanti ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana

Hindu teachings contain a lot about character education, morals, ethics and manners. Moral education can be seen in the story of Sundara Kanda, which is a sub of Itihasa in the Ramayana epic that tells the journey of life with various obstacles and tests that must be faced with full fortitude, strength and determination. Every event that occurs in the Sundara Kanda story is a unified narrative unit in resolving the conflict of every event. The setting in this story uses the setting of Mount Mainaka, Alengka Palace, Taman Angsoka, Kiskinda kingdom. The character is Hanuman who becomes a central figure, then there are goddesses Sitā and Ravana. The accompanying figures are Trijata, Wibisana, Anggada, Jembawan, Sugriwa, Laksmana and Rama. Rahwana as the Antagonist, then there are also giants. His mandate is loyalty and determination in carrying out dharma. Character characters contained in the Sundara Kanda story include characterization displayed through the use of the character's name, through the appearance of the character, and characterization through the author's speech. In accordance with the characters contained in Hindu teachings, namely in the book of Bhagawadgita, the characters in the Sundara Kanda story can be grouped into two characters namely daivi sampad and asuri sampad. The values ​​contained in the character of the Sundara Kanda story include religious, honesty, responsibility, tolerance, discipline, and hard work. As a whole, the character's character value is a national character that should be inculcated and developed to the wider community, in order to shape the attitudes and behavior of a person in carrying out the duties and obligations that should be carried out both towards oneself, the family environment, society, nation and state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-15
Nurlela ◽  
Eri Purwanti

Abstract: This research examines the role of teachers of Islamic education in fostering morals learners in vocational Teknika Graphic Kartika Gadingrejo Gadingrejo District of the Academic Year 2017/2018. The data is processed through three stages: data reduction, data display, and verification of data and the conclusions drawn and analyzed qualitatively. Used an interdisciplinary approach, namely the theological-normative approach, educational approach, psychological approach, and sociological approach. The result shows that there are four roles that teachers as teachers, teacher educators, teachers as mentors and teachers as coaches conducted by PAI teacher in SMK Teknika Graphic Kartika Gadingrejo directed to fostering the morals of students, namely to instill and awaken religious beliefs, teach proper etiquette in the family environment. Keywords: Islamic Education Teacher, Fostering, Morals. Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengkaji peranan guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam membina akhlak peserta didik di SMK Teknika Grafika Kartika Gadingrejo Kecamatan Gadingrejo Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Data diolah melalui tiga tahap yaitu reduksi data, display data, dan verifikasi data, lalu ditarik kesimpulan dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Digunakan pendekatan interdisipliner, yaitu pendekatan teologis-normatif, pendekatan paedagogis, pendekatan psikologis, dan pendekatan sosiologis. Hasilnya menunjukkan terdapat 4 peranan yaitu guru sebagai pengajar, guru sebagai pendidik, guru sebagai pembimbing, dan guru sebagai pelatih yang dilakukan oleh guru PAI di SMK Teknika Grafika Kartika Gadingrejo yang mengarah pada upaya pembinaan akhlak peserta didik, yaitu menanamkan dan membangkitkan keyakinan beragama, menanamkan etika pergaulan baik dalam lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan masyarakat, dan lingkungan sekolah serta menanamkan kebiasan yang baik berupa kedisiplinan, tanggung jawab, melakukan hubungan sosial dan melakukan ibadah ritual.. Kata kunci: Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam, Membina, Akhlak.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (Supplement_4) ◽  
H Ikiisik ◽  
E Ekici ◽  
H Ankaralı ◽  
G Manav ◽  
M Yetim ◽  

Abstract Background Assessing the dieatary and physical activity state of the family is important in determining the causes of obesity in the child. The aim of this study is to adapt The Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Screening Tool (FNPA) to Turkish and evaluate its reliability and validity. Methods In this methodological research, mixed probabilistic sampling methods were used. The sample size was not calculated and it was aimed to reach all of the 1126 students and families in the three primary schools with different socioeconomic status (high, medium, low) in Uskudar, Istanbul. A total of 727 students’ and their families’ data were collected. Research data were collected by a two-part questionnaire. Survey forms were composed of an introductory information form and the Turkish version of the (FNPA). The low total score on the scale means high-risk family environment and behavior, and the high total score means a more positive family environment and behavior. Prior to the implementation of the scale in the field, a pilot application was made. Results The Cronbach alpha coefficient for the internal consistency of the scale was 0.724. The test-retest reliability coefficient of the scale had a medium to very high level ranged from 0.422 to 0.925. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test result of the 20 questions in the scale was found to be appropriate as 0.771. To evaluate the validity of the content, relationships between the scale score and the answers given the questions about the eating behaviors of the family which were not included in the scale. When these relationships were evaluated, the mean scores of those who had regular breakfast were significantly higher (P = 0.001). Conclusions The study shows that the ABFA-TR scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool for Turkish population. Key messages It is likely that home environments and parental behaviors with interchangeable risk factors for obesity and overweight may alleviate or aggravate the potential risk of obesity. The development and use of measurement tools related to the family environment as an element of obesogenic environment are among the important steps taken to fight obesity.

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-63
Wildan Rusli

H.O.S. Cokroaminoto is one of the imprtant figures in Indonesian education. He was famous with his concern in education, especially with his briliant concept of Moeslim National Ondewijs, an educational concept adressed to natives of Indonesia. In his concept of Moeslim National Ondewijs, H.O.S. Cokroaminoto explained the principles of democracy and society on the basis of Islam. The principles were then applied in the teaching of Aqidah Akhlaq, Qur’an and Hadits, Fiqih, The History of Islamic Culture, etc. those are the ideal materials that should be taught at schools. Besides concerning with cognitive aspects, education should care about: 1) growing sense of independence and democracy; 2) bravery, sincerity, and truth; 3) spirituality, good attitude and behavior; 4) religiosity and simplicity. The concepts are relevant to be applied in Islamic education of the present time.

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