2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Umi Halwati

Mass media construd dakwah discourses in text forms. The texts of dakwah discourses in mass media need to be analyzed and discourse analysis can reveal the discourse of dakwah texls in mass media. The discourse analysis of Teun A. Van Djik covers: 1) text analysis, that is, how to analyze texf structures by applying linguistic analysis to explain and get the meaning of a text; 2) social cognition analysis, that is how a text was created by the author; and 3) social analysis, that is how a text is related to social strudure and knowledge of the society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-48
M Tamrin

This paper aims to fnd out how the construction of the reality of women in the mass media is formed in the reporting and traffcking of people with female victims in the Mass Media. This study focused on the text of the news of rape and traffcking in women in May 2016 in the NTB Suara daily. This paper is a qualitative study using the Teun Van Dijk model discourse analysis method. With this method, the committee will see how women’s discourse is constructed and shaped by mass media through text analysis, social cognition and social contexts. The conclusion is that Suara NTB daily constructs women as victims, not as objects of exploitation, because women are placed as the subject of the narrator and given space to tell themselves or the events experienced.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-200
Umi Halwati

This research is motivated by the fact that every society has the power that can be empowered. In reality, women’s empowerment can not be separated from the mass media. Media plays an important role in community development activities in addition to those factors that physically exists, the costs that are physically visible, and a program that systematically reads as a motor of an empowerment. Can not be denied that the media be a factor that plays a role in social change. The metodology used is a discourse analysis of Teun Van Dijk that include text analysis, social cognition and social analysis. The results of this study are in terms of thematic, news in Kompas on community empowerment more women are taking the theme of the spirit of environmental conservation, the management of waste into valuable goods and high economic value, the spirit of education for the rural women, education for the children of scavengers and businesses by empowering residents. In the schematic aspect, Kompas has a systematic scheme from the start the title, lead and mutually continuous body. In terms of semantics (meaning that will be emphasized), Kompas in its message emphasizing the importance of community empowerment. The characters are raised in rubric “sosok” is the inspiring figures are considered “essential” and interesting. From the aspect of syntax, Kompas taking shape, sentence structure with many uses elements of coherence, namely by using conjunctions to show that the attitude of painstaking, diligent, not easily discouraged and high social sensitivity is the foundation of community empowerment. From the stylistic aspects (choice of words) Kompas uses words that are universal, humanistic and not dry. In the aspect of rhetorical style repression by Kompas uses graphic elements to highlight or emphasize deemed important by using a full color photo or image be equiped complete biodata. From the aspect of the analysis of Social Cognition, can be dissected that reality carries the ideology of Journalists Kompas humanistic ideology. idealism Kompas journalist for the achievement of the mission that the mandate of the People’s Conscience. Kompas vision that promotes the vision of making transcendental humanism humanistic Kompas use language in presenting the facts to the reader. In speaking, Kompas does not use language that dry, formal, abstract and rational, but that involves feelings of intuition, and human emotions. From the aspect of social analysis, that ownership is held by a group or its members, in this case that directly or indirectly affect the discourse of empowerment is a character or figure, journalist, and editor of Kompas. In terms of “akses” (access) each group has access enabler respectively in disseminating the empowerment of communities through printed and electronic mass media. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta bahwa setiap masyarakat memiliki daya (potensi) yang dapat diberdayakan. Realitanya, pemberdayaan masyarakat perempuan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari media massa. Mediasangat berperan dalam aktivitas pemberdayaan masyarakat di samping faktor orang-orang yang secara fisik ada, biaya yang secara fisik tampak, dan program yang secara sistematis terbaca sebagai motor dari sebuah pemberdayaan. Tidak dapat ditolak bahwa media menjadi faktor yang berperan dalam perubahan sosial masyarakat.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis wacana Teun Van Dijk yang mencakup analisis teks, kognisi sosial dan analisis sosial. Hasil penelitian ini adalah dari segi tematik, pemberitaan di Kompas tentang pemberdayaan masyarakat perempuan lebih banyak mengambil tema semangat pelestarian lingkungan, pengelolaan sampah menjadi barang berharga dan bernilai ekonomi tinggi, semangat pendidikan untuk masyarakat perempuan desa, pendidkan untuk anak-anak pemulung dan bisnis dengan memberdayakan warga. Dalam aspek skematik, Kompas mempunyai skema yang sistematis dari mulai judul, lead dan body saling berkesinambungan. Dari sisi semantik (makna yang ingin ditekankan), Kompas dalam pemberitaannya menekankan pentingnya pemberdayaan masyarakat. Tokoh-tokoh yang diangkat dalam rubrik “sosok” adalah tokoh inspiratif dianggap “penting” dan menarik. Dari aspek sintaksis, Kompas memakai bentuk, susunan kalimat dengan banyak menggunakan elemen koherensi, yaitu dengan menggunakan kata penghubung untuk menunjukkan bahwa sikap telaten, tekun, tidak mudah putus asa dan sensitivitas sosial yang tinggi adalah landasan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Dari aspek stilistik (pemilihan kata) Kompas menggunakan kata-kata yang universal, humanistis dan tidak kering. Dalam aspek retoris, gaya penekanan yang dilakukan Kompas menggunakan elemen grafis untuk menonjolkan atau menekankan yang dianggap penting dengan menggunakan foto atau gambar full color  dilengkapi biodata lengkap. Dari aspek analisis Kognisi Sosial, dapat dibedah bahwa realitas ideologi Jurnalis Kompas mengusung ideologi humanistik. Idealisme jurnalis demi tercapainya misi Kompas yaitu “Amanat Hati Nurani Rakyat”. Visi Kompas yang mengutamakan visi humanisme transendental menjadikan Kompas menggunakan bahasa humanistis dalam menyajikan fakta kepada pembaca. Dalam berbahasa, Kompas tidak memakai bahasa yang kering, formal, abstrak dan rasional, tetapi yang menyangkut perasaan intuisi, dan emosi manusia. Dari aspek Analisis sosial, bahwa kepemilikan yang dimiliki oleh suatu kelompok atau anggotanya, dalam hal ini yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mempengaruhi wacana pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah tokoh atau sosok, wartawan, dan redaksi Kompas. Dari sisi akses (access) setiap kelompok pemberdaya mempunyai akses masing-masing dalam menyebarluaskan pemberdayaan masyarakat, baik melalui media massa cetak maupun elektronik.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Ahmad Madkur

According to Van Dijk, there are three dimensions of discourse analysis, namely text, social cognition and social context. This study was focused on the first dimension, text. Joko Widodo’s first presidential English speech on economic issues in front of international audience in CEO Summit in Beijing was one of speeches a lot of people talk about. Some like while some others dislike. This study was intended to analyze the transcript of the speech. This text analysis was based on Van Dijk’s design in which the unit elements of the analysis are divided into three parts: macro-structure, suprastructure and microstructure. The result of the analysis revealed that in macrostructure element, several sentences in the presidential speech were less coherent in term of stating theme. Then, in suprastructure, the scheme of the speech consisted of opening, content and closing. Finally, in the microstrucure, the semantic aspect could be found in setting, detail, intention, presupposition, and normalization.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Dewi Yana

This study aims at describing the text analysis, social cognition, social context, and ideology of sindo newspaper of  Wednesday December 11th 2013 edition.. This study uses Critical Discourse Analysis method  with  a Teun A Van Dijk  approach model.  The data were in the form of news entitled “Putusan Luthfi Hasan Diharapkan Jadi Efek Jera”. The data were analyzed with integrating the third dimension of Teun A Van Djik Discoure model in the unity analysis, they were text, social cognition, and social context. The results found that the Sindo Newspaper supported the work of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the presiding judge of Corruption Court (Tipikor). The news in the edition of Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 “the  ideology of Sindo Newspaper practically used  to build the image of KPK and TIPIKOR to be more better in the society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 433
Ahmad Ahnaf Rafif

This research discusses KH Abdurrahman Wahid’s Qur’anic interpretation written in his articles around the 2002–2003 period. Initial studies of the text show that Gus Dur was only active in elaborating the Qur’anic verses in his articles after he stepped down from the president and Chairman of the PBNU. This initial observation then raised questions regarding his lack of interpretation during Orde Baru (New Order), primarily when he served as Chairman of PBNU. Thus, what context finally made Gus Dur want to include the interpretation of the Qur’an in his article? This paper answers these questions using a descriptive-interpretive method. The theory used is the critical discourse analysis by Teun A. Van Dijk, which contains three steps, namely text analysis, personal and social cognition, and context. Furthermore, the results reveal that: (1) there is a discourse contest in the democratic transition period between those who are pro with an Islamic state and those against it; (2) Gus Dur positioned himself as a party against the idea of an Islamic state. It happened when Gus Dur used the verses of the Qur’an to strengthen his argument; (3) Gus Dur’s interpretation which prioritizes the principle of humanity and can reach a wider audience, has implications indirectly for the development of the interpretation of the Qur’an in Indonesia.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Ratna Riadhini Darmawan

<p><em>This research aim to understand the text, the discourse practice, and the sociocultural practice which Suara Merdeka showed in their publications about bribery case of Semarang’s RAPBD 2012 which claims Soemarmo.</em></p><p><em>The theoritical of this study required critical paradigm. Stuart Hall in Eriyanto (2008) wrote that mass media is not produce a news, but they determine reality through words.</em></p><p><em>The research method used critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. Three steps analysis by Faircough are text analysis, discourse practice analysis, and sociocultural analysis. The texts have been analyzed by linguistic, grammar and vocabulary. Discourse practice analysis related to production and consumtion process. Sociocultural analysis related to outside elements of the texts. The researcher collected data by text analyzed and interviewed a journalist and the editor in chief of Suara Merdeka. The study has been done in Semarang.</em></p><p><em>This research found that Suara Merdeka wrote the text about this case very carefully. There was a special agenda setting to write about it. The socioculture practice analysis showed that the capitalist has intervented the editorial.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-34
Belinda Rizky ◽  
Abdullah Karim ◽  
Nurliah Nurliah

This study aims to determine, describe, and analyze the application of journalistic language diction in the Teun A. van Dijk analysis model on criminal news of immoral types on the front page of the Samarinda Pos newspaper in October 2017 edition. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method, using the Teun A. van Dijk discourse analysis model. The results of this study indicate that from the text dimension, the use of diction or choice of words is straightforward, concrete and specific. But also found diction that is general and worth the taste. From the dimension of social cognition, Samarinda Pos editors construct immoral criminal reporting based on event schemas by prioritizing the selection of diction which does not have a legal and pro-­‐‑market impact. From the dimension of social analysis, the influence of power and access can be seen through comments and leads that tend to use vulgar language that potentially marginalizes women.

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Mohamad Jazeri

This study aims to describe forms of, strategies in, and factors causing symbolic conflicts in the discourse of Special Aids for Students (SAS). The data sources were texts on SAS in mass media. This study employed the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) by Fairclough. The data were analyzed in three steps, i.e. text analysis (description), process analysis (interpretation) and socio-cultural practice analysis (explanation). The findings can be explained as follows. First, the forms of symbolic conflicts are the introduction and refusal of meaning, logic, perspective, and value. Second, the strategies of symbolic conflicts include making them subtle or vague and making them positive or natural. Third, the factors causing symbolic conflicts include differences in habits and social structure and those in discourse executors’ interests.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 28
Rouhollah Ghassemi ◽  
Zahra Hemmatgosha

In any society there is a link between social-intellectual (ideological) views and discursive structures in media. Therefore, it is possible to discover this relationship by clarifying appropriate discursive remedies in text analysis and eventually determining how it is and its application. Some journalists are very skillful in literature, their discussion talent and their ability to manipulate the language result in complexity in language form and also in semantic features. Many fundamental factors are involved in production and comprehension of the press texts. The main objective of the current study is to investigate some of these factors such as powers relations in the society and also political and ideological institutions in press texts. Applying a discourse analysis approach and considering news theories, this study tries to analyze French press texts and explore the ways information is transferred to the addressees through word selection. The findings of this study indicate that mass media (and newspapers) are tools for expanding the ideology in the society because, facing the same issue, they take different positions according to their interests. The investigation of how this information is transferred is possible through discourse analysis. We try to show how French express media manipulate public opinion by using different vocabularies.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Anwar Riksono Dian Nugroho

Abstract: Headline, the main news in the front of page of a newspaper, is a strategic place to convey information. Of course, headline in yellow journalism ought to be attractive with bombastic content’s characteristic and sometimes it shows off sensuality. Koran Merapi is one of newspaper which has the positioning as a law and criminal newspaper. In other side, Criminal reality always shows some characters such as: suspect, police and victim. Based on constructivism ideas, mass media will always construct reality to be published in media. It means that reality in media will re-construct those characters. The research question is formulated as follows: how is the criminal actor constructed by Koran Merapi? Using critical approach through discourse analysis, the research will investigate the basic idea of occurring construction. Van Leeuwen’s models for the text analysis and Norman Fairclough’s for the context are used to explore actor and marginalization in criminal news. The police are depicted as somebody who is admirable and acts as the superhero. The suspects are depicted as a strong person before the victim but weak before the police. The victims are the characters who are always threatened by crimes, are not able to overcome it without any help from the hero.

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