2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 240
Zubaidah Zubaidah ◽  
Yusron Wikarya ◽  
Abd Hafiz

AbstrakPermasalahan mendasar yang dialami oleh guru-guru seni budaya di SMP Sungai Pua Kabupaten Agam khususnya SMPN 1 dan SMPN 2 adalah dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, sehingga berdampak pada pencapaian hasil belajar siswa. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran tersebut adalah dengan melaksanakan PTK. Pada umumnya guru SMP Sungai Pua belum melaksanakan PTK untuk memperbaiki pembelajarannya, karena mereka tidak mampu melaksanakan PTK khususnya pada pembelajaran Seni Budaya. Disamping itu guru-guru juga belum menguasai pembuatan RPP sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum 2013. Solusi yang ditawarkan untuk penyelesaian masalah ini adalah dengan melakukan suatu pelatihan dengan pendekatan rancang bangun, penyuluhan, pelatihan, pendampingan/ pembimbingan dari instruktur. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah adalah 1) 80%  peserta sudah dapat menguasai pembuatan RPP berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 dengan baik, begitu juga dari segi penguasaan materi PTK, 75% peserta sudah dapat menguasai pelaksanaan PTK dengan baik.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran seni budaya, kualitas pembelajaran, RPP dan PTK.AbstractThe fundamental problems experienced by cultural arts teachers in Junior High School Sungai Pua, Agam Regency, especially Junior High School number 1 and Junior High School number 2, are in improving the quality of learning, thus impacting on the achievement of student learning outcomes. One of the efforts to improve the quality of learning is by implementing Classroom Action Research (CAR). In general, Junior High Schools’ teachers have not implemented CAR yet to improve their learning, because they are not able to carry out CAR especially in the learning of Cultural Arts. Besides that the teachers also have not mastered in making of lesson plans based on the 2013 curriculum. The solutions offered to solve this problem are by conducting training with a design approach, counseling, training and mentoring from the instructor. The results of this activity are 1) 80% of participants have mastered in making of RPP based on the 2013 curriculum well, as well as in terms of mastering CAR materials, 75% of participants have mastered the implementation of CAR properly.Keywords: Art and cultural learning, quality of learning, lesson plans and PTK

Slamet Subiyantoro ◽  
Siti S Fadhilah

This study revealed the perception of cultural arts teachers on the local Javanese wayang kulit purwa media to instilling students’ character values through learning art and culture at junior high school levels throughout the great Solo (Solo Raya) area. There is a previous assumption that wayang kulit purwa has only been performed at general public beyond formal school institutions such as junior high schools. Meanwhile, in instilling the values of character education, the teachers indicated through the subjects taught, the results showed that they were still found to be limited to formal media. This study reflects its own specific points, this is because the teaching aids used are the Purwa puppet media. This study was carried out by applying a survey to 69 cultural arts teachers who were selected purposively in all areas of Solo Raya covering 7 (seven) regencies / municipalities. The technique applied in collecting data is through questionnaires and interview techniques. To analyze the data, an interactive model is used which includes the initial steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that most cultural arts teachers had positive and negative perceptions of wayang kulit purwa if it was used as a medium of learning and planting character education for students at junior high school level. However, most of the cultural arts teachers who have had a graduate education have positive perceptions. Because wayang kulit purwa reflects moral, socio-cultural values, character education as well as patriotism

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-30
Agus Ahmad Durri ◽  
Hendri Raharjo ◽  
Arif Muchyidin

Some factors of low interresting of Mathematic learning material for student on Junior High School grade (SMP/MTs) are design of learning material that is less animation and  the difficuties of use the learning material. Therefore, the use of learning material should be inovated for increasing the learners’ interrest, to make them easy understanding the subject that has been learnt, and still capable to increase reigion value in their ownselves. One form of this effort is to create learning material in the form of flash mathematics with consits Islamic value. Flash application is an application that can be developed in accordance animatif developer creativity. The purpose of the research is the developing of learning material in the electric learning form that consists Islamic value in Transformation subject. The method of research is research and development, and the design of the research is using the steps of ADDIE model, there are analysis, design, development, implemetation, and evaluation. Data collection techniques included interviews and observations with research instruments are questionnaires, observation sheets and tests. Further analysis of the data conducted by researchers consists  of qualitative and quantitative analysis to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the teaching materials developed. The results of the expert evaluation consisting of a material expert and a media expert, shows that the average velue obtained from every aspects: content quality and purpose,instructional quality of learning material, aspects of the charge Islamic value, and the technique quality was 4.37 that very good category. The results of the assessment by the teachers of Junior High School grade (MTs) Nurul Huda Munjul which consist of two Mathematics teacher and a teacher of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), shows that the average velue of each aspect was 4.46 with very good category. Than the student quationnaire responses result data obtained by the average velue of each aspects: the quality of learning and instructional, technical aspects of the display, and payload  integrition aspects of Islamic value in learning material, namely 3.98, with good categories. The data test scores of student learning outcomes gained an average of 82.34  > KKM (75) with the classical completeness of 89.19% > 85%. The conclusion showed that the quality of Mathematic learning materials charged Islamic velues are developed with macromedia flash and catamsia aplications is feasible and effective to be used in the learning process.

Soimah Soimah ◽  
Sufyarma Marsidin ◽  
Jamaris Jamna

The background of the problem in this study is that there are still some teachers who teach without making a good teaching plan, are less skilled in using teaching media, are less able to activate students and less able to make assessment analyzes. The purpose of this study 1) the contribution of planning to the management of the quality of learning of state junior high school teachers Koto Tangah Padang, 2) Learning Media's contribution to the management of the quality of learning carried out by state junior high school teachers Koto Tangah Padang, 3) contribution of Planning and instructional media to the management of the quality of learning undertaken by state junior high school teachers Koto Tangah Padang.  This type of research uses a quantitative correlational method. The population in this study were 310 junior high school civil servant teachers in Koto Tangah District. The sample uses stratified proportional random sampling technique, so that the sample in this study amounted to 67 people. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. Data analysis techniques in this research are data description, test requirements and hypothesis testing. The results of this study 1) Learning planning contributes to the management of the quality of learning carried out by teachers of the State Junior High School in Koto Tangah District of Padang with a contribution amount of 23.3% by 24.4%, 3) Planning and media together contribute to the management of learning quality by 36.5%. This explains that to improve the management of good and ideal quality of learning should be done through improved learning planning and learning media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-148
Rabiatul Adawiah

The activity of analyzing the items is one of the obligations for each teacher in an effort to improve the quality of the questions. However, for Civics Education teachers, this has never been done especially for questions created by the Subject Teachers' Consultation which are used for the end-semester assessment. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the questions based on distinguishing feature, level of difficulty, and effectiveness of the distractor. This study is an evaluation study of 50 items of  Civics Education Subject test in Banjarmasin, totaling 50 questions in the form of multiple choice questions at the end-semester test, academic year 2019/2020. The data collected are in the form of: (1) final exams question sheet, (2) question answer key sheet, and (3) students’ answer sheet. All data is obtained by documentation techniques. Data analysis uses the AnBuso version 8.0 application. The criteria for determining the quality of items are: (a) questions are considered good if the distinguishing feature is good/good enough, the level of difficulty is medium and all alternative answers are effective, (b) revision of alternative answers, if the distinguishing feature is good/good enough and the level of difficulty is medium, but the alternative there are ineffective answers, (c) good enough, if the distinguishing feature is good/good enough but the level of difficulty is easy/difficult, and (d) not good, if the distinguishing feature is not good.  The results of this study indicate that the questions used for the end-semester test at Junior High School in Banjarmasin are 50 % of poor quality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 22
M. Syahran Jailani

<span><em>This research is intended to look into the existence of Province Acreditation </em><span><em>for School and Islamic School in Jambi through the policies and programs </em><span><em>executed, include the result of acreditation for islamic school at Ministry </em><span><em>of Religious Affairs in Jambi. The data from Jambi Ministry of Religious </em><span><em>Affairs in 2012 showed that from 538 islamic schools which have been </em><span><em>acreditated, ie:(a) 244 Islamic Kindergarten, 169 (7,63%) kindergartens </em><span><em>were acreditated, 75 (28,37%) kindergartens were not acreditated, (b). </em><span><em>263 Islamic Elementary School, 171 (61%) schools were acreditated, 98 </em><span><em>(38,20%) schools were not acreditated, (c) 345 Islamic Junior High School, </em><span><em>158 (44,99 %) schools were acreditated, 187 (55,01%) schools were not </em><span><em>acreditated and (d) 184 Islamic Senior High School, 88 (47,01%) schools</em><br /><span><em>were acreditated and 96 (52,99%) schools were not acreditated. From 1036 </em><span><em>educational institutions, there have been 450 (43,44%) islamic schools </em><span><em>which were acreditated while there were 586 (56,56%) isclamic schools </em><span><em>which were not acreditated. The main problem which happenned was there </em><span><em>were many islamic schools got C in acreditation and even some schools were </em><span><em>not acreditated. It was caused by: (a) socialization, (b) limitted fund, (c) </em><span><em>geographical condition, (d) the low network among islamic schools and (e) </em><span><em>there were many policies which have not been accompanied by commitment </em><span><em>fully.</em><br /><span><strong>Keywords : </strong><span><em>Madrasah/School Acreditation Board, The Quality Of Madrasah Education.</em></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /><br class="Apple-interchange-newline" /></span></span>

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Hikmah Naturasari ◽  
Fenny Roshayanti ◽  
Atip Nurwahyunani

ABSTRACTThis research is motivated by the low achievement of sciencem literacy of Indonesian students in the participation of the study of The Programe for International Student Assessment (PISA) held every three years by The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This study aims to determine the quality of science literacy profile of junior high school students. The sample amounted to 356 students of SMP class IX, taken using proportionate stativeied random sampling technique. The Method is test and interview. The tests given using questions obtained from the OECD published PISA issue were published in 2009 specifically for matters related to science content. The results showed that the Literacy Quality of Science Profile of Junior High School Students in Pati Regency belong to low category with percentage of 55%. In the category of moderate percentage obtained by 45% and no students who fall into the high category. As for the achievement of the value of each level, the highest ability of students in answering science literacy questions in the level 1 questions with a total of 49.43 moderate categorized, and the lowest ability of students in answering the questions of science literacy is in level questions 6th with a total of 13.48 is low categorized. The conclusion is the quality of science literacy profile of junior high school students in Pati District is low. Keywords: Profil Quality, Science Literation, SMP Student, ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya capaian literasi sains siswa Indonesia pada partisipasi studi The programe for International Student Assessment (PISA) yang diselenggarakan setiap tiga tahun sekali oleh The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kualitas literasi sains siswa SMP se-Kabupaten Pati. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 356 siswa SMP kelas IX se-Kabupaten Pati yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik proportionate statified random sampling. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan metode tes dan wawancara. Tes yang diberikan menggunakan soal PISA yang dipublikasikan oleh OECD diterbitkan tahun 2009 khusus untuk soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan konten sains, serta sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Profil Kualitas Literasi Sains Siswa SMP se-Kabupaten Pati tergolong dalam kategori rendah dengan persentase sebesar 55%. Pada  kategori sedang diperoleh persentase sebesar 45% dan tidak ada siswa yang masuk dalam kategori tinggi. Pencapaian nilai setiap levelnya, kemampuan tertinggi siswa dalam menjawab soal literasi sains terdapat pada soal level 1 dengan jumlah nilai 49,43 berkategori sedang, dan kemampuan terendah siswa dalam menjawab soal literasi sains terdapat pada soal level 6 dengan jumlah nilai 13,48 berkategori rendah. Sehingga disimpulkan bahwa profil kualitas literasi sains siswa SMP se-Kabupaten Pati tergolong rendah. Kata Kunci: profil kualitas, literasi sains, siswa SMP

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