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Published By Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University

2502-194x, 1979-5599

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-185
Yoga Ardian Feriandi ◽  
Dasim Budimansyah ◽  
Kokom Komalasari

The development of the world of technology has provided many changes in the pattern of human life, including influencing environmental phenomena that have an impact on the way of life of citizens. To prevent environmental destruction. So ecological education is one of the efforts to continue the effort to create citizens who care about the environment with their environmental characteristics. This study aims to examine the ecological competence of elementary school students through civic education in building awareness of the environment. The approach used in this research is qualitative with the literature study method. The results of the analysis and study in this study indicate: 1) the competence of knowledge and ecological strategies of elementary school students is formed through civic education, 2) elementary school students can act on environmental issues, 3) elementary school students have the quality to address environmental issues through civic education. So that the conclusion in this study is that the ecological competence of elementary school students can be formed through civic education, the output of which is that these students have environmental skills and character in utilizing their environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-172
Mohammad Imam Sufiyanto ◽  
Jamilah Jamilah ◽  
Nisrina Hikmawati

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship among scientific, thematic learning materials, and scientific literacy integrated in online learning carried out in three different primary schools, namely MI Al-Ikhlas, Luqman Al-Hakim Integral Elementary School, and at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 1 Sumenep in Sumenep Regency. Learning science  is with a scientific approach in primary school can be meant as student's mastery of knowledge about scientific, thematic, and scientific literacy, which is learned from facts, principles, and the discovery process during online learning. However, the science material given must be adapteded to the age and characteristics of the students concerned, meaning that science material is given to students and adjusted to the grade level, so that mastery of science can be beneficial both for the students and for the natural environment preservation  around them. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research with a survey approach. The research population was 60 teachers and 280 students from three different schools, while the sample of this study consisted of 30 teachers and 150 students from whom the samples were taken using probability sampling. The data collection techniques in this study were in the forms of questionnaires and interview techniques for the teachers and students to complete the data. The research results showed that in the aspect of scientific literacy, namely explaining problems scientifically was 29.5%, interpreting data scientifically was 19%, communicating data scientifically was 40%, planning scientific investigations was 29.5%, carrying out scientific investigations was 33 %, and evaluated scientific investigations was 19%. These data indicate that there are still problems in the application of scientific, thematic, and scientific literacy during the pandemic period for students and thus, requires follow-up for solution

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-156
Uswatun Chasanah ◽  
Andi Prastowo

This research aims to reveal the syntax, factors that take effect the application process of the ICT-based tutorial model, and the strengths of the tutorial model from a constructivist approach to online learning. The research method used in this research is the library research method with a descriptive qualitative approach. The research subjects were online learning articles and tutorial models. The data analysis technique was carried out by analyzing the contents of the document, namely precious research scientific articles and relevant theories. The results in this study point out that the tutorial model can be one of the solutions and means to be utilized during the online learning process SD/MI. the tutorial model was developed by combining the software in a coherent and tested manner. Variations of tutorial models are tailored to the needs and characteristics of students. The syntax of the ICT-based tutorial model includes an introduction, presentation of information, question and responses, judging of responses, providing about responses,  remediation, sequencing lesson segment, and closing. The ability of teachers and students, as well as the existence of devices, laptops, and internet networks, are supporting factors. Meanwhile, the quality of the internet network connection speed is an inhibiting factor. The tutorial model can facilitate students to be more independent when learning, evaluate self-achievement, flexible, and learner-centred. However, the tutorial model can trigger boredom, frustration due to frequent remedies, depending on teacher directions, and limited free applications. The tutorial model is in tune with the perspective of a constructivist approach. The ICT-based tutorial model can help teachers carry out online learning according to process standards, provide meaningful experiences for students, effective, and efficient experiences for students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-141
Muhamad Arif ◽  
Kusnul Munfa'ati ◽  
Mei Kalimatusyaroh

The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic requires that all elements change from the economy, health and education. The role of teachers in education is the main key to successful learning, however, during the Covid-19 pandemic, online-based learning made teachers learn to improve learning media literacy, so that they could provide solutions to a fun learning process. In this research, we want to find answers about how classroom teachers' strategies in increasing media literacy during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research used a qualitative method with a case study approach. The primary data source for the researcher was all class teachers in both Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Collecting data using three techniques, observation, interviews and documentation. Analysis of the research data using the analysis of Miles and Huberman. Combined with the Quin Patton data validity test, namely data triangulation. The results showed that Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Azhar Menganti Gresik increased media literacy individually and institutionally. Meanwhile, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-Nur Junwangi Sidoarjo individually. For homeroom teacher, learning media at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Azhar Changing Gresik Zoom, Google Meet, Canva, Youtube and Whatsapp media. Meanwhile, in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-Nur Junwangi Sidoarjo, the learning process is still focused on using the Whatsapp Group. In addition, there are obstacles for classroom teachers in improving learning media literacy, including lack of internet quota, and infrastructure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-125
Raden Adji Suryo Utomo ◽  
Fitri Nur Mahmudah

The implementation of learning is the most important part in improving the quality of education. The Covid-19 pandemic period is part of the challenge for education so that learning continues. The purpose of this study was to investigate in depth the implementation of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. The research was conducted at Muhammadiyah Pakel Elementary School. The data sources in this study were teachers, parents, and students. Data collection techniques using structured interviews assisted with guidelines that are structured questions systematically. Data analysis using the Denzin Licoln case study model assisted by atlas.ti software version 8. The technique used to improve the quality of research is source triangulation. The results of this study provide information that in the implementation of the implementation of distance learning there are three factors, namely policy, distance learning process, and human resource activeness. These three factors are novelty which can be recommendations for the three education centers in order to be part of improving the quality of distance learning education during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-96
Fita Mustafida

A comfortable classroom environment cannot be separated from the role of the teacher in managing the learning environment. Heterogeneous classroom conditions are a challenge for teachers to create a conducive and meaningful learning atmosphere. This is because each student has different characters, needs, and potentials that need to be developed. On the other hand, the heterogeneity of students if not managed properly can be a source of various problems in the classroom. Starting from bullying, the learning atmosphere is uncontrollable, even the attitude of antipathy to diversity triggers other negative attitudes, such as discrimination and injustice. Therefore, to overcome this problem, it requires the ability of teachers to create a classroom environment that respects diversity (multicultural). Based on this view, multicultural class management is needed. This is because multicultural classroom management is believed to be able to foster student diversity while still adhering to universal human values that are just and in favor of equality. Multicultural classroom management is also able to provide educational services that are by human needs, and respect differences with the human approach. On this basis, this study discusses teacher strategies in managing the diversity of students using a multicultural classroom management approach. Multicultural classroom management needs to be developed to create a more humanist and democratic learning atmosphere which is needed to foster the diversity of students in the classroom. Among the multicultural class management strategies that can be carried out are managing gender diversity, social status, ethnicity, including intelligence  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-113
Esa Nur Wahyuni ◽  
Rahmat Aziz ◽  
Wildana Wargadinata ◽  
Alfiana Yuli Efiyanti

Changing the learning system during the pandemic period from offline to online requires teachers' readiness, including elementary school teachers. Demands for mastery of technology in learning and the characteristics of elementary school students who need direct guidance in learning are teachers' problems. However, not all primary school teachers are ready for technology-based online learning. This study aims to investigate the readiness of primary school teachers in online learning in terms of three aspects, namely cognitive (knowledge and perception), affective (emotional condition), and moral (skills). The research method uses a mixed-method with data collection techniques using a questionnaire deepened by interviews. The research respondents were 22 elementary school teachers in Tlekung village, Junrejo district, Batu City. Data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative analysis. The results showed that the teacher had a low readiness to carry out online learning in general. The level of primary school teachers' readiness to carry out online learning still needs to be improved, especially in the knowledge and skills factor by providing online learning training experiences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-50
Roudlotul Jannah

This research is aimed to identify some techniques used to teach The Indonesian language for elementary school. This qualitative research is conducted in Miftahul Ulum elementary school which is located in Kepohbaru Bojonegoro. The data collection techniques consist of interview, questionnaire, and documentation. The result shows that there are 14 techniques used in the lower level and 13 techniques in the upper level. From the varied techniques applied, there are three techniques which support listening skill development, six techniques support speaking skill development, four techniques support reading skill development, and four techniques support writing skill development. The variations of using language teaching technique have implication in mapping methods and techniques before learning is implemented. The mapping should appropriate for the students’ development phase.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-38
Like Raskova Octaberlina ◽  
Ida Fitri Anggarini

Abstract. Nowdays, english as a subject learned in primary school level. Its because the important of english towards the student. This study was conducted aimed to know the influence of Picture Cards in teaching vocabulary to the third grade of Nida Suksa School, Thailand. The subjects of the research were students in the third grade. The researcher only took nine students in different abilities from a high level (3/1), middle level (3/2), and low level (3/3). The instrument used by the researcher was an interview. The result showed that the students still had difficulty in understanding the texts because of having a lack of vocabulary, long texts, and limited time to analyze the text in answering the question. The students studied vocabulary through Picture Cards, and they learned vocabulary tests from text book. Furthermore, the finding of this study was: Picture Cards is able to increase and enrich their vocabulary and their knowledge. The implication of Pictures Cards can motivate students to understand the text. Therefore, they can understand many texts in vocabulary tests.Keywords: Teaching Vocabulary, Picture Cards 

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-25
Wijianti Wijianti ◽  
Wahidmurni Wahidmurni

The purpose of this research is to develop a Student Learning Worksheet (LKS) based on discovery learning to improve the understanding of the concept of animal life cycle material in Grade IV Madrasah Ibtidiyah students, including: describing product specifications, explaining the level of product attractiveness, and explaining the difference in the level of understanding of student concepts from those learn by using LKS and not using LKS. The subjects of the study were the fourth grade students of MI Sunan Ampel Pakis. The research procedure follows five stages of the ten stages developed by Borg and Gall in the framework of developing modules of the research and development method. The five stages are research and information collecting, planning, developing preliminary forms of product, preliminary field testing, and playing product revision. Logical feasibility analysis of media worksheets using validation of material experts, linguists, design experts and subject matter experts; the attractiveness of student worksheets was empirically analyzed using a closed questionnaire of student responses, and differences in the level of understanding were analyzed through the t test of the pre test results before using the media and the post test results after using the media in the experimental class and the control class. The results showed that the worksheets produced were feasible to use with the predicate of validation both in terms of design, language, and learning, as well as very good in terms of material; Student responses also show a very interesting predicate; the level of concept understanding of students who learn to use LKS is better than those who do not use LKS. This indicates that the worksheets developed can be used to be applied in the next research phase.

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