wayang kulit
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Mibtadin Mibtadin

<p><em>Javanese culture is a noble value order as a form of embodiment of all human actions in overcoming various problems related to life and life, both social, economic, cultural institutions, and even leadership styles. In Javanese political ethics, it is known as the concept of hasta brata which is the essence of the noble values of culture as a form of depicting the ideal leader. The hasta brata teaching is one of the teachings in wayang kulit, its contents are about the eight elements of the nature of bearinga, samirana, candra, solar, ocean, kartika, sky, and dahana, each of which has its own philosophical meaning, namely the teachings of character or ethics. Hasta brata is a political way that prioritizes ethics and social systems created by leaders to provide coolness and peace, eradicate crime, be wise, patient, friendly and gentle, see, understand and live up to all the needs of their people, provide welfare and assistance to people in need. , able to accommodate everything that comes to him, whether pleasant or not, and can provide a lamp for the people.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-272
Djoko Sulaksono ◽  
Winda Dwi Lestari ◽  
Budi Waluyo ◽  
Islahuddin Islahuddin

Humans, nature, culture, and creators have an inseparable relationship. In Javanese culture, gratitude is realized through cultural events, such as Bersih Desa (village clean-ups ceremony). A puppet play of Sri Mulih is performed as an expression of gratitude. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The data source is a video of Wayang Purwa play of Sri Mulih. First, the data are reduced and analyzed by discussing the problem. Finally, the data are assessed by using triangulation techniques to obtain data validity. This study found that the religious value within the play is related to the ceremony of Bersih Desa in the Purworejo district. The finding provides a picture of the acculturation of local culture and Islamic teachings because wayang plays are adapted according to the Javanese culture.Manusia, alam, budaya, dan pencipta memiliki hubungan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Dalam budaya masyarakat Jawa, rasa syukur diwujudkan dengan acara-acara kebudayaan seperti halnya bersih desa. Lakon wayang kulit Sri Mulih yang dipentaskan sebagai perwujudan rasa syukur masyarakat Jawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan keyakinan religi masyarakat hubungannya dengan kepercayaan bersih desa menggunakan sarana pertunjukan wayang kulit purwa dengan lakon Sri Mulih. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan tiga tahapan penelitian, yaitu reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah video pertunjukan wayang purwa lakon Sri Mulih. Data-data dalam sumber data utama direduksi dan dianalisis dengan pembahasan masalah. Terakhir data-data yang diperoleh diuji dengan menggunakan teknik triangulasi untuk mendapat suatu derajat validitas data. Hasil dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan nilai religius dalam lakon tersebut terkait prosesi bersih desa di kabupaten Purworejo. Hasil ini memberikan gambaran akulturasi budaya lokal dan ajaran Islam karena lakon wayang telah diadaptasi sesuai dengan kultur busaya masyarakat Jawa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Leng Yan Eyo ◽  
Rosdeen Suboh ◽  
Marzelan Salleh ◽  

This research discusses intercultural relations in the performing art of wayang kulit Kelantan, by examining the phenomena of communication between cultures that occur within the multi-ethnic Kelantanese community, with a focus on the element of music. In order to understand the intercultural communication that occurs in the element of music, Kumpulan Wayang Kulit Sri Campuran was chosen as the main research subject due to the group’s characteristic ethnic diversity, which comprises Malay, Chinese, and Siamese, as well as the community that is directly and indirectly involved in the performance, which also comprises various ethnicities, thus illustrating the existence of the phenomena of intercultural communication. Methods of observation on the element of music in performances held at several locations by this group have been able to prove the existence of clear intercultural communications within the multi-ethnic community in Kelantan. These phenomena also show that this group specifically, and the Kelantanese community in general, upholds cultural collectivism that strengthens intercultural relations, whereby people from various cultural backgrounds can be brought together by a single performance that clearly showcases characteristics of teamwork, tolerance, understanding, compatibility, sharing, and harmony.

Biokultur ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Joyo Nur Suryanto Gono ◽  
Wiwied Noor Rakhmad

Menonton pertunjukan wayang kulit  memerlukan penghayatan cukup dalam. Muatan nilai-nilai dalam pagelaran wayang menggambarkan nilai-nilai kehidupaan sehari-hari di masyarakat, menempatkan diri pada tempat yang telah ditentukan oleh Tuhan. Peran Dalang sangat besar untuk mensosialisasikan nilai-nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam cerita wayang kulit agar bisa diterima dan diresapi penonton, menjadi tuntunan hidup manusia pada umumnya. Beberapa tahun terakhir penonton wayang mulai sepi. Tetapi kini, wayang kulit di upload lewat Youtube, dalam format YouTube ini muncul istilah dalang viral. Dalang yang dianggap paling viral saat ini adalah Ki Seno Nugroho dari Yogyakarta, karena memiliki paling banyak penggemar dan paling laris. Riset mengenai fenomena Dalang Seno yang sedang viral di Youtube, yang mengangkat persoalan bagaimana pengalaman penonton dalam menonton wayang kulit melalui YouTube memahami nilai-nilai sosial dalam pertunjukan wayang kulit Ki Seno Nugroho? Menggunakan metode fenomenologi, penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa, Dalang Seno memiliki kemampuan membangun cerita secara ringkas (padat), menceritakan perlawanan “abdi” terhadap raja, sehingga tidak membosankan, membangun gending garapan, tanpa tambahan musik modern, yang menarik. Pagelaran wayang melibatkan semua unsur, yaitu melibatkan dialog saat adegan “limbukan” atau “adegan goro-goro”, antara Dalang, Pesinden, Pengrawit, Crew film. Performansi dalang Seno dari dialog, sabetan, selalu menarik perhatian penonton. Jadi Dalang Seno mengutamakan pertunjukan wayang kulit dominan sebagai fungsi menghibur, sehingga nilai-nilai sosial yang disimbolkan dari wayang kulit tidak menonjol.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Eddy Saputra

<p><em>Wayang as the only entertainment for </em><em>the </em><em>people is used as a media approach to convey Islamic teaching values. </em><em>T</em><em>his </em><em>is</em><em> adopted by Sunan Kalijaga as a media approach. By including a new character </em><em>which is</em><em> The Punakawan in the middle of a popular character previously, Pandawa Lima, even though it is not in the original story. Wayang is so attached to Javanese culture and tradition although that story is taken from India. The punakawan figure becomes a differentiator in the wayang kulit story that is carried out with the Javanese punakawan's distinctive name having a prerequisite meaning with Islamic values. Punakawan also teaches moderation in religion that does not intersect with local culture. This study uses a literature study approach, data collected through books, notes, historical stories and others. Islamic education always puts forward a moral and moral approach, from this aspect</em><em>,</em><em> the Punakawan figures are raised. The Javanese people believe that the existence of Punakawan figures seems to have lived in the real world, for example Mount Tidar in Cilalap Regency is believed to be the place where Semar lives.</em><em></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-138
Moh Mahrush Ali

ABSTRAKPotret Posinden merupakan film dokumenter yang berusaha menunjukkan peran dan kedudukan sinden pada pertunjukan wayang kulit. Perubahan yang terjadi pada sinden saat ini membuat pertunjukan wayang kulit menjadi semakin menarik. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan  fungsi sinden saat ini, bukan hanya menembang namun menjadi unsur penghibur. Sesekali jadi bahan lelucon pada saat limbukan dan goro-goro. Umumnya, sinden harus tampil dengan dandanan yang tidak biasa, sebab saat ini posisi sinden menghadap ke penonton. Sinden menjadi aspek penting di dalam setiap pertunjukan wayang kulit, dan hal itu tidak bisa dipisahkan. Film dokumenter ini menggunakan gaya expository, yaitu memiliki ciri berbicara langsung kepada penonton melalui on screen. Dokementer ini memanfaatkan penuturan dari narasumber atau subjek utama dalam menyampaikan informasi atau isi pada film.Kata kunci: Film Dokumenter, Sinden, Wayang Kulit. ABSTRACTPortrait of Pesinden is a documentary film that attempts to show Sinden's role and position in shadow puppets performances. The changes that occurred in the current Sinden made shadow puppets performances even more enjoyable. This matter is evidenced by the current function of Sinden singing and being an entertainment element. Occasionally it becomes the material for a joke at the moment when it is “limbukan” and “goro-goro”. The general findings show that the Sinden must appear with unusual make-up because the position of the Sinden is facing the audience. In addition, Sinden is an essential aspect of every shadow puppet show, and it cannot be separated. To sum up, this documentary film uses an expository style characterized by speaking directly to the audience via the on-screen. So, the documentary uses the narrative from the primary source or subject in conveying information or content in the film.Keywords: Documentary Film, Sinden; Shadow Puppets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 221
I Ketut Muada

<p>The ritual of ruwatan in Balinese Hindu society basically removes or cleanses oneself from dirt, which is practiced almost the same in general throughout Bali. In ruwatan using wayang kulit media, there are two types of performing arts which contain the function and meaning of ruwatan, such as; puppet show gedog (weak puppet) and puppet show Peteng. The source of the pangruwatan play presented by the puppeteers refers to the ruwatan standard although in practice it changes according to the situation and conditions of the performance itself. The play taken in the wayang gedog is Sudhamala, while in the shadow puppet show at night it is Sapuhleger. Ruwatan or in Java known as murwakala has a broad meaning not only a literary work and pakeliran but its function and philosophy, it turns out that it refers to the micro and macro essence of humans as being creative, intellect and intention. This research specifically reveals problems regarding; the form of the play, the function and meaning of spiritual philosophy, as well as the role of government in relation to ritual rituals. In revealing this, the researchers used qualitative methods, as well as several theories that complement this research.</p><p> </p><p>Ritual<em> ruwatan</em> pada masyarakat Hindu Bali pada dasarnya membuang atau pembersihan diri dari kotoran, yang pelaksanaannya hampir sama pada umumnya diseluruh Bali. Dalam <em>ruwatan</em> dengan media wayang kulit, ada dua jenis seni pertunjukan yang mengandung fungsi dan makna ruwatan seperti; pertunjukan wayang <em>gedog</em> (wayang lemah) dan pertunjukan wayang <em>Peteng.</em>  Sumber lakon <em>pangruwatan</em> yang disajikan oleh para dalang mengacu pada pakem <em>ruwatan</em> walaupun dalam pelaksanaannya berubah menurut situasi dan kondisi pertunjukan itu sendiri. Lakon yang diambil dalam wayang <em>gedog</em> adalah <em>Sudhamala</em> sedangkan, dalam pertunjukan wayang kulit pada malam hari adalah <em>Sapuhleger</em>. <em>Ruwatan</em> atau di Jawa dikenal dengan <em>murwakala </em>mempunyai makna yang luas tidak hanya sebuah karya sastra dan pakeliran akan tetapi fungsi dan filosofinya, ternyata mengacu pada esensi mikro dan makro manusia sebagai insan yang berdaya <em>cipta, budi </em>dan <em>karsa</em>. Penelitian ini khusus mengungkap permasalahan tentang; bentuk lakon, fungsi dan makna filosopi ruatan, serta peranan pemerintah terkait ritual ruatan. Dalam mengungkap hal tersebut peneliti memakai metode kualitatif, serta beberapa teori-teori yang melengkapi penelitian ini.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Agus Fatuh Wardoyo

In modern life, wayang can have a dual function, namely as a medium to fulfill spiritual needs and at the same time as entertainment. This is because modern humans experience alienation, which is a feeling of loneliness in the crowd around them. This is what makes wayang kulit remain relevant in the modern world to become a medium of da'wah. The art of wayang culture is the original work of the Indonesian people, especially Java. The art of wayang kulit is currently the identity of the Indonesian nation. Wayang in its current form is a precious heritage for Muslims.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nunnun Bonafix

Young generation nowadays has lack of knowledge on the culture of shadow puppet (wayang kulit) which is a heritage that has a high value of art and philosophy. This is caused by the impact of foreign cultures rapidly entering Indonesia. The rapid development of the information technology through internet & game has led to globalization that seems to be not limited to space and time. The speed of information and foreign cultures cannot be stopped. The culture of shadow puppet (wayang kulit) is getting eroded and is not much known by the modern society nowadays. This is an irony to a big nation which has a rich heritage, so it is our obligation as a citizen to maintain and preserve it. Based on the formulae of AIGA 2015 that defines (time + content + context) / time = experience design, the game of wayang kulit (shadow puppet) Gatotkaca put forbattled different experience to users in exploring the information and entertainment in those media. Having the spirit of moderate Postmodernism, the design plan called User Interface which combines the modern and classic traditional elements will encourage new experience to the users (Experience Design). The design recognizes times and trends, and it keeps changing as the development of the times. The design can be a pace setter to next individuals who are called to maintain and preserve national cultures, in general, and wayang kulit purwa, in particular, through digital media. The development in the modern era will not change the identity of shadow puppet (wayang kulit) culture since it has solid foundation.

Nirmana ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-73
Vania Anjani ◽  
Andrian Dektisa Hagijanto ◽  
Asthararianty Asthararianty

Sejak Desember 2015, Is Yuniarto mengunggah karya visual figur wayang dengan visualisasi menggunakan percampuran figur wayang kulit nusantara dengan karakter-karakter figur superhero di akun media sosialnya. Salah satu karyanya yang terkenal adalah Wayang Ananta Yudha, yang muncul pada bulan April 2018. Karakteristik wayang Ananta Yudha merupakan representasi dari figur-figur pada film Avengers: Infinity War yang saat itu sedang ramai dibicarakan karena filmnya akan dirilis. Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk memaknai bentuk visualisasi dan fenomena munculnya wayang Ananta Yudha, menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara analisis memakai semiologi Barthes. Teori-teori yang dipakai adalah pop culture, eklektik, dan komodifikasi. Wayang Ananta Yudha menjadi ungkapan karya visual budaya populer yang merupakan pencampuran unsur-unsur masa lalu dengan masa kini, serta menjadi bentuk komodifikasi atas figur superhero karya Marvel Studio.   

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