2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 1860
Ayu Aristika ◽  
Darhim Darhim ◽  
Dadang Juandi ◽  
Kusnandi Kusnandi

Abstract AMT ability is one of the skills that is a priority to be developed in learning mathematics in universities. This research aims to test the effect of hybrid learning and enjoyment learning in improving Advance Mathematical Thinking of prospective teacher students moderated by learning style. This research is a quantitative research that aims to examine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The sample in this study is conducted by purposive sampling based on certain criteria. The research data is obtained by distributing questionnaires to the mathematics education program student at University X in Bandung City. The data collected is analyzed by path analysis assisted by Smart PLS application. Smart PLS analysis in this study is carried out in 2 stages which are the analysis of the outer model and the inner model. Analysis of the inner model is aimed at (1) testing the validity and reliability of the instrument and (2) performing the r-square test to determine the percentage of influence. The test results show that learning enjoyment and hybrid learning have a significant positive effect on advanced mathematics learning. The learning styles in this study have not been able to moderate the relationship between hybrid learning and enjoy learning on Advance Mathematical Thinking. Hybrid learning can be used as an alternative or learning solution in improving advanced mathematical learning.Keywords: hybrid learning, Advance Mathematical Thinking, enjoyment learning, prospective teacher students, learning style Abstrak Kemampuan AMT merupakan salah satu kemampuan matematis yang menjadi prioritas untuk dikembangkan dalam pembelajaran matematika di perguruan tinggi. Penelitian Ini Bertujuan Untuk Menguji Pengaruh Hybrid Learning dan Enjoyment Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Berpikir Advance Mathematical Thinking of Prospective Teacher Students dimoderasi Gaya Belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang bertjuan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen. Sample dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan purposive sampling dengan berdasarkan beberapa kriteria tertentu. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan menyebar quesioner pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Matematika di Universitas X di Kota Bandung. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa dengan analisis path berbantuan aplikasi Smart PLS. Analisis smart PLS pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 2 tahapan yaitu analisa outer model dan inner model. Analisa inner model untuk 1) menguji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen serta 2) melakukan uji r square untuk mengetahui presentase pengaruh. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa enjoyment learning dan Hybrid learning berpengaruh secara positif signifikan terhadap Advance mathematic learning. Adapun, gaya belajar dalam penelitianini belum mampu memoderasi hubungan hybrid learning dan enjoyment learning terhadap Advance Mathematic Thinking. Hybrid learning dapat dapat dijadikan alternatif atau solusi pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan Advance Mathematic Learning. Kata kunci: pembelajaran hibrid, Advance Mathematical Thinking, kenikmatan belajar, mahasiswa calon guru, gaya belajar

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Dinda Dwi Nugraheni ◽  
Cholis Sa'dijah ◽  
Sisworo Sisworo

<p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Seorang calon guru sangat perlu untuk memiliki kemampuan berpikir kreatif guna memberikan pembelajaran dalam pendidikan yang inovatif sehingga siswa yang diajarkan memiliki kemampuan berpikir kreatif untuk menghadapi tantangan di masa depan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa calon guru pada mata kuliah trigonometri secara daring berbantuan <em>google classroom</em>. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang dilakukan pada mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Negeri Malang angkatan 2020 semester gasal tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif diberikan pada 37 mahasiswa, kemudian dipilih tiga mahasiswa dengan mempertimbangkan kemampuan matematika pada tugas yang diberikan sebelum pemberian tes berpikir kreatif menggunakan teknik <em>purposive sampling</em>. Setelah proses analisis dilakukan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  mahasiswa kategori tinggi memenuhi tiga aspek kemampuan berpikir kreatif seperti kelancaran, keluwesan, dan kebaruan. Mahasiswa kategori sedang memenuhi dua aspek kemampuan berpikir kreatif seperti keluwesan dan kebaruan. Sedangkan mahasiswa kategori rendah tidak memenuhi aspek indikator kemampuan berpikir kreatif sama sekali. Aspek keluwesan dan keunikan kemampuan berpikir kreatif yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa kategori tinggi dan sedang salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh pemanfaatan pembelajaran daring berbantu google <em>classroom</em>.</p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: Berpikir Kreatif; Calon Guru; <em><em>Google Classroom</em></em><p><strong><em>Abstract: </em></strong><em>A prospective teacher ought to have the ability to think creatively to provide learning in innovative education, with the expectation to build the students’ ability to think creatively in facing challenges in the future. The purpose of this study was to describe the creative thinking skills of prospective teacher students in online trigonometry courses assisted by Google Classroom. The type of this research is a descriptive qualitative research conducted on Undergraduate Mathematics Education students at State University of Malang, class 2020 odd semester, 2020/2021 academic year. The test of creative thinking ability was given to 37 students, then three students were selected for the research subject. The considerations were based on their mathematical ability on the pre-assessment test beforehand using purposive sampling technique. After the analysis process was conducted, the results showed that the high category students fulfilled three aspects of creative thinking abilities such as fluency, flexibility, and novelty. Students in the middle category fulfill two aspects of creative thinking skills such as flexibility and novelty. Meanwhile, the low category students did not meet the indicator aspects of the ability to think creatively at all. Aspects of flexibility and uniqueness of creative thinking skills possessed by high and medium category students are influenced by online learning system assisted by Google Classroom. </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: </em><em>Creative Thinking; Prospective Teacher; Google Classroom</em><em></em></p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 073563312097993
Zhihao Cui ◽  
Oi-Lam Ng

In this paper, we explore the challenges experienced by a group of Primary 5 to 6 (age 12–14) students as they engaged in a series of problem-solving tasks through block-based programming. The challenges were analysed according to a taxonomy focusing on the presence of computational thinking (CT) elements in mathematics contexts: preparing problems, programming, create computational abstractions, as well as troubleshooting and debugging. Our results suggested that the challenges experienced by students were compounded by both having to learn the CT-based environment as well as to apply mathematical concepts and problem solving in that environment. Possible explanations for the observed challenges stemming from differences between CT and mathematical thinking are discussed in detail, along with suggestions towards improving the effectiveness of integrating CT into mathematics learning. This study provides evidence-based directions towards enriching mathematics education with computation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 419-430
Teni Sritresna

AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil penelitian-penelitian terdahulu yang menunjukkan masih rendahnya kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan self-confidence siswa dalam belajar matematika. Learning Cycle 7E merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan self-confidence siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan self-confidence siswa yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran learning cycle 7E dengan yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran konvensional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan populasi siswa di salah satu SMP di Kabupaten Garut. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupas tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan skala sikap self-confidence siswa. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan self-confidence siswa yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran learning cycle 7E lebih baik daripada siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran konvensional. AbstractThis research is motivated by the results of previous studies which indicates the low ability of mathematical communication and self-confidence of students in learning mathematics. Learning Cycle 7E is one of the learning model that is expected to improve the ability of mathematical communication and self-confidence of students. The purpose of this study to determine the improvement of mathematical communication skills and self-confidence of students who get learning model of learning cycle 7E with which get the conventional learning model. This research is a quasi-experiment research with student population in one of junior high school in Garut. Sampling is done by using purposive sampling technique. The instrument used in this study examined the ability of mathematical communication and the scale of student self-confidence attitude. The result of data analysis shows that the improvement of mathematical communication ability and self-confidence of students who get the learning model of learning cycle 7E is better than students who get conventional learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Abdul Wahab Abdullah ◽  
Dewi Rahmawaty Isa ◽  
Nur Fajriani Podungge

This study aims to describe students' mathematics learning outcomes in matrix material through e-learning based learning. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 2 Limboto with a descriptive method involving 21 students as the research sample selected by purposive sampling technique. Data collection was obtained from the results of mathematics learning tests involving several indicators, namely: (1) understanding, (2) application, (3) analysis, (4) synthesis, and (5) evaluation. The results showed that students' mathematics learning results through e-learning-based learning were in the poor category, which was indicated by the percentage of scores achieved by students of 69%.

Gunahumas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 357-386
Yomi Chaeroni ◽  
Nizar Alam Hamdani ◽  
Akhmad Margana ◽  
Dian Rahadian

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta bahwa kemampuan pemahaman dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis merupakan salah satu kemampuan matematika tingkat tinggi yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap peserta didik. Selain itu kemampuan pemahaman dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis jarang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang dapat menjadi alternatif bagi pembelajaran matematika dan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis adalah model pembelajaran IMPROVE. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen karena penelitian ini menggunakan satu kelas eksperimen dan satu kelas kontrol sebagai subyek penelitian. Cara pengambilan subjek penelitian yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Subjek penelitian dipilih sebanyak dua kelas dari keseluruhan peserta didik kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Banyuresmi tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Dari hasil penelitian dan perhitungan statistik diperoleh kesimpulan: 1) Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE; 2) Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional/direct instruction; 3) Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE dibandingkan dengan peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional/direct instruction; 4) Tidak terdapat perbedaan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE dan yang menggunakan model konvensional/direct instruction.Kata kunci: Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis, Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis, Model IMPROVEABSTRACT This research is motivated by the fact that the ability to understand and the ability to solve mathematical problems is one of the high-level mathematical abilities that must be possessed by every student. In addition, the ability to understand and the ability to solve mathematical problems are rarely applied in mathematics learning in schools. One learning model that can be an alternative for mathematics learning and mathematical understanding and problem solving abilities is the IMPROVE learning model. This study aims to determine the application of ispring suite 8 on the IMPROVE learning model to improve students' mathematical understanding and problem solving abilities. The research method used is quasi-experimental because this study uses one experimental class and one control class as research subjects. The method of taking the research subject used was purposive sampling. The research subjects were selected as many as two classes from all grade XI students of SMA Muhammadiyah Banyuresmi in the 2019/2020 academic year. From the results of research and statistical calculations conclusions: 1) There is an increase in the ability to understand and solve mathematical problems of students who in learning use the i-spring suite 8 on the IMPROVE learning model; 2) There is an increase in the ability of understanding and solving mathematical problems of students who in learning use conventional learning models / direct instruction; 3) There is an increase in students' mathematical understanding and problem solving abilities in learning using i-spring suite 8 in the IMPROVE learning model compared to students in learning using conventional learning models / direct instruction; 4) There is no difference in the ability to understand and solve mathematical problems of students who in learning use the i-spring suite 8 on the IMPROVE learning model and who use the conventional model / direct instruction.Keywords: Mathematical Understanding Ability, Mathematical Problem Solving Ability, IMPROVE Model

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Rahmi Rahmi ◽  
Rina Febriana ◽  
Hilmy Farras Wani

The learning independence of students is still low as the background of the implementation of this research. The purpose of this research is to describe the independence of students using Lesson study and Problem Based Learning models in mathematics learning. This type of research is descriptive research. The population is all students of class VIII of Junior High School Pertiwi 2 Padang in 2019/2020. Sampling was done by purposive sampling and determined class VIII-2. The research instruments were the learning independence questionnaire and the Lesson Study observation sheet. Analysis of learning independence data is described based on the results of the pretest and protest scores. The Lesson Study was carried out in 4 rounds using the Problem Based Learning model which included Plan, do, and See activities. The results showed that there was an increase in students' learning independence through the implementation of Lesson study with the Problem Based Learning model.

Candace Joswick ◽  
Nicole Fletcher ◽  
Audrey Meador

Number Talks is a popular K-12 mathematics routine utilized in classrooms across the United States. Number Talks allows teachers to elicit and respond to students' mathematical thinking through the development of an encouraging classroom community and provide opportunities for students to engage in critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. In this chapter, the authors report their “virtualization” of the Number Talks routine and the development of a teacher learning cycle that supports implementation of this practice. The virtualization of Number Talks is illustrated through the pedagogical transformation of one teacher, who begins the teacher learning cycle skeptical of the value of Number Talks and ends with an innovative Virtual Number Talks practice that benefited both students and teachers in her school. This teacher's implementation of Virtual Number Talks and engagement in the “4C” of 21st century learning demonstrate a transformation of pedagogy that uses technology to create rich online mathematics learning experiences.

Mirko Schürmann ◽  
Lara Gildehaus ◽  
Michael Liebendörfer ◽  
Niclas Schaper ◽  
Rolf Biehler ◽  

Abstract Mathematics learning support centres (MLSC) are widely established and evaluated in English-speaking countries (such as the UK, Ireland and Australia). In most of these countries, several national surveys on MLSCs exist. They give an overview of the number of MLSCs as well as their characteristics in these countries. In Germany, there is a lack of studies on MLSCs and the landscape of MLSCs has not been described yet. This article presents basic information concerning counts of MLSCs and their characteristics at universities. Based on a three-step approach of analysing university homepages and additional personal contact via email or phone calls, we gathered typical MLSC features (e.g. staff quantities and qualification, opening and support hours, supported study programmes). We analysed 190 universities from a web-based register on study programmes. In total, we found 61 MLSCs located at 51 German universities. Another 16 support centres were specialized on mathematics didactics, which means they focussed on didactical and methodological support for preservice teacher students and often provided different teaching materials. Thirty-eight centres were located at universities (62.3%) and 23 MLSCs at universities of applied sciences and comparable universities (37.7%). The MLSCs were different in their sizes of staff and opening hours, and both the numbers of staff and the service hours differed greatly. The student groups MLSCs at German universities focus on differ concerning characteristics like study programme or semester. We will provide the main categories describing these groups. We seek to answer research questions concerning the characteristics of MLSCs in Germany and discuss the results compared to international findings. This information is useful for further international collaborative research, for example a standardized international survey. From a national perspective, these findings support networking and collaborations between the MLSCs as well. As some German MLSCs are facing financial cuts, these results might help in gaining additional funding.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1280 ◽  
pp. 042046
N Delima ◽  
M A Rahmah ◽  
M S Noto

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