2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Novi Ayu Kristiana Dewi ◽  
Bernadhita Herindri Samodera Utami

The purpose of this research is to develop a learning tool. It is a physics module REACT based which can facilitate heterogeneity of student learning styles in class. The research method used is Research & Development (R&D) with four stages 4-D, namely define, design, develop, and disseminated. The results showed that the learning module developed was valid with good categories in the material component and very good in the media component. The application of the developed learning module was effective to improve student learning outcomes in the moderate category. The distribution of the module got a very good response from physics teachers.  Thus the learning device developed is feasible to use.

Edum Journal ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-83
Rosina Nona

The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of students of class VA on educational subjects, Catholicism. This research includes descriptive research. Researchers can delineate the circumstances of real locations and subject of research where researchers do research. The subject of this research is the grade VA presidential instruction Elementary Misir Subdistrict Alok Sikka Years Lessons 2018/2019. Based on observation and assessment over the results of the evaluation of student learning in the lessons of 2017/2018, then known to 10 students (43.47%) of the 23 students scored above KKM and expressed satisfaction while 13 other students (56.52 %) scored below the Minimum Ketuntasan Criterion and hadn't stated. To overcome this problem than the author at once a teacher of Catholic religious education Subjects viewed the pictures in the media need to improve student learning outcomes.

Eko Mauludin Subianto ◽  
Aminuddin Kasdi ◽  
Waspodo Tjipto Subroto

ABSTRACTThis research is a development approach that aims to (1) describe the feasibility media 3D maps have been developed, (2) describe the effectiveness of media 3D map. This research was conducted in SDN Lidah Kulon I Surabaya, with research subjects are students of class IV A SDN Lidah Kulon I Surabaya as the control class and IV B SDN Lidah Kulon I Surabaya as an experimental class of the school year 2015/2016. Type of research is the development of the research design form 4-D. The data was obtained as follows: media 3D map developed declared eligible. This is shown by the assessment of media experts validator that shows the percentage of votes at 92.5% which is in excellent condition and the assessment of experts validator percentage material showed 90% were classified as very good. As for testing the hypothesis analyzed by t-test showed that the learning outcomes of students in the experimental class is higher than the control class. This is indicated by tcount (4713)> ttable (1.664) with a mean value of the experimental class of 78.3750 higher than the learning outcomes of students in the control class is 67.6923. Thus, the use of a 3D map media influence on student learning outcomes. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the media 3D map effectively improve student learning outcomes fourth grade of Elementary School. Keywords: Development, Media Map 3D, Learning Outcomes. ABSTRAK                                                                                          Penelitian ini merupakan pendekatan dari pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kelayakan media peta 3D yang telah dikembangkan, (2) mendeskripsikan efektivitas media peta 3D. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Lidah Kulon I Surabaya, dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV A SDN Lidah Kulon I Surabaya sebagai kelas kontrol dan IV B SDN Lidah Kulon I Surabaya sebagai kelas eksperimen tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah pengembangan dengan bentuk desain penelitian 4-D. Data hasil penelitian yang diperoleh sebagai berikut: media peta 3D yang dikembangkan dinyatakan layak. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan penilaian dari validator ahli media yang menujukkan persentase hasil penilaian sebesar 92.5% yang tergolong sangat baik dan penilaian dari validator ahli materi yang menunjukkan persentase sebesar 90%yang tergolong sangat baik. Sedangkan untuk pengujian hipotesis yang dianalisa dengan uji t menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada kelas kontrol. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai thitung (4.713) > ttabel (1.664) dengan nilai mean pada kelas eksperimen sebesar 78.3750 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa pada kelas kontrol yaitu 67.6923. Jadi, penggunaan media peta 3D berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media peta 3D efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Media Peta 3D, Hasil Belajar.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Imarsih Ninkeula ◽  
Y T Filindity ◽  
Y H Dulanlebit

Comparative study of learning media of mysterious card box with the media of snake ladder on the material of atomic structure to the result of study of class X student of SMA N 5 AMBON. The mysterious card learning media box is applied to the X class MIA1 and the ladder snake media in the X class of MIA3. From the results, the mysterious card learning media box can improve student learning outcomes, seen from the presentation of the achievement of the final test results obtained by the two classes, where the two classes have a presentation of different final result qualification ie qualification completed for class X-MIA1 which uses the mysterious card box learning medium is 100%, and no qualifying fails with an average rating of 85.68. But for the class X-MIA3 using the learning media of snake ladder with qualified thoroughly is 51.51% and qualification failed 48.49% with an average value of 72.95, therefore Mann Whitney test results using SPSS 20 obtained a significance value of 0.002 (> 0.05 ) thus H0 is rejected and H1 is received so it can be concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes using the mysterious box learning media and learning media snake ladder

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Ai Saadah Rachmawati ◽  
Tatang Surahman ◽  
Ganjar Nugraha

Research new usage models "incidental Individual Project" is based on the assumption of researchers to the phenomenon of students who are not independent, less confident, and have little motivation in learning, especially math that many use logic and problem-solving skills. This study assumes the Gestalt learning, who interpret anything thoroughly, also learning of mathematics should contain discovery learning, meaningful learning, and learning constructivism. This study aims to provide a positive influence on the attitudes of students in learning, also increase learning outcomes. Incidental Individual Project is a learning model that creativity and courage students to carry out the project made a sudden given problem, depending on the pace of student learning. By using Model incidental Individual Project in mathematics, is proven to make a change to the learning styles, and improve student learning outcomes are satisfactory. Researchers hope to find and use other learning models necessary for the development and improvement of processes and outcomes, so that it can affect the quality of education.Keywords : Incidental Individual Project

Siti Namiroh

The purpose of this study is to produce multimedia product that is useful for use in the learning process and can improve student learning outcomes. This study uses the Dick and Carey research and development methodology. The research instruments used in this study were interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The product feasibility is carried out by media experts, material experts and students. The results obtained from experts and students showed that the media developed showed feasibility as a learning medium.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Helman Helman

This research was a classroom action research (CAR) carried out to improve the learning process with the steps of planning, implement, observing, and reflecting. This research was carried out in mathematics by utilizing the media of crime tests on integer count material. The formulation of the problem in this research were: (1) Can the media of crime be able to improve mathematics learning outcomes in integer counts ?; (2) What are the learning outcomes of each cycle by utilizing the learning outcomes of students ?. The results of the study showed that the use of stikrim media in mathematics learning integer count material could improve student learning outcomes. The results of the first cycle test were obtained by six students or 60% complete, and four students or 40% incomplete. Then the results of the second cycle test showed nine students or 91% complete and three students or 10% not complete. The increase occured in students who have reached 88% of students have completed and exceeds 75% indicators of success, and it is stated that the improvement of this learning has been successful.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-17
Tiurida Intika

Media booklet dapat dijadikan sumber belajar karena bentuknya sederhana serta menyediakan data akurat yang dapat membantu siswa memahami konsep materi. Tujuan pengembangan adalah untuk mengetahui pentingnya cara pengembangan serta efektivitasnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (RD) yang dilakukan mengacu pada teori Borg dan Gall. Data yang diambil adalah kebutuhan pengembangan booklet, kelayakan booklet, tanggapan siswa mengenai kelayakan booklet dan hasil belajar siswa melalui media booklet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru dan siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap penggunaan booklet. Terlihat pada penilaian validasi produk booklet dari pakar materi dan media yang memperoleh skor rata-rata 3,28 dengan kriteria sangat baik atau layak digunakan. Siswa memberikan tanggapan dan respon positif sangat baik dengan memperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 9,26%. Sedangkan ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa dengan ≥75 pada uji coba pemakaian 84,5%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media booklet science for kids booklet efektif dan layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan dikembangkan berdasarakan kebutuhan guru dan siswa.  Media booklet can be used as a source of learning because it is simple and provides accurate data that can help students understand the concept of the material. The purpose of development is to know the importance of development and its effectiveness. This research is a Research and Development (R D) research which is done referring to Borg and Gall theory. The data taken is the need of booklet development, booklet feasibility, student responses about booklet feasibility and student learning outcomes through booklet media. The results showed that teachers and students responded positively to the use of booklets. Seen on the validation assessment of product booklets from material and media experts who scored an average of 3.28 with criteria very good or feasible to use. Students responded positively very well with an average score of 9.26%. While the completeness of student learning outcomes with ≥75 on the trial use 84.5%. Based on the results of the study can be concluded that the media booklet science for kids booklet effective and worthy used to improve student learning outcomes and developed based on the needs of teachers and students. Media booklet can be used as a source of learning because it is simple and provides accurate data that can help students understand the concept of the material. The purpose of development is to know the importance of development and its effectiveness. This research is a Research and Development (R D) research which is done referring to Borg and Gall theory. The data taken is the need of booklet development, booklet feasibility, student responses about booklet feasibility and student learning outcomes through booklet media. The results showed that teachers and students responded positively to the use of booklets. Seen on the validation assessment of product booklets from material and media experts who scored an average of 3.28 with criteria very good or feasible to use. Students responded positively very well with an average score of 9.26%. While the completeness of student learning outcomes with ≥75 on the trial use 84.5%. Based on the results of the study can be concluded that the media booklet science for kids booklet effective and worthy used to improve student learning outcomes and developed based on the needs of teachers and students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Ani Wahyuni_123 ◽  
Siti Aulia Hutagalung

Researchers conducted a field study to SD PAB 20, and found problems regarding student learning outcomes that were unsatisfactory in science lessons because there was no activity-based learning process (practicum), learning was still limited in time and media.  Therefore, in this study, researchers made the development of activity-based teaching materials in simple electrical circuit material to improve student learning outcomes, increase creativity and critical nature of students.  Before research into the field, the media created were validated by material experts and design experts.  The results of the material expert validation show 80% and the design expert validation is 92.8%.  From these results it can be classified that teaching materials that have been made are proven to be valid and tested for eligibility for testing to students.  For processing student data through pre and posttest, researchers used the N-Gain formula.  From the average pretest results obtained 46 and posttest results obtained an average of 84. If these values are classified, the final result is 70%. The figure is included in the high criteria.  So it can be concluded that, activity-based teaching materials used, can improve student learning outcomes and foster student creative nature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Nurfajriyanti Nurfajriyanti.

In accordance with the demands of the development of technology and information teachers are required to innovate in learning, one of them teachers should master the various uses of media in learning. The problems examined in this study are how the activities of teachers and students in the use of media variations and whether the use of media variations in Civics material can improve student learning outcomes in class IV MIN Adan Beureunuen. This study aims to see the activities of teachers and students in using media variations on the Civics material to improve student learning outcomes in class IV MIN Adan Beureunuen. The approach used in this study is qualitative with a type of classroom action research (CAR). Data collection is done by observation and tests. Observations were made to see the use of variations in the media in the learning process, while the test to see student learning outcomes. Furthermore, all data is processed using a percentage formula. The results of the first cycle showed that there were still many shortcomings. Both in terms of the media, teachers, and student activities. So the learning outcomes of students in the first cycle under the KKM. So it continues in the next cycle. In cycle II shows that there are better changes in the media, teacher activities, and students. So that student learning outcomes increase. In the first cycle the teacher's activity reached 90% with a very good category, but in the second cycle it had increased to 96% with a very good category too. In the first cycle the activity of students reached 66% in the good category, but in the second cycle it had increased to 79% in the very good category. Likewise in cycle 1 learning outcomes 52% of students are complete and in cycle II it increases to 79% which is complete. This means that the use of media variations can improve student learning outcomes in grade IV MIN Adan Beureunuen.

Hindayati Hindayati

<p><em>The purpose of the study was to improve the learning outcomes of students in the Indonesian Language Muple Class I Elementary School using picture media. The research conducted was a Classroom Action Research (CAR) in two cycles, with each cycle planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. Each meeting was carried out in a pretest and posttest of 68.42%, in cycle II students who completed after carrying out a post test of 78.90%, these results indicate that the media image can improve student learning outcomes, especially Class I Mupel in SDN 03 Goodness.</em></p>

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