2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Aryandini Novita

This  paper  discusses  about  maritime  trade  routes   in southern Belitung waters in the past based on archaeological remains found  at  Karang  Kennedy Reef by South Sumatra Archaeological Center in 2018. Inductive method was used in this study and the main data were the cargo found in the shipwreck. Data was collected through underwater survey and mapping and then went into specific and contextual analysis. Written sources was also used for data interpretation. The result indicates that Karang Kennedy Site shipwreck is an evidence that Belitung used to be a part of international trade routes. Although the southern Belitung waters are protected from direct wind gusts Java sea or Belitung island, those are also relatively shallow and overgrown with coral reefs that limited the movement of ships and large boats to sail in this area.  Keywords: Wrecksite, Maritime trade, Underwater archaeology Tulisan ini membahas tentang gambaran jalur perdagangan maritim di wilayah perairan Belitung bagian selatan pada masa lalu. Data yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini berupa tinggalan arkeologi yang ditemukan di Situs Karang Kennedy hasil penelitian Balai Arkeologi Sumatera Selatan tahun 2018. Metode penalaran yang digunakan pada tulisan ini adalah metode induktif. Data yang digunakan adalah temuan arkeologi hasil penelitian tahun 2018  berupa  sisa kapal tenggelam dan muatannya. Pengumpulan data pada kegiatan tersebut dilakukan dengan cara survei dan pemetaan bawah air. Analisis temuan dilakukan baik secara khusus maupun kontekstual, sementara interpretasi data menggunakan analogi sejarah dari sumber-sumber tertulis. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan temuan kapal tenggelam di Situs Karang Kennedy merupakan bukti bahwa Belitung juga merupakan bagian dari perdagangan internasional. Selain itu penemuan sisa kapal di Karang Kennedy ini juga dapat dijadikan bukti tentang gambaran pelayaran di perairan bagian selatan Belitung. Meskipun posisi perairan bagian selatan Belitung terlindung dari hembusan angin langsung yang berasal dari arah laut Jawa atau daratan pulau Belitung namun perairan tersebut relatif dangkal dan banyak ditumbuhi terumbu karang sehingga membatasi gerak kapal-kapal dan perahu-perahu berukuran besar yang melintasinya. Kata Kunci: Situs kapal tenggelam, Perdagangan maritim, Arkeologi bawah air

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Aryandini Novita

Abstract. This paper discusses about maritime trade routes in southern Belitung waters in the past based on archaeological remains found at Karang Kennedy Reef by South Sumatra Archaeological Center in 2018. Inductive method was used in this study and the main data were the cargo found in the shipwreck. Data was collected thorugh underwater survey and mapping and then went into specific and contextual analysis. Written sources was also used for data interpretation. The result indicates that Karang Kennedy Site shipwreck is an evidence that Belitung used to be a part of international trade routes. Although the southern Belitung waters are protected from direct wind gusts Java sea or Belitung island, those are also relatively shallow and overgrown with coral reefs that limited the movement of ships and large boats to sail in this area.Keywords: Shipwreck site, Maritime trade, Underwater archaeologyAbstrak. Tulisan ini membahas tentang gambaran jalur perdagangan maritim di wilayah perairan Belitung bagian selatan pada masa lalu. Data yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini berupa tinggalan arkeologi yang ditemukan di Situs Karang Kennedy hasil penelitian Balai Arkeologi Sumatera Selatan tahun 2018. Metode penalaran yang digunakan pada tulisan ini adalah metode induktif. Data yang digunakan adalah temuan arkeologi hasil penelitian tahun 2018 berupa sisa kapal tenggelam dan muatannya. Pengumpulan data pada kegiatan tersebut dilakukan dengan cara survei dan pemetaan bawah air. Analisis temuan dilakukan baik secara khusus maupun kontekstual, semetara interpretasi data menggunakan analogi sejarah dari sumber-sumber tertulis. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan temuan kapal tenggelam di Situs Karang Kennedy merupakan bukti bahwa Belitung juga merupakan bagian dari perdagangan internasional. Selain itu penemuan sisa kapal di Karang Kennedy ini juga dapat dijadikan bukti tentang gambaran pelayaran di perairan bagian selatan Belitung. Meskipun posisi perairan bagian selatan Belitung terlindung dari hembusan angin langsung yang berasal dari arah laut Jawa atau daratan pulau Belitung namun perairan tersebut relatif dangkal dan banyak ditumbuhi terumbu karang sehingga membatasi gerak kapal-kapal dan perahu-perahu berukuran besar yang melintasinya.Kata kunci: Situs kapal tenggelam, Perdagangan maritim, Arkeologi bawah air

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 291
Mochamad Irfan ◽  
I Wayan Srijaya ◽  
Coleta Palupi Titasari

In Bali, the archaeological remains is still functioned and sanctified by the public by placing them in a temple, one of them is Penataran Kacang Bubuan Mas Temple, Ubud, Gianyar regency. The methodin this study is a qualitative committee method which will produce desktiptif data in the form of written words. Data analyis being applied in this research is the qualitative analysis,iconography analysis and contextual analysis. Some theories being applied in this research is the functional theory and semiotics theory. Based on the analysis, the conclusions are drawn in the form of archaeological heritage of 1 piece Ganesha statue,1 piece simpel statue (primitive statue), 6 pieces embodiment statues of bhatari, 2 pieces embodiment statues of bhatara, 1 piece lingga (tribhaga), 2 pieces animal statues, 1 piece priest statue, 1 pieces clownman statue, 4 pieces fragments of statues, 1 piece fragment waterless building fragment, 1 piece natural stone. Archaelogical remains in Penataran Kacang Bubuan Mas Temple, Ubud, Gianyar regency when viewed from its function in the past has experienced a shift function. The local community is still sanctify archaeological remains as a workship tool to ask for safety and protection from harm and fertility. The meaning of the archaeological remains found in the temple is sacred objects for the means of worship by the penyungsung pura community. The means of worshiping the requested statues is symbolism or symbolic that connects worshipers with gods, ancestral holy spirits or for Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (God).

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-149
Ni Putu Eka Juliawati ◽  
Sonny Chr. Wibisono ◽  
Luh Suwita Utami ◽  
Ati Rati Hidayah ◽  
Nyoman Rema

Abstract, Research at Doro Mpana Site started with a report from the Head of Kandai Satu Village about the findings of a number of objects which are suspected of being archaeological remains in the form of earthenware fragments, ceramics, metal objects, human bone fragments, and Batu Dimpa. Batu Dimpa is a term given by the community for flat stones which are believed to be ancient grave markers. The purpose of this study was to determine the activities carried out by the community of Doro Mpana Site in the past. Data was collected through excavation, survey, and interview methods. Data were analyzed using specific analysis that focused on the physical characteristics of artifacts and contextual analysis related to the connection between archeological data. Three excavation squares were opened in this first phase of research. The results of excavation are earthenware fragments, foreign ceramic fragments, andesite stones, Batu Dimpa, brick structures, and human bone fragments. In the past, Doro Mpana site was once used for burial. Foreign ceramics findings show that the community in the past had been in contact with the outside world in trade relations. Utilization of Doro Mpana as a settlement in more recent time is supported by brick findings and some historical records. Abstrak, Penelitian di Situs Doro Mpana diawali dengan laporan Lurah Kandai Satu tentang temuan sejumlah benda yang diduga merupakan tinggalan arkeologi berupa fragmen gerabah, keramik, benda logam, fragmen rangka individu manusia, dan Batu Dimpa. Batu Dimpa adalah sebutan masyarakat untuk batu pipih yang dipercaya merupakan penanda kubur kuno. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas masyarakat pendukung Situs Doro Mpana pada masa lalu. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode ekskavasi, survei, dan wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis khusus yang menitikberatkan ciri fisik artefak dan analisis kontekstual yang berkaitan dengan hubungan antardata arkeologi. Tiga buah kotak ekskavasi dibuka dalam penelitian tahap pertama ini. Adapun hasil ekskavasi adalah berupa fragmen gerabah, fragmen keramik asing, batu andesit, Batu Dimpa, struktur bata, dan fragmen tulang individu manusia. Pada masa lalu Situs Doro Mpana pernah dimanfaatkan untuk penguburan. Temuan keramik asing menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat pada masa lalu telah mengadakan kontak dengan dunia luar dalam hubungan perdagangan. Pemanfaatan Doro Mpana sebagai permukiman pada masa yang lebih muda didukung temuan bata dan catatan sejarah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 324 ◽  
pp. 04002
Aryandini Novita ◽  
Ari Mukti Wardoyo Adi ◽  
Sigit Eko Prasetyo ◽  
Muhamad Alnoza ◽  
Junus Satrio Atmodjo ◽  

Balok River is one of the rivers in the southern part of Belitung Island, which empties into Balok Bay. This bay forms wide and sheltered water in which it is directly connected to the Java Sea. This paper aims to provide an overview of the past maritime relationship pattern along the Balok River and the surrounding waterfront environment. This study examines existing data from archaeological research conducted by South Sumatra Archaeological Research Office and the National Archaeological Research Center from 2011 to 2021. Archaeological remains such as ceramic artifacts from China, Southeast Asia, and Europe showed that these regions had been involved in long-distance international trade networks. Regional contact with outsiders is also proved by findings of pottery shreds such as jug and roof tile fragments that were not produced locally in the Belitung area. Oral history reveals that there was once arouse a kingdom named the Balok Kingdom along this river. This kingdom raised in the sixteenth century. Nevertheless, dwellings from the period before the Balok Kingdom’s existence is unknown. The toponym along the Balok River also indicates topographical features associated with maritime culture, namely Pangkalan. This toponym probably refers to the docks in the past. At this time, places using pangkalan toponyms are still functioned as boat mooring places by Balok Villagers and its surroundings. Balok River is the main route for people to the sea for fishing

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-21
Sh M Khapizov ◽  
M G Shekhmagomedov

The article is devoted to the study of inscriptions on the gravestones of Haji Ibrahim al-Uradi, his father, brothers and other relatives. The information revealed during the translation of these inscriptions allows one to date important events from the history of Highland Dagestan. Also we can reconsider the look at some important events from the past of Hidatl. Epitaphs are interesting in and of themselves, as historical and cultural monuments that needed to be studied and attributed. Research of epigraphy data monuments clarifies periodization medieval epitaphs mountain Dagestan using record templates and features of the Arabic script. We see the study of medieval epigraphy as one of the important tasks of contemporary Caucasian studies facing Dagestani researchers. Given the relatively weak illumination of the picture of events of that period in historical sources, comprehensive work in this direction can fill gaps in our knowledge of the medieval history of Dagestan. In addition, these epigraphs are of great importance for researchers of onomastics, linguistics, the history of culture and religion of Dagestan. The authors managed to clarify the date of death of Ibrahim-Haji al-Uradi, as well as his two sons. These data, the attraction of written sources and legends allowed the reconstruction of the events of the second half of the 18th century. For example, because of the epidemic of plague and the death of most of the population of Hidatl, this society noticeably weakened and could no longer maintain its influence on Akhvakh. The attraction of memorable records allowed us to specify the dates of the Ibrahim-Haji pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, as well as the route through which he traveled to these cities.

Mireia López-Bertran

This chapter explores the funerary rites in the Phoenician-Punic world from a comprehensive point of view, and it focuses on the common points arising from a large amount of data. The concern for burying their deceased and the belief in the soul’s afterlife show that the Phoenicians considered death as a transformation rather than as the end of a person’s life. Through our access to archaeological remains and written sources, we can reconstruct the existence of a meaningful burial program that was destined to provide a “good death” and afterlife. Funerary rituals, thus, are the actions or gestures to achieve this goal. The aim of this chapter is to explain the rites that family members undertook once someone died, in order to transform correctly the deceased person into an otherworldly being, the ancestor. The social implications of the data arising from burials are also briefly considered.

Rowland W Pettit ◽  
Jordan Kaplan ◽  
Matthew M Delancy ◽  
Edward Reece ◽  
Sebastian Winocour ◽  

Abstract Background The Open Payments Program, as designated by the Physician Payments Sunshine Act is the single largest repository of industry payments made to licensed physicians within the United States. Though sizeable in its dataset, the database and user interface are limited in their ability to permit expansive data interpretation and summarization. Objectives We sought to comprehensively compare industry payments made to plastic surgeons with payments made to all surgeons and all physicians to elucidate industry relationships since implementation. Methods The Open Payments Database was queried between 2014 and 2019, and inclusion criteria were applied. These data were evaluated in aggregate and for yearly totals, payment type, and geographic distribution. Results 61,000,728 unique payments totaling $11,815,248,549 were identified over the six-year study period. 9,089 plastic surgeons, 121,151 surgeons, and 796,260 total physicians received these payments. Plastic surgeons annually received significantly less payment than all surgeons (p=0.0005). However, plastic surgeons did not receive significantly more payment than all physicians (p = 0.0840). Cash and cash equivalents proved to be the most common form of payment; Stock and stock options were least commonly transferred. Plastic surgeons in Tennessee received the most in payments between 2014-2019 (mean $ 76,420.75). California had the greatest number of plastic surgeons to receive payments (1,452 surgeons). Conclusions Plastic surgeons received more in industry payments than the average of all physicians but received less than all surgeons. The most common payment was cash transactions. Over the past six years, geographic trends in industry payments have remained stable.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Mark Haughton

Despite growing strength in recent decades, an archaeology of childhood has often been overlooked by those studying prehistory. This is concerning because communities are enlivened by their children, and conversations with and about children often provide a critical arena for the discussion of aspects of societies which prehistorians are comfortable addressing, such as social structure, identity and personhood. Through an exploration of childhood as expressed in the Earlier Bronze Age burials from Ireland, this article demonstrates that neither written sources, artistic depictions nor toys are necessary to speak of children in the past. Indeed, an approach which tacks between scales reveals subtle trends in the treatment of children which speak to wider shared concerns and allows a reflection on the role of children in prehistory.

Genealogy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Stephen B. Hatton

This article probes characteristics of writing relevant to assumptions genealogical practitioners make about written sources they use as evidence. Those infrequently examined assumptions include the assumption that writing represents past reality, that truth univocally denotes correspondence between writing’s discourse and an event or act that occurred in the past, and that writing is transparent in its reference and, therefore, not in need of critical interpretation relating to such things as reflecting political power and cultural and social perspectives. Many genealogical records are produced by bureaucratic organizations that follow practices and processes related to writing that are not aligned with the uncritical use of those records by genealogists. There is a gap between writing and what it signifies. Writing is unstable, and its evolving material technologies make it susceptible to loss and damage. The article also overviews some potential issues with assuming that the originality of records implies greater reliability.

Olena Rosstalna

The article analyzes the peculiarities of the representation of time and space model in the collection of short stories «Wessex Tales» by the English writer T.Hardy. Based on a contextual analysis of T. Hardy’s stories, time and space model was singled out as the dominant meaning for the creation of «Wessex Tales». It is proved that the category of time in «Wessex Tales» is a component of the composition of works (in some stories the principle of framing is used). Its functioning in the collection occurs in the form of a two-component model, the elements of which are past and present. It is determined that the specific presentation of the past is a combination of «collective» and «individual» time. While presenting individual facts in the lives of specific heroes in the form of «individual» time, the author introduces them into the context of events of community life in the form of «collective» time. Each individual character’s story thus becomes a part of panoramic depiction of Wessex world, while maintaining a connection with real historical events. «Quasi-historicity» is defined as one of the characteristic features of time. The interaction of temporal levels has also been investigated at the level of conflicts and problems in the writer’s stories and novels (the problem of responsibility for actions, the problem of moral choice, etc.). The peculiarity of space organization in the collection of stories is determined by multilevel (panoramic – local image; realistic – mythopoeticized sketches of the metaphorical plan; the existence of two subspaces in the mythologized model of the world) and multivariate. The article analyzes the closed and open, terrestrial and cosmic, real and imaginary spaces that are realized in the system of images (city, town, house, road, etc.).

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