scholarly journals Akibat Hukum Terdegradasinya Akta Notaris yang Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Pembuatan Akta Autentik

Acta Comitas ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 395
Agus Toni Purnayasa
Rule Out ◽  

As a Public Officer with the intention to make an authentic deed, the Notary often acts inadvertently and inadvertently, it can certainly lead to legal problems. Authentic deeds made by Notary also do not rule out can be a deed under the hands. Notarial deeds as authentic deeds that have perfect evidentiary power in civil law disputes may, in fact, degenerate from the perfect evidentiary power to such a deed under the hand, and may be legally defamatory resulting in the disregard or invalidity of the Notary's deed. Based on the background of the problem can be formulated as follows, how a deed can be said or categorized as an authentic deed and how authentic deeds can experience the degradation of the power of proof into the deed under the hands. This research is normative law research. The results of the study conclude that the Notary Act can be an authentic deed if it meets the formalities that are already determined based on the rules contained in the provisions of Article 1868 Civil Code and jo UUJN. Based on the provisions of Article 1868 Civil Code must be fulfilled the requirements of authentic deed and authentic deed must be made in accordance with the format specified in accordance with the provisions of Article 38 UUJN and Deed can be degraded into deed under the hand if violating the provisions of Article 1868 Civil Code jo UUJN. Sebagai Pejabat Umum yang berwenag untuk membuat akta autentik, Notaris sering kali bertindak tidak hati-hati dan tidak seksama, sehingga apa yang diisyaratkan oleh undang-undang yaitu tentang syarat pembuatan akta autentik kadang kala tidak diperhatikan oleh pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk membuat Akta Autentik khusunya dalam hal ini adala Notaris, hal tersebut tentunya dapat menimbulkan permasalahan hukum. Akta autentik yang dibuat oleh Notaris juga tidak menutup kemungkinan dapat menjadi akta di bawah tangan. Akta Notaris sebagai akta autentik yang memiliki kekuatan pembuktian yang sempurna dalam sengketa hukum perdata, ternyata dapat mengalami penurunan status (degradasi) dari kekuatan pembuktian yang sempurna menjadi seperti akta dibawah tangan, dan dapat cacat hukum yang menyebabkan kebatalan atau ketidakabsahan akta Notaris tersebut. Berdasarkan latar belakang permasalahan tersebut maka dapat dirumuskan permasalah sebagai berikut, Apa Akibat hukum dari suatu akta autentik yang terdegradasi Bagaimanakah akta autentik tersebut dapat mengalami degradasi kekuatan pembuktian menjadi akta di bawah tangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil studi menyimpulkan bahwa akta Notaris dapat menjadi akta yang autentik apabila memenuhi formalitas-formalitas yang memang sudah ditentukan berdasarkan aturan yang ada dalam  ketentuan Pasal 1868 KUH Perdata dan jo UUJN. Berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 1868 KUH Perdata haruslah dipenuhi syarat akta autentik serta akta otentik haruslah dibuat sesuai dengan format yang sudah ditentukan berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 38 UUJN dan Akta Notaris dapat terdegradasi menjadi akta di bawah tangan apabila melanggar ketentuan Pasal 1868 KUH Perdata  jo UUJN.

Anna Moskal

Does forgiveness nullify the effects of previous disinheritance? The legal nature of forgiveness is the subject of passionate debates among the representatives of civil law doctrine. According to the dominant position in the literature, forgiveness is an act of affection or its manifested expression of forgiveness of the perpetrator of experienced injustice and related to this grudge. This institution has been applied three times in the Civil Code — once with the donation agreement, twice in regulations of inheritance law. Article 1010 § 1 provides that a testator cannot disinherit eligible for legal portion if he forgave him. The wording of the above article indicates that accomplishment of disinheritance in case if testator eligible for legal portion has previously forgiven. The legislator did not, however, determine the effects of forgiveness in relation to previous disinheritance. In the act of 1971, the Supreme Court accepted that such forgiveness would automatically nullify the effects of disinheritance, and could be made in any form. In recent years, lower courts have begun to question the Supreme Court's position, and judges increasingly refer to the critical statements of numerous doctrines. As it was rightly stated, admitting the possibility of invoking the forgiveness made after disinheritance poses a serious threat to the realization of the testator’s will, who, by forgiving, does not necessarily want to revoke the effects of his previous disinheritance. The postulate of de lege ferenda is, according to the author of the article, giving of freedom of judging the effects of forgiveness to the courts and each examination of the forgiving testator’s will on the possible abatement of the consequences of previous disinheritance.]]>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Darmiwati Darmiwati2021

Schools as institutions that provide formal education play a very important role in producing quality generations, both cognitively and effectively. In school life, students do not rule out dealing with legal problems because of the harmful actions they do inside and outside school. detrimental acts are regulated in Article 1365 of the Civil Code which reads that "every act that violates the law and brings harm to others, obliges the person who caused the loss because of his mistake to replace the loss. Such detrimental actions must be accounted for in accordance with applicable legal provisions. Accountability in the Civil Code is not only for one's own mistakes, but also for mistakes made by others with certain provisions. As the provisions in Article 1367 paragraph (1) of the Civil Code which reads that "A person is not only responsible for losses caused by his own actions, but also for losses caused by the actions of people who are his dependents or caused by goods that are under his control. . In general, if there is an unlawful act published by a student at school, either intentionally or unintentionally, the parents are responsible for the act. This is what the research wants to examine by connecting the existing cases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (33) ◽  
pp. 93
Ekaterine Nandoshvili

This paper focuses on analyzing the accessory nature of the penalty, the peculiarities of its payment, and the legislative provisions regulating the penalty. It also presents their shortcomings and criticizes the wrong opinions in the legal literature on the concept and types of the penalty. The penalty is considered as the institutions with only accessory nature. Reduction of the penalty requires the debtor's counterclaim, without which the court is deprived of the possibility of reducing the penalty. The provision of Article 417 of the Civil Code is considered a serious legislative gap by the paper. The novelty is the provisions of the paper and the necessity of introducing norms on legal penalties in the Civil Code is substantiated, without which the case law may become a factor of unjustified violation of the rights of the participants of the private relations. There is also substantiated provision, which refutes the validity of the opinion of the authors who exclude the initiative of the court in the issue of reduction of the penalty. The aim of this paper is to analyze certain aspects of the regulation of penalties, which, together with the theoretical aspects, have practical significance that will provide better understanding of a number of issues as well as the correct qualification of the rights and obligations arising from the payment of penalties. Logical and systematic analysis of norms, as well as comparative-legal methods, are used to achieve the above-mentioned goal. Using these methods, it is possible to determine the progressiveness of Georgian law norms and to identify existing gaps in them. This further provides a better understanding of their content so as to develop suggestions and recommendations to improve the norms and practices. Problems are analyzed on the examples of Georgian and German civil law. In terms of types and concepts of penalties, common characteristics and shortcomings between Georgian and German models were revealed. The efficiency of the Georgian model was also examined in terms of establishing the penalties. The study revealed that the Civil Code of Georgia determines the type of contractual penalty and allows its reduction. Based on this, a wrong conclusion has been made in science and practice about the existence of only one type of penalty in Georgian law. The circumstance that private law legislation does not consist solely of the Civil Code was not taken into account. The paper examines the applicable legislation of Georgia, which sometimes does not even use the term “penalty”, but actually provides for a legal penalty in various provisions. It is inevitably necessary to reflect the norms in detail in order to regulate the payment of legal penalties in the Civil Code of Georgia.

2017 ◽  
pp. 65-89
Rocky Marciano Ambar ◽  
Budi Santoso ◽  
Hanif Nur Widhiyanti

Banks in credit agreements use more standard agreements, standard contracts in 2 (two) things, (1) There is an unbalanced position between banks and debtors, banks that have a more dominant position and debtors. (2) There is an understanding of the principle of freedom of contracting and without limits. The Bank has the freedom to seek the form and content of the agreement. Code of Ethics in agreement. The provisions of the Civil Code provide types of compensation for parties. Based on the background, then for problems the problem is written (1). Does the inclusion of Article 1266 and Article 1267 of the Civil Code on the banking system have collected the principles of balance and justice. (2) What are the legal implications of the exclusion clause. The research method is normative juridical research. The result of this research is the neglect of civil law and the principle of compensation is the principle of balance. The basic principle according to Rawls is that it is unfair or more people. in the sense of "freedom of results", in other words. is the nature of the debtor in a bank credit agreement. For the legal implications of the clause that excludes Article 1266 and Article 1267 of the Civil Code concerning the right of the debtor to the debtor. Legal efforts in finding and resolving problems that cannot be made by a decision due to the imbalance of the parties in the agreement. For people who make changes, no party will be harmed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 7-107

The article is dedicated to the category of subordination agreements. Based on the concept of conflict of rights in personam, the author makes an attempt to integrate this category into the system of private law, to determine the legal nature of subordination, and from these positions to assess the effectiveness of Art. 309.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, implemented in the course of the civil law reform.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-93
Mochamad Moro Asih ◽  
Tunjung Fitra Wijanarko

The position of the Memorandum of Understanding on Indonesian Civil Law, as a written form of understanding between the parties, is not a law based agreement. In consequences, no sanctions applied for those parties whose denying (the agreement(s), but on moral sanction. However, a Memorandum of Understanding that does not have a compelling legal force can have it sanctions for any parties involved. The strength to binding (parties) of the Memorandum of Understanding according to agreement law in Indonesia is found on Indonesian Civil Code, equate a Memorandum of Understanding with an “agreement”. Article 1338 of Indonesian Civil Code states that every agreement made, legally binding as a law for the parties who made such agreement (Pacta Sunt Servanda), but if the legal elements of the agreement in Article 1320 Indonesia Civil Law are not fulfilled, then the Memorandum of Understanding is anulled and void by law, and has no legal force. Keywords: Memorandum of Understanding, agreement, sanction, Code of Civil Law

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-26
Anak Agung Istri Agung ◽  
I Nyoman Sukandia

The inheritance and the division of inheritance that is felt to be unfair is often a source of dispute. The disputes that occur can sometimes be resolved by making a peace agreement between the disputing parties. The peace desired by the parties is, of course, expected to end disputes/conflict and to provide legal certainty among those in dispute. However, sometimes peace agreements that have been made between those in dispute are disputed again in court. This study aims to examine the settlement of Balinese traditional inheritance disputes through a binding peace agreement between the parties make it. The method used in this study is a normative legal research, using a statute approach and a case approach. The result of this study showed that the settlement of Balinese indigenous inheritance disputes through a binding peace agreement of the parties that make it if the peace agreement is made based on the validity of the agreement as stipulated in article 1320 of the Civil Code, based on good faith as the principles in the law of the agreement, and must be made in the form of a notary deed is in accordance with the provisions for conciliation in book III of the Civil Code.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 369-382
Bijan Haji Azizi ◽  
Marzieh Younesi

AbstractContract for practical investment are made in two forms, direct and indirect. Both of the contracts havedifferentiation so does the guaranteed interest condition for them. In the first method, which is the interest of direct investment, the owner of the capital is an investment agentand only interested investors are determined in terms and conditions. In this case from investment, interest is guaranteed by the fact that the investment recipient is committed to buy products produced at price that guarantee logical interest for investors. The accuracy of this guarantee condition is to ensure in term of Islamic law and jurisprudence because commitment to purchase is necessary condition. However in the second form, unlike the first, investor interest is indirectly decided and guaranteed and conditions are increasingly attractive by carrying out industrial and manufacturing activities. This form of interest is also considered legal and valid both in Islamic law and Iran's Civil Law and practically based on the principles of conditions and article 234 of Iran's civil law. So, the main problem of this research the validityof the guaranteed interest conditions in Iranian jurisprudence and law.Keywords: Guaranteed Profit Conditions, Jurisprudence, Iranian Law, MudarabahAbstrakKontrak untuk investasi praktis dibuat dalam dua bentuk, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung. Kedua metode investasi ini memiliki perbedaan, dan kondisi bunga yang dijamin untuk mereka juga akan berbeda. Pada metode pertama, yang merupakan bunga investasi langsung, pemilik modal adalah agen investasi, dan hanya bagi investor yang tertarik ditentukan dalam syarat dan ketentuan. Dalam hal investasi, bunga dijamin dengan fakta bahwa penerima investasi berkomitmen untuk membeli produk yang diproduksi dengan harga yang terjamin. Kondisi jaminan ini dipastikan baik dari segi hukum dan yurisprudensi Islam, karena adanya komitmen untuk membeli adalah syarat mutlak yang diperlukan. Namun dalam bentuk kedua, tidak seperti yang pertama, minat investor secara tidak langsung diputuskan dan dijamin dan kondisinya semakin menarik dengan melakukan kegiatan industri dan manufaktur. Bentuk minat ini juga dianggap sah, baik dalam hukum Islam dan Hukum Perdata Iran, serta sangat praktis berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip kelayakan dan pasal 234 hukum sipil Iran. Jadi, pertanyaan utama dari penelitian ini adalah seberapa validkah kondisi bunga yang dijamin dalam yurisprudensi dan hukum Iran?Kata kunci: Kondisi Keuntungan Terjamin, Yurisprudensi, Hukum Iran, MudarabahАннотацияКонтракты на практические инвестиции заключаются в двух формах - прямых и посредственных. У этих двух инвестиционных методов есть различия, и условия гарантированного процента для них также отличаются. В первом методе, который представляет интерес прямых инвестиций, владелец капитала также является инвестиционным агентом, и только заинтересованные инвесторы определяются по положениям и условиям. В случае инвестиций, интерес гарантируется тем фактом, что получатель инвестиций стремится покупать продукты, произведенные по гарантированным ценам. Условия данной гарантии обеспечиваются с точки зрения исламского права и исламской юриспруденции, поскольку обязательство по покупке является необходимым условием. Но во второй форме, в отличие от первой, заинтересованность инвестора определяется  и гарантируется посредственным образом, а условия становятся все более привлекательными при осуществлении промышленной и производственной деятельности. Эта форма также считается законной и действительной как в исламском праве, так и в гражданском праве Ирана и практически основана на принципах обладания правом и статье 234 гражданского права Ирана. Итак, главный вопрос этого исследования состоит в том, насколько верны условия гарантированного интереса в иранской юриспруденции и Иранском праве.Ключевые слова: условия гарантированной прибыли, юриспруденция, иранское право, мудараба  

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 441
Indah Esti Cahyani ◽  
Aryani Witasari

Nominee agreement is an agreement made between someone who by law can not be the subject of rights to certain lands (property rights), in this case that foreigners (WNA) and Indonesian Citizen (citizen), with the intention that the foreigners can master land de facto property rights, but legal-formal (de jure) land property rights are assigned to his Indonesian citizen. The purpose of this paper isto assess the position of the nominee agreement in Indonesia's legal system and the legal consequences arising in terms of the draft Civil Code and the Law on Agrarian. Agreement is an agreement unnamed nominee made based on the principle of freedom of contract and good faith of the parties. However, it should be noted that the law prohibits foreigners make agreements / related statement stock wealth / property (land) for and on behalf of others, sehingga the legal consequences of the agreement is the nominee of the agreement is not legally enforceable because the agreement was made on a false causa.Keywords: Nominee Agreement; Property Rights; Foreigners.

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