scholarly journals Konstruksi Berita Penggerebekan Asrama Mahasiswa Papua Surabaya Di TvOne

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 392
Dwi Devita ◽  
Muhammad Gafar Yoedtadi

This study discusses the news frame on TvOne regarding the case of a Papua student hostel raid in Surabaya. This research uses news framing analysis method by William A. Gamson and Andre Modigliani media. Where ideally data in the form of statements can prove the selection and highlighting of certain aspects of a reality actually occur in the media. The raid news was taken according to the day of the case, which was 17 August 2019. The framing element of this news was presented in many forms, from the news script, the selection of titles and news supporting information to the statement of the source informants to strengthen the alleged framing of TvOne news. The results of this research, it can be concluded that there is a meaning of media participation in the TvOne news package. Penelitian ini membahas tentang bingkai berita di TvOne mengenai kasus penggerebekan asrama mahasiswa Papua di Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisi framing berita oleh media  William A. Gamson dan Andre Modigliani. Dimana idealnya data dalam bentuk pernyataan-pernyataan dapat membuktikan penyeleksian dan penyorotan aspek-aspek khusus dari suatu realita benar terjadi di media. Berita penggerebekan ini diambil menurut hari terjadinya kasus tersebut yaitu tanggal 17 Agustus 2019. Unsur framing pada berita ini ditampilkan dalam banyak bentuk baik dari naskah berita yang dibacakan, pemilihan judul dan informasi pendukung berita hingga pernyataan narasumber menjadi aspek penguat dugaan framing pada berita TvOne. Hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan terdapat makna keberpihakan media pada paket berita TvOne.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-140
Dwi Mutiara ◽  
Eriyanto Eriyanto

Melalui laporan kasus kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh media massa dapat memengaruhi persepsi publik, memunculkan sikap tertentu, dan dapat memengaruhi keputusan dari pembuat kebijakan, khususnya kasus kekerasan pada OSPEK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana kasus OSPEK dibingkai dalam berita. Analisis framing dilakukan terhadap delapan artikel yang muncul dalam dua portal berita, yaitu dan detiknews selama periode 30 Agustus hingga 6 September 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis framing Robert M. Entman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa portal berita dan detiknews memiliki persamaan dan perbedaan dalam membingkai sebuah kasus. Persamaan pembingkaian berita dapat terlihat dari penggunaan kata yang serupa pada headline berita dan potongan foto mahasiswa baru yang mengalami tindak kekerasan OSPEK. Sedangkan perbedaan terlihat dari pemilihan narasumber, jumlah berita mengenai kasus kekerasan dalam OSPEK yang dikeluarkan oleh masing-masing portal berita, maupun detil kronologi kasus yang disampaikan. Through the coverage of  violence, media can influence public perceptions, bring up certain attitudes, and can influence public policy, including the case of campus orientation. This study aims to explore how OSPEK is framed in news. Framing analysis was carried out on eight articles that appeared in two news portals, and detiknews since 30 August until 6 September 2019. This research was a qualitative study using Robert M. Entman's framing analysis method. The results showed that the and detiknews shared similarities and demostrated differences in framing such a case. The similarity can be seen from the use of similar words in the news headlines and photos of new students who was a victim of violence during OSPEK. Meanwhile, differences can be seen from the selection of sources, the number of news and the chronological details of the cases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-109
Oktavia Margareta ◽  
Sri Narti ◽  
Sapta Sari

The research objective entitled terrorism in the news frame (framing analysis of the news of the legal verdict of inmate terrorism Abu Afif on as the online media edition September 13 2018)was to find out how as the online media framed the news of Abu Afif terrorist prisoners. This study focuses on reporting on the legal verdict of inmete terrorism prisoner Abu Afif. This research is aqualitativ content analysis research. The method used is framing analysis using the zhongdang pan and gerald M. Kosicki models. The flaming method is used to analyze the text of the media because there is a prominence of certain infotmation. Based on the results of the analysis of graming news developed by on the news of Abu Afifs convictions by means of: selection of news titles, selection of news sources, selection in highlighting news tends to play neutral and not to do analysis and sharp reviews. Framing raises legal issuse, and has nothing to do with politics and religion. Therefore, the frame used by is the legal frame.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Ayub Dwi Anggoro ◽  
Eli Purwati ◽  
Yusuf Adam Hilman

Donald Trump’s policy on immigrants has been a controversy. The controversy culminated when the policy was reported by the media, such as and This study aims to compare news framing in both media, especially the application of ideology and political economic of media, as an effort to get objective and neutral reporting. This research uses qualitative approach with framing analysis method of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. The results show that framing by and is in favor of the interests of media owners, namely Rupert Murdoch and the government of Qatar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-72
Tasya Fasa Anjani ◽  
Ika Novita ◽  
Shavira Amellia Damayanti ◽  
Saifuddin Zuhri

Abstrak. Terjadinya pandemi covid-19 telah banyak membawa perubahan secara global, kerugian dari berbagai sektor ikut dirasakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia khususnya dalam bidang tenaga kerja yang saat ini mengalami penurunan omset pada setiap perusahaan. Portal berita media online menjadi alat masyarakat untuk mengetahui informasi mengenai penyebaran wabah covid-19 terutama terkait dengan kinerja pemerintah dalam menangani lonjakan pengangguran yang saat ini sedang terjadi akibat banyaknya tindakan berupa pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeksripsikan framing berita media online terkait dengan efektivitas kinerja pemerintah dalam menanggulangi tingginya kasus PHK di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode analisis framing Robert M. Entman, dengan objek penelitian dari dua portal berita yang membahas kinerja pemerintah dalam menghadapi lonjakan pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) pada dan CNN Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik maupun CNN Indonesia memperlihatkan sisi positif dan negatif dari masalah tersebut, namun yang cukup terlihat yaitu sisi negatif dari pernyataan dan juga kritik yang dimasukkan dalam isi beritanya sedangkan CNN Indonesia dalam mengemas berita mengenai masalah tersebut dari sisi pro dan kontra. Namun yang lebih terlihat yaitu sisi pro.Kata Kunci : Analisis Framing, Berita, Covid-19, Media online, PHK. ABSTRACT. The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought many changes globally, losses from various sectors are also felt by the Indonesian people, especially in the field of labor, which is currently experiencing a decline in turnover at each company. Online media news portals are a tool for the public to find out information about the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak, especially related to the government's performance in dealing with the spike in unemployment that is currently happening due to the many actions in the form of layoffs (layoffs). The purpose of this study was to describe the online media news framing related to the effectiveness of government performance in overcoming the high number of layoffs in Indonesia. The research method used is the Robert M. Entman framing analysis method, with the object of research from two news portals that discuss the government's performance in dealing with a spike in layoffs (PHK) at and CNN Indonesia. The results show that both and CNN Indonesia show the positive and negative sides of the problem, but what is quite visible is the negative side of the statement and also the criticism that is included in the content of the news, while CNN Indonesia in packaging news about the problem from the pro and counter. But what is more visible is the pro side.Keywords: Framing Analysis, News, Covid-19, Online media, layoffs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Noval Setiawan

This study aims to explain how online media framing sees an event being reported. And how is the influence of media ownership on online media behavior to keep a neutral and objective position on their news. The object of research is the coverage of "Pinocchio Jokowi Silhouette" on the cover of the 16-22 September 2019 edition of the Tempo Magazine in online media and The research method used is a qualitative approach using the Zhong Pan and Geral M. Kosichi framing analysis method. The results showed that the framing of the two media were very different in their presentation. framed the news on Siluet Pinocchio Jokowi which seemed less objective and tended to use a single response from the editor of Tempo Magazine and did not pay attention to the balance aspect in the selection of news sources, and showed an attitude of denial of Jokowi's insults. Meanwhile,, in its framing, tends to be more objective because it considers other aspects that are more memorable to produce information that is in accordance with its social reality. There were also responses from several figures as sources who had no connection with Tempo Magazine. Although the next announcement, was considered insulting Jokowi, which ended with reporting to the Press Council. Keywords: Pinocchio Silhouette, Tempo Magazine, Framing Analysis

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-57
Eka Yonavilbia

The main research objective is to understand the tendency of of news framing ideology - idealism or commercialism of two local TV, Jogja TV and Agropolitan TV. This media study was carried out using Etman’s framing analysis. method concerning 16 local news and  one non-local news broadcasted on August 2009. The research results showed that there were the ideological differences of tourism local news framing  broadcasted in the both local TV.Jogja TV more inclined to commercialism as promotion on local tourism managed by private company. Meanwhile Agropolitan TV tended to idealism. Regarding the non–local program of tourism, the Jogja TV’ editors inclined to idealism as part of social responsibility of local TV stations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Renita Novitasari Putri ◽  
Zarmansyah Zarmansyah

Terrorism is an issue that has grown for a long time and is now a concern to the world community. This comes after what is being reported by the media can form a public perception or opinion. The amount of media influence on the public is supported also by technological developments in the media that currently raise the speed of delivery and its actuality through online media. Online media in Indonesia itself has many kinds, such as and which have two different backgrounds. Using the qualitative method of interviewing, framing analysis in agenda setting theory and public opinion as supporting theory, this research shows that both media were covering the Paris attacks in November with different methods and points of view. This research has proof that every media will cover an event according to the ideology and characteristic (mission and vision) respectively depending on the editor of the media, including in the selection of referrals and foreign media as a comparison.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-234
Moch. Fakhruroji ◽  
Ridwan Rustandi ◽  
Busro Busro

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bahasa agama di media sosial yang dikontstruksi oleh akun Islam Populer. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis teks media. Analisis media package dilakukan dengan metode analisis framing model William A. Gamson dan Modigliani. Unit analisis dilakukan terhadap core frame dan condensing symbol pada akun “Islam Populer” baik di kanal Youtube, Fanpage Facebook maupun Instagram. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pengemasan bahasa agama pada akun “Islam Populer” dilakukan dengan merujuk pada sumber normativitas Islam, yakni alqurân dan alhadîts. Konstruksi bahasa agama di media sosial di bangun sebagai sebuah praktik keagamaan yang dikemas melalui serangkaian simbol baik bersifat verbal maupun non verbal. Dalam konteks budaya siber, konstruksi gagasan ini dilakukan dengan membentuk ulang realitas secara subjektif. Realitas subjektif terbangun melalui rekayasa teks dan image. Pada titik inilah, bahasa agama di media sosial menjadi sebuah imagologi keagamaan yang berada pada wilayah ambiguitas, yakni antara wilayah sakral dan profan.   Kata Kunci: Bahasa agama; Media Sosial; Islam Populer; Imagologi agama.   Abstract This study aims to analyze the religious language on social media of "Islam Populer." This study uses a qualitative approach by analysing media texts. The media package analysis is performed using the William A. Gamson and Modigliani framing analysis method. The unit of analysis is carried out on the core frame and condensing symbols on "Islam Populer" social media accounts; Youtube channel, Facebook Fanpage and Instagram as well. The results of this study conclude that the packaging of religious language in "Islam Populer" accounts was carried out by referring to the sources of Islamic normativity, namely alqurân and alhadîts. The construction of religious language on social media was built as a religious practice that is packaged through a series of symbols both verbal and non-verbal. In the context of cyberculture, the construction of this idea is conducted by subjectively reshaping reality. Subjective reality is built through text and image construction. At this point, the language of religion in social media becomes a kind of religious imagology that is in the area of ambiguity, namely between the sacred and the profane.. Keywords: Religious languages, social media, Islam Populer, imagology of religion

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-92
Bunga Surawijaya Ningsih

The 18th JFC (Jember Fashion Carnaval) in 2019 chose Cinta Laura Kiehl as its grand ambassador. The event, which is held in every year never escapes from the media spotlight. One of them happened in 2019. this event made by Dynand Fariz which is caused controversy among public and the mass media. This event invited polemics to the response of MUI Jember,the management of Muhammadiyah Jember, and the chief of FPI East Java since the clothes that is worn by cinta laura. this phenomenon, such as in media and which are East Java media and online media that contain the most news about the 18th JFC controversy in 2019. In this study, researchers used William A. Gamson's framing analysis method and Andre Modiglani, which emphasized to the symbolic form through figurative and rhetoric which indirectly directs the news which forms an image from certain aspects in the public. In addition, it also contains of the views of religious leaders in Jember. The result was that looked shy when it reportes the controversy news. However, in the packaging of the news, words, terms, phrases, sentences, facts, paragraphs, and images used by online media tend to highlight images that indulge in genitals and violate religious values.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Likha Sari Anggreni

Abstract: The representation of women and men in public discourse are often problematic. In everyday discourse, women are still considered as secondary and inferior to men. This presents a problem when taking discourses on women into media realm. The profile of workingwomen is often displayed in media mainly through male viewpoint. This study aims to look at the media coverage of women success in public sector. The framing analysis method is used to analyse the framing issues of workingwomen in Suara Merdeka newspaper. The study found that the representation of workingwomen in Suara Merdeka is still dominated by male perspective. Abstrak: Gambaran perempuan dan laki-laki dalam wacana publik sering kali masih problematik. Dalam wacana sehari-hari, perempuan masih dinomorduakan. Problem ini menjadi lebih kompleks saat masuk ke ranah media. Profil perempuan pekerja sering ditampilkan melalui perspektif laki-laki. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat pemberitaan media mengenai keberhasilan perempuan di sektor publik. Metode analisis framing dipakai untuk memdedah pembingkaian isu-isu wanita pekerja dalam surat kabar Suara Merdeka. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa representasi perempuan pekerja di surat kabar Suara Merdeka masih didominasi oleh sudut pandang laki-laki.

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