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Published By STAIN Kediri

2615-3327, 2579-3721

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Faidatu Rohmah, Mutrofin

This study aims to describe the role of Community Information Groups (KIM) in forming agricultural business networks in order to improve the community's economy through empowering local potentials in Karangsono Village, Kanigoro District, Blitar Regency. The approach used is to use the theory of diffusion of innovation which has 4 elements of the innovation diffusion process, namely innovation, communication channels, time and social system. However, researchers are more focused on the process of diffusion of innovations in forming a network using communication channels. This study will explain the innovations of KIM members which will be disseminated to the public using qualitative descriptive methods. This research data collection through interviews and field observations. The results of this study are the diffusion of innovation in forming business networks through communication channels that have been created by KIM members. So that the innovation process that has been disseminated can be accepted by the community and can change the community to be more prosperous.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Fatichatul Mukarromah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari dampak penggunaan media sosial YouTube bagi kalangan remaja. Komunikasi menjadi kebutuhan yang sangat penting dan dibutuhkan dalam kegiatan interaksi sosial di kalangan remaja Indonesia. Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih tidak menghambat hubungan sosial untuk berinteraksi di segala bidang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, data dalam penelitian ini yaitu melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi dengan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remaja merasa ketagihan dan memiliki kecenderungan gemar mengakses sosial media daripada dunia nyata. Konten YouTube channel “Satu Persen - Indonesian Life School” pada episode “kunci komunikasi efektif: menjadi asertif (menyatakan perasaan dengan jujur)”, telah memberikan perubahan bagi remaja. Pemanfaatan Konten tersebut terbukti dalam memberikan pemahaman baru terhadap para penontonnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Haerozi Haerozi

Ideas that have an impact on social change must be communicated to the community. As objects, they not only know about the changes that have occurred, but they must also support and be involved so that they become part of the changes. People have always assumed that innovation always ends with the adoption of an innovation that is conveyed to them. So according to this assumption, it is as if the diffusion of innovation only focuses on spreading innovation programs or ideas to the community and only sees innovation as new ideas, ideas, methods, or products in the perspective of development communication.This study aims to find out how the innovation and development of used goods business occurred in Pengadang Village and to find out how the role of communication in the diffusion of secondhand goods business innovation occurred in Pengadang Village. This study also seeks to find out the communication of secondhand innovation in order to develop community empowerment programs. And also its influence on the community's strategy for the development of the used goods business. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data was collected by means of observation and interview techniques, also supported by literature study. The results show that through the process of diffusion of innovation, this business has now become popular and is widely practiced by the people in Pengadang Village and with communication, the secondhand goods business in Pengadang Village is now a large growing business and is widely cultivated by the local community. The implementation of the communication strategy in the innovation of used goods processing is going well. Such as outreach activities, making pamphlets, brochures, exhibitions, and using the media to encourage the process of rapid diffusion of innovation in Pengadang Village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Anita Ulyati Azizah ◽  
Arif Hidayat

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi makna Kidung Rumeksa Ing Wengi yang berperan dalam penyebaran Islam di Tanah Jawa. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara tekstual dengan analisis secara struktural, yakni analisis intrinsik teks dan ekstrinsik teks. Dalam penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Kidung Rumeksa Ing Wengi yang diciptakan oleh Sunan Kalijaga bertujuan sebagai sarana dakwah agama Islam dengan memadukan antara ajaran-ajaran Islam dan tradisi masyarakat Jawa pada saat itu supaya masyarakat Jawa mudah menerima, dan memahami ajaran Islam. Hingga zaman sekarang kidung ini masih sering disenandungkan oleh masyarakat Jawa yang menjadi salah satu warisan yang harus dijaga. Penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa terdapat unsur instrinsik dan ekstrinsik di dalam teks Kidung Rumeksa Ing Wengi, unsur instrinsik yang di kandungnya terdapat bahasa yang digunakan oleh Sunan Kalijaga untuk berdakwah sangat unik, mistis, gaya bahasa penuh dengan majas, yang mampu mempengaruhi alam pikir dan imajinasi para pembaca. Sedangkan unsur ekstrinsiknya terdapat nilai teologi seperti bagaimana memaknai Tuhan, manusia, dan hubungan antara Tuhan dengan manusia, selain itu terdapat konsep dan nilai yang dapat di ambil seperti etika ketika berdo’a, etika berwasilah, dan konsep riyadhoh atau pengendalian diri.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Nur Aisyah, Sukma Ari Ragil Putri

This study discusses an effective communication process so that interaction and feedback are obtained from the communicant. This study aims to identify the relationship or influence of the quality of static visual information on the @berita_lamongan_ account on followers' reading interest. This research method is quantitative with explanatory survey methods and questionnaire research instruments as an alternative to data collection, so that data from respondents is collected and then analyzed. The object of the research is the Instagram account @berita_lamongan_. The research location is in Lamongan district with a population taken from followers of the @berita_lamongan_ account totaling 57.4 thousand followers. The sampling technique based on the Slovin formula obtained a sample of 100 respondents. To determine the relationship between these two variables, the researcher used the Chi-Square Test. While the questionnaire to process the test data used SPSS for Windows version 20. The grand theory used as the basis for the analysis was the Stimulus Organism Response from McQuail. a significant value of 0.000 from the Chi Square Test. So that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Mevy Eka Nurhalizah, Jamaluddin Syakirin

This paper aims to describe the da’wa strategy of the Nurcu movement in the dynamics of ideologies in Turkey during Erdogan's reign, as well as its correlation with Al-Madkhal Ila Ilmi Dakwah's book by Al Bayanuni.The existence of the three ideologies that developed in Turkey, namely Islamism, western ideology, and nationalism, is still developing today. Various reforms and branches of each movement have colored the socio-political life in Turkey. One example of being part of a reformer is the Nurcu Movement, which is part of the Islamism group. This movement was led by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi with his monumental work entitled Risale-i Nur (Faiz, 2017). Said Nursi was one of the figures who initiated resistance to government policies during the Ataturk era. The resistance carried out by Nursi did not use weapons, but with a different da'wah strategy This paper is a literature study, with a historical analysis approach to the Nurcu Movement in Turkey through the work of other relevant researchers. The study results show that the da’wa strategy used by the Nurcu movement is persuasive, logic, and dialogue. In addition, the Nurcu movement also used three da’wa strategies according to Al-Bayanunni namely al-athifi, al-aqly, and al-hissi. This movement spread its da'wa by entering into five fields, namely social, journalist, media, education and economics. The preaching strategy of the Nurcu movement can be said to be successful because it is able to survive and continue to exist today

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Salma Zuhaira, Sukma Ari Ragil Putri

Feminism is a social movement that demands justice and equal rights of women with men. Gender equality is still a matter of debate. One of them is in South Korea. Women who support feminism are considered to hate, do not need, and will feel their position is higher than men. This demand for equality covers the fields of economy, politics, social, lifestyle, culture and so on. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing how the representation of women displayed by Korean Girlband Itzy in their video clip entitled Dalla Dalla. Dalla-Dalla's video clip with the theme of women's freedom depicts the life movements of women who want freedom from the criticisms of others who consider them weak and discriminate. This video clip also shows them different from the others. Although in this video clip it is not clearly stated the relevance of feminism in it. Therefore, in order to get a detailed description of the issue of feminism and women in the video clip, the researcher uses John Fiske's semiotic theory with the main theory, namely The Codes of Television, to see that behind the video clips there are connotative and denotative representations. According to John Fiske's Semiotics, there are 3 levels, namely the level of reality, representation and ideology. So it is hoped that the representation of women in this video clip is clearly described. The results of the study show the meaning of signs at the level of reality, and representations indicate freedom, self-confidence, and personal existence. At the ideological level, it shows the existence of postmodern feminism. So at the level of signs and symbols related to the representation of post-modern feminism, namely creating new discourses or messages that are meaningful and provide positive energy to other women, so that they dare to fight oppression and discrimination. The song lyrics and narrative code in the video clip show several scenes that lead to on postmodern feminist symbols

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Akhmad Fitra Fatkhur Rokhmansyah

Interpersonal communication is needed by interfaith couples as an effort to maintain relationships so that this couple's marriage lasts. There are several elements of communication that can be used to maintain relationships, besides there are also ways and types of maintaining relationships. This article aims to determine and explain the influence of interpersonal communication in the households of interfaith couples in Kalibago Hamlet, Kalipang Village, Grogol District, Kediri Regency. By using a case study approach. In-depth interview method for extracting data with interview guidelines aimed at informants of interfaith family couples. The resource persons were determined using a purpose sampling technique with a qualitative phenomenological approach. The results of the study indicate that there are couples who are able to live a lasting life by using ways to uphold the value of honesty, openness and providing support to each partner who has different religions and beliefs, and children are considered as a couple's goal to maintain their harmonious relationship. Meanwhile, the type of interpersonal communication that is often developed is face-to-face communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Nazhifah, M. Fadhil Andika Putra

This study aims to determine the effect of the short video Tik Tok application on the existence of senior high school students. The theory used in this research is the CMC (Computer Mediated Communication) theory which is applied by the media to users which causes mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, and conflict. The research approach used a quantitative approach using the Rho Spearman correlation analysis. The data collection technique used a questionnaire.The results showed that there was a significant correlation between the use of the Tik Tok application and the existence of high school equivalent students in Pekan Baru Riau. There were 36 respondents in this study using purposive sampling technique. The coefficient value shows a correlation of 0.637 with a significance level of p = 0.000 (p <0.05), meaning that the higher the use of the Tik Tok application, the higher the existence of junior high school students. On the other hand, the lower the use of the Tik Tok application, the lower the existence of high school students. The Tik Tok application shows that it can channel the talents of its users to share hobbies, talents and expertise with everyone. The advantage of Tik Tok that other applications do not have is the completeness of various video features for its users. Although there are social media such as YouTube that offers video features in the form of video sharing channels, YouTube only provides channels for certain users who meet the requirements, not for everyone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Zidni ‘Ilman Nafi’a, Abdul Muhid

This study aims to describe the phenomenon of the influence of organizational communication as a basis for organizing and interpersonal communication on the activeness of the Ansor youth committee in Trenggalek Branch. The Ansor youth movement is a socio-religious organization, which has an organizational structure from the center to the regions, the central means at the center of government located in Jakarta and the regions down to the village level which have a considerable share of the changes in the Trenggalek Muslim community. The growing number of organizational members requires a series of coordination and consolidation between members so that this organization works according to its vision and mission. This study uses a quantitative research approach. There are 37 administrators consisting of daily administrators, institutions and departments as samples in the study. The questionnaire is used as a data collection tool. Data analysis using multiple linear analysis. Where, Y = 5,167 + 0,315.X 1 + 0,412.X2. The results of data analysis and hypothesis testing show that there is an influence of organizational communication on the increase in member performance, with an influence of 0.678 where the variable relationship between organizational communication and interpersonal communication has an effect on the performance of the management by 67.8%. Organizational communication has an effect on improving the performance of GP members. Ansor. The results also show that there is an influence of organizational communication and interpersonal communication influencing the activeness of the board and members of the Trenggalek branch of the Ansor youth movement organization. GP organization capabilities. Ansor involves members on organizational issues and translates them into certain forms of action under clear leadership to make the performance of the members more focused and orderly so that members are able to create and handle relationships between others if problems occur. Even the increased organizational spirit enables members to make decisions even in ambiguous and uncertain situations. Openness in building communication is one of the keys to building mutual trust and understanding among Ansor members.

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