scholarly journals The Application of Problem-Based Learning in Mathematics Education on Several South East Asia High Schools

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Tri Dyah Prastiti ◽  
Dafik Dafik ◽  
Aldyon Restu Azkarahman

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a learning method based on the process between learning material to real life problems. The method has been widely applied and shown positive results on different subjects and education levels. In this paper, we discuss the application of PBL in mathematics education on several high schools in South East Asia countries, which include Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam, considering that all of the countries had close cultural and geographical aspects. Researches on the application of PBL showed overall positive results to the high school mathematics education in all of the observed countries, with similar and distinctive objective and outcomes were found. In Indonesia, the application of PBL in mathematics education improve student’s learning activities aside from its positive contribution to the learning outcomes, while in Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, PBL contributes to the improvement of students’ higher-order thinking skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 345
Muhammad Zulfadhilah ◽  
Nur Hidayah

ABSTRAKPengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan pada beberapa sekolah menengah atas di daerah Banjarmasin ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan  pemanfaatan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran.Pengabdian ini berfokus pada pemanfaatan teknologi berbasis perangkat lunak Android pada ponsel siswa sekolah menengah atas di daerah Banjarmasin untuk digunakan sebagai media belajar. Sehingga pelajar tidak merasa jenuh saat melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran. Berdasarkan observasi dan pembagian angket pada 34 siswa di 5 sekolah menengah atas daerah Banjarmasin didapatkan bahwa lebih dari 80% siswa-siswa di sekolah menengah atas masih menggunakan media konvensional dalam memahami sebuah materi pelajaran. Selain itu penggunaan teknologi dalam memahami materi pembelajaran didapatkan siswa dari internet dan hanya sedikit yang mengetahui bahwa sudah ada aplikasi-aplikasi berbasis android yang bisa digunakan sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran. Hal ini menjadi salah satu faktor pendorong rendahnya minat anak untuk belajar sehingga ada anggapan jika mata pelajaran tertentu sangat sulit dipahami, terutama mata pelajaran berbasis sains. Salah satu solusi yang coba ditawarkan adalah penggunaan aplikasi berbasis android sebagai media pembelajar. Hal ini ditunjang dengan gaya keseharian pelajar zaman sekarang yang tidak terlepas dari penggunaan gawai. Sosialisasi penggunaan aplikasi kepada siswa sekolah menengah atas menunjukkan hasil yang positif, dimana siswa merasa terbantu untuk memahami materi pembalajaran. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari respon pengisisan kuosiener setelah pengenalan aplikasi, dimana lebih dari 95% responden merasa lebih mudah memahami materi dengan adanya aplikasi android. Kata kunci:pendidikan; perangkat lunak; teknologi. ABSTRACTThis community service which was carried out at several senior high schools in the Banjarmasin area aims to introduce the use of technology as a learning medium. This service focuses on the use of Android software-based technology on the mobile phones of high school students in the Banjarmasin area to be used as learning media. So that students do not feel bored when doing learning activities. Based on observations and questionnaires distribution to 34 students in 5 high schools in the Banjarmasin area, it was found that more than 80% of students in high schools still used conventional media in understanding a subject matter. In addition, the use of technology in understanding learning material is obtained by students from the internet and only a few know that there are Android-based applications that can be used as a learning medium. This is one of the factors driving children's low interest in learning so that there is an assumption that certain subjects are very difficult to understand, especially science-based subjects. One solution that is being offered is the use of Android-based applications as a learning medium. This is supported by the daily style of students today which cannot be separated from the use of gadgets. The socialization of the use of the application to high school students shows positive results, where students find it helpful to understand the learning material. This can be seen from the response to filling in the questionnaire after the introduction of the application, where more than 95% of respondents find it easier to understand the material with the android application. Keywords: education; software; technology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Ummi Inayati

Education in Indonesia is currently undergoing a significant improvement. Particularly in welcoming the revolution era of the 4.0, which is required learning model with high level-thingking  or commonly known as HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills). In addition to thinking critically and creatively, problem solving is also included as thinking characters in high-level skills. Solving problems in the learning process trains learners to resolve problems in real life. In fact, not all teachers can simply apply it. Therefore, HOTS learning using the problem based learning model requires strategy for more effective and efficient study.  The research methods used in this study are qualitative descriptive, data collection techniques used by conducting observations, interviews in-depth and document research. The key informant in the study was a class III teacher at SDN Lengkong Bojonegoro, while the informant was a class III student. The data obtained is analyzed using interactive models (data collection, data presentation , reduction, drawing conclusions). The results of this study show that the teacher's strategy in implementing HOTS learning is a good problem based learning model. Visible from the indicators used through deep interview to the key informant and the informant. The obstacles experienced are differences in understanding, characteristics, learning style of students when learning, teachers are required to always be creative and innovative packing learning and the limitations of school facilities and infrastructure.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 104 (4) ◽  
pp. 48-53
Richard Laprise

Can you think of a research-supported strategy that simultaneously encourages critical and creative thinking; develops knowledge, skills, and affect; promotes meaningful connection with music; and creates lifelong learners? Problem-based learning (PBL) effectively meets and exceeds these criteria by providing an engaging opportunity for students to use higher-order thinking skills and create meaningful connections with the music they are studying through the context of real-life problem scenarios. An authentic problem with multiple solutions allows students to collaborate and develop into independent learners while actively engaging in the music they are studying. This strategy, used effectively for more than fifty years in other education fields, has rarely been used in music education, but PBL’s potential to positively influence student learning is well worth exploring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 326
Ni Komang Arie Suwastini ◽  
Ni Wayan Nilam Puspawati ◽  
Ni Luh Putu Sri Adnyani ◽  
Gede Rasben Dantes ◽  
Zulidyana Dwi Rusnalasari

Rapid changes in the 21st century require students to have not only theoretical knowledge but also high order thinking skills and communicative skills. Arguing that problem-based learning can be a good alternative for improving 21st-century skills, the present study will elaborate on the characteristics, syntax, strengths, and challenges faced in implementing problem-based learning in the classroom. Library research was employed to choose the references for supporting the arguments. Relevant articles were chosen from reputable international journals through Google Scholar, limiting the publication's date from 2015 � 2020, with keywords related to problem-based learning and developing 21st -Century skills. The results reveal that the problems proposed in problem-based learning must be real-life-based and require problem-solving skills. The syntax of the implementation can be adjusted based on the needs of teachers and students. Although problem-based learning might be intricate, suitable strategies can be employed to obtain maximum benefits from this approach. In short, problem-based learning is an appropriate teaching approach to be implemented to meet the needs of the 21st century.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Mochamad Yusuf

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Jenis penelitian ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai penelitian pengembangan. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan menggunakan model 4-D yang terdiri dari pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran. Hasil pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran telah valid, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran terlaksana dengan baik, aktivitas peserta didik terlaksana dengan baik, keterampilan berpikir kritis secara konsisten meningkatan secara signifikan di tiga kelas, dan data respon peserta didik menunjukkan mayoritas peserta didik senang terhadap pembelajaran berbasis Problem Based Learning.Abstract:  The purpose of this research is to develop a learning package that can improve the critical thinking skills students. Therefore, in general, it can be categorized into a research and development. The learning package was developed by using 4-D model; defining, designing, developing, disseminating. The result showed that learning material was valid, enforceability get good, student activites by using process get good too, the improvement of students’ critical thinking is consistent on 3 classes, the data of students’ responses showed that most of students are happy to the problem based learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Junaidin Junaidin

Abstrak:Social Studies Educationsangat penting dalam segala aspek kehidupan, karena itu perlu dipelajari agar semua insan Indonesia. Pendidikan  Social Studies Educationyang bertanggungjawab atas pengembangan keterampilan berpikir peserta didik perlu ditingkatkan kualitasnya, melalui pengembangan berpikir tingkat tinggi peserta didik.  Problem-based learning  (PBL) merupakan pembelajaran yang inovatif, kreatifdan produktif, karena dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa untuk memecahkan masalah dalam kehidupan yang makin kompleks di abad ke-21 ini. Tahap-tahap  dalam PBL membimbing siswa untuk melakukan  self-directed learning,sehingga dapat membentuk kemandirian. Dalam pemecahan masalah melalui PBL juga dituntut pengembangan kemampuan lintas bidang studidan kolaborasi dalam membangun pengetahuan. Di samping itu siswa juga dilatih untuk memilah dan memilih informasi yang sesuai, melakukan prediksi dan evaluasi terhadap jawaban permasalahan, yang membentuk kreativitasnya. Dengan PBL waktu belajar juga dapat digunakan secara lebih efektif, yang melalui penggunaan ICT sebagai sumber informasi, maupun ajang komunikasi lintas batas dan lintas waktu. PBL yang  mengakomodasi penggunaan ICT dapat menjawab masalah kekurangan waktu belajar, keterbatasan luasdan jumlah kelas di sekolah, maupun kurangnya jumlah guru khususnya di daerah terpencil. Implementasi pembelajaran yang berbasis ICT dapat memberikan kontribusi positif dalam inovasi pembelajaran.Abstract: Social Studies Educations are very important in all aspects of life, because it needs to be learned for all Indonesians. Education Social Studies Education responsible for the development of students' thinking skills needs to be improved in quality, through the development of high-level thinking of learners. Problem-based learning (PBL) is an innovative, creative and productive learning, because it can improve students' ability to solve problems in an increasingly complex life in the 21st century. Stages in PBL guide students to self-directed learning, so as to establish independence. In solving problems through PBL is also required the development of cross-disciplinary skills and collaboration in building knowledge. In addition, students are also trained to sort and select appropriate information, to make predictions and evaluate the answers to problems, which shape their creativity. With PBL the learning time can also be used more effectively, through the use of ICT as a source of information, as well as cross-border and cross-time communication arena. PBLs that accommodate the use of ICT can address the problem of shortage of study time, wide limitations and number of classes in schools, as well as the lack of teachers in remote areas. Implementation of ICT-based learning can provide a positive contribution in learning innovation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-178
E. Suryawati ◽  
F. Suzanti ◽  
Z. Zulfarina ◽  
A. R. Putriana ◽  
L. Febrianti

The science learning material about Environmental Pollution and Global Warming in Junior High School is very much related to the latest environmental issues. This study aims to examine the relationship between Environmental literacy with thinking skills, actions, and sensitivity to environmental issues through the implementation of Local Environmental Problem Based Learning for Student Worksheets. The survey method was used in this study, followed up by a quasi-experimental design pretest-posttest. Samples of this study were 372 students in three junior high schools located in areas affected by forest fires. Research instruments were in the form of tests, to measure ecological knowledge, and questionnaires that were adapted from the Middle School Environmental Literacy Survey (MSELS), to measure cognitive skills, actions, and sensitivity to the environment. Before being used, questionnaires and tests adapted from MSELS were tested on 35 respondents with a reliability test α = 0.68 and a questionnaire α = 0.88. Correlations between two variables were analyzed using Path-Analysis with AMOS 23 software. The results of the study showed that there was a direct correlation between ecological knowledge and increased thinking skills. Knowledge is indirectly correlated with action (β = 0.01, t = 1.07, p> 0.05) and sensitivity (β = 0.00, t = -0.38, p> 0.05). Knowledge (β = 0.12, t = 10.43, p <0.001) correlates directly to thinking skills and acts as a mediator between knowledge, action, and sensitivity to the environment. The result of the effectiveness test of Local Environment-Problem Based Learning (LE-PBL) student worksheets using the pretest-posttest design showed that LE-PBL is effective in increasing the environmental literacy of students, with N-gain value of 0.2 in the control class and N-gain of 0.4 in the experimental class. The implementation of learning resources in the form of LE-PBL student worksheets strengthens students’ environmental literacy in identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and planning actions and sensitivity to local and global environmental issues.

Nurdiansyah Nurdiansyah

Abstract: The reality of social studies learning empirically only focuses on theoretical and learning material only so that it becomes uninteresting and boring learning. Social studies learning is also less noticed because of memorization so it does not seem to develop students' critical thinking skills. Learning that tends to be teacher-oriented makes students have a high level of dependence on the teacher and makes the teacher a source of information in learning. In order for social learning to be effective and efficient, this must be done by teachers who have competencies and qualifications that are appropriate to their fields. Teachers must also have the ability to choose and use relevant and appropriate learning strategies so that they can improve their learning outcomes. But sometimes many teachers have not maximally used the appropriate learning strategies in their learning, so the low social studies learning outcomes of students. This study aims to determine social studies learning outcomes through problem-based learning, interpersonal intelligence, and initial abilities. This research was conducted at Subang 1 Junior High School 1 using a quantitative approach and carried out from January to March 2016. Data was collected using questionnaires and learning outcomes tests which were then processed and analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results of the study show in general that the use of problem-based learning strategies can improve social studies learning outcomes. This study provides a number of suggestions including the need to use appropriate learning strategies to improve social studies learning outcomes. Keywords: social studies learning outcome, problem based learning, interpersonal intelligence, and initial abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Konstansia Hermiati ◽  
Siti Suprihatiningsih ◽  
Pradipta Annurwanda

Solving a problem in geometric transformation that is prioritized is the ability to think visually, this is because visualization is the heart of mathematics to solve a problem, besides that visualization can also make it easier to understand abstract mathematics, and can be used as a strategy for solving mathematical problems to be very simple. This study aims to describe the visual thinking ability of mathematics education students on the material of geometric transformation. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects in this study were 5 students. Written tests related to geometric transformation questions, such as questions, reflections, translations, and dilations were used as data sources in this research. By describing each instrument that has been done by students in accordance with the indicators of visual thinking ability, data analysis techniques are used. The results of this study indicate that students' thinking skills only reach the stage of sorting, searching, and finding. It means only to the acquisition and reasoning. This can be seen from the responses of several students, namely students (1) four stages and three principles of visual thinking ability are achieved. Students can sort out the questions given and look for information to get answers, and can describe and visualize the answers that have been obtained. Student response (2) only did not reach the step of describing and the principle of individuation. This means that students cannot explain and describe answers in the form of pictures or graphs correctly. Student responses (3) only reached the stage of sorting and obtaining or in other words only understanding what was asked. Students in response (4) only did not reach the step of describing and the principle of visualizing/illustrating. So that it can be used as a reference related to visual research, especially on geometry material.

Dyani Primaningsih

One of the thinking skills can be developed through mathematics education is critical thinking. Teacher may  take one of the steps to stimulate critical thinking skills by means of CCT (Cards of Critical Thinking) learning media. CCT is a learning media in the form of question cards; containing critical thinking questions like "is there something wrong, why it is wrong, and what should be done to correct the mistakes". The questions in this CCT met the criteria and indicators of critical thinking, namely FRISCO (Focus, Reason, Inference, Situation, Clarity, and Overview). The CCT is applied through the PBL (Problem Based Learning) approach.  The main purpose of this literacy study is to describe teaching and learning steps through the application of CCT (Cards of Critical Thinking) to improve students' critical thinking skills.

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