scholarly journals Law Enforcement towards Money Laundering Prepertrators Reviewed From the Presumption of Innocence

Corruptio ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Rezza Ardiansyah ◽  
Eddy Rifa’i ◽  
Nikmah Rosidah

Law enforcement against perpetrators of money laundering crimes has recently become a separate polemic for many law enforcers who have problems, especially about the confiscation of assets suspected of being the result of money laundering, not guided by the presumption of innocence. This writing problem is how law enforcement is against money laundering perpetrators based on the presumption of innocence and how law enforcers should confiscate assets resulting from money laundering based on the presumption of innocence. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Yuridis Normatif dan Empiris. Normative research is carried out on theoretical matters in legal principles, while the empirical approach is carried out to study the law that occurs in the field. The results showed that law enforcement against money laundering perpetrators who have money laundering proceeds based on the presumption of innocence is carried out by law enforcement through confiscation. The confiscation process does not violate the principle of presumption of innocence because this is a security measure so that the suspected items do not move and transfer to a third party until the trial process is completed and has permanent legal force. Law enforcers should take action in confiscating the assets of money laundering proceeds based on the presumption of innocence must be proportional and prioritize the principles of prudence and prudence as long as it does not violate human rights and is carried out objectively by looking at whether the assets have anything to do with money laundering.

Media Iuris ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 350
Rendy Ardy Septia Yuristara

Advocates are the most vulnerable professions to be Gatekeepers in money laundering. Indeed, the advocate profession is part of the law enforcement apparatus that can contribute better in preventing money laundering activities to develop. Affirmation about the role of advocate that can suppress the occurrence of money laundering crime, that is with the issuance of PP. 43 of 2015, which places advocates as one of the reporting parties in the agenda of eradicating money laundering crime. However, the substance of the rule draws criticism from some misguided advocates in interpreting the intent and purpose of the arrangement. Moreover there are some advocates who consider that the rule is against the rules that regulate immunity rights in the profession advocate. The misinterpretation of some advocates related to the immunity rights inherent in the profession, causing the work of the advocate profession to be considered irrelevant, and not worthy of being called the nobleprofession (OfficiumNobile), But as a bad profession in integrity and promoting commercialization. In fact, the basic purpose of the arrangement of PP. 43 of 2015, which places the advocate profession as one of the reporting parties on the eradication agenda of money laundering, is a form of respect for the profession of advocate who is a noble profession, by prioritizing his professional responsibilities to the state, society and God, as well as his obligations as part of The legal profession to uphold the law and uphold the value of human rights while on duty.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-114
Martono Martono

This research was conducted to find out the form of the implementation of the rights of suspects at the level of investigation at the Wajo Regional Police Station, as well as what factors influence the implementation of the rights of the suspect at the investigation level of investigations at the Wajo Regional Police Station. This type of research was conducted in the Wajo district police jurisdiction, and data were obtained from in-depth observations, through interviews and then analyzing existing data. The results of the study were analyzed quantitatively by describing data and also using quantitative analysis with descriptive. Protection of Human Rights in the Judicial Act concerning the principles of quick and low-cost justice, the principle of non-discrimination, the principle of presumption of innocence, and guarantees of Human Rights for all Indonesian citizens under the 1945 Constitution. The results obtained by this article are: shows that the implementation of the rights of the suspect at the investigation level investigation at the Wajo Resort Police, in particular the right to obtain legal assistance, the right to be examined immediately, the right to provide information freely, and the right to be informed of his arrest and detention based on the principle of presumption of innocence, based on the results of the study, have been carried out although not optimal due to several factors, namely (1) the quality of investigative Human Resources is still low, the number of personnel is still lacking and is not balanced with the number of cases, investigators who are not professional and (2) the mental attitude of the investigator which is not good, and the level of awareness the law of society which is paternalism so that it causes resignation to law enforcement officers while supporting factors in the form of the increased budget allocated for the settlement of cases. Abstrak:Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan bertujuan untuk mengetahui wujud implementasi hak-hak tersangka pada tingkat penyidikan di Polres Wajo, serta  faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi implementasi hak-hak tersangka pada pemeriksaan tingkat penyidikan di Polres Wajo. Tipe penelitian  ini dilakukan di wilayah hukum Polres Wajo, dan data diperoleh dari pengamatan yang mendalam, melalui wawancara  kemudian menganalisis data yang ada. Hasil penelitian dianalisi secara kuantitatif dengan mendeskripsikan data dan juga menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dengan deskriptif. Perlindungan Hak Azasi Manusia dalam Undang-Undang kehakiman mengenai azas peradilan cepat dan biaya ringan, azas non diskriminasi, azas praduga tidak bersalah, dan jaminan Hak Azasi Manusia bagi seluruh warga Negara Indonesia berdasarkan Undang- undang Dasar 1945. Hasil yang diperoleh oleh artikel ini adalah: menunjukkan bahwa wujud implementasi hak-hak tersangka pada pemeriksaan tingkat penyidikan di Kepolisian Resort Wajo, khususnya hak memperoleh bantuan hukum, hak untuk segera diperiksa, hak untuk memberikan keterangan secara bebas, dan hak untuk diberitahukan penagkapan dan penahanannya berdasarkan azas praduga tak bersalah, berdasarkan hasil penelitian,  sudah dilaksanakan meskipun belum optimal yang disebabkan karena beberapa faktor, yaitu (1) kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia  penyidik yang masih rendah, jumlah personil yang masih kurang dan tidak seimbang dengan banyaknya perkara, penyidik yang tidak profesional dan (2) sikap mental penyidik yang kurang baik, serta tingkat kesadaran hukum masyarakat yang paternalisme, sehingga menyebabkan sikap pasrah kepada aparat penegak hukum, sedangkan faktor pendukung berupa meningkatnya anggaran yang dialokasikan untuk penyelesaian perkara.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Efendi Lod Simanjuntak

<p class="WalrevAbstrak"><span lang="NL">Law enforcement to transnational fugitives especially those perpetrators of money laundering with international dimension in Indonesia, in particular related to incoming extradition is needed to reconstruct. This is because hitherto, the decision to extradite is the decision of the executive branch as stipulated in Act No.1 of 1979 on Extradition. Hence, the consideration for the government to extradite is more on political concern rather than judicial. This practice is deemed neglecting the protection of human rights and creating legal uncertainty, especially in relation to detention period that could exceed beyond admissible time as stipulated in KUHAP because of the grace period on the issuance of the Presidential Decision. This research is doctrinal and field study. Based on findings in the field, incoming extradition request must be based on the court’s decision, or judicial order in the future to ensure protection of human rights and legal certainty of the person who is subject of the extradition and to the requested country.</span></p><p class="WalrevAbstrak"> </p><p class="IABSSS">Penegakan hukum terhadap buronan transnasional, terutama para pelaku pencucian uang di Indonesia, perlu sebuah rekontruksi khususnya terkait dengan ekstradisi. Ini karena sampai sekarang, keputusan untuk mengekstradisi adalah keputusan cabang eksekutif sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang No.1 tahun 1979 tentang Ekstradisi. Oleh karena itu, pertimbangan bagi pemerintah untuk mengekstradisi lebih pada masalah politik daripada peradilan. Praktik ini dianggap mengabaikan perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan menciptakan ketidakpastian hukum, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan masa penahanan yang dapat melebihi melampaui waktu yang dapat diterima sebagaimana diatur dalam KUHAP karena masa tenggang pada penerbitan Keputusan Presiden. Penelitian ini bersifat doktrinal dan studi lapangan. Berdasarkan temuan di lapangan, permintaan ekstradisi yang masuk harus didasarkan pada keputusan pengadilan, atau perintah pengadilan di masa depan untuk memastikan perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan kepastian hukum dari orang yang menjadi sasaran ekstradisi dan ke negara yang diminta.</p>

A.A Mirah Endraswari

The way to prevention of corruption is to use the reversal burden of proof system to the official public wealth that is not fair ( illicit enrichment ), but in the implementation there is an indication against violation of human rights. This research will be discuss how rule about the reversal burden of proof in the penal law system of Indonesia ? and how to application the reversal burden of proof in deprivation the illicit enrichment which is related with the human rights ?. Method used in this research is normative law research. Data analysis is conducted on primary and secondary law materials and then comparing those both as well were processed and presented by descriptive analysis. Related norm about the reversal burden of proof system now is regulated in act No. 31 of 1999, act No 20 of 2001 and act No. 8 of 2010, but the character of reversal burden of proof system in Indonesia still limited because it can only be used during the trials. Then related illicit enrichment norm is not regulated in Indonesia act’s, while Indonesia has been ratified about illicit enrichment in Article 20 UNCAC. The pros and cons related to the implementation of reversal burden of proof to illicit enrichment it happens because it is considered to against of human rights, which is related to the principle of presumption of innocence and non – self incrimination. However, with regard to other legal principles and consider the interests of the wider, the regulation of the illicit enrichment should be regulated in the provisions of the law in Indonesia. Considering the purpose of the law it self is fighting corruption, money laundering and optimize return on assets of criminals who gained from the crime. Penanggulangan tindak pidana korupsi sebagai kejahatan yang sifatnya luar biasa (extraordinary crime ) membutuhkan penanganan yang sifatnya luar biasa pula. Adapun cara yang dapat ditempuh yaitu dengan menerapan sistem pembuktian terbalik  terhadap kekayaan pejabat Negara yang dimiliki secara tidak sah ( illicit enrichment ), namun dalam pelaksanaannya terdapat indikasi bahwa akan  bersinggungan dengan Hak Asasi Manusia ( HAM ). Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai bagaimana pengaturan terkait pembuktian terbalik yang diatur dalam  sistem hukum pidana di Indonesia ? dan bagaimanakah penerapan sistem pembuktian terbalik dalam perampasan terhadap illicit enrichment dikaitkan dengan Hak Asasi Manusia ( HAM ) ?. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunaan penelitian hukum normatif. Pada penelitian ini difokuskan pada hukum positif serta sumber bahan hukum baik berasal dari primer maupun sekunder. Analisis data dilakukan terhadap bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder yang selanjutnya diolah dan disajikan secara deskriptif analisis. Terkait tentang pengaturan sistem pembuktian terbalik saat ini telah diatur dalam ketentuan Undang – Undang No. 31 Tahun 1999 jo Undang – Undang No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana korupsi serta Undang – Undang No. 8 Tahun 2010 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang, namun sifatnya masih terbatas karena penggunaanya hanya dapat dilakukan pada saat persidangan saja. Sedangkan pengaturan terkait illicit enrichment saat ini belum diatur dalam ketentuan perundang – undangan, padahal Indonesia sendiri telah meratifikasi ketentuan illicit enrichment sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 20  UNCAC. Pro dan kontra terkait penerapan pembuktian terbalik pada illicit enrichment karena ada indikasi bersinggungan dengan Hak Asasi Manusia ( HAM ) khususnya pada asas presumption of innocence dan non – self incrimination. Meskipun demikian, dengan memperhatikan prinsip hukum lainnya  serta untuk    kepentingan yang lebih luas maka pengaturan illicit enrichment sudah seharusnya diatur dalam ketentuan perundang – undangan di Indonesia. Mengingat tujuan pengaturannya  itu sendiri yakni demi memberantas tindak pidana korupsi, tindak pidana pencucian uang serta pengembalian aset  - aset yang diperoleh dari tindak pidana tersebut.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 353
Achmad Fikri Rasyidi

Penegakan hukum tindak pidana narkotika (war on drugs) sedang marak dilakukan di Indonesia. Mengingat perhatian terhadap bahaya narkotika bagi generasi penerus bangsa semakin meningkat. Peredaran narkotika seakan tidak dapat dibendung walaupun terpidana narkotika berada di penjara. Meski demikian, praktek penegakan hukum narkotika di Indonesia tidak selalu berjalan sesuai prosedur. Permasalahan rekayasa kasus kerap kali dilakukan untuk memenuhi target kinerja aparat kepolisian. Pengakkan hukum semacam ini tentu menciderai hak asasi manusia, khususnya orang yang direkayasa terlibat dalam tindak pidana narkotika dalam kapasitas apapun. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai keabsahan penyidik untuk bersaksi di persidangan atas kasus yang ia sidik sebelumnya, kemudian bagaimana kekuatan kesaksian tersebut mempengaruhi pertimbangan hakim dalam praktek. Penelitian diharapkan berkontribusi pada rancangan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHAP) yang eksis sejak 1981. Pada akhirnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara normatif, kesaksian penyidik dapat didengarkan di persidangan selama memenuhi ketentuan Pasal 1 angka 26 dan 27, dan Pasal 168-171 KUHAP. Tetapi dalam kasus tindak pidana narkotika, yang dibenarkan untuk melakukan teknik penangkapan tertentu, kesaksian penyidik di persidangan tidak dapat dipertimbangkan oleh hakim karena mengandung konflik kepentingan, sehingga keterangan saksi penyidik tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum untuk dipertimbangkan hakim dalam memutus perkara.AbstractNow, Indonesia is forceful in law enforcement of narcotics crime (war on drugs). Remembering concern to the danger of narcotics for next generation more increasing. Its traffic is hard to be repressed despite convicts are in prison. Nevertheless, in Indonesia the practice of narcotics law enforcement have not carried out as procedure. The intrigue of cases often is made by police to meet performance targets. It will offend human rights, for one (victim) whom is conspired to get involved in a narcotic crime of any capacity. The problem of this research is about legality of investigator to witness in trial of case that has investigated before, then how strength of its testimony to influence the consideration of the judges, and some practices of narcotics trial in hearing testimony of witnesses come from investigators. This research is useful for restriction of witnesses meaning development as stipulated in the Criminal Law Procedure Code. It concludes that in normative, the investigator testimony can be heard in trial as long as meet provisions the article 1 figure 26 and 27, and article 168-171 of the Criminal Law Procedure Code. But, it can be right to arrest narcotics defendant by a certain technique, the investigator testimony could not be considered by the judges because it can be conflict of interests, so its testimony has not legal force to decide a case.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Efendi Lod Simanjuntak

<p class="WalrevAbstrak"><span lang="NL">Law enforcement to transnational fugitives especially those perpetrators of money laundering with international dimension in Indonesia, in particular related to incoming extradition is needed to reconstruct. This is because hitherto, the decision to extradite is the decision of the executive branch as stipulated in Act No.1 of 1979 on Extradition. Hence, the consideration for the government to extradite is more on political concern rather than judicial. This practice is deemed neglecting the protection of human rights and creating legal uncertainty, especially in relation to detention period that could exceed beyond admissible time as stipulated in KUHAP because of the grace period on the issuance of the Presidential Decision. This research is doctrinal and field study. Based on findings in the field, incoming extradition request must be based on the court’s decision, or judicial order in the future to ensure protection of human rights and legal certainty of the person who is subject of the extradition and to the requested country.</span></p><p class="WalrevAbstrak"> </p><p class="IABSSS">Penegakan hukum terhadap buronan transnasional, terutama para pelaku pencucian uang di Indonesia, perlu sebuah rekontruksi khususnya terkait dengan ekstradisi. Ini karena sampai sekarang, keputusan untuk mengekstradisi adalah keputusan cabang eksekutif sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang No.1 tahun 1979 tentang Ekstradisi. Oleh karena itu, pertimbangan bagi pemerintah untuk mengekstradisi lebih pada masalah politik daripada peradilan. Praktik ini dianggap mengabaikan perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan menciptakan ketidakpastian hukum, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan masa penahanan yang dapat melebihi melampaui waktu yang dapat diterima sebagaimana diatur dalam KUHAP karena masa tenggang pada penerbitan Keputusan Presiden. Penelitian ini bersifat doktrinal dan studi lapangan. Berdasarkan temuan di lapangan, permintaan ekstradisi yang masuk harus didasarkan pada keputusan pengadilan, atau perintah pengadilan di masa depan untuk memastikan perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan kepastian hukum dari orang yang menjadi sasaran ekstradisi dan ke negara yang diminta.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 721
Muh. Afdal Yanuar

Sebagai tindak pidana lanjutan (follow up crime), kedudukan tindak pidana pencucian uang dilihat berdasarkan terjadinya tindak pidana tersebut secara faktual. Akan tetapi, jika cara memandang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang sebagai follow up crime seperti itu dipertahankan dalam hal pembuktian, maka riskan untuk membuat tidak efektifnya pembuktian terhadap Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang dalam keadaan-keadaan tertentu, utamanya dalam hal materiele dader tindak pidana asal tersebut sedang berstatus DPO. Oleh sebab itu, dimunculkanlah sebuah ide yang pada pokoknya menghendaki agar dalam keadaan demikian, masih dimungkinkan untuk dibuktikan tindak pidana pencucian uangnya. Konsep itu disebut dengan istilah independent crime, yang melihat kedudukan TPPU dari perspektif unsur esensial dari delik pencucian uang, dan dari perspektif pembuktian tindak pidana pencucian uang itu sendiri. Dan hal tersebut juga tidak menyalahi apa yang tertuang dalam Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No 90/PUU-XIII/2015, sebagaimana dalam ratio decidendi putusan tersebut Mahkamah menyatakan bahwa frasa "tidak wajib dibuktikan terlebih dahulu" bukan  berarti tidak perlu dibuktikan sama sekali tindak pidana asalnya, namun TPPU tidak perlu menunggu lama sampai perkara pidana asalnya diputus atau telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap.As a follow up crime, money laundering offences are seen factually based on the offences done. However, if this perspective about money laundering as a follow up crime is maintained in the trial process perspective, it would be very risky of making the Money Laundering’s proofs  in the court. Some may become ineffective in certain circumstances, especially in term of the materiele dader of predicate offences have declared as a fugitive. For that reason, an idea is created which in essence allow to, in such circumstances, prove his/her money laundering offences. This concept is recognized as the concept of “independent crime”, which sees the crime of money laundering from the essential element of money laundering offense, and from the proofing perspective of the money laundering itself. This is also in line with the decision of the Constitutional Court number 90/PUU-XII/2015, where in the ratio decidendi of the decision, the Constitutional Court declared that the phrase “not obligated to be proven first” does not mean that there is no obligation at all to prove the original offense, instead it means that for it to continue its legal proceeding, but that does not have to wait for the original offense to be sentenced or has received permanent legal force. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. 35-44
A. D. Parkhomenko

The paper constitutes a comparative legal study of some aspects of subsidiary liability of persons controlling the debtor and its foreign counterparts. Taking into account the experience of foreign countries in the regulation of these relations, the author draws parallels between different approaches to this legal phenomenon using foreign literature and judicial practice. The key aspect of the problem of liability of persons controlling the debtor is the existence of two opposite legal principles: organizational and property isolation of a legal entity and inadmissibility of abuse of the right. Bringing the persons controlling the debtor to subsidiary liability makes it possible to erase the boundaries of isolation of a legal entity and to identify its property with the property of its controlling persons for the purpose of satisfying the creditors’ claims. Thus, creditors of a legal entity have the opportunity to restore the violated right at the expense of the property of a de facto third party that is not a party to the original obligations. In foreign legal orders, the study of this ratio takes place over a long period. During this time, a certain theoretical understanding was formed, as well as law enforcement practice in this area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-114
Martono Martono

This research was conducted to find out the form of the implementation of the rights of suspects at the level of investigation at the Wajo Regional Police Station, as well as what factors influence the implementation of the rights of the suspect at the investigation level of investigations at the Wajo Regional Police Station. This type of research was conducted in the Wajo district police jurisdiction, and data were obtained from in-depth observations, through interviews and then analyzing existing data. The results of the study were analyzed quantitatively by describing data and also using quantitative analysis with descriptive. Protection of Human Rights in the Judicial Act concerning the principles of quick and low-cost justice, the principle of non-discrimination, the principle of presumption of innocence, and guarantees of Human Rights for all Indonesian citizens under the 1945 Constitution. The results obtained by this article are: shows that the implementation of the rights of the suspect at the investigation level investigation at the Wajo Resort Police, in particular the right to obtain legal assistance, the right to be examined immediately, the right to provide information freely, and the right to be informed of his arrest and detention based on the principle of presumption of innocence, based on the results of the study, have been carried out although not optimal due to several factors, namely (1) the quality of investigative Human Resources is still low, the number of personnel is still lacking and is not balanced with the number of cases, investigators who are not professional and (2) the mental attitude of the investigator which is not good, and the level of awareness the law of society which is paternalism so that it causes resignation to law enforcement officers while supporting factors in the form of the increased budget allocated for the settlement of cases. Abstrak:Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan bertujuan untuk mengetahui wujud implementasi hak-hak tersangka pada tingkat penyidikan di Polres Wajo, serta  faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi implementasi hak-hak tersangka pada pemeriksaan tingkat penyidikan di Polres Wajo. Tipe penelitian  ini dilakukan di wilayah hukum Polres Wajo, dan data diperoleh dari pengamatan yang mendalam, melalui wawancara  kemudian menganalisis data yang ada. Hasil penelitian dianalisi secara kuantitatif dengan mendeskripsikan data dan juga menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dengan deskriptif. Perlindungan Hak Azasi Manusia dalam Undang-Undang kehakiman mengenai azas peradilan cepat dan biaya ringan, azas non diskriminasi, azas praduga tidak bersalah, dan jaminan Hak Azasi Manusia bagi seluruh warga Negara Indonesia berdasarkan Undang- undang Dasar 1945. Hasil yang diperoleh oleh artikel ini adalah: menunjukkan bahwa wujud implementasi hak-hak tersangka pada pemeriksaan tingkat penyidikan di Kepolisian Resort Wajo, khususnya hak memperoleh bantuan hukum, hak untuk segera diperiksa, hak untuk memberikan keterangan secara bebas, dan hak untuk diberitahukan penagkapan dan penahanannya berdasarkan azas praduga tak bersalah, berdasarkan hasil penelitian,  sudah dilaksanakan meskipun belum optimal yang disebabkan karena beberapa faktor, yaitu (1) kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia  penyidik yang masih rendah, jumlah personil yang masih kurang dan tidak seimbang dengan banyaknya perkara, penyidik yang tidak profesional dan (2) sikap mental penyidik yang kurang baik, serta tingkat kesadaran hukum masyarakat yang paternalisme, sehingga menyebabkan sikap pasrah kepada aparat penegak hukum, sedangkan faktor pendukung berupa meningkatnya anggaran yang dialokasikan untuk penyelesaian perkara.

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