scholarly journals Tren 4 Dimensi dalam Desain Komunikasi Visual

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Fikri Abdillah ◽  
Wegig Murwonugroho

<p>Abstract<br />The 4-Dimensional Trend in Visual Communication Design. Visual Communication Design explains how humans communicate through visual imagery. In recent years, 4-dimensional objects have begun to emerge in the design trend of 2017 is quite a lot of appear in the works of visual communication design. Visual trends in previous visual communications design have begun to be widely used and  applied to a visual display,<br />the lack of a new style in visual communication design makes the visual appearance bored and less attractive to be a problem for some designers. Many large and wellknown companies use 4D design objects in their works, such as Nike, Adidas, Suzuki, Nvidia. This paper describes more deeply about the development and applications of 4D in visual communication design. The method used in this study by studying the theory<br />and review the work in phenomenology. The result that 4D is much different from preexisting trends because this style of design forms a detailed and realistic impression by using perfect materials, textures, lighting and shadows. But there are some shortcomings that have 4D that some of them is the length of time work in producing a complex 4D object and the knowledge of animation, shapes, photography, composition, basic tools and others, needed to make 4D design would take a long time to learn.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Tren 4 Dimensi dalam Desain Komunikasi Visual. Desain Komunikasi Visual menjelaskan tentang bagaimana manusia berkomunikasi melalui citra visual. Dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini, objek 4 dimensi mulai bermunculan pada tren desain tahun 2017 ini cukup banyak muncul pada karya-karya desain komunikasi visual. Tren visual pada desain  omunikasi visual sebelumnya sudah mulai banyak digunakan dan di terapkan pada tampilan sebuah visual, kurangnya gaya baru dalam desain komunikasi<br />visual membuat tampilan sebuah visual terasa bosan dan kurang menarik tentunya menjadi masalah bagi beberapa desainer. Banyak perusahaan besar dan ternama yang menggunakan objek 4D desain dalam karya-karyanya, seperti Nike, Adidas, Suzuki, Nvidia, dan lain-lain. Makalah ini memaparkan lebih dalam mengenai perkembangan maupun penerapan 4D dalam desain komunikasi visual. Metode yang digunakan dalam<br />penelitian ini dengan cara mengkaji teori dan mengkaji karya secara fenomenologi. Hasilnya adalah bahwa 4D jauh berbeda dari tren yang sudah ada sebelumnya karena gaya desain ini membentuk kesan detail dan realistis dengan menggunakan material, tekstur, pencahayaan dan bayangan yang sempurna. Namun ada beberapa kekurangan<br />yang dimiliki 4D yaitu beberapa di antaranya adalah lamanya waktu pengerjaan dalam menghasilkan sebuah objek 4D yang kompleks dan pengetahuan tentang animasi, bentuk, fotografi, komposisi, basic tools dan lain-lain, diperlukan untuk membuat desain 4D tentunya membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mempelajarinya. <br /><br /></p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-57
G. Mauricio Mejía

Human-centered design approaches are intended to provide designers with tools to improve the interaction between design objects and their human users. Often, the design principles of these approaches try to cover broad human requirements, but not particular human differences relevant to use and communication. This paper is a study of visual intelligence and mood as two of the major hypothesized human differences for visual communication design. Evidence shows that visual intelligence predicts adequate interaction patterns and that two dimensions of mood – high tense arousal and anger/frustration – negatively affect the interaction with visual information. The data also suggests that mood change might be negatively associated with interaction experience, showing that mood effects have the potential to be used as a measurement of interaction design quality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 103-120
Sudjadi Tjipto Rahardjo ◽  
Rossa Dyana Pramusita

AbstrakKemasan pada saat ini telah mengalami penambahan fungsi dimana kemasan tidak lagi sekedar untuk melindungi dan sebagai wadah, tetapi juga berfungsi sebagai media promosi serta komunikasi sebuah produk. Kini desain kemasan telah menjadi bagian penting dalam proses pemasaran. Penelitian ini mengambil objek kajian kemasan Roti Murni di Yogyakarta yang sudah lama tidak mengalami perubahan desain kemasannya. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui latar belakang desain kemasan Roti Murni yang sudah lama tidak mengalami perubahan dan meninjau kemasan kardus Roti Murni dengan teori kemasan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Metodologi penelitian kualitatif digunakan dengan sumber data yang diperoleh dengan cara observasi dan wawancara. Data penelitian kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik analisis komponensial menggunakan teori warna, bentuk, ilustrasi, tipografi, dan tata letak menurut Desain Komunikasi Visual. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan fakta yang menarik bahwa kemasan Roti Murni tidak berubah karena perusahaan tidak memiliki desainer kemasan, dan desain kemasannya tidak secara keseluruhan sesuai dengan teori DKV. Kata kunci: Kemasan, Roti Murni, Tampilan Visual, Yogyakarta  AbstractPackaging at this time is indicating to have some additional functions where the packaging is no longer simply to protect or just as a container of a product inside, but also serves as a media campaign of a product inside. Packaging design then has become an important part of the marketing process. The object of this study is the packaging design used by “Roti Murni”, one of bakery companies in Yogyakarta. The packaging design used by “Roti Murni” has been known that it has not been changed since long time ago. The purpose of the study is to determine the background of “Roti Murni” packaging design that has not changed and to review the design of the packaging with the theory of Visual Communication Design. This study is using qualitative research methodology, while the source data analized were obtained by observation and interviews. Data were analyzed with componential analysis techniques using the theory of color, shape, illustration, typography, and layout in Visual Communication Design. The research found an interesting fact that the packaging of “Roti Murni” has not changed since the company does not have packaging designers, and the overall packaging design itself was not designed by using the theory of Visual Communication Design. Keywords: Packaging, Murni Bakery, Visual Review, Yogyakarta

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 279

Nowadays as technology grows and globalization affects, most companies usually have product catalogues on website as an advertising and online shopping as well. The study attempts to identify visual appearance comparison of Ikea and Olympic websites, by aesthetic elements which suit to visual communication design's principles. The applied method is qualitative method supported by theories and field survey. The result will be outlined as descriptive analysis which may be a reference in making an effective, informative and visually aesthetic commercial website. Keywords: aesthetic; commercial website; online; visual communication design

Humaniora ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 705
Tunjung Riyadi

 A work of visual communication design which aired on the television screen has a different perspective in its interpretation in the eyes of the audience when compared to other media. By understanding the characteristics and nature of media, proper exploration of graphic design can easily be created. Through literature study, observations of the author as a practitioner of graphic design for television and comparisons with the print media will facilitate the understanding of this study. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Yosef Yulius

<p class="SammaryHeader" align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>In the scientific field of visual communication design, the logo is one of the most frequently made designs and has a good market share. Along with the times, designing a logo work has undergone various forms and forms of transitions. The design process has also undergone innovation from various aspects ranging from concepts to the final results. The amount of market demand for a good logo makes the logo designers try to maximize the logo making process to match the expected results. One form of the logo-making process is by applying the golden ratio as a benchmark in determining the proportion and order of a harmonious and regular form to produce an aesthetic visual form. Understanding of the golden ratio is needed as a guide for graphic designers to be able to create a design work that has a basis for structured patterns and arrangements.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords </em></strong><em>: Logo, Graphic Design, Visual Communication Design, Golden Ratio, DKV</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p class="SammaryHeader" align="center"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p><p><em>Dalam bidang  desain komunikasi visual, logo merupakan salah satu karya desain yang paling sering dibuat dan memiliki pangsa pasar yang baik. Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman, perancangan sebuah karya logo telah mengalami berbagai macam transisi bentuk dan rupa. Proses perancangannya pun telah mengalami inovasi dari berbagai aspek mulai dari konsep hingga hasil akhirnya. Banyaknya permintaan pasar akan logo yang baik membuat para perancang logo berusaha memaksimalkan proses pembuatan logo agar sesuai dengan hasil yang diharapkan. Salah satu bentuk proses pembuatan logo adalah dengan cara mengaplikasikan golden ratio sebagai patokan dalam menentukan proporsi dan tatanan bentuk yang harmonis dan teratur untuk menghasilkan bentuk visual yang estetis. Pemahaman akan golden ratio dibutuhkan sebagai panduan para desainer grafis untuk dapat menciptakan suatu karya desain yang memiliki landasan akan pola dan tatanan yang terstruktur.</em></p><p><strong><em>Kata Kunci </em></strong><em>: Logo, Desain Grafis, Desain Komunikasi Visual, Golden Ratio, DKV</em></p>

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