Brigitta Revani ◽  
Pramiati Purwaningrum ◽  
Dwi Indrawati

<p>Masalah persampahan yang menumpuk dan belum terpilah di Kota Jakarta melatar belakangi penelitian ini. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah peningkatan jumlah penduduk yang berdampak kepada jumlah sampah yang terkumpul. Peningkatan tersebut tidak dibarengi oleh kepedulian masyarakat tentang pengelolaan sampah. Program Bank Sampah merupakan salah satu cara pengelolaan sampah yang dilaksanakan untuk mengurangi permasalahan tersebut. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kinerja program Bank Sampah, mengetahui manfaat Bank Sampah dan potensi daur ulang sampah yang dihasilkan serta merencanakan pengembangan Bank Sampah di Kelurahan Rawajati. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui timbulan dan komposisi sampah yaitu dengan SNI 19-3964-1994, Selain itu data penelitian diperoleh dengan melakukan pengamatan serta wawancara langsung di lapangan, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan rata-rata laju timbulan sampah di Kelurahan Rawajati sebesar 0,3 kg/org/hari. Komposisi sampah di Kelurahan Rawajati paling tinggi adalah sampaah organik yaitu 76%, sedangkan sampah non organik 24% dimana yang paling tinggi adalah sampah lain-lain. Kelurahan Rawajati memiliki Bank Sampah yang sudah berjalan selama 5 tahun dengan jumlah nasabah sebanyak 17% dari total penduduk. Saat ini, Bank Sampah di Kelurahan Rawajati mampu mengurangi sampah non organik sebanyak 4,19%. Manfaat dari adanya Bank Sampah antara lain dalam bidang pengelolaan sampah, dalam segi ekonomi dan segi sosial. Potensi daur ulang sampah yang didapat sebanyak 9,69% dari 24% total sampah non organik. Untuk perencanaan 10 tahun kedepan yaitu pada tahun 2016-2025 Bank Sampah akan berkembang dengan penambahan jumlah nasabah, perluasan wilayah pelayanan dan penambahan jenis sampah yang diterima. Target yang ingin dicapai pada akhir tahun perencanaan adalah jumlah nasabah mencapai 80% dari total penduduk , sehingga mampu mengurangi sampah sebesar 20,11%. Selain penambahan jumlah nasabah, juga direncanakan untuk menambah jenis sampah seperti plastik PS, plastik kresek, kayu dan kain. Penambahan ini akan meningkatkan potensi daur ulang sampah dan memperbesar persentase pengurangan sampah.   </p><p>Keywords: waste management, non-organic waste, Waste generation, Waste Bank, Potential Recycling</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 06038
Devita Faradina ◽  
Maryono Maryono ◽  
Budi Warsito

The waste bank is an alternative waste management in Indonesia. The waste Bank in Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta is one of the waste banks that has been established and is active until now. The method used to determine the generation and composition of waste is SNI 19-3964-1994. In addition, research data are obtained by observing and interviewing directly in the field, then analyzed by quantitative descriptive. The results showed the average rate of waste generation in Gunung Kidul Regency was 0.48 kg / person / day. The highest composition of waste in Gunung Kidul Regency is organic waste, which is 77.61%, while non-organic waste is 22.39%. At present, the Waste Bank in Gunung Kidul Regency is able to reduce waste by 0.86% with a total of 6,423 m3 / year reduced waste. The benefits of the existence of a waste bank, among others, are in the field of waste management, in terms of economic and social aspects. The potential for waste recycling is 17.49% from 22.39% of the total non-organic waste.

Budi Prasetyo Samadikun ◽  
Dwi Siwi Handayani ◽  
Muhamad Permana Laksana

Bank sampah di Kelurahan Palabuhanratu sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2010. Bank sampah ini adalah salah satu bank sampah diantara dua bank sampah lain, yang baru berdiri pada tahun  2016. Volume sampah pada tahun 2015 sebesar 134,89 m3 per hari, mencakup 89% wilayah Kelurahan Palabuhanratu ternyata masih belum optimal dalam pengolahannya, karena  sampah yang direduksi masih sekitar 5% dari total timbulan sampah yang dikirim ke TPA Cimenteng yang berlokasi sekitar 70 km dari Kelurahan Palabuhanratu. Kinerja bank sampah eksisting masih kurang, karena satu bank sampah hanya mampu melayani satu RW dan belum dapat melayani satu kelurahan. Selain itu, pengolahan sampah organik untuk dijadikan kompos belum dilakukan secara serentak oleh seluruh masyarakat, karena pengetahuan masyarakat yang masih kurang. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui kondisi eksisting pengelolaan sampah dan merumuskan upaya revitalisasi Bank Sampah eksisting sebagai pihak pendukung pengelolaan sampah di TPS Kelurahan Palabuhanratu. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei, dengan menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara mendalam, dan observasi. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat yang melakukan pemilahan sampah dari sumber hanya penduduk RT 01 RW 33. Selain itu jumlah TPS di Kelurahan Palabuhanratu masih terbatas, sehingga membutuhkan tambahan 5 unit TPS yang terintegrasi dengan bank sampah di kelurahan ini.Kata kunci: revitalisasi, bank sampah, PalabuhanratuThe  waste bank in Palabuhanratu Village  has been established since 2010. This waste bank is one of the waste bank among two other waste banks, newly established in 2016. The volume of waste in 2015 is 134,89 m3 per day, covering 89% of Palabuhanratu Village area  is still not optimal in its processing, because the reduced waste is still about 5% of the total waste generation delivered to the Cimenteng Final Diposal Site (FDS), which located about 70 km from Palabuhanratu Village. The existing waste bank’s performance is still very poor, because one waste bank can only serve one RW and can not serve the entire village. In addition, the processing of organic waste to be compost has not been done simultaneously by the whole community, due to the lack of people's knowledge. The purpose of this research is to know the existing condition of waste management and to formulate the revitalization of existing waste bank. The research used survey research method by using questionaire, in depth interview, and observation. Analytical technique using quantitative and qualitative analysis. The findings shows that the residents of Palabuhanratu Village who often do waste sorting from the source only from the residents of RT 01 RW 33. In addition, the number of existing temporary disposal site (TDS) in Palabuhanratu Village is still lacking, so it requires addition up to 5 units that integrated with waste bank in this village.Keywords: revitalization; waste bank, Palabuhanratu

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Yonik Meilawati Yustiani ◽  
Anni Rochaeni ◽  
Elva Aulia

Residents and the government of Babakan Village have had difficulty managing their waste since the closure of the Babakan landfill several years ago. This study aims to formulate the concept of waste management in the Babakan Village, Bandung Regency, considering the waste generation and the characteristics of the residents. Data on the waste generation was obtained by sampling in several houses, while data on the characteristics of citizens was collected by distributing questionnaires. Based on the data gathered, it was found that the average waste generation per person per day in the Babakan Village was 0.134 kg with the composition of organic waste dominating up to 70.5%, while inorganic as much as 29.5%. The dominant types of waste in inorganic waste groups are plastic. In general, respondents have a good level of knowledge about waste. The enthusiasm of the community is high in participating to manage the waste with the 3R programs, such as recycling and operation of waste banks. With these data, the planning of handling of organic waste is done by a simple composter and biopori cylindrical water absorption hole, while handling inorganic waste can be done by operating a waste bank system. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Sandra Madonna ◽  
Prismita Nursetyowati ◽  
Astrid Dewi Meilasari Sugiana ◽  
Tita Djuitaningsih

Kampung Hijau Mandiri is one of Tangerang Government’s Programs to increase public awareness for a clean, green, and beautiful surrounding. Ninety-eight of Kampung Hijau Mandiri were formed throughout Tangerang’s Sub-Districts, one of which is in RT 01 RW 06, Kreo Sub-District. Criteria for Kampung Hijau Mandiri include a lively, comfortable and clean village with waste sorting initiatives. Kreo, one of the densely populated villages in Tangerang, has 22,837 inhabitants. Waste generated in RT 01 RW 06, Kreo, Tangerang is around 2,040 liters/day, quite large and can be reduced. Presently, household wastes in RT 01 RW 06 are still managed conventionally using the collection and disposal system. The economic potential of household organic and inorganic waste has not been optimally utilized. Organic waste management through composting (Takakura baskets) and non-organic waste management through waste banks are considered appropriate for processing household wastes. Hence, the community develops a new habit of sorting and processing waste into productive means, reducing waste generation transported to landfills. The waste management educational mentoring program was attended by 14 people, especially housewives and Posyandu cadres, through presentations and question and answer. This activity has great potential to endure as housewives and Posyandu cadres in RT 01 RW 06 Kreo Sub-District are influential household stakeholders in their environment. Residents of RT 01 RW 06 Kreo Sub-District agreed to initiate waste bank establishments. This program is expected to increase citizen’s involvement in waste management. RT 01 RW 06 Kreo is an exemplary Kampung Hijau Mandiri.

2020 ◽  
Vol 148 ◽  
pp. 05005
I Made Wahyu Widyarsana ◽  
Enri Damanhuri ◽  
Nida Ulhusna ◽  
Elprida Agustina

Bali Province is an island of high tourist activity surrounded by the sea. Without a proper mainland waste management, waste problem will impact the aquatic environment. River and beach are waterways that become an important role in the waste flow that will end to the sea. Identification of waste in rivers and beaches is needed to determine the stream waste management policy. Measurements were made by adopting the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) method on 4 rivers and 4 beaches. Measurement of waste generation and composition represents the watershed and population density classification groups. The peak hour for the waste streams at 11.00-14.00 WITA (GMT+8). The dominant waste is organic waste (59.10% WW) and hazardous waste (17.12%WW). From the waste measurement on the beach, the waste density is around 0.087 tonnes/m3 and the composition of waste is dominated by plastic waste, paper waste, and textile waste. The average waste density in beach is around 0.007 kg/m2 or 0.53 items/m2. Yeh Gangga Beach is the dirtiest with 0.64 items waste/m2 and Lepang Beach is the cleanest beach with 0.27 items/m2.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Mohamad Noufal ◽  
Liu Yuanyuan ◽  
Zena Maalla ◽  
Sylvia Adipah

The absence of accurate information on the state of waste is a challenge to the solid waste management system in Syria. The local authorities commonly estimate the quantity of waste produced and its characterisation, which is the starting point for solid waste management planning. So, this paper aims to evaluate the generation and composition of household solid waste in Homs city, Syria. Also, the study presents factors influencing the waste generation rate and the waste composition. The study was carried out in 300 families from four zones in Homs city, and three sampling stages were conducted during the study duration, which started in July 2017 and ended in February 2019. The outcomes show that an average of 0.68 kg/per/day solid waste generated was calculated for the entire study area in Homs city. Also, the data analysis presents that organic waste constitutes the largest component in the waste mixture (69.1%) followed by plastic (10.6%), inert materials (8.7%), paper (4.6%), textile (2.5%), metal (1.2%), glass (1.1%), wood (0.6%), and hazardous materials (1.6%). The multiple linear regression results showed that the adjusted R2 value was found to be 0.557, 0.839, and 0.709 for the waste generation per capita, the daily household organic waste generation, and the daily household packaging waste generation, respectively. Also, according to Pearson’s coefficient values, a positive correlation was found between household waste generation and monthly income (r = 0.626), household size (r = 0.37), and age of the household head (r = 0.517), whereas a negative correlation was found between household waste generation and the education level of the household head (r = −0.649).

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 10-19
Amit Shankar Ranjit ◽  
Ronish Shakya ◽  
Sushila Gwachha ◽  
Razim Ganesh ◽  
Meera Prajapati ◽  

Bhaktapur Municipality has been performing better to keep the city clean. However, scarcity of space for the land filling of the solid waste and proper segregation of waste at the source has been a hurdle for the Municipality. This paper aims to determine solid waste generation rate and to analyze overall situation of solid waste management of Bhaktapur Municipality. However, the data will not represent the seasonal and occasional variations. Additionally, waste from street-sweeping and large-scale institutional and commercial components of the Municipality has not been assessed. Arkin and Colton (1963) was referred for the sample size determination. Sample of 376 households were taken accordingly. Twenty representative samples each for commercial and institutional establishments were selected, and one each for special cases such as hospital, slaughter house and poultry has been assessed. Municipal household waste generation was found to be 0.093kg per capita per day which was chiefly composed of 77% organic, 18% plastic and 3% paper. Organic waste has been a major waste for institutions such as schools whereas at governmental and public offices, paper is the predominantly generated waste. Among commercial establishments, shops and restaurants mostly generate organic waste and that for departmental stores has been paper. Though collection system was found to be satisfactory, treatment and final disposal have been unsustainable. Available treatment facilities have been shut down whereas other infrastructural components have been lacking.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Wahyudin Wahyudin ◽  
Fitriah Fitriah ◽  
Azwaruddin Azwaruddin

<p>Waste management in the Dasan Agung Market in Mataram City still uses conventional patterns. This pattern is not in line with the NTB Province policy that launched the concept of zero waste in 2019-2023. One approach that can support the program is the 3R method of waste management. This study aims to develop a waste management plan using the 3R approach. The method used in this study is the observation method, which is observing the current conditions and measuring the generation and composition of waste. The technique of determining the sample and measurement time and the procedure refers to SNI-19-3964-1995. The results showed that the amount of solid waste generation in Dasan Agung Market was 2.7 m<sup>3</sup> / day and the weight of solid waste was 467 kg / day. Waste composition was obtained by organic waste 52.60% and inorganic waste 47.40%. TPS 3R is planned with an area of 110 m<sup>2</sup>, namely 74 m<sup>2</sup> for composting area and 36 m<sup>2</sup> for sorting and handling inorganic waste, and residual waste. The composting system implemented is using the drum method with a capacity of 100 liters, a total of 307 pieces. Waste Management Planning using the 3R Approach is capable of handling 80% of the waste, and 20% of the residue is disposed of in the landfill.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 2187-2192
Eko Muh Widodo ◽  
Muhamad Ardi Yuwono ◽  
Rohmat Haryadi ◽  
Ade Hirani Noverizka ◽  
Gunawan Sholeh Sholahudin ◽  

Gondosuli Village is located in Muntilan District, Magelang Regency, and has a high population growth rate, economy, and development, all of which contribute to increased community activities. This causes waste production to continue to rise; additionally, there are issues with waste management from upstream to downstream, namely a lack of waste reduction, which leads to waste accumulation in landfills. This is due to a lack of proper management, which consists of only collection, disposal, and transportation. As a result, the community service is carried out by planning for a solid waste management system capable of reducing waste from upstream. The cultivation of maggots from organic waste is an upstream system approach that can be used to solve the waste problem. BSF maggot cultivation has several advantages, including the production of pre-puppa, which can be used as a source of protein for animal feed, and aiding in the resolution of the community's organic waste processing problem. The concept of integrated waste management (TPS 3R) can be combined with a waste bank to reduce waste disposal in the TPA while also providing economic value.

Made Yaya Sawitri ◽  
Dewa Ketut Suryawan ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Putri Risa Andriani

The Caga Traditional Village, which is located in Pejeng Kangin Village, Tampak Siring District, is one of the traditional villages that is currently seriously developing the village's potential as a tourist village. One of the efforts to improve that is now being promoted is regarding the cleanliness of the village. However, currently there is no comprehensive system capable of managing most of the waste generated by villagers. This village already has a waste bank but it only manages around 30% of the total waste generated. Organic waste which is much larger in quantity is still dumped in the "teba" or backyard. Another problem is the presence of residual waste, which has so far been collected and then transported to a landfill (TPS). The problem raised in this "community service program" is the public's ignorance of government policies regarding waste management and the proper procedures for managing waste from sources. Therefore, to support the government's efforts in realizing a waste management system from sources and to support the efforts of traditional villages to develop their potential as a tourism village, education on waste management from sources in the traditional village of Caga, Pejeng Kangin was implemented. Activities that have been carried out include the socialization of government regulations regarding waste processing at the source, optimization of waste banks, and processing of organic waste using the composting method. The implementation of Waste Processing from the Source by the Traditional Village of Caga, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar " received a good reception from the community and full support from the management of the Caga Traditional Village.

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