2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Eli Kurniasih ◽  
Anih Kurnia ◽  
Laila Fitri Istiqomah

Masalah kesehatan terkait ginjal setiap tahun semakin banyak, salah satu masalah ginjal yang dihadapi orang baik negara maju maupun berkembang adalah penyakit ginjal kronis yang dikenal dengan gagal ginjal. Pasien gagal ginjal yang menjalani perawatan hemodialisis mengalami kecemasan karena krisis, ketakutan, ancaman kematian, dan perasaan terancam. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan strategi yang efektif, efisien dan mudah diterapkan untuk mengurangi kecemasan pasien dan beradaptasi dengan stresor yang ada. Relaksasi spiritual merupakan upaya yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat untuk mencapai keadaan relaksasi yang ditandai dengan berkurangnya aktivitas saraf simpatis melalui keyakinan spiritual dan agama para pihak, sehingga dapat mengendalikan keadaan fisik. Berdasarkan metode spiritual diharapkan akan menimbulkan perubahan mental yang pada akhirnya mengarah pada relaksasi yang baik Rancangan penelitian Literature Review. Pencarian literatur baik internasional maupun nasional yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan database Google Scholer, Perpustakaan Nasional, Garuda, Proquest. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa Penerapan intervensi terapi spiritual islami untuk mengatasi kecemasan pada pasien yang menjalani hemodialisa memiliki pengaruh yang sama mengatakan bahwa dari intervensi terapi spiritual yang dilakukan perawat dapat memberikan pengaruh dalam menurunkan tingkat kecemasan. Peneliti yang melakukan penelitian serupa namun ada yang berbeda hasil, didalamnya terdapat satu responden yang justru kecemasannya tetap berada pada kategori kecemasan tinggi. Simpulan: Penerapan intervensi terapi spiritual islami untuk mengatasi kecemasan pada pasien yang menjalani hemodialisa memberikan pengaruh dalam menurunkan Kecemasan.Kidney-related health problems are increasing every year, one of the kidney problems faced by people in both developed and developing countries is chronic kidney disease known as kidney failure. Kidney failure patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment experience anxiety due to crisis, fear, death threats, and feelings of threat. Therefore, an effective, efficient and easy-to-implement strategy is needed to reduce patient anxiety and adapt to existing stressors. Spiritual relaxation is an effort made by the community to achieve a state of relaxation characterized by reduced sympathetic nerve activity through the spiritual and religious beliefs of the parties, so that they can control their physical condition. Based on the spiritual method, it is hoped that it will cause mental changes which ultimately lead to good relaxation. Research design Literature Review. Literature searches both international and national were carried out using the Google Scholer database, the National Library, Garuda, Proquest. The results of this study that the application of Islamic spiritual therapy interventions to overcome anxiety in patients undergoing hemodialysis have the same effect, saying that spiritual therapy interventions carried out by nurses can have an influence in reducing anxiety levels. Researchers who conducted similar studies but had different results, in which there was one respondent whose anxiety remained in the category of high anxiety. Conclusion: The application of Islamic spiritual therapy interventions to overcome anxiety in patients undergoing hemodialysis has an effect in reducing anxiety.

Debi A. LaPlante ◽  
Heather M. Gray ◽  
Pat M. Williams ◽  
Sarah E. Nelson

Abstract. Aims: To discuss and review the latest research related to gambling expansion. Method: We completed a literature review and empirical comparison of peer reviewed findings related to gambling expansion and subsequent gambling-related changes among the population. Results: Although gambling expansion is associated with changes in gambling and gambling-related problems, empirical studies suggest that these effects are mixed and the available literature is limited. For example, the peer review literature suggests that most post-expansion gambling outcomes (i. e., 22 of 34 possible expansion outcomes; 64.7 %) indicate no observable change or a decrease in gambling outcomes, and a minority (i. e., 12 of 34 possible expansion outcomes; 35.3 %) indicate an increase in gambling outcomes. Conclusions: Empirical data related to gambling expansion suggests that its effects are more complex than frequently considered; however, evidence-based intervention might help prepare jurisdictions to deal with potential consequences. Jurisdictions can develop and evaluate responsible gambling programs to try to mitigate the impacts of expanded gambling.

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-173 ◽  
Sebastian K Boell ◽  
Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic

General guidelines for conducting literature reviews often do not address the question of literature searches and dealing with a potentially large number of identified sources. These issues are specifically addressed by so-called systematic literature reviews (SLRs) that propose a strict protocol for the search and appraisal of literature. Moreover, SLRs are claimed to be a ‘standardized method’ for literature reviews that is replicable, transparent, objective, unbiased and rigorous, and thus superior to other approaches for conducting literature reviews. These are significant and consequential claims that – despite increasing adoption of SLRs – remained largely unnoticed in the information systems (IS) literature. The objective of this debate is to draw attention of the IS community to SLR's claims, to question their justification and reveal potential risks of their adoption. This is achieved by first examining the origins of SLR and the prescribed SLR process and then by critically assessing their claims and implications. In this debate, we show that SLRs are applicable and useful for a very specific kind of literature review, a meta study that identifies and summarizes evidence from earlier research. We also demonstrate that the claims that SLRs provide superior quality are not justified. More importantly, we argue that SLR as a general approach to conducting literature reviews is highly questionable, concealing significant perils. The paper cautions that SLR could undermine critical engagement with literature and what it means to be scholarly in academic work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-71
Aries Wahyuningsih

Belum meratanya distribusi ketenagaan yang berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan  menjadi permasalahan tersendiri. Sebagian besar institusi pelayanan di Indonesia juga  belum mengembangkan jenjang karir perawat, sehingga pola penghargaan dan kesejahteraan tenaga keperawatan akan berpengaruh pada kinerja. Pelayanan keperawatan sebagai pemberi jasa pelayanan kesehatan sehingga kepuasan merupakan tujuan utama dalam memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas. Penelitian dari literatur review ini bertujuan untuk Menjelaskan Gambaran Kepuasan Pelayanan Keperawatan berdasarkan hasil review literature. Penelitian ini menggunakan Study Literatur review. Literatur yang didapatkan dari menggunakan PubMed,Google Scholar dan 10 literatur review dilakukan analisa PICO. Hasil yang dikumpulkan menunjukkan bahwa dari 10 litertur review didapatkan adanya hasil 7 jurnal (70%) pasien kurang puas dan hanya 3 jurnal (30%) pasien puas terhadap pelayanan keperawatan berdasarkan standar IKM RS. Kepuasan Pasien dalam Pelayanan Keperawatan dari berbagai hasil literatur review penelitian didapatkan bahwa Mayoritas menyatakan Kurang Puas terhadap Pelayanan Keperawatan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (5-esp.) ◽  
pp. 660-666
Lucia Gloria Diana Aguilar Pizzurno ◽  
Ana Claudia De Castro Ferreira Conti ◽  
Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida ◽  
Paula Oltramari ◽  
Thais Maria Fernandes Poletti ◽  

A beleza pode ser definida como uma combinação de qualidades que dão prazer aos sentidos ou a mente. Cirurgiões plásticos acreditam que o volume da bochecha é um importante determinante da beleza facial e aparência jovem. Na Ortodontia, não é suficiente apenas perceber o que interfere no sorriso, é necessário diagnosticar o que se encontra fora da normalidade, para que se possa estabelecer um plano de tratamento. Assim como nos problemas funcionais seguimos condutas que nos levam ao diagnóstico das anomalias, os problemas estéticos também necessitam de parâmetros para que encontremos os defeitos. Nesse âmbito, as investigações científicas sobre os critérios utilizados pelo ortodontista e pacientes para definir um sorriso ou uma face como esteticamente agradável poderiam edificar uma sólida escada para o entendimento das diferenças entre a percepção do profissional e a do paciente. Durante a execução do tratamento, a consulta de pesquisas cientificas que norteiem a situação favorece seu decurso. Nortear a identificação e manejo no diagnóstico e indicação adequada da bichectomia foi o objetivo desta revisão de literatura realizada nas bases de dados científicas National Library of Medicine, Washington, DC (MEDLINE: Pubmed) e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Foram recuperados 1710 artigos científicos, que após seleção resultaram em 48 artigos relacionados à descrição e manejo no diagnóstico e indicação adequada da Bichectomia, escolhidos para elaboração desta revisão de literatura. A existência de materiais de fácil consulta com embasamento científico adequado para orientação aos pacientes na tomada de decisões enquanto a Bichectomia favorece manejo do tratamento.   Palavras-chave: Bichectomia. Gordura de Bichat. Estética. Diagnostico. Ortodontia.   Abstract Beauty can be defined as a combination of qualities that give pleasure to the senses or the mind.  Plastic surgeons believe that cheek volume is an important determinant of facial beauty and youthful appearance.  In orthodontics, it is not enough to just understand what interferes with the smile, it is necessary to diagnose what is out of the ordinary, so that a treatment plan can be established.  Just as in functional problems we follow conducts that lead us to the diagnosis of anomalies, aesthetic problems also need parameters in order to find the defects. In this context, scientific investigations on the criteria used by orthodontists and patients to define a smile or face as aesthetically pleasing could build a solid ladder for understanding the differences between the professional's and the patient's perception.  During the execution of the treatment, the consultation of scientific research that guides the situation favors its course.  To guide the identification and management in the diagnosis and adequate indication of bichectomy was the objective of this literature review carried out in the scientific databases National Library of Medicine, Washington, DC (MEDLINE: Pubmed) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO).  1710 scientific articles were retrieved, which after selection resulted in 48 articles related to the description and management in the diagnosis and adequate indication of Bichectomy, chosen for the elaboration of this literature review. The existence of easy-to-consult materials with an adequate scientific basis to guide patients in making decisions while Bichectomy favors treatment management.   Keywords: Bichectomy. Buccal Fat Pad. Aesthetics. Diagnostics. Orthodontics  

2018 ◽  
Justin Joschko ◽  
Erin Keely ◽  
Rachel Grant ◽  
Isabella Moroz ◽  
Matthew Graveline ◽  

BACKGROUND Excessive wait times for specialist care pose a serious concern for many patients, leading to duplication of tests, patient anxiety, and poorer health outcomes. In response to this issue, many health care systems have begun implementing technological innovations designed to improve the referral-consultation process. Among these services is electronic consultation (eConsult), which connects primary care providers and specialists through a secure platform to facilitate discussion of patients’ care. OBJECTIVE This study aims to examine different eConsult services available worldwide and compare the strategies, barriers, and successes of their implementation in different health care contexts. METHODS We conducted an environmental scan comprising 3 stages as follows: literature review; gray literature search; and targeted, semistructured key informant interviews. We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE (literature review) and Google (gray literature search). Upon completing the search, we generated a list of potential interview candidates from among the stakeholders identified. Potential participants included researchers, physicians, and decision makers. The maximum variation sampling was used to ensure sufficient breadth of participant experience. In addition, we conducted semistructured interviews by telephone using an interview guide based on the RE-AIM framework. Analyses of transcripts were conducted using a thematic synthesis approach. RESULTS A total of 53 services emerged from the published and gray literature. Respondents from 10 services participated in telephonic interviews. The following 4 major themes emerged from the analysis: service structure; benefits of eConsult; implementation challenges; and implementation enablers. CONCLUSIONS eConsult services have emerged in a variety of countries and health system contexts worldwide. Despite differences in structure, platform, and delivery of their services, respondents described similar barriers and enablers to the implementation and growth and reported improved access and high levels of satisfaction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Grace Benedikta Polii ◽  
Syenshie Virgini Wetik

Anxiety is a reaction to psychological disorders experienced by most patients in the face of surgery. Signs and symptoms are tremors, tachycardia, nervousness, insomnia, sweating and shortness of breath. The preoperative patient anxiety level is in the category of severe, moderate. If it is not handled properly, it will have a negative impact on the operation process that will be carried out by the patient so that relaxation measures are needed so that the patient can control his anxiety. One recommended therapy is guided imagery. Various studies have been conducted to prove its effect. The objective of this research was to analyze effects of guided imagery towards anxiety level decrease on pre-operative patients. This research used literature review design, database used were 2018- 2020 Google Scholar. Research populations were all research journals regarding effects of guided imagery and progressive relaxation towards anxiety level decrease on pre-operative patients using flow diagrams technique (data synthesis) thus n-value was obtained = 3. Analyzed journals result showed that there was a decrease in anxiety level of pre-operative patients after guided was given. Guided imagery affected the decrease of anxiety level on pre-operative patients. Kecemasan merupakan reaksi psikologis yang dialami oleh sebagian besar pasien dalam menghadapi operasi. Hal ini ditandai dengan gerakan tremor, takikardi, gelisah, susah tidur, berkeringat dan sesak nafas. Kecemasan yang dirasakan oleh pasien pra-operasi berada pada kategori berat, sedang. Apabila tidak teratasi dengan baik, maka akan menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi proses operasi yang akan dijalankan pasien sehingga dibutuhkan tindakan norfarmakologi berupa pemberian tindakan rileksasi pada pasien agar pasien mampu mengontrol perasaan cemas yang dirasakannya. Salah satu terapi yang direkomendasikan adalah guided imagery. Berbagai penelitian telah dilakukan untuk membuktikan pengaruhnya.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh guided imagery terhadap tingkat kecemasan pasien pra-operasi.  Penelitian ini menggunakan desain literature review dengan jenis database yang digunakan, yaitu Google Scholar tahun 2018-2020. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh jurnal penelitian tentang pengaruh terapi guided imagery terhadap tingkat kecemasan pasien pra-operasi dengan menggunakan teknik diagram flow (sintesis data) sehingga didapatkan n = 3. Hasil analisis jurnal penelitian menunjukan bahwa guided imagery efektif menurunkan kecemasan pasien pra-operasi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (01) ◽  
pp. 121-138
Muhammad Mona Adha ◽  
Erwin Susanto

This study aims to explore the role of Pancasila values in building the personality of the Indonesian people. Building and awakening human resources with Pancasila personality is done together with more peace, mutual respect, respect, understanding one culture with another culture, loving others, creating kinship and kinship. This research is a literature review by gathering various sources of information and facts from several literatures and documents directly related to the discussion. The results of this study Pancasila has provided a strong bond of unity in the midst of changes in people's lives in the era of globalization, Pancasila provides the power to deliver the Indonesian people to the era of glory as a dignified nation in civilization. Pancasila is able as a pillar of life such as economic, social, political, cultural, and defense and security directed towards the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which has a personal Pancasila that embodies an advanced and religious Indonesia. Keywords: Indonesia, National values, Pancasila values     Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali peran nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam membangun kepribadian masyarakat Indonesia. Membangun dan membangkitkan sumber daya manusia yang berkepribadian Pancasila dilakukan secara bersama dengan lebih damai, saling menghargai, menghormati, memahami satu budaya dengan budaya yang lain, menyayangi sesama, menciptakan kekerabatan dan kekeluargaan. Penelitian ini adalah review literature dengan mengumpulkan berbagai sumber informasi dan fakta dari beberapa literatur dan dokumen yang terkait langsung dengan pembahasan. Hasil penelitian iini Pancasila telah memberikan ikatan persatuan dan kesatuan yang kuat ditengah-tengah perubahan kehidupan masyarakat dalam era globalisasi, Pancasila memberikan kekuatan untuk mengantarkan bangsa Indonesia menuju era kejayaan sebagai bangsa yang bermartabat dalam peradaban. Pancasila mampu sebagai pilar kehidupan seperti ekonomi, sosial, politik, budaya, dan pertahanan keamanan diarahkan untuk menuju Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang memiliki diri pribadi Pancasila yang mewujudkan Indonesia yang maju dan religius. Kata Kunci: Indonesia, kepribadian bangsa, nilai-nilai Pancasila

Priyam Verma

This chapter decodes the techniques of PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation) in MCDA. Rigorous literature review will assist in deciphering and rationalising the progressions in the techniques since the inception of PROMETHEE. The chapter shall extensively review literature on PROMETHEE and shall concisely explore relevant cases. The literature shall include journal articles, research paper based on case studies and conference proceedings concentrating mainly in the discipline of management science. The chapter will untangle the essential steps that will simplify the mathematical component used in PROMETHEE I and PROMETHEE II with a hypothetical case and a practical case. In the final phase of the chapter the limitations of PROMETHEE I and II shall be accentuated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 153 (3) ◽  
pp. 294-302 ◽  
Virian D Serei ◽  
Billie Fyfe

Abstract Objectives The objective of this study was to review and illustrate the sometimes diagnostically challenging features of cardiac sarcoidosis. We emphasize variable phenotypes presented at explant and biopsy evaluation and review literature regarding ancillary clinical and pathologic studies to enhance diagnostic accuracy. Methods A literature review was performed and two cardiac sarcoidosis cases were illustrated. Results Our cases and literature review demonstrate the pathologic spectrum of cardiac sarcoidosis. Irregular left ventricular free wall involvement is most common, followed by the interventricular septum and right ventricle. Although granulomas are often composed of tight epithelioid macrophage aggregates, early granulomas comprise loosely associated macrophages with lymphocyte predominance. Chronic disease leads to fibrosis and end-stage heart failure. Sampling errors and variable histology cause low endomyocardial biopsy sensitivity. Conclusions Current guidelines use clinical, radiologic, and immunohistologic criteria for diagnosing cardiac sarcoidosis. Knowledge of these guidelines will assist pathologists in making accurate diagnosis of this disease.

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