scholarly journals Matlab/Simulink simulation model of photo-diesel power supply system with intelligent control

2021 ◽  
pp. 52-62
B. V. Lukutin ◽  
D. I. Muravyev ◽  

In this article, a simulation model of an autonomous PVdiesel power supply (PDPS) system with direct current is considered. The autonomous PDPS is implemented in the Simulink programming environment of the Matlab software package. The system includes: a photovoltaic power station (PPS), a diesel generator (DG), an energy storage system (ESS), a remote consumer as well as auxiliary converters. The PDPS model makes it possible to analyze the energy balance between generation, consumption, and the energy exchange available from the ESS connected via a DC bus (DCB). With the help of the proposed model, it is possible to analyze and optimize the technical and economic indicators of DC power plants with the priority of the PPS contribution: reducing the consumption of diesel fuel and carbonation of the air reducing the cost of 1 kWh for the remote consumer and controlling the switching in the power plants as per logical conditions. The obtained technical and economic indicators of the PDPS using direct current are superior to similar systems based on alternating current due to an increase in the contribution of the PPS to the energy balance. As a result of experiments with changing input conditions, i.e. annual changes in insolation and temperature at different latitudes, the authors justify technical, economic, and environmental criteria for the effectiveness of decision-making and recommendations for the design and operation of PDPS power plants. Intelligent algorithms for effective control of PV-diesel power systems based on DC are developed and suggested

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4 Part B) ◽  
pp. 3209-3218
Dongliu Huang ◽  
Jianluan Guo ◽  
Wenjun Ouyang

The paper starts with calculating the share of heat of condensate in thermal power plants in the total heat of steam, expounds the purpose, significance, and principle requirements of condensate recovery. Introduces the composition and classification of condensate recovery system, proposes technical and economic indicators for condensate recovery, and derives them a simple algorithm for the benefit of condensate recovery is presented. Finally, two calculation examples are used to illustrate the considerable benefits of condensate recovery.

С.Е. Кузнецов ◽  
Н.А. Алексеев ◽  
А.А. Виноградов

Изложена методика расчета показателей безотказности электроснабжения (вероятности безотказного электроснабжения и средней наработки до отказа) ответственных приемников морского судна, подключаемых к аварийному электрораспределительному щиту. Методика реализована применительно к судовой электроэнергетической системе с тремя источниками электроэнергии – двумя основными дизель-генераторными агрегатами, подключенными к главному электрораспределительному щиту, и одним аварийным дизель-генераторным агрегатом, подключенным к аварийному электрораспределительному щиту. Рассмотрены различные режимы работы судовой электроэнергетической системы: при работе до первого отказа одного основного дизель-генератора, при параллельной работе двух основных дизель-генераторов, при работе одного аварийного дизель-генератора; а также после обесточивания с учетом возможности последующего включения резервного или (и) аварийного дизель генератора. Методика, с соответствующими корректировками, может быть использована для расчета показателей безотказного электроснабжения в судовых электроэнергетических системах другой комплектации. Расчет показателей безотказности электроснабжения необходим при проектировании для обеспечения требуемого уровня надежности электроснабжения судовых приемников электроэнергии, а при эксплуатации – для предупреждения отказов и планирования технического обслуживания и ремонта элементов судовых электроэнергетических систем. The methodology for calculating the indicators of the reliability of power supply (the probability of failure-free power supply and the mean time to failure) of critical receivers of a sea vessel connected to the emergency electrical switchboard is presented. The technique is implemented in relation to a ship power system with three sources of electricity - two main diesel generator sets connected to the main electrical switchboard, and one emergency diesel generator set connected to an emergency electrical switchboard. Various operating modes of the ship's electric power system are considered: during operation until the first failure of one main diesel generator, during parallel operation of two main diesel generators, during operation of one emergency diesel generator; as well as after de-energizing, taking into account the possibility of subsequent switching on of the backup and / or emergency diesel generator. The technique, with appropriate adjustments, can be used to calculate indicators of reliable power supply in ship power systems of a different configuration. Calculation of power supply reliability indicators is necessary during design to ensure the required level of power supply reliability for ship power receivers, and during operation - to prevent failures and plan maintenance and repair of elements of ship power systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 191 ◽  
pp. 02004
Alexandra Khalyasmaa ◽  
Stanislav Eroshenko ◽  
Sergey Mitrofanov ◽  
Anastasia Rusina ◽  
Anna Arestova ◽  

The paper presents a simulation model of a hydroelectric power plants chain. The model allows solving the problem of hydro power plants (HPPs) operation mode planning in a unified power system, taking into account the optimization of water resources. The optimal filling and decrease of storage was performed in MATLAB Simulink software. The hydraulic properties of the river flow between the stations and the corresponding time lags in the functioning of the down-river station are taken into account. The model allows continuously monitoring changes in water pressure at hydropower plants and, as a result, uses the family of flow characteristics for various water pressures. The issues of optimizing the participation of hydroelectric power stations in the regimes of large hydrothermal power systems were also raised.

2019 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 188-192
O. A. Voron

A specific feature of the market for the transport of perishable goods is the length of the routes. As part of the implementation of new technical solutions for isothermal rolling stock, research is being conducted on the development of autonomous power supply complexes. The article discusses combined power supply system of an autonomous refrigerated car (ARC), which includes a diesel generator set and a carriage generator. Possibility of using liquefied natural gas as a motor fuel for a diesel generator set, as well as generator and drive units with a car generator is being evaluated. Taking into account the operating experience of power plants of cars in the mode of unmanned technologies, the advantages of using liquefied gas as fuel are described. Comparative calculation of the costs of various types of fuel by the ARC power plant is given. The advantages of using the utilization of the heat of vaporization of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to increase the cooling capacity of a regular refrigeration unit are substantiated. Article gives comparative calculated economic assessment of fuel costs when using different options for power supply systems on routes when driving at high speed and accelerated refrigerated trains, which allows determining the required onboard fuel supply for different options. The use of LNG as a motor fuel and an additional source of cold for ARC is promising. Autonomy of the car on existing fuel reserves is increased by reducing the operating time of refrigeration and power plants. Reducing operating costs is achieved through savings on the purchase of fuel, since the price of an equivalent amount of LNG is lower than that of gasoline or diesel fuel. Operational advantages of LNG are to protect the fuel system from corrosion and contamination. The use of a generator-drive unit with a car generator will save from 30 to 70 % of the fuel used (LNG or diesel), depending on the speed of the freight train on routes of considerable length.

E. M. Farhadzadeh ◽  
A. Z. Muradaliyev ◽  
Yu. Z. Farzaliyev ◽  
T. K. Rafiyeva ◽  
S. A. Abdullayeva

Improving the reliability of decisions taken in the organization of maintenance and repair of electric power systems is one of the most important and difficult problems. It is important because erroneous solutions lead, first of all, to an increase in operating costs. The difficulty in solving this problem is associated with the lack of appropriate methods to reduce the risk of erroneous decisions. The article presents one of the aspects of this problem, i.e. improving the reliability of the decision on the nature of the relationship of technical and economic indicators of electric power systems. Traditionally, increase of reliability of the decision is reached by reduction of a Type I error. Usually it is accepted to be equal to 5%, occasionally – to 1%, and at researches – even to 0.5 %. The corresponding critical values of correlation coefficients are given in mathematics reference books. This method implicitly assumes that the consequences of a Type I error significantly exceed the consequences of Type II errors, and the distribution of correlation coefficients corresponds to the normal law. Therefore, the risk of an erroneous decision concerning the absence of a significant statistical relation is not controlled. But even if there is a wish to estimate the Type II error, it is almost impossible to fulfill it, because there are no critical values for correlation coefficients of dependent samples. No less relevant is the problem of deciding on the statistical relationship between technical and economic indicators in conditions of equality of consequences of erroneous decisions, i.e. it is necessary to take into account both a Type I error and a Type II error. To overcome the mentioned difficulties a new method for estimating the critical values of correlation coefficients has been developed. The novelty consists in the application of fiducial approach; the calculation of critical values are fulfilled with the aid of computer technologies of simulation of possible realizations of the correlation coefficients for the two assumptions, viz. technical and economic indicators of the independent and dependent; simulation is fulfilled with the method of solving the “inverse problem”, which enables the possible implementation of the correlation coefficients for the really dependent and independent samples of random variables at a given sample size; the developed algorithms and programs for calculation made it possible to obtain the critical values of correlation coefficients for independent and dependent samples; in conditions of the sameness of the consequences of erroneous decisions it is proposed to make a decision not based on critical value but based on the boundary values of the correlation coefficients that correspond to the minimum total risk of erroneous decisions; the exemplification of the recommendations application was made on example of technical and economic parameters of boilers of power units of 300 MWt. The significant impact of the availability of interrelated technical and economic indicators on the result of the ranking of boiler plants by the reliability and efficiency of their work is demonstrated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
pp. 04056
Muradilla Mukhammadiev ◽  
Kurbon Dzhuraev ◽  
Sanjar Juraev ◽  
Abdurauf Abduaziz Uulu ◽  
A Makhmudov

In our country, a lot of attention is paid to the development of the energy sector. A lot of work is underway to modernize existing capacities and commission new capacities. At the same time, the unit capacities of units and power plants also increase, which ensures faster commissioning of capacities in the power system and an increase in the efficiency of power plants. Attention is also paid to the development of power plants based on renewable energy sources (hydraulic, solar, wind, etc.). One of the most important tasks in the power industry is to cover peak minimum and maximum loads, which is becoming increasingly important in connection with the growth of the power system's capacity. As is known, according to world indicators, the maneuverable capacities should be about 25% of the total power of the EPS. The most promising maneuverable capacities are hydroelectric power plants. However, in our country, hydroelectric power plants account for about 14.3%. This task will become more complicated with the introduction of capacities based on solar and wind energy and the commissioning of new hydroelectric and thermal power plants in the Republic. This is because RES capacities have a significant discontinuity even during the day, and the water resources in the Republic are primarily for irrigation and drainage purposes and are significantly variable during the season. One way to solve these problems in the world is the creation and use of pumped storage power plants (PSPP). The peculiarities of the creation and use of pumped storage power plants in our region are that the available hydro resources of our region are mainly of water management importance, while the task is also to increase the energy efficiency of existing reservoirs. Based on the foregoing, we can say that the development of methods for determining the economic efficiency of pumped storage power plants, taking into account direct and indirect effects, taking into account the peculiarities of their use in energy and water management systems of Uzbekistan is the main task for the present time. To solve the set tasks, a new methodology and program for substantiating the technical and economic indicators of pumped storage power plants in Uzbekistan's energy and water management systems have been developed. The schemes of using pumped storage power plants at four energy and water management facilities, that is, the Tuyamuyun hydro subunit, Arnasai, Talimarjan, and Khodjikent reservoirs, were considered, and for these facilities, based on the developed methodology and program, their technical and economic parameters of the pumped storage power plant were determined. Based on the results obtained, it can be said that using the PSPP in four facilities, it is possible to generate a total of about 418 MW of capacity and more than 930.0 million kWh of electricity, as well as to save 139 thousand tons of fuel equivalent per year, with this, the annual economic efficiency will be about 700.0 billion sums.

2019 ◽  
Vol 114 ◽  
pp. 05007 ◽  
Felix Byk ◽  
Yana Frolova ◽  
Ludmila Myshkina

The existing centralized power supply system has the alternative due to distributed generation. By certain conditions distributed cogeneration allows to increase the reliability and quality of power supply and to reduce the cost of electricity for consumers. Therefore, a lot of energy-intensive consumers switched to their own power supply systems, as it turned out to be a competitive technical solution. The total gasification of the country’s regions and the presence of domestic manufacturers of gas turbine and gas piston power plants accelerated this process. Nowadays local power systems are emerging with cogeneration plants are the main source of heat and electricity there. The feasibility justification of the kind and type of generation is determined by many factors, including circuit-mode parameters in the local power system and adjacent network. Local power systems based on the principles of self-balance are proposed to name as energy cells. The integration of energy cells with regional power system increases the technical and economic effectiveness of power supply system for consumers. The proposed power systems transition leads to certain systemic effects. Received effects are depending on functions of distributed generation. This paper explores the impact of scheme and mode factor on the technical effects.

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