O CONCEITO DE PESSOA NO DEBATE BIOÉTICO "The Concept of person in bioethical debate"

Sérgio Grigoleto

O presente Artigo apresenta diversas formas de se compreender quando começa a vida humana. Dependendo da forma de compreender o início desse fenômeno e de como se compreende o embrião ou feto, dependerá nosso modo de nos relacionarmos com o ele, – o feto – assim como a sua condição jurídica. Apresenta-se de início, a corrente personalista, que identifica o conceito de pessoa com o de ser humano, defendendo que o ser humano, desde seu primeiríssimo estágio de desenvolvimento é pessoa, e, portanto, titular de direitos. Logo após, apresenta-se várias teorias que afirmam que o embrião ou feto, de acordo com seu estágio de desenvolvimento é um ser humano, mas não é pessoa, e por isso, não é titular de direitos, entre os quais, o direito fundamental à vida e à integridade física.Palavras-chave: Início da vida. Embrião. Pessoa. Pré-natal. AbstractThis Paper presents several forms one can apprehend the exact moment which human life in flows out. Depending on the way one perceives as being embryo or fetus, from these perspectives, one can discover how dealing with it, i.e. the embryo or fetus, as well as with regards to its juridical condition. One can present, first of all, the personalistic current which identifies the concept regarding to the person with the human being that one, assuming the which the human being according to, since its primary development stage, is a person in itself and therefore – person – has its own rights as a titular by itself. Soon after, one has presented several theories that affirm the embryo or fetus, according to its development is a human being, but it is not a person and, therefore, it has not its right as a titular by itself, including among these ones i.e. rights, its fundamental right to life and to its physical integrity.Keywords: Life Beginning. Embryo. Person. Pre-natal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 67 (266) ◽  
pp. 260
Antônio Moser

Desde a década de 1960, o mundo cristão acostumou-se a repetir uma expressão que, de acordo com o Concílio Vaticano II, definia o mundo de então: “mudanças rápidas e profundas”. A definição continua teoricamente verdadeira, mas a expressão já não expressa nem a rapidez, nem a profundidade das mudanças que vão se operando nos dias de hoje, ou seja, à distância de apenas cinqüenta anos. Sob o signo de comunicações que se caracterizam por processos revolucionários ao mesmo tempo mais simples e mais complexos, é o próprio ser humano que vai se transformando em velocidade estonteante, na maneira de se comunicar, de sentir, de pensar e de ser. Verdadeiramente a nova condição comunicativa se transformou em nova condição humana, com tudo o que isto significa em termos de soluções e interrogaçõesAbstract: From the 60s onward the Christian world got used to repeating an expression that, according to the II Vatican Council, defined what the world at the time was going through: “rapid and deep changes”. In theory, the definition continues to be true, but the expression no longer reflects either the speed or the depth of the changes operating today, only fifty years later. Under the sign of communications that are marked by both simpler and more complex revolutionary processes, is the human being him/herself who changes at a dazzling speed in the way s/he communicates, feels, thinks and is. Indeed the new communicative condition became the new human condition with all that means in terms of solutions and questionings.

Helder Maioli Alvarenga

Nos dias atuais tornou-se claro o papel exercido pela religião cristã na fundamentação da cosmovisão ocidental. Sabemos que toda ruptura pressupõe continuidades. Assim, apesar de inúmeros pensadores afirmarem a impossibilidade de se conjugar modernidade e religião, no nosso caso o cristianismo, o que vemos são as religiões coexistirem com as demais instituições modernas. Não só as religiões mudaram, mas a própria modernidade não é a mesma. No tocante ao cristianismo a reflexão em torno da hermenêutica diversificou esta matriz, bem como revelou uma de suas características identitárias, possibilitando seu diálogo com o mundo moderno. Neste sentido o objetivo de nosso artigo é resgatar a dimensão hermenêutica do cristianismo mostrando como ela contribuiu para o diálogo desta matriz com as diversas modernidades. Nossa metodologia é bibliográfica e parte de um resgate histórico da interpretação cristã enquanto identidade e método e do confronto desta realidade com o período atual, para nós revelador de um novo estágio da modernidade. Por fim, pensamos que assim como a modernidade se tornou múltipla assumindo a pluralidade para si mesma, o cristianismo, como matriz religiosa que pretende oferecer sentido ao ser humano contemporâneo, só pode ser pensado dentro da pluralidade própria de nossos tempos. HERMENÉUTICA Y MODERNIDAD: EL RETORNO A UN CRISTIANISMO PROPOSICIONAL Hence, we know that every rupture presupposes continuitie. Thus, although many thinkers have affirmed about the impossibility of combining modernity and religion; Christianity as our point here, what we encounter is that religions coexist with other modern institutions. Not only the religions have changed, but also the modernity itself, has changed as well. Regarding Christianity, reflection on hermeneutics has diversified this matrix, as well as revealed one of its identity characteristics, allowing its dialogue with the modern world. Therefore, the objective of this our article, is to rescue the hermeneutic dimension of Christianity, showing the way how it contributed to the dialogical dimension of this matrix with the different modernities. Our methodology is based on the bibliographical and also historical in order to rescue the Christian interpretation as its identity and method to confront the reality. At the end, we just think that, as modernity has become multiple by having assumed plurality for itself, Christianity, as a religious matrix that intends to offer the meaning of life to the contemporary human being, can only be thought of within the proper plurality to our times.

2018 ◽  
Vol 75 (300) ◽  
pp. 809
Maria Emília de Oliveira Schpallir Silva

Síntese: Este trabalho de pesquisa tem por objetivo fazer uma reflexão bioética sobre as Diretivas Antecipadas da Vontade à luz da moral cristã e da Doutrina do Magistério da Igreja, em vista da dignidade humana, nas questões relativas à terminalidade da vida. Para tanto, parte de uma reflexão sobre dignidade humana, direito à vida e autonomia, na perspectiva da doutrina cristã católica e conclui que apenas dentro de um contexto de profundo respeito pelo ser humano, o que inclui o respeito pela vida humana, desde a concepção até a morte natural, as Diretivas Antecipadas da Vontade podem vir a constituir-se uma opção ética, não entrando em conflito com a moral católica.Palavras-chave: Diretivas antecipadas. Bioética. Magistério da Igreja Católica.Abstract: This paper aims to make a bioethical reflection on Advance Health Care Directive under the perspective of Christian morality and the Catholic Church’s Magisterium doctrine, in view of human dignity in matters relating to life termination. Therefore, it starts reflecting on human dignity, right to life and autonomy in the Catholic Christian doctrine perspective and concludes that only within a context of deep respect for the human being, which includes respect for human life from conception to natural death, advance directives may constitute an ethical option that does not conflict with Catholic moral.Keyword: Advance directives. Bioethics. Catholic Church’s Magisterium

2019 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-162
Andrea Cioffi ◽  
Fernanda Cioffi

On 30 January 2019, in a case involving a midwife who caused the death of a foetus, the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation established that the foetus during labour, while still within the maternal womb, is a human being with all associated rights (judgment number 27539). This claim has an obvious legal consequence: anyone causing the death of a foetus during labour is guilty not of culpable abortion but of culpable homicide. This ruling paves the way for legal and bioethical debate aimed at establishing the precise moment when a foetus is no longer a potential human being but an actual human being. The consequences of this ruling will also be evident in the debate on abortion.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Sulkhan Chakim

Kejawen belief teaches that the search for God must be actualized in a set of acts (laku). Laku is the way to achieve the highest level of human’s spirituality. This spirituality is present in the unity between a human being as a God’s creature and Him (manunggaling kawula Gusti). This spirituality becomes the ultimate goal of Javanese mysticism. Apart from Kejawen belief, Islam views that the highest level of human’s spirituality is iman. As a religion, Islam contains fundamental value in human life, that is godly value (iman). Iman will bear a set of values based on one God (rabbaniyah) which builds the awareness that the beginning and the end of life is from God. God is sangkan paran (the beginning and the end) of every creature’s life. Facing the changing society, da ’wa activist should be able to drive social engineering comprehensively by applying amar makruf (emancipation), nahi munkar (freedom) and tukminu billah (theological humanism).

1994 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-80 ◽  
Glanville Williams

The philosophical answer to Milton's problem is, like so many philosophical answers, a counter-question. What do you mean by human life? This could involve further probing of a kind that a pre-Darwinian like John Milton would fail to comprehend. Does he include Neanderthal man, for example, in “human life”, or does he want to start with Homo sapiens?A resurrected Milton might protest that in writing Paradise Lost he was not concerned with problems of evolution (of which he had not previously heard). His question suggests that he was thinking of the “life” of a particular “human being”; but he knew so little of what we now call biology that he would probably have been as nonplussed by the biological answer to his problem as one given in terms of prehistory.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-75 ◽  
Katherine Jenness

This paper explores the way American intellectuals depicted Sigmund Freud during the peak of popularity and prestige of psychoanalysis in the US, roughly the decade and a half following World War II. These intellectuals insisted upon the unassailability of Freud's mind and personality. He was depicted as unsusceptible to any external force or influence, a trait which was thought to account for Freud's admirable comportment as a scientist, colleague and human being. This post-war image of Freud was shaped in part by the Cold War anxiety that modern individuality was imperilled by totalitarian forces, which could only be resisted by the most rugged of selves. It was also shaped by the unique situation of the intellectuals themselves, who were eager to position themselves, like the Freud they imagined, as steadfastly independent and critical thinkers who would, through the very clarity of their thought, lead America to a more robust democracy.

1970 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 385-402
Zainal Arifin

This paper attempts to analyze the development of integrative science at two Islamic universities, namely UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and UIN Malang. The changes are not just ordinary administrative changes, but based on the epistemological basis of integrated scientific development between science and Islam. The changing of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga and STAIN Malang also showed a new relationship between science (general sciences) and Islam, which requiresmutual relations, mutual dialogue, mutual reinforcement to solve the problems of postmodern human life. The purpose of this relation is to create the graduates who are capable of competing in the postmodern world that increasingly sophisticated and advanced science and technology, in addition, the value of religionbased morality is not abandoned, so they become the holistic human being. Tulisan ini mencoba menganalisis pengembangan keilmuan integratif pada dua universitas Islam negeri, yaitu UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta dan UIN Malang. Perubahan keduanya bukanlah hanya perubahan administrasi biasa, tapi didasari oleh basis epistemologi pengembangan keilmuan terintegrasi antara sains dan Islam. Perubahan IAIN Sunan Kalijaga dan STAIN Malang juga menunjukkan adanya relasi baru antara sains (ilmu-ilmu umum) dan Islam, yaitu relasi saling membutuhkan, saling berdialog, saling menguatkan untuk menyelesaikan problema kehidupan manusia postmodern ini. Tujuan relasi ini untuk mewujudkan lulusan yang mampu bersaing di dunia postmodern yang semakin canggih dan maju ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologinya, selain itu nilai moralitas yang berbasis agama tidak ditinggalkan, sehingga menjadi manusia yang utuh.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-143
Elena I. Yaroslavtseva

The article examines the impact of digitalization on human life and intellectual experience. The development of computer technology demands an understanding of new aspects of human development and requires a capability to overcome not only external conditions but also ourselves. Entering a new level of development cannot imply a complete rejection of previous dispositions, but should be accompanied by reflection on personal experience and by the quest for new forms of interaction in society and with nature. Communicative and cognitive activity of a person has an ontological basis and relies on processes that actually evolve in nature. Therefore, the creation of new objects is always associated with the properties of natural material and gives rise to new points of support in the development of man. The more audacious his projects, the more important it is to preserve this connection to nature. It is always the human being who turns out to be the initiator who knows how to solve problems. The conformity of complex technical systems to nature is not only a goal but also a value of meaningful construction of development perspectives. The key to the nature orientation of the modern digital world is the human being himself, who keeps all the secrets of the culture of his natural development. Therefore, the proposed by the Russian philosopher V.S. Stepin post-non-classical approach, based on the principle of “human-sizedness,” is an important contribution to contemporary research because it draws attention to the “human – machine” communication, to the relationship between a person and technological systems he created. The article concludes that during digital transformation, a cultural conflict arises: in an effort to solve the problems of the future, a person equips his life with devices that are designed to support him, to expand his functionality, but at the same time, the boundaries of humanity become dissolved and the forms of human activity undergo simplification. Transhumanism engages society in the fight against fears of vulnerability and memory loss and ignores the flexibility and sustainability of natural foundation.

2013 ◽  
pp. 160-166
Izabela Front

The present article seeks to analyze the way in which the blasphemous figure of God in Dolce agonia by Nancy Huston allows the author to describe the sacred element in human life, seen as deprived of transcendental character. This is possible thanks to the three aspects of the text dependent on the type of God’s figure, which are: the contrast between passages marked by the cynical God’s voice and passages focused on man’s life filled with suffering; the tone and the appropriation of time var-iations and, finally, the double character of God who, at the same time, is indifferent to man’s lot while touched by his capacity of love.

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