Ruslan Skrynkovskyy ◽  
Mariana Khmyz ◽  
Vitaliy Hudyma ◽  
Valentyn Liubarskyi ◽  

The article reveals the main aspects of the independence of professional judges as a constitutional basis of their legal status. It is established that the main aspects of the independence of judges as the constitutional basis of their legal status in Ukraine are regulated by the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges», the Law of Ukraine «On the High Council of Justice», the Law of Ukraine «On Ensuring the Right to a Fair Court», the Law of Ukraine «On Restoring Confidence in the Judiciary in Ukraine», the Law of Ukraine «On Purification of Power». It is determined that the independence of the judiciary is guaranteed by the state and acts as a constitutional and legal basis for the functioning and activity of the judiciary. It was found that the independence of judges is a key element of the professional status of judges. It has been determined that a judge, in administering justice, must be independent of influence, pressure or interference from unlawful sources. It was noted that state authorities and local self-government bodies, as well as their officials and officials, individuals and legal entities, are obliged to respect the independence of judges, as well as not to encroach on it. It has been established that a judge in the context of administering justice is independent, therefore, taking measures to ensure the independence of judges is one of the main responsibilities of the High Council of Justice. It has been established that every year the number of violations by offenders on the independence of judges in the context of their administration of justice is increasing. It was determined that most often encroachment on the independence of judges in Ukraine occurs on the part of law enforcement agencies, people's deputies, deputies of local councils, other representatives of state authorities and local self-government bodies, lawyers, as well as in cases of violation of law and order in a court session, disruption of court hearings, blocking courts, making various threats to judges, committing physical pressure on judges or members of their families, damaging their property, as well as the property of courts, disseminating inaccurate information in relation to judges. It was found that the low level of guarantees for the independence of judges has an indirect effect on reducing the possibilities of exercising the right to exercise judicial protection. It is noted that the prospects for further research in this direction are the study of the legal foundations of the procedure for the selection and appointment of professional judges in the context of constitutional and legal requirements for candidates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Saadulaev A.I. ◽  

The right to go to court, including administrative, is one of the most important rights of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. In addition to the general constitutional right to judicial protection, in particular, Art. 7 of the Law of Ukraine «On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges» of 02.06.2016 № 1402-VIII, guarantees everyone the protection of his rights, freedoms and interests within a reasonable time by an independent, impartial and fair court established by law. Foreigners, stateless persons and foreign legal entities have the right to judicial protection in Ukraine on an equal footing with citizens and legal entities of Ukraine. Access to justice for every person is ensured in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and in the manner prescribed by the laws of Ukraine. However, along with the guaranteed right to apply to the court of foreigners, stateless persons (refugees, migrants, immigrants), such a category of subjects of administrative proceedings as apartheid remained outside the scope of domestic law. In order to eliminate the shortcomings of the legislative regulation of the legal status of apartheid in Ukraine, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to eliminate the existing shortcoming by amending the Law of Ukraine «On Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons» of 22.09.2011 № 3773-V. Keywords: legal status, foreigners, migrants, apartheid, justice, legislation

V. Kantsir ◽  
V. Kushpit ◽  
A. Palyukh ◽  
I. Tsylyuryk ◽  
I. Kantsir

Abstract. The article is devoted to analysis of the effectiveness of the main procedural legal and financial (banking) mechanisms designed to ensure the protection of property rights’ immunity. The legally regulated procedures of such protection are analyzed on platforms — both procedural and legal as well as financial and economic. There is no doubt that only in a state where the immunity of property is declared and guaranteed to the person can be provided the development of economic, intellectual, socially oriented activities. The effect of the principle of immunity of property rights is not absolute, but its restrictions are possible only on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by law. The topicality of the inviolability of property rights is due to the role of law as a platform for citizens’ property independence and their participation in the processes of social reproduction. The guarantee of property independence is the right of ownership of property and non-property rights, which is realized by giving a person the right to freely, unimpededly, and fully exercise the rights of the owner of personal property. The compliance of the inviolability of property rights during criminal proceedings is not properly ensured in the current CPC (The Criminal Procedure Code) of Ukraine; in particular, the movement of confiscated property is not regulated, which questions the novelty of inviolability. To improve the procedure for the protection of property rights, this is necessary to regulate at the legislative level the mechanism of protection and restoration of property rights of persons victimized by criminal offenses. The etymology of «inviolability» guarantees by law the protection of the status of the person from any encroachment. Inviolability in the economic and legal context is mainly understood as a person’s legal status, which is an unalterable guarantee against unauthorized restrictions by the state institutions — law enforcement, financial, court, and individuals and legal entities. An attempt is made to accumulate most of the latest achievements (both legislative, theoretically investigative and applied) on the issues of legal regulation of the studied financial and legal relations, based on which scientific views are substantiated, and proposals are developed to improve regulations in this area. The main vectors of economic and legal mechanisms for the protection of the inviolability of property rights, which would correlate with generally accepted European and world standards, have been identified. Keywords: the inviolability of property rights, property rights, principles of proceedings, judicial protection, seizure of property, financial guarantee, financial risks. JEL Classification G28; К14 Formulas: 0; fig.: 0; tabl.: 0; bibl.: 12.

S. Prylutskyi ◽  

In 2016, a provision appeared in Article 125 of the Basic Law, which stipulated that higher specialized courts may operate in accordance with the law. Filling the content of this wording in, Article 31 of the Law "On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges" (2016) establishes that in the judicial system there are higher specialized courts as courts of first instance to consider certain categories of cases. This category of courts today includes the High Court of Intellectual Property and the High Anti-Corruption Court, activities of which are initiated by the relevant legislation. However, in political circles there was a discussion about the constitutionality of this court and, accordingly, the subject of the right to a constitutional petition questioned a number of provisions of the Law "On the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court" and appealed to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to declare this law unconstitutional. In turn, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine initiated constitutional proceedings on this issue. Familiarization with the legal position of the subject of the constitutional petition indicates that the key issue of this constitutional proceeding concerns the presence of signs of a "special court" (within the meaning of Part 6 of Article 125 of the Constitution of Ukraine) in the mechanism of legislative regulation of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court. In order to find an objective answer to the existing conflict, it is necessary to abstractly identify the main features of a "special" court. To solve such an applied problem, the author of the article turned to the theory and applied provisions of the principle of natural judgment, which was the subject of this study. As a result of the study, the author argues that by giving the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court exclusive jurisdiction over the system of general courts, the legislator has significantly deviated from the permissible limits of constitutional legality. The author singled out and grouped the key features of a special court, which included: 1) Separation of a judicial institution with a separate system of instances for consideration of certain categories of cases selected from the general array (special jurisdiction) or in respect to a separate category of persons. 2) The court, which is entrusted with special, different from other general courts, the purpose and objectives of the activity. 3) A court formed to expedite the resolution of certain categories of cases specific to a certain period; 4) A court in which judges have a special legal status (special tasks in the administration of justice; special professional qualifications (requirements, selection criteria); a special (extraordinary) procedure for the formation of the judiciary, etc. It is seen that the principle of natural judgment – is a fundamental constitutional and legal heritage of civilized humanity, which is designed to protect people, their rights and freedoms from the arbitrariness of the state, and from the use of courts as an instrument of terror and wrongful persecution.

Vitaliy Hudyma ◽  
Myroslav Kovaliv ◽  
Andriy Pryveda ◽  
Khrystyna Kaydrovych ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of guarantees as an element of the legal status of a judge. The article considers the effectiveness of justice by the judiciary as an independent branch of state power, which is entrusted with the function of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of persons in the state. It is argued that the right to judicial protection can be properly realized only if there is an effective mechanism of judicial protection, which becomes real if there are guarantees for the activity of a judge. The independence and independence of the judiciary is due to the constitutional principle of separation of powers, proclaimed in the Constitution of Ukraine. However, it is in democracies that this principle acquires special significance, because we are talking about legally enshrined guarantees and effective mechanisms of «containment and balances» in the organization and activities of various branches of government. Each of the branches of government – legislative, executive and judicial, independently performs only its inherent functions, not obeying each other. Decisions are made by the judiciary due to their independence, because no additional approval by the bodies of other branches of government is required. The most important prerequisite for this is the protection of the judiciary from unlawful influence or interference from other actors. Only an independent judiciary can become the guarantor of the rule of law, the implementation of effective and accessible justice and a fair judicial decision of cases in the state. The guarantees of the judge's activity in the administration of justice are divided into three groups: guarantees of the procedural activity of the judge as the bearer of judicial power, the subject of the process; organizational and legal guarantees for the activity of a judge as a person holding a public office and is a member of the judicial community; social and legal guarantees of a judge as a citizen with a special legal status, limited in civil rights by legislation on the status of judges and occupying a separate position in society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-107
Dwi Susiati ◽  
Sri Setiadji

Abrasion is a natural disaster that results in the owner of the right to land losing the right to control, use or take advantage of the land, because the land is lost in part or in whole due to erosion by water. Article 27 of the Law On Agraria determines that property rights over land are destroyed if the land is destroyed. In this study, the author will analyze the legal status of property of land affected by abrasion with the formulation of the problem What is the legal status of property rights on land affected by abrasion according to Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration and how to guarantee the protection of affected land rights abrasion. The results of this study are that the status of land rights affected by abrasion is abolished, both in the provisions of the Law On Agraria and Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration because it is no longer compatible with physical data or juridical data as a strong evidence. The government has an obligation to provide guarantees and protection of rights to land affected by abrasion and those that have been affected by abrasion in part or in whole. On the basis of the state's right to control Article 2 of the Law On Agraria the state has the right to regulate land use, inventory, and maintenance to prevent and reduce the impact of abrasion on its citizens. The government can also provide compensation as contained in Article Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management which determines that the Government and regional governments are responsible for the implementation of disaster management.Abrasi merupakan bencana alam yang mengakibatkan pemilik hak atas tanah kehilangan hak untuk menguasai, menggunakan, atau mengambil manfaat atas tanah, karena tanah tersebut hilang sebagian atau seluruhnya akibat pengikisan oleh air. Pasal 27 UUPA menentukan hak milik atas tanah hapus, apabila tanahnya musnah. Pada penelitian ini, penulis akan menganalisa tentang status hukum hak milik atas tanah yang terkena abrasi dengan rumusan masalah Bagaimana status hukum hak milik atas tanah yang terkena abrasi menurut PP No. 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah  dan bagaimana jaminan perlindungan hak-hak tanah yang terdampak abrasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa status hak atas tanah yang terkena abrasi adalah hapus, baik dalam ketentuan UUPA maupun PP No. 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah karena tidak sesuai lagi dengan data fisik maupun data yuridis sebagai alat bukti yang kuat. Pemerintah mempunyai kewajiban untuk memberikan jaminan dan perlindungan hak-hak atas tanah yang terdampak abrasi maupun yang sudah terkena abrasi baik sebagian maupun seluruh tanahnya. Atas dasar hak menguasai oleh negara Pasal 2 UUPA negara berhak mengatur peruntukan, penggunaan, persediaan,dan pemeliharaan tanah untuk mencegah dan mengurangi dampak abrasi bagi warga negaranya. Pemerintah juga dapat memberikan ganti kerugian sebagaimana yang ada di dalam UU No. 24 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana yang menentukan bahwa Pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah menjadi penanggung jawab dalam penyelenggaraan penang-gulangan bencana.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (87) ◽  
Kateryna Torgashova ◽  

The article is devoted to the issue of theoretical and practical problems of inconsistency of criteria in determining the jurisdictions of administrative and commercial courts. Article 124 of the Constitution of Ukraine emphasizes that the jurisdiction of courts extends to any legal dispute. According to Article 18 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges", courts specialize in civil, criminal, commercial, administrative cases, as well as cases of administrative offenses. The adoption and entry into force of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Procedure in 2005 became especially relevant in resolving the issue of jurisdiction of cases involving the subject of power, and hence the separation of civil, commercial, in some cases even criminal from administrative jurisdictions has become problematic in some cases. In addition, judicial reforms, which have been and continue to be an attempt to bring the judiciary into line with European standards, have amended the Constitution of Ukraine, as well as various pieces of procedural law. Today, there are problems with a single approach to determining administrative jurisdiction. Such ambiguous issues can further lead to violations of constitutional human rights, such as the right to a fair trial within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law. After all, in practice there are often cases when judges refuse to initiate proceedings on the grounds that a particular dispute belongs to the jurisdiction of another court or cases where several judges are hearing homogeneous cases, which will indicate the imperfection of the law and the need for more accurate regulation of legislative norms. Despite the different approaches to the theoretical analysis of this issue and the diversity of opinions, the only thing that remains is that the problems of delimitation of jurisdictions lead to human rights violations, and therefore there is an urgent need to improve legislation. It should be noted that the issue of delimitation of cases between administrative and commercial courts in determining the rules of jurisdiction of cases repeatedly arises when appealing the decisions of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. The topic of delimitation of jurisdictions in resolving public law disputes is extremely relevant and important, because the wrong delimitation of jurisdictions can and does lead to violations. There are quite significant problems of delimitation of jurisdictions based on the criteria specified in both the the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Procedure and the Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine, because they do not correspond to each other and do not agree with each other. Since such criteria are not decisive in distinguishing disputes, this is a practical problem not only for participants in public disputes, but also for judges. Such uncertainty leads to a violation of convention rights, including the right to judicial protection. After all, each part of the judicial system must be defined and effectively conduct proceedings within a particular court.That is why it determines the actual study of this issue.

Rostyslav Sopilnyk ◽  
Ruslan Skrynkovskyy ◽  
Yaroslav Skoromnyy ◽  

The article analyzes the institute of immunity of judges in Ukraine and reveals the features of bringing to legal responsibility. It has been established that the legal foundations of the immunity of a judge are governed by the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On the Judicial System and the Status of Judges», the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, the Civil Code of Ukraine. It has been determined that the immunity of judges is a special component of their legal status, and also serves as a guarantee of ensuring the proper level of performance of their official duties. It was found that the immunity of a judge is aimed at reducing the influence of professional risks in the context of his administration of justice. It has been established that the principle of the independence of a judge is composed of two main components of independence, namely, the functional independence of the judiciary and the institutional independence of the judiciary. It is determined that the immunity of judges is a special type of violation of the principle defined in the Constitution of Ukraine regarding the equality of all without exception before the law and the court. It has been proved that material and legal immunity, indemnity, and procedural immunity are the components of the integral system of judicial immunities. It is proposed that today in Ukraine it is necessary to improve the legislative framework regarding the immunity of judges in the direction of defining the framework for the need to provide protection to judges as officials performing the state functions assigned to them, and to prevent judges from impunity in cases of their committing offenses (misconduct, crimes). It is noted that the prospect of further research in this direction is the study and improvement of the mechanism for bringing judges to legal responsibility in Ukraine.

Yaroslav Skoromnyy ◽  

The article presents the conceptual foundations of bringing judges to civil and legal liability. It was found that the civil and legal liability of judges is one of the types of legal liability of judges. It is determined that the legislation of Ukraine provides for a clearly delineated list of the main cases (grounds) for which the state is liable for damages for damage caused to a legal entity and an individual by illegal actions of a judge as a result of the administration of justice. It has been proved that bringing judges to civil and legal liability, in particular on the basis of the right of recourse, provides for the payment of just compensation in accordance with the decision of the European Court of Human Rights. It was established that the bringing of judges to civil and legal liability in Ukraine is regulated by such legislative documents as the Constitution of Ukraine, the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Explanatory Note to the European Charter on the Status of Judges (Model Code), the Law of Ukraine «On the Judicial System and the Status of Judges», the Law of Ukraine «On the procedure for compensation for harm caused to a citizen by illegal actions of bodies carrying out operational-search activities, pre-trial investigation bodies, prosecutors and courts», Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case on the constitutional submission of the Supreme Court of Ukraine regarding the compliance of the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of certain provisions of Article 2, paragraph two of clause II «Final and transitional provisions» of the Law of Ukraine «On measures to legislatively ensure the reform of the pension system», Article 138 of the Law of Ukraine «On the judicial system and the status of judges» (the case on changes in the conditions for the payment of pensions and monthly living known salaries of judges lagging behind in these), the Law of Ukraine «On the implementation of decisions and the application of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights».

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 162-170

Introduction: the paper investigates migration situation in the country, reasons and prerequisites for migration-related crime, and identifies features of state prevention of migration offenses. Aim: by analyzing current migration situation, to identify problems in the field of migration-related offenses and how to counteract them at the current stage of society development. Methods: general scientific dialectical method of cognition, comparative legal method, empirical methods of description and interpretation; method of interpretation of legal norms. Results: having analyzed manifestations of migration-related crime we determine its signs, internal content, essence, types, and objectivity of existence; this allows us to put forward ways to counteract the current state of this type of crime. Conclusions: when studying how migration offenses are counteracted, we propose a number of measures that can change the existing crime situation in the migration sphere. Among them: strengthening the registration of migrants when passing the state border; increasing the responsibility of an unscrupulous employer who provides work to migrants in violation of current legislation, obliging unscrupulous employers to cover expenses related to the expulsion of illegally located migrants, strengthening the responsibility of the employer; tightening the sanctions of existing legislation for submission of false documents for registration by migrants and for registration based on false documents; strengthening the functional activities of the Federal Migration Service by granting it the right to perform intelligence-gathering activities and interaction with operative units of law enforcement agencies engaged in such activities; determining the priority of external and operative services to identify the facts of illegal stay of migrants in the territory of the metropolis; establishment of a single codified act – the migration code, regulating legal relations arising in the migration sphere. Keywords: migration-related crime; labor migration; uncontrolled migration of labor resources; legal status; victimization; migration diasporas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11/1 (-) ◽  
pp. 31-36
Volodymyr TSIUPRYK

Introduction. Nowadays, the issue of determining the legal status of the company's share in the own authorized capital of LLC and TDV has become quite acute, as evidenced by the adoption on July 28, 2021 by the Commercial Court of Cassation in Case № 904/1112/20, in which the Court established a new approach legal nature of such a phenomenon and expressed his own position on the understanding of the legislation concerning the legal status of the share of LLC and TDV in its own authorized capital. Given that a limited liability company is the most popular type of legal entity that is chosen to conduct business in Ukraine, the analysis of this issue is relevant. Some scientific value for the development of the transfer of the participant's share are the works of individual authors devoted to the study of the legal nature of the share in the authorized capital but the problems arising around the legal status of the company. in their own authorized capital in these works were only mentioned along with others, but did not receive a detailed separate study. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the normative regulation of the legal status of the company's share in the own authorized capital of LLCs and ALCs, identification of shortcomings in their legal regulation and implementation, as well as the search for ways to eliminate them. Results. One of the most relevant decisions concerning the subject of this article is the Judgment of the Commercial Court of Cassation in case № 904/1112/20 of July 28, 2021. The court in this case found that the votes attributable to the share belonging to the company itself are not taken into account when determining the results of voting at the general meeting of participants on any issues. However, Ukrainian legislation does not contain any direct norms that would prohibit the exercise of the right to manage a company in relation to itself on the basis of a share in its own authorized capital. That is why the company cannot be a participant in relation to itself, although they seem logical, but do not have sufficient regulatory support, and therefore do not allow to be firmly convinced of their compliance with the law. In view of this, it can be stated that there is a significant gap in the national legislation on this issue, which, in our opinion, the Court failed to “fill” with this decision in the case. Conclusion. In the Ukrainian legislation at the level of the Law of Ukraine “On Limited and Additional Liability Companies” Article 25 defines the possibility for a company to acquire a share in its own authorized capital. However, the regulation of the legal status of such a share cannot be called sufficient, due to which in practice there are certain problems in the implementation of the provisions of the legislation concerning the share of the company in its own authorized capital. The solution of these legal problems is necessary to ensure the highest quality and clarity of the law, as well as to form case law with common approaches to understanding a single rule.

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