2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-107
Dwi Susiati ◽  
Sri Setiadji

Abrasion is a natural disaster that results in the owner of the right to land losing the right to control, use or take advantage of the land, because the land is lost in part or in whole due to erosion by water. Article 27 of the Law On Agraria determines that property rights over land are destroyed if the land is destroyed. In this study, the author will analyze the legal status of property of land affected by abrasion with the formulation of the problem What is the legal status of property rights on land affected by abrasion according to Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration and how to guarantee the protection of affected land rights abrasion. The results of this study are that the status of land rights affected by abrasion is abolished, both in the provisions of the Law On Agraria and Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration because it is no longer compatible with physical data or juridical data as a strong evidence. The government has an obligation to provide guarantees and protection of rights to land affected by abrasion and those that have been affected by abrasion in part or in whole. On the basis of the state's right to control Article 2 of the Law On Agraria the state has the right to regulate land use, inventory, and maintenance to prevent and reduce the impact of abrasion on its citizens. The government can also provide compensation as contained in Article Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management which determines that the Government and regional governments are responsible for the implementation of disaster management.Abrasi merupakan bencana alam yang mengakibatkan pemilik hak atas tanah kehilangan hak untuk menguasai, menggunakan, atau mengambil manfaat atas tanah, karena tanah tersebut hilang sebagian atau seluruhnya akibat pengikisan oleh air. Pasal 27 UUPA menentukan hak milik atas tanah hapus, apabila tanahnya musnah. Pada penelitian ini, penulis akan menganalisa tentang status hukum hak milik atas tanah yang terkena abrasi dengan rumusan masalah Bagaimana status hukum hak milik atas tanah yang terkena abrasi menurut PP No. 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah  dan bagaimana jaminan perlindungan hak-hak tanah yang terdampak abrasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa status hak atas tanah yang terkena abrasi adalah hapus, baik dalam ketentuan UUPA maupun PP No. 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah karena tidak sesuai lagi dengan data fisik maupun data yuridis sebagai alat bukti yang kuat. Pemerintah mempunyai kewajiban untuk memberikan jaminan dan perlindungan hak-hak atas tanah yang terdampak abrasi maupun yang sudah terkena abrasi baik sebagian maupun seluruh tanahnya. Atas dasar hak menguasai oleh negara Pasal 2 UUPA negara berhak mengatur peruntukan, penggunaan, persediaan,dan pemeliharaan tanah untuk mencegah dan mengurangi dampak abrasi bagi warga negaranya. Pemerintah juga dapat memberikan ganti kerugian sebagaimana yang ada di dalam UU No. 24 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana yang menentukan bahwa Pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah menjadi penanggung jawab dalam penyelenggaraan penang-gulangan bencana.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 150-163
Fery Irwanda

Pasal 3 PP 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah menyebutkan pendaftaran tanah bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum kepada pemegang hak atas suatu bidang tanah. Terbitnya  sertifikat Hak Milik atas tanah Jailani Yusuf cs yang merupakan objek sengketa, telah diputus berdasarkan Putusan Kasasi No.633 K/Pdt/2006. Permohonan pendaftaran hak yang diajukan oleh Abdullah Ibrahim dan Cut Ben Ibrahim ke Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Aceh Besar tanpa memberitahukan adanya Putusan Kasasi, sehingga melahirkan sertifikat yang subjek hukumnya tidak sesuai dengan Putusan Kasasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan, mengetahui pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah yang melahirkan Sertifikat hak atas tanah yang subjek hukumnya tidak sesuai dengan Putusan Kasasi dan tanggung jawab Kantor Pertanahan atas  penerbitan sertifikat untuk atas pihak yang tidak berhak berdasarkan putusan pengadilan. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis empiris dengan meneliti keberlakuan hukum itu dalam kenyataan atau dalam masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan Pendaftaran tanah yang melahirkan Sertifikat No.11, 12 dan 21, 22, 23/2015 terdapat cacat hukum administratif yang disebabkan kesalahan subyek dan/atau obyek hak, karena di atas tanah yang diterbitkan sertifikat telah ada Putusan Kasasi. Akibatnya pihak yang mendaftarkan tanah bertanggung jawab secara hukum dan Kantor Pertanahan bertanggung jawab secara administratif.Article 3 of the Government Regulation Number 24, 1997 on Land Registration states that a land registration aiming to provide law certainty and law protection on land right holder over the land. The issuance on of the land certificate of Jailani Yusuf is a dispute object; it has been decided based on Judicial Review Number 633 K/Pdt/2006. The application on the right registration that is proposed by Abdullah Ibrahim and Cut Ben Ibrahim to Land Authority Office of Aceh Besar without providing the review, hence it results in certificate issuance that the law subject is not based on the decision. This research aims to know the implementation of land registration in the making process of certificate that its legal subject is not based on the court decision, responsibility of land office of the change of certificate issuance for party that is no having right based on the court decision. This is juridical empirical research by exploring the law application into society. The research shows that in the implementation of land registration in making process of Certificates Numbers: 11, 12 and 21, 22, 23/2015 has administrative law lack caused by subject fault and/or object of right, as on the land certificate issued has been reviewed by the Supreme Court. The impact on parties registering their land is legally responsible and the Land Authority Office is administrative legally responsible.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
Alur Anzarwati Sekoningtias ◽  
Nynda Fatmawati Octarina

Land is an important thing in the life of the Indonesian nation. One way to obtain land is through buying and selling. Sale and purchase of land rights as set forth in Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration. the fulfillment of all requirements relating to the sale and purchase in the presence of a notary then found a legal breakthrough and up to now still be done in the practice of buying and selling land that is made with the deed of binding sale and purchase agreement (PPJB) although the contents have been set about the sale and purchase of land but the new format limited binding of sale and purchase is a form of agreement which is or can be regarded as preliminary agreement. This study is a type of normative legal research ie research where in which researchers review the study documents that use various secondary data such as judicial decision legislation, legal theory. Based on the results of research First Characteristics of land sale and purchase agreement with the status of petok D following the general provisions of the law of agreement as set forth in Article 1457 of the Civil Code. It's just that the object of sale and purchase of land with the status of petok D, then apply the procedure agreement by using provisions that are more specific that is based on Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on land registration. Second The effect of the law on the parties if one party has defaulted in the binding of the land sale and purchase agreement with the status of petok D according to the Civil Code is canceled so that it is made based on Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 due to the seller can not fulfill its obligation.  Keywords : Sale and purchase land of petok D, binding sale and purchase agreement.          ABSTRAK Tanah adalah hal yang penting dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Salah  satu cara memperoleh tanah adalah melalui jual beli. Jual beli hak atas tanah seperti yang telah diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah.pemenuhan terhadap semua persyaratan yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan jual beli di hadapan notaris maka ditemukan suatu terobosan hukum dan hingga kini masih dilakukan dalam praktek jual beli tanah yaitu dengan dibuatnya akta pengikatan perjanjian jual beli (PPJB) meskipun isinya sudah mengatur tentang jual beli tanah namun formatnya baru sebatas pengikatan jual beli yaitu suatu bentuk perjanjian yang merupakan atau dapat dikatakan sebagai perjanjian pendahuluan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif yakni penelitian dimana didalamnya peneliti mengkaji studi dokumen yakni menggunakan berbagai data sekunder seperti perundang-undangan keputusan pengadilan, teori hukum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian PertamaKarakteristik perjanjian jual beli tanah yang berstatus petok D mengikuti ketentuan umum hukum perjanjian sebagaimana yang telah diatur didalam Pasal 1457 KUHPerdata. Hanya saja obyek jual beli tanah berstatus petok D maka diberlakukan tata cara perjanjian dengan menggunakan ketentuan yang sifatnya lebih khusus yaitu berpedoman pada Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 tahun 1997 tentang pendaftaran tanah.Kedua Akibat hukum terhadap para pihak apabila salah satu pihak melakukan wanprestasi dalam pengikatan perjanjian jual beli tanah yang berstatus petok D menurut KUHPerdata dibatalkan sehingga yang dibuat berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 tahun 1997 akibat penjual tidak dapat memenuhi kewajibannya.Kata Kunci : Jual beli tanah petok D, Perjanjian Pengikatan jual beli.

2019 ◽  
pp. 133-148
Sulistiani Adont ◽  
La Syarifuddin ◽  
Rahmawati Al Hidayah

As the economic development of Indonesian society increases, so will the need for legal certainty in the field of land for the right holder of a plot of land. the fundamental issue in verifying the right to the land is any person claiming to have a right, or appointing an event to affirm his right or to deny any right of another person, shall prove the existence of that right or prove the event, the heirs' a case study of the Samarinda District Court Judgment Number 138 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PN.Smr.This research uses normative research method. The primary legal material of this research is the legislation that is compiled into a conceptual form based on existing legislation. Which then conducted legal analysis of the problems in this study.The result of the research is the position of the heirs in verification of the right to land must have at least two evidences, that can prove that the heirs are valid first through the certificate of inheritance. To strengthen the verification of the heirs to the land rights, the heirs must prove by means of evidence as set forth in Article 24 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Registration. The second result of the research is the letter of appointment by the Government/Local Government is a valid evidence based on existing legislation, and it becomes the base of the right which is the basis of the land ownership, the analysis of the judge's decision namely the judge decision of Samarinda District Court No. 138 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PN.Smr is incorrect and does not provide legal certainty, it is caused by no reference what is contained in Article 24 paragraph (1) and Article 32 paragraph (2) Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 on Land Registration.

Abdul Muthallib

This article discusses legal certainty as one of the objectives of Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Agrarian (Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Agraria) Principles and the influence of land rights certificates as a strong means of proof of land registration. The provision of guarantees of legal certainty to holders of land rights is accommodated in Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Agrarian Principles and further regulated in Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration (Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah). Using a normative legal view, this article refers to regulations on agrarian. The discussion of the article looks at the role of the government in providing opportunities for all citizens to register land with the aim of obtaining legal certainty and minimizing disputes. This article looks at the purpose of issuing certificates in land registration activities so that right-holders can easily prove that they are the right-holders. This is done so that rights holders can obtain legal certainty and legal protection. However, the land rights certificate issued is considered to be still lacking in minimizing disputes and it is assumed that it has not affected the land rights owners to protect their rights.

2017 ◽  
Rahmat Ramadhani

The product of the land registration process is a certificate of title granted to the right holder. The certificate according to Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 is in the form of one sheet of documents containing information about the juridical data and physical data required on a parcel of registered land. Although the certificate of land rights is referred to as the strongest evidence but in reality the certificate of land rights has not fully guaranteed legal certainty. This is because the law still opens loopholes for other legal subjects to question it both personally and in groups within the judiciary. In order to ensure legal certainty of a right to land for the right holder, the certificate of land rights must be tested in three aspects: relating to; Legal Certainty of Object, Legal Certainty of Status of Rights and Legal Certainty on Subject.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Ayang Fristia Maulana

State land is land directly controlled by the state as stated in Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration. State land is not an object of Mortgage Rights, the object of mortgage is the right to land with the status of “Right of Ownership”,” Right to Exploit”, Right to Build” and “Rights to Use” as described in Article 51 of BAL in Article 4 UUHT. Because state land is not the object of mortgage rights, it is not justified if the state land is guaranteed as the repayment of debtor's debt which is tied up with Power of Attorney Charging the Deposit Rights. In this case, the debtor is a legal entity of a Limited Liability Company engaged in real estate which has located permission for land acquisition. The land to be acquired has the right of ownership status which is then released by the owner with the provision of compensation. After the release of the land rights, the released land will become state land as set forth in Article 19 of the BAL. This is the land which is released as collateral by the debtor to the creditors.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 268
Muhammad Alif Rizqi

Soil is an important element in life especially for humans. In the transfer of land rights, the government issued regulations, namely: Government Regulation Number 10 of 1961 concerning land registration amended by regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration contained in article 37 paragraph 1 which reads "transfer of rights to land in unit property rights through sale and purchase. , exchanges, grants, income in the company and other acts of transfer of rights, except the transfer of auction rights which are only registered if it is proven that there are deeds that have been made by PPAT ”. There are two forms of transfer of land rights, namely: transfer and diahlikan. and the Presidential Regulation was then revised by the seventh President of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo with the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 117 of 2015 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 100 of 2014 concerning the Acceleration of Toll Road Development in Sumatra which will soon be added to a total of 24 Sumatra toll road developments.  In writing this journal, the author discusses a problem, namely: How is the implementation of the transfer of land rights to be used for road telling?

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 462
Emerlanda Leticia ◽  
Hasni Hasni

The certificate is a proof of ownership that is strong, this certificate comes from land rights which are the right to use and exploit the land which it occupies. Rights to land are also divided into Property Rights, Cultivation Rights, Building Use Rights, Use Rights, Rental Rights for Buildings, Use Rights and Temporary Land Rights. In this case the author will only explain the ownership rights related to legal issues, namely the right of ownership. Property rights are the strongest and most complete rights that humans can have. This right is obtained based on land registration. Own land registration is carried out by the authorized party, namely the National Land Agency. But in this case on the island of Pari, the certificate was declared maladministration by the ORI which caused the author to write about the validity of the certificate of land ownership based on law. With the formulation of the problem, how is the validity of the Certificate of Property Ownership according to uupa and Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 related to the statement of maladministration by the ORI? and What are the legal consequences for certificate holders due to the administrative maladministration? By using explanatory research methods. In this case the researcher gets the result that in the process of land registration the measurement process is not carried out which is one of the requirements to obtain physical data and there is no announcements must be made because to provide an opportunity to file an objection.

Muhammad Aji Samudra ◽  

Existence of Lanting Houses for traditional Kalimantan people, especially Banjarmasin people, is a primary need because it their place to live. The life of the Lanting House is now, in the beginning, to be abandoned because the local government is trying to relocate the Lanting House, and there is no legal status of the Lanting House so that many heirs sell the Lanting House only with receipts. Seeing the object of the Lanting House that was built on the water was not able to get ownership rights like on the land, this caused the weak legal force against the object of this Lanting House if it had transitioned rights because an object that was built floats on the water according to the Agrarian Law does not can get land rights. The purpose of this study was to determine the protection obtained by the Lanting House. This study used a normative juridical approach by reviewing and analyzing the laws and regulations and library materials relating to the Lanting House, and the rules used as the basis for the status of the Lanting House. This study used secondary data covering primary legal material in the form of legislation, and secondary licensed content in the form of theories and literature related to the issues discussed. Research showed that the Lanting House could be protected under Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Rules of Agrarian Principles and Government Regulation No. 40 of 1996 concerning Land Use Rights, Building Use Rights, and Land Use Rights. Where the Lanting House can be given the right to use the building that has been approved by the minister of agrarian and spatial planning so that the Lanting House is recognized as a building that can be given legal certainty.

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-183
Mitta Ramadany Wael ◽  
Sarjita Sarjita ◽  
Mujiati Mujiati

Abstract: The implementation of the announcement agency in land registration to apply the principle of publicity, but in its implementation according to PP 24 of 1997 and the PTSL regulation there is a difference in both the number of days of implementation and the status of registered parcels. This research used legal research methods is a normative law research methods and empirical juridical law that aims to determine the existence of the announcement agency in the implementation of PTSL and find out the legal consequences of the announcement agency on the legality of the Land Rights Certificate. The result of this research is the existence of the announcement agency in PP No. 24 of 1997 is different from the implementation of PTSL. Explicitly in PP No. 24 of 1997 the announcement was only carried out for customary land for 30 days and the announcement of state land was not implemented while the existence of the announcement agency in PTSL did not differentiate the status of the land, either state land or customary land, the announcement was still held for 14 calendar days. In accordance with the hierarchy of state the Government Regulation has a higher position than the Ministerial Regulation, this causes the making of the regulations below must refer to the regulations above so as not to collide/counter-productive. This rule collision will cause a legal gap if there is a lawsuit in the Administrative Court, so the product can be legally flawed and canceled. Kata Kunci : existence, announcement agency and PTSL Intisari: Pelaksanaan lembaga pengumuman sesuai PP No. 24 Tahun 1997 dan Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematik Lengkap (PTSL) terdapat perbedaan baik dalam jumlah hari pelaksanaan maupun status bidang tanah yang didaftarkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dan hukum yuridis empiris yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui eksistensi lembaga pengumuman dalam pelaksanaan PTSL dan mengetahui konsekuensinya terhadap legalitas sertipikat hak atas tanah. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah eksistensi lembaga pengumuman dalam PP No. 24 Tahun 1997 berbeda dengan pelaksanaan dalam PTSL. Secara tegas dalam PP No. 24 Tahun 1997 pengumuman hanya dilaksanakan untuk tanah adat selama 30 hari dan untuk tanah tanah negara tidak dilaksanakan pengumuman, sedangkan eksistensi lembaga pengumuman dalam PTSL tidak membedakan status tanah, baik itu tanah negara maupun tanah adat tetap dilakukan pengumuman selama 14 hari kalender. Sesuai dengan hierarki peraturan perundang-undangan, peraturan pemerintah memiliki kedudukan lebih tinggi dari peraturan menteri, hal ini menyebabkan pembuatan peraturan yang di bawah harus merujuk kepada peraturan yang ada di atasnya supaya tidak bertabrakan/kontra produktif. Tabrakan aturan ini akan menimbulkan celah hukum apabila terjadinya suatu gugatan di PTUN, sehingga produk yang dihasilkan bisa jadi cacat hukum dan dibatalkan. Kata Kunci : eksistensi, lembaga pengumuman dan PTSL

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