
Рассмотрены технологические свойства табачного сырья скелетного типа сорта Юбилейный с шириной табачного волокна 0,5 и 0,8 мм и табачной мешки американского типа с шириной волокна 0,6 и 0,9 мм, использованных для изготовления изделий из табака курительного тонкорезаного. Выявлено, что у табака сорта Юбилейный с шириной волокна 0,8 мм наибольший условный расход на изготовление 1000 шт. изделий. Проведен анализ состава и воздухопроницаемости сигаретной бумаги для изготовления курительных изделий разных диаметров. Исследовано влияние физических параметров изделий из табака курительного тонкорезаного (диаметр, ширина табачного волокна, воздухопроницаемость сигаретной бумаги) на химический состав дыма (никотин, смола, монооксид углерода). Установлено, что увеличение ширины табачного волокна привело к значительному повышению содержания никотина и смолы в дыме изделий с табаком сорта Юбилейный; в дыме курительных изделий с американской мешкой столь четкой корреляции не наблюдалось. При использовании бумаги на основе конопли с меньшей, чем в бумаге с рисовой основой, воздухопроницаемостью в дыме курительных изделий возрастала концентрация как никотина, так и смолы, содержание которой в дыме образцов изделий с табаком сорта Юбилейный при ширине волокна 0,5 мм повышалось на 4–23%, при ширине волокна 0,8 мм – на 6–13%; с американской мешкой при ширине волокна 0,6 мм возрастало на 7–11%, при ширине волокна 0,9 мм – на 2–4%. Результаты исследований помогут выработать рекомендации для производителей и потребителей этого вида продукции. The paper considers the technological properties of skeletal-type tobacco raw materials of the Yubileynyy variety with a fiber width of 0,5 and 0,8 mm and American-type tobacco bags with a fiber width of 0,6 and 0,9 mm, used for the manufacture of products from thin-cut smoking tobacco. It was revealed that tobacco of the Yubileynyy variety with a fiber width of 0,8 mm has the highest conventional consumption for the manufacture of 1000 pieces products. The analysis of the composition and air permeability of cigarette paper for the manufacture of smoking products of different diameters was carried out. The influence of the physical parameters of tobacco products made of thin-cut tobacco (diameter, width of tobacco fiber, breathability of cigarette paper) on the chemical composition of smoke (nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide) is investigated. It was found that an increase in the width of tobacco fiber led to a significant increase in the content of nicotine and tar in the smoke of tobacco products of the Yubileynyy variety; such a clear correlation was not observed in the smoke of smoking products with an American-type. When using hemp-based paper with less air permeability than in rice-based paper, the concentration of nicotine and tar in the smoke of smoking products increased. The tar content in the smoke of samples of tobacco products of the Yubileynyy variety with a fiber width of 0,5 mm increased by 4–23%, with a fiber width of 0,8 mm – by 6–13%; with an American-type with a fiber width of 0,6 mm increased by 7–11%, with a fiber width of 0,9 mm – by 2–4%. The research results will help to develop recommendations for manufacturers and consumers of this type of products.


При производстве табачного сырья важную роль играет сокращение продолжительности сушки табачных листьев. Одним из способов интенсификации сушки свежеубранных табачных листьев является прием прорезания средней жилки (ПСЖ) листьев вдоль волокон. По результатам исследований 2019–2020 гг. была создана база данных табачного сырья, полученного при естественном способе сушки с применением приема ПСЖ, которая может служить информационным материалом для производителей табака. Проведена оптимизация процесса сушки табачного листа ПСЖ по показателям качества табачного сырья для расширенного диапазона сортотипов табака. Объектом исследований были сорта отечественной селекции, включенные в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений, допущенные к использованию: Самсун 85, Вирджиния 202, Юбилейный новый 142, Трапезонд 92, Трапезонд 204, Дюбек 33, Американ 287 и Крупнолистный Ильский (находится в стадии государственных испытаний). Критерием оценки эффективности применения приема ПСЖ на исследованных сортах табака являлся совокупный сравнительный анализ следующих показателей контрольных (без ПСЖ листа) и опытных образцов: уровень интенсификации сушки, показатели товарного качества, технологических свойств и химического состава полученного сырья. Установлено, что ПСЖ позволяет интенсифицировать процесс сушки в 1,3–2,46 раза в зависимости от сорта табака и положительно влияет на технологические свойства сырья, у большинства сортов увеличивается выход волокна и сохраняются объемно-упругие свойства. Динамика сушки оказывает влияние на изменение химического состава сырья. В процессе сушки за счет гидролизации солей никотина и его освобождения путем окисления кислородом воздуха уровень никотина в ряде образцов снижается в пределах 10–30%. Чем выше содержание никотина, тем выше крепость табака, грубее его вкус. Изменения углеводно-белкового соотношения в сторону повышения углеводов улучшают вкусовые характеристики сырья. По каждому исследованному сорту не удалось выявить закономерной зависимости его структуры и характера процесса сушки при ПСЖ с преобразованиями химического состава сырья. На основе анализа технологических и качественных показателей табачного сырья, представленных в разработанной базе данных по интенсификации сушки различных сортов табака с применением приема ПСЖ табачных листьев, можно планировать выбор оптимального способа сушки для каждого сорта табака, позволяющего повысить эффективность использования сырья и улучшить его качественные характеристики. In the production of tobacco raw materials, reducing the drying time of tobacco leaves plays an important role. One of the ways to intensify the drying of freshly harvested tobacco leaves is the method of cutting the middle vein (CMV) of the leaves along the fibers. Based on the results of research in 2019–2020, a database of tobacco raw materials obtained by a natural drying method using CMV reception was created, which can serve as information material for tobacco producers. The optimization of the process of drying the CMV tobacco leaf according to the quality indicators of tobacco raw materials for an expanded range of tobacco variety types was carried out. The object of research was the varieties of domestic selection included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, approved for use: Samsun 85, Virginia 202, Yubileyny novy 142, Trapezond 92, Trapezond 204, Dubek 33, American 287 and Krupnolistnyy Ilskiy (under state testing). The criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of CMV intake on the studied tobacco varieties was a cumulative comparative analysis of the following indicators of control (without CMV sheet) and experimental samples: the level of drying intensification, indicators of commercial quality, technological properties and chemical composition of the obtained raw materials. It is established that CMV allows to intensify the drying process by 1,3–2,46 times, depending on the tobacco variety and has a positive effect on the technological properties of raw materials, most varieties increase the yield of fiber and retain volume-elastic properties. The dynamics of drying affects the change in the chemical composition of raw materials. During the drying process, due to the hydrolysis of nicotine salts and its release by oxidation with air oxygen, the nicotine level in a number of samples decreases within 10–30%. The higher the nicotine content, the higher the strength of tobacco, it is coarser in taste. Changes in the carbohydrate-protein ratio in the direction of increasing carbohydrates improve the taste characteristics of raw materials. For each studied variety, it was not possible to identify a regular dependence of its structure and the nature of the drying process at CMV with transformations of the chemical composition of raw materials. Based on the analysis of technological and qualitative indicators of tobacco raw materials presented in the developed database on the intensification of drying of various varieties of tobacco using the use of CMV of tobacco leaves, it is possible to plan the choice of the optimal drying method for each variety of tobacco, which allows to increase the efficiency of using raw materials and improve its quality characteristics.


Исследовано влияние влажности табачного сырья, его сортотипа, количества в рецептуре на содержание массовой доли нерастворимой части в табаке для кальяна. Объектом исследования были образцы кальянных смесей разных торговых марок, приобретенных в торговой сети Краснодара и составленных в лабораторных условиях Всероссийского научно-исследовательского института табака, махорки и табачных изделий. Образцы кальянной смеси изготавливали по единой для всех образцов рецептуре и технологической схеме: увлажнение, резка, выдерживание в соусе с нагревом, охлаждение. Влажность и количество табачного сырья в рецептуре варьировали. Методом количественного определения содержания табака в готовом продукте, основанном на способности части ингредиентов кальянных смесей растворяться в воде, определяли массовую долю нерастворимой части. Установлено, что содержание массовой доли нерастворимой части в табаке для кальяна различных торговых марок, приобретенном в торговой сети Краснодара, составляет 5,2–8,8%. Сортотип табачного сырья, его химический состав и добавленный в смесь ароматизатор не влияют на содержание массовой доли нерастворимой части в табаке для кальяна. Содержание массовой доли нерастворимой части табака для кальяна в значительной степени зависит от влажности и количества табачного сырья, используемого в рецептуре. Увеличение влажности исходного сырья приводит к уменьшению массовой доли нерастворимой части в смеси для кальяна: при влажности сырья 10% массовая доля нерастворимой части 6,8%; при влажности того же сырья 16% массовая доля нерастворимой части 5,2%. The influence of humidity of tobacco raw materials, its variety type, and the amount in the recipe on the content of the mass fraction of the insoluble part in hookah tobacco has been studied. Samples of hookah mixes of various brands purchased in the retail network of Krasnodarand compiled in the laboratory of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Tobacco, shag and Tobacco Products were the object of research. Samples of hookah mix were made according to the same formulation and technological scheme for all samples: humidification, cutting, keeping in a sauce with heating, cooling. The humidity and amount of tobacco raw materials in the formulation varied. By quantifying the content of tobacco in the finished product, based on the ability of some of the ingredients of hookah mixtures to dissolve in water, the content of the mass fraction of the insoluble part was determined. It is established that the content of the mass fraction of the insoluble part in hookah tobacco of various brands purchased in the retail network of Krasnodar is 5,2–8,8%. The variety type of tobacco raw materials, its chemical composition and added flavor to the mixture do not affect the content of the mass fraction of the insoluble part in hookah tobacco. The content of the mass fraction of the insoluble part of tobacco for hookah largely depends on the humidity and the amount of tobacco raw materials used in the formulation. The increase of humidity of raw materials leads to a decrease of the mass fraction of the insoluble part of hookah tobacco: if moisture content of raw materials 10% mass fraction of the insoluble portion of 6,8%; the humidity of the same raw materials 16%, the mass fraction of the insoluble portion of 5,2%.

10.5219/1372 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 647-655
Nataliia Bozhko ◽  
Vasyl Tischenko ◽  
Vasyl Pasichnyi ◽  
Yuliiа Matsuk

Aspects for the use of regional raw materials in ground food technology require further study of functional and technological properties to be able to predict them depending on the chemical composition of raw materials and processing methods. The aim of our research was to comparatively study the chemical composition, functional-technological, rheological properties of fish raw materials, and duck meat in terms of their possible compatibility in meat-containing products. The subject of our research was representatives of the regional aquaculture Carassius gibelio and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, as well as the meat of Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata). It has been established that the nutritional value of freshwater aquaculture objects Carassius gibelio and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix  is virtually identical in protein and fat content, making them interchangeable in terms of nutritional balance when developing the combined product. The ratio of protein and fat to water for duck meat is higher 3.54 – 4.88 times that of aquaculture, which can be used in the selection of components of the formulation of emulsified products, taking into account the nutrient balance. It has been confirmed that the addition of salt enhances water holding capacity, water binding capacity, and fat holding capacity. Water holding and water-binding capacities of minced fish are higher due to higher water levels, which, combined with the low-watering duck meat, can be predicted to create a forcemeat system with high functional-technological properties. The ability to emulsification and retain fat in the state of emulsion in minced duck meat has proved to be better, which when combined with fish minced meat can compensate for the ability to retain fat in the system of combined products. A combination of regional aquaculture with waterfowl meat will not only improve the functional and technological parameters of combined minced systems but also balance them by correcting the composition of proteins and fats.

Е.Е. Ульянченко

Исследовано влияние приема прорезания средней жилки листа на качественные показатели табачного сырья. Исследования проводили на крупнолистных скелетных сортах табака Вирджиния 202, Юбилейный новый 142, Трапезонд 92. Прорезание жилки осуществляли дисковым прорезателем на инновационном оборудовании – линии подготовки листьев табака к сушке. Сушили листья с прорезанной жилкой и без прорезания в вертикальных гирляндах под навесом естественным способом. Качество табачного сырья определяли по товарным сортам и технологическим свойствам, фракционному составу резаного табака; контролировали уровень значений никотина. Контроль показателей осуществляли по методикам лабораторного контроля ВНИИТТИ (Краснодар). Применение приема прорезания средней жилки на крупнолистных сортах табака выявило положительный технологический результат. Интенсивность сушки увеличилась, сорт: Вирджиния 202 – в 1,54 раза; Юбилейный новый 142 – в 1,93 раза; Трапезонд 92 – в 1,78 раза. Срок сушки сортов составил 13–14 сут. Сырье с прорезанной жилкой незначительно – до 5–7% снизило товарную сортность. Прорезание жилки не ухудшило технологических свойств сырья: выход волокна в целом увеличился на 5% в сравнении с сырьем с не прорезанной жилкой. Объем волокна у сорта Юбилейный новый 142 составил 92,96%, сорт показал хорошую скорость влагоотдачи и наибольшую эффективность применения приема прорезания средней жилки. Прием прорезания средней жилки листа предотвратил снижение уровня значений никотина в процессе сушки у сортов Вирджиния 202 и Трапезонд 92 на 35 и 15% соответственно за счет сокращения сроков сушки. Уровень никотина в листьях табака сорта Юбилейный Новый 142 понизился на 8%. Установлено, что прием прорезания средней жилки эффективен на крупнолистных сортах табака с массивной жилкой, он интенсифицирует сушку, не ухудшает основных показателей качества, сохраняет уровень никотина в табаке и рекомендован для применения в производстве табачного сырья. The influence of the method of cutting the middle vein of the leaf on the quality indicators of tobacco raw materials is studied. Studies were conducted on large-leaved skeletal tobacco varieties Virginia202, Yubileyny Novy 142, Trapezond 92. The vein was cut with a disk cutter using innovative equipment – a line for preparing tobacco leaves for drying. Dried leaves with a cut vein and without cutting in vertical garlands under a canopy in a natural way. The quality of tobacco raw materials was determined by commodity grades and technological properties, fractional composition of cut tobacco; the level of nicotine values was controlled. Monitoring of indicators was carried out according to the methods of laboratory control of All-Russian scientific research institute of tobacco, makhorka and tobacco products (Krasnodar). The use of the method of cutting the middle vein on large-leaf tobacco varieties revealed a positive technological result. The intensity of drying increased, the variety: Virginia 202 – 1,54 times; Yubileyny Novy 142 – 1,93 times; Trapezond 92 – 1,78 times. The drying period of the varieties was 13–14 days. Raw materials with a cut-through vein slightly reduced the commodity grade to 5–7%. The cutting of the vein did not impair the technological properties of the raw material: the yield of the fiber as a whole increased by 5% in comparison with raw materials with a non-cut vein. The volume of fiber in the Yubileyny Novy 142 variety was 92,96%, the variety showed a good rate of moisture loss and the highest efficiency of using the method of cutting the middle vein. The method of cutting through the middle vein of the leaf prevented a decrease in the level of nicotine values in the process of sushi in the varieties Virginia 202 and Trapezond 92 by 35 and 15%, respectively, due to a reduction in the drying time. The level of nicotine in tobacco leaves of the Yubileyny Novy 142 variety decreased by 8%. It was found that the method of cutting the middle vein is effective on large-leaf varieties with a massive vein tobacco leaves, it intensifies drying, does not worsen the main quality indicators, preserves the level of nicotine in tobacco and is recommended for use in the production of tobacco raw materials.

2019 ◽  
Vol 85 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-22
M. I. Khamdeev ◽  
E. A. Erin

Physical parameters of electric arc plasma as well as their time dependences are calculated when analyzing phosphate precipitates of the fission products of irradiated nuclear fuel. Phosphate concentrates of the fission products are known for their complex chemical composition and high thermal and chemical stability. Hence, direct atomic emission spectral analysis of phosphate powders without transferring them into solutions is advisable. Different conditions of sample preparation and synthesis of the reference materials determine the different chemical forms of the elements to be determined. This, in turn, affects the kinetics of their evaporation in the electrode crate and excitation processes in the plasma. The known mechanisms of those processes cannot always be transferred to specific conditions of the given method of analysis thus entailing the necessity of studying the effect of the samples chemical composition on the results of determination, proper choice of spectroscopic carriers, detailed study of spectra excitation processes in spectral analysis, and analysis of the physical parameters of the electric arc plasma. We used the lines Zn I 307.206 nm and Zn I 307.589 nm to measure the effective temperature of the central hot sections of the arc in a range of4500 - 6500 K. NaCl, BaCl2 and NaCl + T1C1 were studied to reduce the effect of the sample elemental composition on excitation conditions of the spectra and their stabilization as a spectroscopic carrier. In control experiments we used carrier-free samples. The coincidence of the values of the plasma physical parameters within the measurement error not exceeding 20%, as well as the identity of the nature of the kinetic curves for samples of phosphate precipitates and synthetic reference materials prove their correctness. The result of the study substantiate correctness of the direct atomic-emission spectral procedure in analysis of phosphate concentrates of fission when using synthetic reference materials.

Alloy Digest ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 62 (9) ◽  

Abstract Böhler (or Boehler) W403 VMR is a tool steel with outstanding properties, based not only on a modified chemical composition, but on the selection of highly clean raw materials for melting, remelting under vacuum (VMF), optimized diffusion annealing, and a special heat treatment. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, and elasticity. It also includes information on forming and heat treating. Filing Code: TS-721. Producer or source: Böhler Edelstahl GmbH.

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (6) ◽  
pp. 613-620
A. P. Chevychelov ◽  
P. I. Sobakin ◽  
L. I. Kuznetsova

Chemical composition of the surface water and the contents of the radionuclides 238U, 226Ra, and 222Rn in water was examined within the natural and man-made landscapes of South Yakutiya. It was demonstrated that intense water migration of these radionuclides from radioactive dump pits of the man-made landscapes of the Elkonsky uranium-ore district, which were created during the process of wide-scale exploration surveys for radioactive raw materials conducted during the last third of the 20th century, had occurred. Currently, the areas of water dissipation of 238U and 226Ra are detected at a distances of 2 km and greater from the source of the radioactive contamination along the outflow vector.

Mansureh Ghavam ◽  
Afsaneh Afzali ◽  
Maria Manconi ◽  
Gianluigi Bacchetta ◽  
Maria Letizia Manca

Abstract Background Essential oil of Rosa × damascena Herrm. is one of the most valuable and important raw materials for the flavor and fragrance industry. The cultivation of this plant has ancient origins, and Kashan was one of the first mountainous regions of Iran dealing with the cultivation of R. × damascena. In this study, both chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of different rose essential oils obtained from five mountainous areas of Kashan region (Maragh, Qamsar, Sadeh, Javinan, and Kamoo) has been investigated along with the influence of the environmental conditions on these properties. Results Results showed that yield and chemical composition of essential oils obtained from Rosa × damascena were significantly affected by the collection area. In particular, the yield of oils varied from ~0.08 to ~0.132% and citronellol (36.70-9.18%), geraniol (12.82-0.47%), nonadecane (22.73-10.36%), heneicosane (31.7-11.43%), and 1-nonadecene (6.03-3.93%) have been detected as main compounds in all the plants collected, but at different concentrations depending on the collection area. The best fragrance and the highest yield were found in the oil from Kamoo area. Similarly to the chemical composition, the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils was affected by their origin, and essential oil obtained from plants collected from Kamoo area disclosed the highest antibacterial and antifungal efficacy. Its inhibition halos were 17.33±0.58 mm against Aspergillus brasiliensis, 15.67±0.58 mm against Staphylococcus aureus, and 12.33±0. 58 mm against Streptococcus pyogenes. Essential oils of R. damascena were also effective against Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa and they had a MIC value of 62.50 μg/mL irrespective of the collection area (except the oil from Javinan area). On the contrary, the highest antifungal power against Candida albicans yeast was reached using the essential oil obtained from plants collected in Javinan region (MIC and MBC ~62.50 μg/mL). Conclusions Overall results underline the influence of environmental conditions of the different areas of Kashan region, on the chemical composition of and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of Rosa × damascena. In addition, results disclosed that Kamoo seemed to be the most suitable area for the competitive cultivation of R. × damascena to the intensive production of aromatic flower oil and natural antimicrobial essential oils.

2015 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 639-657 ◽  
Sergey A. Smirnov ◽  
Dmitriy A. Shutov ◽  
Elena S. Bobkova ◽  
Vladimir V. Rybkin

1993 ◽  
Vol 138 ◽  
pp. 192-196
L.S. Lyubimkov ◽  
T.M. Rachkovskaya

Duplicity is a very widespread phenomenon among Am-stars. For instance, Abt (1961) investigating 25 such stars found out that 22 of them are spectroscopic binaries. However this important phenomenon is ignored usually in chemical composition investigations of Am-stars. Consequently some “mean” element abundances are determined, which can noticeably differ from real abundances in atmospheres of components. Moreover false chemical anomalies can appear, as shown by the theoretical modelling of spectra of binary stars (Lyubimkov, 1989, 1992). Meanwhile accurate data on chemical composition of Am-stars must be considered as observational test for any hypothesis suggested for explanation of these objects.

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