scholarly journals The Problem Change Function of Heritage Building at the Old Cities in Central Java

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 142
Edy Darmawan

The old city is the commercial center in Semarang City in The Dutch Government. It can be seen from the buildings a relic history of hotel, warehouse, and also religious buildings. Almost all this building still exist, but they were unable to function properly. Even some buildings are used as shed byt the rightful owner of the land. The use of building be a barn it gives the impression slum and not safe to the old city. The flood problem in the old city who lack of after causing the quality of the environment in the old city get worse. This condition certainly disturb the face of the city and made the building worthless again. If managed well, those buildings in ancient old city this can be icon historic for Semarang City. One concept which can be applied to overcome these issues is to conservation old buildings to be new functions as the best possible. This concept chosen because see that function old buildings are no right again when maintained, so we needed sought the use of more worthy economically for old buildings historic not to stopped and remain maintained. The purpose of this research is studying characteristic model the concept of conservation old buildings and produce model design as an application from the concept of conservation of any old buildings. To achieve this aim will be used a methodology qualitative descriptive which can explain problem indetail and described potentials. The result of this research in the form of a model design that can be applied in ancient building, so can improve their quality, both in terms of social, economic, and culturally.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 142
Edy Darmawan

The old city is the commercial center in Semarang City in The Dutch Government. It can be seen from the buildings a relic history of hotel, warehouse, and also religious buildings. Almost all this building still exist, but they were unable to function properly. Even some buildings are used as shed byt the rightful owner of the land. The use of building be a barn it gives the impression slum and not safe to the old city. The flood problem in the old city who lack of after causing the quality of the environment in the old city get worse. This condition certainly disturb the face of the city and made the building worthless again. If managed well, those buildings in ancient old city this can be icon historic for Semarang City. One concept which can be applied to overcome these issues is to conservation old buildings to be new functions as the best possible. This concept chosen because see that function old buildings are no right again when maintained, so we needed sought the use of more worthy economically for old buildings historic not to stopped and remain maintained. The purpose of this research is studying characteristic model the concept of conservation old buildings and produce model design as an application from the concept of conservation of any old buildings. To achieve this aim will be used a methodology qualitative descriptive which can explain problem indetail and described potentials. The result of this research in the form of a model design that can be applied in ancient building, so can improve their quality, both in terms of social, economic, and culturally.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 689 ◽  
Carlos Maestre ◽  
Victor Iribarren

This article demonstrates the importance of quantifying the air quality with radon gas level as indicator in any heritage building, especially those intended for the use of people. The tourist activity or historical guide represents a typology where people spend a certain time, that is to say, in no case do they spend the same amount of hours as in their homes or jobs. Different gases that may be present in the environment must be controlled. The Séneca Square shelter, in Alicante, is a very important place for the history of the city during the Spanish Civil War that has recently been rehabilitated for exposure to people. The source of most radon gas inside a building is the ground. Many countries, including Spain, in which the building regulations, regarding the accumulation of radon gas, do not specify in their technical codes, the maximum dose that a building can sustain so that it is not harmful to people, or, the measures required to correct excessive accumulation. The possible existence of radon is verified in any underground building, regardless of the characteristics of the soil (whether granitic or not), the importance of defining and unifying the regulations that specify the different levels of radon in any architectural constructions is evident. Most of the scientific agencies in the field of medicine and health, consider that radon gas is a very harmful element for people. This element in its gaseous state is radioactive and it is present in almost all soils in which buildings are implanted, with granitic types of soil presenting higher levels of radon gas. Non-granitic soils have traditionally been considered to have very low radon levels. However, this work, providing the results of the research carried out in the underground air raid shelter in Seneca Square in Alicante (Spain), demonstrates the relevant presence of radon in non-granitic soils. This research addresses the constructive typology of the underground building and the radon presence in its interior obtained using rigorous measurement techniques.

2010 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Muhammad Chawari

The new discovery of an old graveyard in Kiringan hamlet, Loram Kulon village, Jati subdistrict, Kudus regency, Central Java province adds another Islamic site to the long list of Islamic sites found around the old city of Kudus. This paper discusses the temporal and functional dimensions of this graveyard in the history of Kudus area. Considering some available evidence, it is proposed here that chronologically, the site can be dated back to a period around early 16" — mid 18" century. It is also suggested that this graveyard was as a public cemetery for common people who lived around Loram Kulon village. However, who were buried there are still unknown due to the lack of epitaph or inscription found in the tombs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 46-51 ◽  
Bin Liu

There is a general acknowledgement in almost all civilizations that the heart is the most important organ in the human body. Both Chinese medicine and Western traditional medicine have a long history of heart research, but they have developed different points of view based on the basic cognition. Traditional Chinese medicine is good at summarizing the correspondence and relationship between the heart and exterior things. The physiological functions of the heart are governing blood and vessels, controlling the mind, opening into the tongue, manifesting on the face, and so on, while modern Western medicine does well in exploring the anatomical structure, spacial connection, and micromechanical character of the organ. Chinese medicine and Western medicine have established the diagnosis and management system, respectively, from their own angles. Combining the knowledge of Chinese and Western medicine can take the advantages of either of the two, making it deeper and more comprehensive for studying and treating heart diseases.

NALARs ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Anisa Anisa

ABSTRAK. Kota Lama Kudus atau yang lebih sering disebut Kudus Kulon adalah sebuah kawasan bersejarah yang berada di Kabupaten Kudus, Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Kabupaten Kudus terbagi menjadi dua yaitu Kudus Kulon dan Kudus Wetan dengan sebuah sungai sebagai pemisah kedua area tersebut. Kudus Kulon atau Kota Lama Kudus merupakan cikal bakal kota Kudus dan sebuah tempat bersejarah dengan adanya makam Sunan Kudus dan Masjid Menara Kudus.  Kudus yang kita kenal sekarang ini selain adanya Masjid Menara dan Makam Sunan Kudus, juga terkenal karena industri rokok. Dalam sejarah dikisahkan dahulu industri rokok berkembang mulai dari home industry di Kota Lama Kudus sekitar tahun 1900. Jauh sebelum industri rokok berkembang, sudah ada perdagangan yang memajukan daerah Kota Lama Kudus yaitu perdagangan palawija dan tembakau. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang mendeskripsikan serta menginterpretasikan karakteristik arsitektur Kota Lama Kudus. Deskripsi dan interpretasi ini penting dilakukan karena kondisi terkini Kota Lama Kudus sudah mengalami banyak perubahan. Data diambil melalui observasi lapangan tentang kondisi rumah, permukiman dan kawasan Kota Lama Kudus. Pada daerah sekitar Masjid dan Menara Kudus, permukiman didominasi oleh rumah-rumah Kilungan sehingga membentuk jalan-jalan berbentuk lorong seperti labirin. Semakin jauh dari Masjid dan Menara Kudus bentuk permukimannya berubah menjadi rumah-rumah terbuka tanpa dinding kilungan. Selain lingkungan permukimannya, arsitektur rumah di Kota Lama Kudus juga beragam. Ada rumah tradisional Kudus dengan bangunan sisir (tempat usaha), rumah tradisional Kudus tanpa bangunan sisir, rumah gedong (gaya eropa) dan rumah kilungan (rumah di dalam pagar tinggi). Tiga arsitektur rumah tersebut adalah asli sebagai karakteristik arsitektur Kota Lama Kudus. Faktor yang mempengaruhi karakteristik arsitektur di Kota lama Kudus adalah aktivitas yang di lakukan di kawasan tersebut  Kata Kunci: karakteristik, arsitektur, rumah, permukiman, Kota Lama Kudus ABSTRACT. Kota Lama Kudus or more commonly called Kudus Kulon is a historic area located in Kudus District, Central Java Province. Kudus District is divided into two namely Kudus Kulon and Kudus wetan with a river as a separator of both areas. Kudus Kulon or Kota Lama Kudus is the forerunner of Kudus city and a historic place with the tomb of Sunan Kudus and Mosque of Menara Kudus. Kudus that we know today besides the existence of the Masjid Menara and the Tomb of Sunan Kudus, also famous for the cigarette industry. In the history of the first cigarette industry began to grow from the home industry in the Kudus Old City around the year 1900. Long before the cigarette industry develops, there is a trade that promotes the area of the Old Town Kudus palawija and tobacco trade. This research is  qualitative descriptive research that describes and interpret the architectural character of Kota Lama Kudus. These descriptions and interpretations are essential because the current condition of the Kudus Old City has undergone many changes. The data was taken through field observations on the condition of houses, settlements and the area of the Old City. In the area around the Mosque and the Menara, the settlements are dominated by Kilungan houses to form alley-shaped streets such as labyrinths. The farther away from the Mosque and the Menara form the settlements are transformed into open houses without the globe walls. In addition to its residential neighborhood, the architecture of the house in the Kudus Old City also varied. There is a traditional Kudus house with a sisir building (place of business), a traditional Kudus house without a sisir building, a gedong house (European style) and a kilungan house (house inside a high fence). The three architectural houses are genuine and are a character of the architecture of the Kudus Old City. Factors affecting the architectural characteristics of the old city of Kudus are the activities undertaken in the region Keywords: characteristics, architecture, house, settlement, kudus Old City

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Ahmad Salehudin ◽  
Moch. Nur Ichwan ◽  
Dicky Sofjan

This article elaborates Mountainous Islam in the Dieng Mountains. Today Dieng is a Muslim society. However the historical accounts about the way Islam entered Dieng are still debatable. It becomes more difficult since there is no any support data that is quite reliable. Based on oral history and Islamic phenomenon, there are three important finding showed. First, the history of Islam in the Dieng Mountains is provided clear information that Islam entered to the Dieng not merely by the acculturation process as commonly understood, but also colonialization.  Second, the Islamic tradition in the Dieng Mountains is the result of the negotiation of Islamic traditions and Hindu-Buddhist that first grew in Dieng, and present traditions that come to the Dieng Mountains. Islam Dieng creatively adopts and adapts new traditions in line with the improvement of society’s economic condition. Third, Islamic expression displayed by the Dieng community is a portrait of a mountainous Islam that is adaptive, dynamic, and open to change. Their religious expression will continue to change along with the development of creativity that is influenced by economic development, educational attainment, their encounters with outsiders, and the natural vulnerabilities they face as people living in active and often life-threatening mountains.[Artikel ini menguraikan Islam Pegunungan di Dieng. Hari ini Dieng adalah sebuah masyarakat Muslim. Namun catatan sejarah tentang cara masuknya Islam Dieng masih diperdebatkan. Ini menjadi lebih sulit karena tidak ada data pendukung yang cukup andal. Berdasarkan sejarah lisan dan fenomena Islam, ada tiga temuan penting yang ditunjukkan. Pertama, sejarah Islam di Pegunungan Dieng memberikan informasi yang jelas bahwa Islam masuk ke Dieng tidak hanya dengan proses akulturasi seperti yang biasa dipahami, tapi juga kolonialisasi. Kedua, tradisi Islam di Pegunungan Dieng adalah hasil negosiasi tradisi Islam dan Hindu-Budha yang datang pertama kali ke Dieng. Islam Dieng secara kreatif mengadopsi dan menyesuaikan dengan dan menciptakan tradisi baru seiring dengan membaiknya kondisi ekonomi masyarakat. Ketiga, ekspresi Islam yang ditampilkan oleh masyarakat Dieng merupakan potret sebuah agama Islam pegunungan yang adaptif, dinamis, dan terbuka untuk berubah. Ekspresi religius mereka akan terus berubah seiring dengan perkembangan kreativitas yang dipengaruhi oleh pembangunan ekonomi, pencapaian pendidikan, perjumpaan mereka dengan orang luar, dan kerentanan alami yang mereka hadapi sebagai orang yang tinggal di pegunungan yang aktif dan sering mengancam jiwa.]

1879 ◽  
Vol 168 ◽  
pp. 302-325 ◽  

When in 1691 Leguat sighted the island of Rodriguez his eyes fell on mountains “richly spread with great and tall trees,” over which flowed streams with hanks “adorned with forests,” and altogether the scene was such as to call forth from him the designations of “a lovely isle,” “an earthly paradise,” “a little Eden.” He speaks of it thus (New Voyage to the East Indies, p. 248) :─“ ’Tis, as I have hinted, composed of lovely hills, covered all with fine trees, whose perpetual verdure is “entirely charming;” and “between these great and tall trees one may walk at “ease and find such refreshing coolness in their shade at noon, so sweet, so healthy, “that ’twould give life to those that are dying. Their spreading and tufty tops, “which are almost all of an equal height, joyn together like so many canopys “and umbrellos, and jointly make a ceiling of an eternal verdure, supported by “natural pillars which raise and nourish them.”Such is his picture of the aspect of the vegetation of Rodriguez. Is such its character now ? No. The great and tall trees have now almost entirely disappeared, the eternally verdant canopy formed by their houghs no longer exists, and the little Eden ”is now a dry and com­ paratively barren spot, clothed with a vegetation mainly of social weeds, and destitute of any forest growffh save in unfrequented and more inaccessible parts in the recesses of the valleys; and, we may ask, what has wrought this change ? We find in the history of the vegetation of Rodriguez a case similar to that of St. Helena. The same causes which destroyed the peculiar and most interesting Elora of that fertile island have operated, and I regret to say still operate, in Rodriguez, and have effectually changed the face of the island.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Amril Mutoi Siregar

Indonesia is a country located in the equator, which has beautiful natural. It has a mountainous constellation, beaches and wider oceans than land, so that Indonesia has extraordinary natural beauty assets compared to other countries. Behind the beauty of natural it turns out that it has many potential natural disasters in almost all provinces in Indonesia, in the form of landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, Mount Meletus and others. The problem is that the government must have accurate data to deal with disasters throughout the province, where disaster data can be in categories or groups of regions into very vulnerable, medium, and low disaster areas. It is often found when a disaster occurs, many found that the distribution of long-term assistance because the stock for disaster-prone areas is not well available. In the study, it will be proposed to group disaster-prone areas throughout the province in Indonesia using the k-means algorithm. The expected results can group all regions that are very prone to disasters. Thus, the results can be Province West java, central java very vulnerable categories, provinces Aceh, North Sumatera, West Sumatera, east Java and North Sulawesi in the medium category, provinces Bengkulu, Lampung, Riau Island, Babel, DIY, Bali, West Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua, west Papua including of rare categories. With the results obtained in this study, the government can map disaster-prone areas as well as prepare emergency response assistance quickly. In order to reduce the death toll and it is important to improve the services of disaster victims. With accurate data can provide prompt and appropriate assistance for victims of natural disasters.

Moreana ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 42 (Number 164) (4) ◽  
pp. 187-206
Clare M. Murphy

The Thomas More Society of Buenos Aires begins or ends almost all its events by reciting in both English and Spanish a prayer written by More in the margins of his Book of Hours probably while he was a prisoner in the Tower of London. After a short history of what is called Thomas More’s Prayer Book, the author studies the prayer as a poem written in the form of a psalm according to the structure of Hebrew poetry, and looks at the poem’s content as a psalm of lament.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 245-255 ◽  
Michael J. Sandford

This article begins by outlining contemporary anti-work politics, which form the basis of Sandford’s reading. After providing a brief history of anti-work politics, Sandford examines recent scholarly treatments of Jesus’ relationship to work. An examination of a number of texts across the gospel traditions leads Sandford to argue that Jesus can be read as a ‘luxury communist’ whose behaviour flies in the face of the Protestant work ethic. Ultimately, Sandford foregrounds those texts in which Jesus discourages his followers from working, and undermines work as an ‘end in itself’, contextualising these statements in relation to other gospel texts about asceticism and the redistribution of wealth.

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