scholarly journals An inquiry into methods of initiating a teachers' training college course in education

2021 ◽  
Ray Chapman-Taylor

PEOPLE who have themselves suffered from a particular disease are, not infrequently, sufficiently interested in the problem presented by the disease to study it and try to eliminate it. In other directions the same sort of thing may happen. This thesis provides a case in point, for when I was myself at Training College I felt that the work we did in Education, Psychology, and Method, was not adequate. It aroused in students<br>little enthusiasm, gave them little light in their professional task, and left them without direction or purpose. Our course was severely practical on the one side and remotely theoretical on the other.<br>Two years after leaving Training College, when writing to one of my lecturers, I suggested that we should have discussed the general purpose of education before we began to study teaching method in any subject, and that as we began to study the teaching of each subject we should consider the particular contributions made by that subject to the general purpose of education. I still incline to that opinion.

2021 ◽  
Ray Chapman-Taylor

PEOPLE who have themselves suffered from a particular disease are, not infrequently, sufficiently interested in the problem presented by the disease to study it and try to eliminate it. In other directions the same sort of thing may happen. This thesis provides a case in point, for when I was myself at Training College I felt that the work we did in Education, Psychology, and Method, was not adequate. It aroused in students<br>little enthusiasm, gave them little light in their professional task, and left them without direction or purpose. Our course was severely practical on the one side and remotely theoretical on the other.<br>Two years after leaving Training College, when writing to one of my lecturers, I suggested that we should have discussed the general purpose of education before we began to study teaching method in any subject, and that as we began to study the teaching of each subject we should consider the particular contributions made by that subject to the general purpose of education. I still incline to that opinion.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Leoni Henning

<p><strong>Resumo: </strong>Este trabalho propõe-se a apresentar a problemática que envolve a disciplina de Filosofia da Educação no Brasil, abordando primeiramente, de um lado, como a Filosofia em si mesma chega em terras brasileiras como parte do programa colonizador português e, de outro lado, como a Educação foi tratada em nosso país desde os seus primórdios, cujos elementos problemáticos são cruzados com aqueles observados no primeiro caso. Nesse sentido, entende-se a Filosofia da Educação como um campo conflituoso em razão dessas forças que atravessam o seu campo de atuação. Por conseguinte, são estabelecidas algumas medidas de enfrentamento dessa situação, como sugestão do estudo, apontando para a necessidade de a disciplina acompanhar o seu próprio trabalho com a atenção merecida, no sentido de desnudar e minimizar as dificuldades de sua prática pedagógica e enquanto proposta disciplinar oferecida no contexto de formação de professores.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave: </strong>Filosofia da Educação; Filosofia e Educação; Formação de professores.</p><p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This study aims to present a problem involving the discipline of Philosophy of Education in Brazil, first addressing, in the one hand, how the philosophy itself arrives in Brazilian lands as part of the Portuguese colonizer program, and on the other hand, how Education was treated in our country since its origin, whose problematic elements are crossed with those observed in the first case. In this sense, Philosophy of Education has been understood as a conflicting field due to these forces that is crossing its field. Therefore, there are some measures that are established for dealing with this situation, as suggestions from this study, pointing to the need for the discipline to monitories their own work with the attention it deserves, in the sense of stripping and minimize the difficulties of their teaching and the discipline proposal to be offer in the context of the teacher’s training.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Philosophy of Education; Philosophy and Education; Teachers training.</p>

Галина Марчук

Анотація. Стаття присвячена аналізу особливостей формування соціальної компетентності дітей дошкільного віку. Проблема соціальної компетентності дошкільнят – одна з найактуальніших. Розв’язання її, з одного боку, допоможе здійснити системний, цілісний підхід до розвитку дитини, з другого – співвіднести цей розвиток з життям. Сучасна система освіти та виховання намагається втілити гуманістичні ідеали виховання досконалої людини, вільної особистості, здатної жити і творчо діяти в умовах змінного соціуму. Виховання такої людини виступає на перший план. Загальні підходи до формування соціальної компетентності дитини визначаються принципами гуманізації виховання – олюдненні виховних стосунків, визнанні цінності дитини як особистості, її значущості в суспільстві, заснованої на усвідомленні своїх зв’язків з оточуючими людьми і в цілому – місця у людстві. Такий підхід відповідає загальній меті виховання – формуванню цілісної, гуманної особистості, орієнтованої на відтворення цінностей національної та загальнолюдської культури у творчій життєдіяльності, саморозвиток і моральну саморегуляцію поведінки. З огляду на це особливої значущості набуває проблема становлення соціальної компетентності старших дошкільників. Оскільки на сучасному етапі розвитку освіти мають місце суперечності між процесом формування соціально-активної особистості та умовами її соціалізації, то перш за все доцільно посилити увагу до підготовки майбутніх вихователів. Зосереджена увага автора на необхідності підготовки майбутніх вихователів до успішної реалізації процесу соціалізації особистості дошкільного віку. Розкрито компоненти готовності майбутніх вихователів до формування соціальної компетентності старших дошкільників, виокремлено педагогічні умови для покращення стану готовності майбутніх вихователів до формування соціальної компетентності старших дошкільників. Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of features social competence formation of the preschool age children. The problem of social competence of preschool children is one of the most topical. On the one hand, the solving of it will help to implement a systematic, holistic approach to child development, on the other - will help to correlate this development with life. The modern system of education and upbringing tries to embody the humanistic ideals of the education of a perfect person, a free personality, to be able to live and act creatively in a changing society. The upbringing of such a person is the main task. General approaches to the formation of social competence of the child are determined by the principles of humanization education - the humanization in education relations, the recognizing the value of the child as a person, its importance in society, based on awareness of their relationships with the other people and in general - its place in humanity. This approach corresponds to the general purpose of the education - the formation of a holistic, humane personality, who is focused on the reproduction of the values of the national and universal culture in the creative life, self-development and moral self-regulation of behavior. In this case, the problem of the social competence formation of the older preschoolers becomes especially important. As at the present stage of the development of the education there are the contradictions between the process of the formation of the socially active personality and the conditions of its socialization, so, first of all, it is necessary to pay more attention to the training of the future educators. The author payed more attention to the necessarity to prepare future educators for their successful implementation to the process of the preschool personality's socialization. The components of readiness of future educators for the formation of social competence of senior preschoolers are revealed, pedagogical conditions for improving the state of readiness of future educators for the formation of social competence of senior preschoolers are singled out. It was discloced the components of future educators readiness for the formation of the social competence in the senior preschoolers , it was separated the pedagogical conditions how to improve the readiness of future educators for the formation of social competence in senior preschoolers.

2006 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-73 ◽  
Clarence W. Joldersma

THIS PAPER ARGUES that the call to teach ought to be conceptualized not so much in terms of subject matter (‘what’) or teaching method (‘how’) but with respect to the subjectivity of the people involved – that is, of the one who teaches and of the one who is taught. Building explicitly on the work of Emmanuel Levinas, the essay develops the idea of a responsible subject as the condition that makes visible the distinctiveness about the call to teach, suggesting that God's call to teach manifests itself through the face of the student, in the asymmetric relation between the teacher and the student as the other. In doing so, the teacher becomes a responsible subject for and to the student, instead of merely for the subject matter and the methods of teaching. Familiar tensions in teaching illustrate this call to responsibility.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Egoza Wasserman ◽  
Ruth Migdal

The basic need for man to be constantly engaged in learning on the one hand and the technological revolution on the other hand lends itself to an interesting combination of change in the learning process. This change has not overlooked the teachers who have also undergone changes in their professional development at the Pisgah centers. The technology age has brought with it online learning. The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes of the teachers training in the Pisgah centers in Israel on the differences between online and traditional training courses. This study was conducted using the quantitative method with 495 teachers participating. The study findings indicate four main areas related to teachers' attitudes. Effectiveness and application, environment, course assignments and attitudes towards ICT. Significant differences were found in the environment variable and the ICT variable between online and traditional training in favor of online training. In addition, a multi regression analysis found that the effectiveness of the course can be explained by the variables: environment, course assignments, and ICT.

Jaime Almeida

Analisa as relações entre a formação do arquiteto e a universidade sob o ponto de vista do ensino de arquitetura. O artigo argumenta em favor da inserção desse ensino no contexto universitário (disciplinas universitárias afins). A escola, ou Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de Brasília (FAU/ UnB) é o principal objeto de análise. O artigo aponta, como um sério obstáculo ao intercâmbio acadêmico, a forma como o ensino de projeto é ministrado. A análise compara duas concepções existentes sobre esse ensino, uma denominada disciplinar e outra universitária. O método de ensino de projeto correspondente à disciplinar é denominado de programa-projeto ou análise-síntese, e o segundo, de projeto conceituai. Para o primeiro, a universidade é um ambiente neutro; para o segundo, uma necessidade. O artigo argumenta em favor da inserção da arquitetura na universidade. Dois aspectos interdependentes são enfatizados: a formação intelectual e investigativa (pesquisa) dos estudantes. Abstract This paper deals with the relationship between the architectural and the university teaching. The description of design teaching of architecture of the University of Brasilia including a summary on its historical development is taken as the main example. This paper argues for straightening the relations between the school of architecture with the university teaching. On the other hand, this paper points out some existing problems that may difficult such an academic interrelationship. For example, the way as the design is teaching (drawing class) and the school is organized are the hey aspects analysed. The analysis compares the disciplinary teaching of architecture to comprehensive teaching of the university. The process of teaching design, called conceptual design, stresses two important aims. On the one hand, this teaching method opposes to the usual teaching, known as analysis-synthesis, by improving the academic background of architectural students. On the other hand, the method improves the insertion of the architectural school in the university. Résumé Les rapports entre la formation de l'architecte et l'Université. La prise de position en faveur de l'insertion de cet enseignement dans le contexte universitaire (disciplines universitaires associées). La Faculté d'Architecture et Urbanisme de l'Université de Brasilia est I 'object de l'analyse. L'enseignement actuel du project comme un obstacle sérieux à l'échange académique. Deux conceptions de cet enseignement restreint sont nommées programme-plan ou analyse-sinthèse, et l'autre, conceptuelle. Pour la première méthode, l'insertion dans le contexte universitaire est indifférente, tandis que pour la deuxième méthode, elle est indispensable. Deux aspects liés sont mis en relief: la formation intellectuelle des étudiants et la recherche. Resumen Este artículo estudia las relaciones entre la formación del arquitecto y la universidad desde el punto de vista de la enseñanza de la arquitectura. Introducimos argumentos favorables a la inclusión de esta enseñanza en el ámbito universitário (en especial con las matérias disciplinares comunes). La Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Brasilia es nuestro punto focal. Nuestro escrito señala que la forma como la matéria de proyecto es enseñada es el principal obstáculo para que se realize verdadero intercámbio académico. Comparamos dos concepciones sobre la forma de enseñar: una, que denominamos disciplinar y otra universitária. Cuando corresponde a la primera forma el método se llama programa-proyecto o análisis-síntesis. Ya cuando corresponde al segundo se llama proyecto conceptual. Para el primero, la universidad es un ambiente neutro y para el segundo es una necessidad. Argumentamos en favor de la inclusión de la arquitectura en la universidad. Destacanse dos aspectos: la formacción intelectual y la investigación por parte de los alumnos.

1968 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. 49 ◽  
Adelkis J. Rogan

The general purpose of the author's research undertaken in the "Laboratoxre National d'Hydraulique" was to study wave action on rubble-mound breakwaters with regular (periodic) waves on the one hand and irregular (random) wind generated waves on the other, and to compare the effects of these two types of waves by use of the storm duration t. With a first series of periodic waves experiments we have obtained the destruction of the breakwater's cover-layer for different storm durations t, by varying H and T. The mass of armor units remained constant. The angle of the slope, according to the seaward equilibrium profile could be considered as constant.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 77 ◽  
Marcos Laffin ◽  
Sonia Maria da Silva Gomes

The objective of this paper is to present the results of research that examined articles published in journals, whose subject matter was the accounting professors’ pedagogical training within the Stricto Sensu postgraduate degree in accounting in Brazil. Thus, the research problem was to recognize and discuss the articles’ contributions to the pedagogical training. The methodology was exploratory and the procedures involved a literature research with qualitative approach to content analysis. Based on Sacristan (1995), Brandão (2002), Santos Neto (2004), and Laffin (2005), the article presents a discussion about teaching and arguments from these authors about  the need for principles in pedagogical training for accounting professors in the Stricto Sensu postgraduate program. It appears that under the Stricto Sensu postgraduate programs in accounting the teachers’ training does not assume an expression of working appropriation to teach. On the one hand, intellectual production, as a way to respond to the external evaluation, is emphasized; on the other, the ground work, under the aegis of teaching epistemology, is subsumed to the production to carry out their work.

1975 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 395-407
S. Henriksen

The first question to be answered, in seeking coordinate systems for geodynamics, is: what is geodynamics? The answer is, of course, that geodynamics is that part of geophysics which is concerned with movements of the Earth, as opposed to geostatics which is the physics of the stationary Earth. But as far as we know, there is no stationary Earth – epur sic monere. So geodynamics is actually coextensive with geophysics, and coordinate systems suitable for the one should be suitable for the other. At the present time, there are not many coordinate systems, if any, that can be identified with a static Earth. Certainly the only coordinate of aeronomic (atmospheric) interest is the height, and this is usually either as geodynamic height or as pressure. In oceanology, the most important coordinate is depth, and this, like heights in the atmosphere, is expressed as metric depth from mean sea level, as geodynamic depth, or as pressure. Only for the earth do we find “static” systems in use, ana even here there is real question as to whether the systems are dynamic or static. So it would seem that our answer to the question, of what kind, of coordinate systems are we seeking, must be that we are looking for the same systems as are used in geophysics, and these systems are dynamic in nature already – that is, their definition involvestime.

Stefan Krause ◽  
Markus Appel

Abstract. Two experiments examined the influence of stories on recipients’ self-perceptions. Extending prior theory and research, our focus was on assimilation effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in line with a protagonist’s traits) as well as on contrast effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in contrast to a protagonist’s traits). In Experiment 1 ( N = 113), implicit and explicit conscientiousness were assessed after participants read a story about either a diligent or a negligent student. Moderation analyses showed that highly transported participants and participants with lower counterarguing scores assimilate the depicted traits of a story protagonist, as indicated by explicit, self-reported conscientiousness ratings. Participants, who were more critical toward a story (i.e., higher counterarguing) and with a lower degree of transportation, showed contrast effects. In Experiment 2 ( N = 103), we manipulated transportation and counterarguing, but we could not identify an effect on participants’ self-ascribed level of conscientiousness. A mini meta-analysis across both experiments revealed significant positive overall associations between transportation and counterarguing on the one hand and story-consistent self-reported conscientiousness on the other hand.

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