scholarly journals Una aproximación a la realidad de las mujeres gitanas desde la perspectiva de género

Paula Montañés Alvarez

Resumen de Una aproximación a la realidad de las mujeres gitanas desde la perspectiva de géneroPaula Montañés AlvarezEsta aportación es un resumen del Trabajo Fin de Máster presentado en Mayo de 2009 para el Máster en Relaciones de Género de la Universidad de Zaragoza, cuyo título es �Una aproximación a la realidad de las mujeres gitanas desde la perspectiva de género�. Usando la metodología de las historias de vida, he pretendido acercarme, conocer y analizar desde la perspectiva de género, la vida de tres mujeres gitanas con unos rasgos culturales comunes, pero muy diferentes entre ellas.This work is a summary of the Final Master submitted in May 2009 for the Master in Gender Relations at the University of Zaragoza, entitled �An approach to the reality of Roma women from a gender perspective�. Using the methodology of life stories, it tries to approach, understand and analyze from a gender perspective, the lives of three gypsy women sharing a culture, but each of them from a very different point of view

Susana Cámara ◽  
Ana Guil Bozal ◽  
Consuelo Flecha

Abstract.Culture of gender in education sector and its implications on sexism in educational institution is a research that the University of Seville has studied and has leaded in the last years. In this paper, we show the first step of an investigation, leaded by Ana Guil Bozal, financed by Instituto de la Mujer (Prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres, evitando el sexismo en las instituciones educativas, 2013-2015) where we study the relation between the culture of gender and different ways of discrimination based on gender matters, specially violence. From the Doing Gender Theory (West & Zimmerman, 1987) point of view applied to an educational sector, there are different aspects that we could identify and that affect institutions from a gender perspective. The Doing Gender model identifies three levels: socio-cultural, relation and personal. In this first step of the project, we analyze the relational and personal level. Also, we added in our analysis the resources level, not included in the Doing Gender Theory, and where we study the human and economic resources available to work in gender area in educational organizations. There are relations between the people involved in education, mainly as follows: students, teachers and management team; then, their own system of values, attitudes and behavior; human resources with specifically training in gender matters and the economic resources. Violence against women can be face with education which must include a gender perspective. All the aspect involved in the daily education practices have reflected on the position of women in society.Keywords: Culture of Gender, Doing Gender, Gender ViolenceResumen.La Universidad de Sevilla ha estudiado y liderado diferentes líneas de investigación sobre la relación existente entre el sexismo y algunos aspectos presentes en las instituciones educativas. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la primera fase de un proyecto, financiado por el Instituto de la Mujer (Prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres, evitando el sexismo en las instituciones educativas, 2013-2015) en el que -de cara a la prevención- estudiamos la relación entre la Cultura de Género y las diferentes formas de discriminación por razón del género, especialmente la violencia. Como marco teórico para nuestro estudio hemos utilizado el modelo Doing Gender (West & Zimmerman, 1987), que mantiene que el género se manifiesta en tres planos: Socio-cultural, Relacional y Personal. En una primera fase del proyecto, analizamos los niveles relacional y personal. También incluimos un plano, al que llamamos plano de recursos, no contemplado en el modelo original y en el que indagamos sobre los medios humanos y económicos disponibles para el trabajo en el área de género en las instituciones educativas. En este documento se presentan los resultados iniciales de esta primera fase que servirán de base para la construcción de un modelo que permita evaluar la cultura de género de las instituciones educativas y así fomentar la prevención de las diferentes formas de discriminación por razón del género, entre ellas la violencia.Palabras clave: Cultura de Género, Doing Gender, Violencia de Género

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Miryan Zúñiga Escobar

Resumen: El presente artículo analiza la problemáticadel desarrollo socioeconómico en Latinoamérica a la luzde la perspectiva de género; articulando tres conceptosesenciales, desarrollo, género y perspectiva de género,se afirma que sin equidad de género no hay desarrollo.A partir de los aportes mencionados, se contempla laposibilidad de integrar indicadores que incluyan la relaciónhombre-mujer en la planificación del desarrollo endiversas instituciones y organismos internacionales, quepermitan evaluar la situación específica de las mujeres y agran escala generar procesos de desarrollo humanizados.Palabras claves: desarrollo, género, perspectiva de género,indicadores de género, planificación.No Development Is Possible without Gender EquityAbstract: The present article analyzes the problematicof socioeconomic development in Latin America in lightof the gender perspective. Articulating three essentialconcepts, development, gender and gender perspective,the conclusion is reached that no gender equity means nodevelopment. The possibility is contemplated of integratingindicators that include gender relations in developmentplanning in diverse institutions and internationalorganizations, in order to evaluate the specific situationof women and to generate large-scale humanized developmentprocesses.Key Words: development, gender, gender perspective,gender indicators, planning.

H. K. Birnbaum ◽  
I. M. Robertson

Studies of the effects of hydrogen environments on the deformation and fracture of fcc, bcc and hep metals and alloys have been carried out in a TEM environmental cell. The initial experiments were performed in the environmental cell of the HVEM facility at Argonne National Laboratory. More recently, a dedicated environmental cell facility has been constructed at the University of Illinois using a JEOL 4000EX and has been used for these studies. In the present paper we will describe the general design features of the JEOL environmental cell and some of the observations we have made on hydrogen effects on deformation and fracture.The JEOL environmental cell is designed to operate at 400 keV and below; in part because of the available accelerating voltage of the microscope and in part because the damage threshold of most materials is below 400 keV. The gas pressure at which chromatic aberration due to electron scattering from the gas molecules becomes excessive does not increase rapidly with with accelerating voltage making 400 keV a good choice from that point of view as well. A series of apertures were placed above and below the cell to control the pressures in various parts of the column.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Sina Saeedy ◽  
Mojtaba Amiri ◽  
Mohammad Mahdi Zolfagharzadeh ◽  
Mohammad Rahim Eyvazi

Quality of life and satisfaction with life as tightly interconnected concepts have become of much importance in the urbanism era. No doubt, it is one of the most important goals of every human society to enhance a citizen’s quality of life and to increase their satisfaction with life. However, there are many signs which demonstrate the low level of life satisfaction of Iranian citizens especially among the youth. Thus, considering the temporal concept of life satisfaction, this research aims to make a futures study in this field. Therefore, using a mixed model and employing research methods from futures studies, life satisfaction among the students of the University of Tehran were measured and their views on this subject investigated. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analysed together in order to test the hypotheses and to address the research questions on the youth discontentment with quality of life. Findings showed that the level of life satisfaction among students is relatively low and their image of the future is not positive and not optimistic. These views were elicited and discussed in the social, economic, political, environmental and technological perspectives. Keywords:  futures studies, quality of life, satisfaction with life, youth

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7057
Martina Blašková ◽  
Dominika Tumová ◽  
Rudolf Blaško ◽  
Justyna Majchrzak-Lepczyk

Sustainability has to penetrate more and more into higher education. It should not focus only on traditional elements. It should also enter new, but for future improvement, extremely important areas. Based on this premise, creativity and motivation, when additionally interconnected and supported by trust that is provided and achieved, decide on the progress and sustainability of universities. This connection is gaining importance especially from the point of view of building solid foundations and mechanisms that functionally preserve the potential effects of these elements in the future. For this reason and following the nature, importance, and content of sustainable academic motivation (SAM), the paper introduces two new concepts: sustainable academic creativity (SAC) and sustainable academic trust (SAT). For further original contributions, the paper hypothesizes the existence of mutual—spiral—relations of sustainable academic motivation (SAM), sustainable academic creativity (SAC), and sustainable academic trust (SAT). The empirical section tests the validity of this claim in the universities of two countries: the Slovak Republic and Poland. A survey performed on a sample of n=181 pedagogical, scientific, management, and administrative staff in higher education confirms the existence of these spirals. The results indicate the spiral effect of motivation when connected with creativity and trust and show that it is accented by the crucial principles of sustainability (responsibility, novelty, usefulness, progress, etc.). Therefore, the paper’s conclusion contains the explanations for the potential occurrence of three types of sustainably mutual systems and complexes. These are: (a) individual sustainable systems of SAM, SAC, and SAT; (b) group/sectional sustainable systems of SAM, SAC, and SAT; and (c) the global sustainable complex of SAM, SAC, and SAT in the university.

2006 ◽  
Vol 27 (6/7) ◽  
pp. 505-514 ◽  
Jie Huang ◽  
Katherine Wong

PurposeFrom the cataloging librarians' point of view, this paper aims to present how technical services, especially the cataloging department, can play important roles in the improvement of user services.Design/methodology/approachThe paper examines the practices of the University of Oklahoma Libraries.FindingsThe paper identifies several aspects in which technical services can enhance the quality of user services, especially in the cataloging department. A library's online catalog becomes the first point of access to the library's information resources. Its quality can be improved and enriched in many ways to raise users’ satisfaction. Aside from the improvement in technical aspects, efforts should also be made to promote collaboration between technical and public services so as to ensure efficient processing of materials and to meet the needs of library users.Originality/valueThe value of the paper is in showing that the quality of an online catalog and the cooperation between public and technical services are two of the key factors in achieving high quality of user services.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7373
Timo Nevalainen ◽  
Jaana Seikkula-Leino ◽  
Maria Salomaa

In the past decades, there has been a growing interest in entrepreneurship education, and many higher education institutions have developed specific programs and courses to support entrepreneurial competencies. However, there have been significant changes in how universities train competences related to business skills and entrepreneurship in practice. Whereas entrepreneurship courses used to focus on the different forms of businesses and drafting business plans, the overall perception of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competences has shifted this toward a more holistic educational approach to develop students’ entrepreneurial competencies. In this comparative quantitative case study, we investigate the university students’ perception of the development of their entrepreneurial competencies in the case of Proakatemia (Tampere University of Applied Sciences). The aim was to examine how the entrepreneurial competencies are reflected and strengthened in their thinking and everyday functions through the concept of team learning. The survey involved, altogether, 64 students, of which 21 studied in Proakatemia. The results of this study indicate that the team learning concept of Proakatemia facilitates learning entrepreneurial competencies. Therefore, these results provide insights for universities aiming to develop their curricula, programs and pedagogy, thus promoting sustainable societal development. However, we recommend further studies, e.g., from a qualitative point of view, to assess the effective of the concept in other learning environments.

2019 ◽  
pp. 279-287
Алексей Михайлович Гагинский

Курс лекций П. Рикёра, прочитанный более полувека назад, интересен по ряду причин. Во-первых, потому что он посвящён крайне важной теме — античной онтологии; во-вторых, потому что он был прочитан одним из ведущих философов XX в.; в-третьих, потому что этот философ был крупнейшим представителем герменевтического направления, вследствие чего особенно любопытно проследить, как он читает тексты, без преувеличения, самых важных философов в истории человечества. Впрочем, с формальной точки зрения есть некоторые сомнения в возожности исполнения замысла работы: П. Рикёр всё-таки не антиковед, его знание греческого языка, что видно из текста, весьма скромного уровня; кроме того, изданный текст представляет собой курс лекций, автор которых, как кажется, не столько хочет донести до слушателей результаты кропотливых исследований и продуманных идей, сколько разобраться вместе со студентами в античной онтологии. P. Ricoeur's course of lectures, delivered more than half a century ago, is interesting for a number of reasons. Firstly, because it is devoted to an extremely important topic - ancient ontology; secondly, because it was read by one of the leading philosophers of the 20th century; thirdly, because this philosopher was the biggest representative of the hermeneutic direction, so it is especially interesting to trace how he reads texts of, without exaggeration, the most important philosophers in the history of mankind. However, from the formal point of view, there are some doubts about the feasibility of the idea of the work: Ricoeur is not an antiquarian and his knowledge of Greek, as the text shows, is rather modest; besides, the published text is a course of lectures, the author of which seems to want not so much to convey the results of laborious research and elaborated ideas to his students, as to understand ancient ontology together with the students.

2014 ◽  
Joshua E. Olsberg

[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT AUTHOR'S REQUEST.] This dissertation compares the life stories of Cubans in Miami, Florida and Baracoa, Cuba to explore how Cubans in different cultural spaces define their communities and sense of belonging. The study finds that collective memory and public narratives in those communities are shaped by political and historical events, and that elements of the community's broader history become part of our personal life stories.

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