formal point
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2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny (XXI) ◽  
pp. 205-215
Olgierd Kucharski

The aim of the work was to present the factual competence of the State Labour Inspectorate and its analysis against the concept of „employment law”. This issue was presented on the basis of the classification of positions of the doctrine regarding „employment law” presented by B.M. Ćwiertniak. The review was carried out from the Act of 1981, which was a model solution for the „classical” labour law of the industrial era, to the current state based on the Act of 2007 and its amendments. The analysis has shown that this body is currently engaged in the control and supervision of „work” in its broadest sense. This is related to the fact that the material competence covers not only issues related to the employment relationship, but also the legality of employment, remuneration from the civil law relationship, social security obligations, bans on trade on Sundays and public holidays carried out regardless of the legal basis of employment. Therefore, from a formal point of view, the creation by the legislator of a possibly new branch of law - ‚employment law’ - would not require changes in the competences of the State Labour Inspectorate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 157-175
Rafał Smoczyński ◽  
Tomasz Zarycki

After World War II, Polish nobility was commonly considered an obsolete social group because of the post-1945 confiscation of their properties and the decline of their legal and political privileges. From a formal point of view, the Polish nobility had ceased to exist. However, this group did not simply vanish. For this reason, we should not speak of the disintegration of the former noble milieu but rather its reorganization. To expand deliberation on these “reorganization strategies” with the use of appropriate sociological tools, this article analyzes major social actors in contemporary Poland who use their noble legacies in their collective identity-building practices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 361-383
Gabriela Coca

"Zoltán Gárdonyi (1906-1986) composed his work entitled Három Nagyheti Kép (Three Holy Week Events) in 1966. At that time, he was a professor at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, in Budapest. He composed the work for organ and a string ensemble (1st violin, 2nd violin, viola, cello, double bass). The work has three movements, as the title Három Nagyheti Kép (Three Holy Week Events) suggests. This paper analyses the work in question in detail, from a harmonic and formal point of view. Keywords: Gárdonyi Zoltán, Három Nagyheti Kép, Three Holy Week Events, organ, strings, harmony, forms, structure, religious message "

Economica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 114-119
Oleg Stratulat ◽  

Expressions like “retail banking”, “retail banking products”, “retail banking services” have become very widespread in recent years in the banking environment, the media, the scientific literature, etc. In addition, such phrases are more and more often found in normative acts. However, there is no definite understanding of those terms. In literature, in order to define the phenomenon, various general and evasive features are used. At the same time, for accounting, taxation, reporting, statistics, but especially for prudential regulation, an exact delimitation of retail banking is necessary. This article is dedicated to an overview of the existing views on the notion of “retail banking” and its clarification from a formal point of view.

Borysenko N.M.

The purpose of the publication is a systematic observation of the artistic assimilation of genre features of diarіstics in works Maria Matios “Diary of the Executed”, “Private Diary. ... Maidan. War...”, aimed at a special study of the variability of the interaction of documentary and artistic types of writing, the dominance of one or another of them and, accordingly, the formation of original poetics of narrative systems. Methods. For this purpose, aesthetic and historical-comparative research methods are used.Results. In the article for the first time the diary segment of the work of the modern Ukrainian writer, laureate of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine Maria Matios is thoroughly investigated. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of the texts, it was concluded that the genre features of the diary are the construction of the text as a series of notes that date events from the life of the “I”-narrator, as well as their chronicity, discreteness, сontents and formal diversity, conceptual unprogrammability, subjectivity, etc. At the same time the artistic core of the works is acute conflicts of socio-psychological and civic and political type which model a plot, build a system of characters and gives the text more or less aesthetics.“The Diary of the Executed” is an artistic and epic work created on the model of fictionalized female diary; actually a novel in which the diary is both an artistic image, and an architectural principle, and a compositional and stylistic technique, which in a memoir-receptive way organizes disclosure of the topic (self-knowledge and self-formation of a woman’s personality through diary writing-reading). The work has a distinct melodramatic character, emphasizes private story on a gray background of general existence and through an essayistic mosaic of thoughts and states asserts the power of a woman’s consciousness over her subconscious.“The Private Diary. ...Maidan. The War...” is a typical literary diary, actually a diariush which testifies to the active presence of its author – writer, politician, cultural and public figure, woman (daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, colleague and friend), person – Maria Matios in stormy present of Ukraine. From a formal point of view it is a kind of documentary-artistic meta-genre – a novel-chronicle which fixes the events from 30 November 2013 to 5 July 2015 through the prism of personal perception and direct involvement of the narrator in them. The work has a powerful problematic and realistic background, expressive essayistic and reporting narrative; at the same time its aesthetics provides the artistry of speech, techniques of composition, poetic descriptions, etc.The development of the genre of diary in the creativity of M. Matios reflects her literary evolution.Key words: nonfiction, memoiristics, novel of the beginning of the 21st century, eseyistycs, meta-genre. Мета. Метою публікації є системні спостереження щодо мистецького засвоєння жанрових ознак діаристики в творах Марії Матіос «Щоденник страченої», «Приватний щоденник. ...Майдан. Війна...», спрямовані на спеціальне вивчення варіативності взаємодії документального та художнього типів письма, домінування того чи того з них і, відповідно, виформування оригінальних поетик оповідних систем.Методи. З цією метою використано естетичний та історико-порівняльний методи дослідження.Результати. У статті вперше цілісно досліджено щоденниковий сегмент доробку сучасної української письменниці, лауреатки Національної премії України імені Т.Г.Шевченка Марії Матіос.Висновки. Унаслідок аналізу текстів дійшли висновку, що жанровими ознаками щоденника є побудова тексту як низки нотаток, котрі датовано фіксують події із життя «Я»-наратора, як і їхня хронікальність, дискретність, змістова і формальна різноплановість, концептуальна незапрограмованість, суб’єктивованість тощо. Водночас художнє ядро творів – гострі конфлікти соціально-психологічного й громадянсько-політичного типу, які моделюють сюжетику, розбудовують систему персонажів, більшою або меншою мірою естетизують текст.«Щоденник страченої» – це художньо-епічний твір, створений за взірцем белетризованого жіночого діарія; власне роман, у якому щоденник – і художній образ, і архітектонічний принцип, і композиційно-стильовий прийом, котрий у мемуарно-рецептивному ключі організовує розгортання теми (самопізнання й особистісне становлення жінки через щоденникове письмо-читання). Твір має виразний мелодраматичний характер, акцентує приватну історію на сірому фоні загального буття, через есеїстичну мозаїку думок і станів утверджує владу свідомості жінки над її підсвідомим.«Приватний щоденник. ...Майдан. Війна...» – це типовий літературний щоденник, власне діаріуш, який засвідчує діяльну присутність його авторки – письменниці, політика, культурно-громадської діячки, жінки (доньки, сестри, дружини, матері, бабусі, колеги, подруги), людини – Марії Матіос у буремному сьогоденні України. Із формального погляду це різновид документально-художнього метажанру – роман-хроніка, який фіксує події Революції Гідності й початку російсько-української війни від 30.11.2013р. до 05.07.2015р. крізь призму особистого сприйняття й безпосередньої причетності до них нараторки. У творі потужне проблемно-реалістичне тло, виразна есеїстична та репортажна оповідальність; воднораз його естетичність забезпечують художнє мовлення, прийоми композиції, поетичність описів тощо.Розвиток жанру щоденника у творчості М.Матіос є одним із чинників, що відображають її письменницьку еволюцію.Ключові слова: документалістика, мемуаристика, роман початку ХХІ ст., есеїстика, метажанр.

Arts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 58
Roberta Cerone

The painting with St. Thomas Becket, St. Stephen and St. Nicholas of Bari that decorates one of the lunettes in the so-called lower church at the Sacro Speco in Subiaco is an enigma from an art-historical point of view, for two reasons. First, on an iconographical level, the lunette interrupts the flow of the story of Benedict’s life unfolding systematically on all the walls of the lower church. Second, from the formal point of view, the fresco clearly presents more archaic features than the surrounding Stories of St. Benedict, dating to the end of the thirteenth/beginning of the fourteenth century, and was therefore probably executed in a phase prior to the cycle of Benedict. In the paper, therefore, I will analyse the motivations that led to the preservation of this painting when the hall was renovated and later redecorated in the late thirteenth century, and discuss the hypotheses surrounding patronage. Both aspects will help to better contextualize the reasons for the presence of the image of St. Thomas Becket in a pre-eminent position in the sanctuary of Benedict in Subiaco, a papal bulwark on the borders of the Kingdom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Beata Brzozowska-Zburzyńska

The objective of this study is to reflect on the Spanish time expressions that function as deictic elements. Deixis is a phenomenon strictly related to aspects of a pragmatic nature since it depends on the situational context in which the participants of the communicative act are. We want to search, discover and describe the pragmatic conditioning that determines the appearance and operation of this type of element in Spanish. Our idea is to demonstrate that in time deictic expressions the semantic content is not enough for speakers to use these expressions properly. It is necessary to resort to information that exceeds the level of meaning and find guidelines for the good interpretation of the expression in the situational and personal context. The group of time deictics is not heterogeneous from the formal point of view. It includes simple elements (for example, adverbs) and more or less complex elements (noun and prepositional phrases). We will focus on this second group and, above all, on the nominal constructions that include determinants and temporal adjectives since in this type of structure each constituent element performs a different semantic-pragmatic function and only the combination of these allows us to discover the definitive value of the set.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-31
Piotr Zbróg

Monuments of the Polish language contain numerous examples of apposition groups of the type jezioro Błędno, imię Bartłomiej, miasto Betsaida, Maryja, match Boża, królewna Nebraska, Jesusa Krysta syna Dawidowego, Bogu Oćcu. Metalinguistic appositions refer to intra-textual elements, e.g. słowo Pokłada, słowo Betanija, imię Jan, imię Fryzon. The article focuses on an overview and description of expressions of this type from the formal point of view (internal structure, grammatical features of the members), semantic (issues of the connotation of the basis of apposition and apposition, denotation, function) and syntactic (deep structure, the arrangement of members, syntactic accommodation). As it turned out, these groups were, to a large extent, shaped in terms of their specific features in the oldest Polish language and have preserved them until the present times. In semantic and grammatical terms, contemporary constructions of the word Sometime or the name Piotr imitate the old Polish groups, such as the słowo Zawżdy or the imię Bartłomiej. They are connoted on both sides, characterized by inclusion and restrictiveness of appeals. Appeals are not accommodated; expressions have a strict chord and are derived from the use of elements SOUND or HAVE A CHARACTER. Even today, they appear extremely rarely in the texts. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 223-229
R. Zhetibay ◽  

This article analyzes in detail the story of Zhumeken Nazhimedenov “Көне жұрт”. The analysis of the story is carried out from the point of view of the author's concept, from the point of view of the artistic structure. In artistic details-inappropriate use. The path and shape type are determined. A psychoanalyst is created for the main character. We also analyzed the manifestations of psychoanalysis in the modern literary process. It is analyzed from a meaningful and formal point of view, and an overview of the artistic world is given. Weak points of plot connections are shown. On the basis of Sigmund Freud's philosophical platform "vision of color", a psychoanalyst of the hero is created. The significance of the article lies in the analysis of the artistic structure of Zhumeken's stories, which were not analyzed in the prose of past eras. Defining ways to create the main character, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of stories from that period. To reveal the essence of the aesthetics of helplessness through a thorough analysis of the state of the soul and mind, the hero's exit from the psychological category into a duel of consciousness with paradoxical events. In a social phenomenon, an action that carries consciousness is a demonstration that the brutal treatment of the hero, who was left in the captivity of powerlessness, led the main character to the aesthetics of helplessness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 22
Ismail Tafani ◽  
Renata Tokrri

In this study we will try to analyze the foundations of the Constitution as a pillar and as a guarantee for its solidity. The study will also address the need for revision of the constitution as a fundamental element of its existence and continuity. Particular emphasis will be given to the comparison of the constitutions of the most important countries in the world as regards the procedures and limits to the constitutional revision. In this sense, the constitutions of some Balkan Peninsula countries will be analyzed to draw a comparison and analyze the Albanian Constitution as regards the procedure for its revision. The study intends to analyze the procedures for the revision of the Constitution as well as the explicit and implicit limits to these revisions. In the Constitutional revision in Albania in 2016, the role of the Constitutional Court on the control of the constitutional legitimacy of constitutional revision laws was clarified. Formal constitutionality is usually emphasized since the Albanian constitutional reform underlined that the Constitutional Court in Albania could express itself on the constitutionality of the Constitutional revision law only from a formal point of view.   Received: 2 January 2021 / Accepted: 27 February 2021 / Published: 7 March 2021

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