scholarly journals Diagnostics of the education quality in the higher educational institution

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 4 ◽  
E. V. Myalkina

Introduction: the problem of diagnostics of the quality of education at a higher education institution is becoming increasingly relevant in the conditions of the need to fulfill the criteria for the effectiveness of higher education institutions, the introduction of new generation standards in higher education institutions and the modernization of the educational program management system. Diagnostics of the quality of education is considered as an important process that ensures a steady position of the university in the educational services market, the  growth of indicators for the admission campaign,  the increase of reputational capital. Diagnostics of the quality of education makes it possible to identify significant factors in determining the prospects for the development of a university, having a significant impact on the performance indicators of a university and characterizing the results achieved and the resources used.Materials and Methods:the article discusses the system for the quality of education evaluation at Minin University, it describes its key components, reveals the elements of the diagnostic complex and their systemic interconnection. The characteristics of the elements of the diagnostic complex describes in detail the issue of improving the efficiency of the university in terms of the implementation of the management model of the main professional educational programs, the description of the diagnostic procedure for each category of participants in the educational process is presented.Results:the author describes the methodology and the main stages of diagnosing the quality of education at the university using the example of  Minin University, gives integrated assessment criteria and their relationship with other elements of the monitoring system and evaluating the quality of education at the university, lists the effects of introducing a comprehensive system for diagnosing the quality of educational activities.Discussion and Conclusions:in the final part of the article, the possibilities of further improving the system of assessment of the quality of education in the educational system of higher education are considered. Arguments about the need to further expand the range of issues raised by the diagnostic process are made; the ratio of the existing positions of the university to the requirements of the legislation is made. 

Olha Yeromenko

The article raises the topical issue of training competitive professionals capable of working under modern market conditions. The transition to market relations changes the education policy and the system of educational services provision. The professional destiny of a future manager and the success rate of an educational institution depend on the quality of providing educational services to graduate students specialised in educational institution management. The purpose of the article is to analyse the results of a survey of graduate students aimed at determining the status of educational services given within the specialty 073 "Management" (specialization "Educational Institution Management") in various higher education institutions of Ukraine. Monitoring the state of the educational services provided to graduate students majoring in educational institution management has been carried out on the basis of general scientific and empirical cognition methods: comprehensive study of quality training of master-course students, observation, survey in the form of questionnaires, analysis of graduate students’ responses, analogy. The criteria enabling graduate students to assess the quality of educational services provided by higher education institutions have been defined: the fundamental nature of training; level of knowledge and experience of teaching staff; organization of the educational process; culture and communication level of teachers; reaction of teachers and administration of higher education institution to further demands of graduate students, etc. On the basis of the analysis and generalisation of the processed material, the basic demands of master-course students majoring in educational institution management for increase in the level of educational services have been defined: decrease in theorising of educational material; practice orientation; increase in the use of interactive teaching methods by teachers; expansion of the list of optional courses; increase in opportunities for individual counselling at a convenient time; involvement of leading specialists, experts, experienced educational institution managers in teaching; improvement of facilities and resources of an institution; increase in the level of additional educational services provision in higher education institutions. According to the results of the study, it has been concluded that it is necessary to establish a flexible system of training master-course students majoring in educational institution management.

Olena Kravchenko

The article argues that the relevance of providing the quality of the official website content of modern universities is predetermined by the objective requirements of the present day, such as the priority of the state policy in the field of integration of higher educational institutions into the European education space, the globalization of information technologies and increasing of the Internet activity among the population. The subject of the study is the features of the websites' information content of the universities from different countries. It is determined that the website content of a modern institution of higher education contains information on various types of university activities (educational, scientific, pedagogic, financial, and marketing). The content of websites of foreign and universities was analyzed according to the following criteria: language; informativeness; utility; administrative and financial transparency; technical design. The analysis of website content of various universities was carried out in accordance the availability of information of university’s general characteristics, of the organization of the university’s educational process and features of student life, of university's scientific activities, of ways of advertising and the formation of a positive image of an educational institution in the imagination of Internet visitors. The attention is focused on the features of the websites' information content of the leading foreign and domestic universities. The main distinctions are in the ways of positioning the institution in the future; outlining the competitive advantages of an educational institution and highlighting the opportunities for improving the quality of the educational process; popularizing the university's scientific activities, and identifying the ways to confirm the reputation of the university. It is proved that the development of top-quality content contributes to the improvement of the image of the higher educational institution on the Internet, as well as increases the competitiveness of the university in the market of educational services both in the country and abroad. Awareness of the relevance of providing the quality of the official website content of the institution of higher education allows to tackle the problem of creating and distributing vital, unique, classified, and interesting information.

2020 ◽  
Vol 166 ◽  
pp. 10024
Olena Bondarchuk ◽  
Valentyna Balakhtar ◽  
Kateryna Balakhtar

The focus of the current research is on the quality of education as a multifaceted category, and the monitoring of the quality of education – as a purposeful and specially organized system of studying, assessment, analysis of data on the state of education of students. This study aims at exploring the nowadays conditions, and exactly the development of digital technologies. The need of using the electronic resources (Google services) has become more acute, which enables the creation of text documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms, drawings and other documents. In order to provide the monitoring of the quality of the psychological component of the teachers’ activity of higher education institutions the Google form was elaborated to obtain the information about the psychological state and satisfaction of the quality of educational services by the fellows of the educational process, their relationships, socio-psychological climate in higher education institutions and others, and respond in a timely manner to the social and educational changes.

Oksana Buinytska ◽  
Bohdan Hrytseliak ◽  
Valeriia Smirnova ◽  

The main tasks of the modern university are to increase the quality of educational services and to step up activities in the international educational space. One way related to providing quality education, creating an open information and educational environment through which participants of educational process receive open access to resources from any point and at any convenient time. Openness and publicity activities of the university contributes to its competitiveness, i.e. its rating among higher education institutions, including born healthy competition that fosters competitiveness training specialists. The article analyzes the methodology, relationship and position Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University in the most authoritative international and Ukrainian ratings: Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), QS World University Rankings, Times Higher Education, Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, Ukrainian Rating institutions of higher education by Scopus indicators, «Top-200 Ukraine», Consolidated ranking of universities in Ukraine, Transparency rating of universities (CEDOS), «Bibliometric of Ukrainian science». The indexes and tendencies of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University on the key ratings and their influence on the quality of education are researched. Discovered mutual performance rating among themselves, including ranking on indicators of performance in Scopus on indicators of Openness and Excellence of Webometrics rating and the rating «Bibliometric of Ukrainian science»; Direct effect of Transparent ranking: Top Universities by Google Scholar Citations on the Webometrics rating. The article describes the ways of influencing on the main indicators of the University's activities in order to increase the positions in international and native ratings and, accordingly, the competitiveness of the University in the educational space.

2019 ◽  
pp. 43-53
Nazariy N. Popadynets ◽  
Yuliya V. Zhuravel ◽  
Olena V. Panukhnyk

Abstract. The purpose of the research is to determine government measures to form a mechanism toensure the formation of the quality of education in higher education institutions. Methods. In the course ofthe research, general scientific methods and approaches, a systematic approach, general logical researchmethods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison) were used. Results. The article discusses key studies of the development of education in the country; in particular, attention paid to the processes of stateregulation of the activities of higher education institutions. On the basis of theoretical and methodologicalanalysis, a general scheme of the mechanism of state regulation of higher education is proposed, which consists of subject-objective, target, instrumental and information-analytical components. It was determined thatthe stimulation of educational institutions to continuously improve the quality and availability of educationalservices in accordance with the future needs of the labor market and the economy, the production of newservices occurs through partial regulation of these processes by the state. It has been proved that comprehensive legal, organizational, resource, information support for the development of the economy, employmentand social infrastructure capable of realizing the rights of education and development of the population, aswell as meeting the needs of various industries in qualified personnel, stimulating the demographic reproduction of the population directly depends on the quality of education in country, which is the basis for theformation of professional skills of each specialist. Practical meaning. Based on the analysis of the scientificworks of domestic scientists, as well as the practice of one of the universities, a system of indicators and keymeasures of the external system for ensuring the quality of education have been determined. Most educationalinstitutions in the country can use it by implementing in their practice those indicators to which this or thatinstitution responds. Prospects for further research. The results obtained determine the need for further assessment of the impact of other indicators for the implementation of a comprehensive assessment of theinternal and external system of education quality, which will help unify those indicators that will be mosteffective for a particular educational institution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 72-81
D. A. Shtykhno ◽  
L. V. Konstantinova ◽  
N. N. Gagiev

The aim of the work is to analyze key problems and risks that have arisen in connection with the transfer of universities to distance educational activities during the introduction of strict restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic. Among the main objectives of the study – identification of problems in the field of educational inequality, quality of education, the complexity of the educational process and cost of educational services as well as research experience of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, as one of the leading Russian universities, to overcome these problems in the period of the pandemic.Materials and methods. The analysis used data from sociological studies about attitude of university students and lecturers to distance learning conducted by expert organizations during the pandemic, analytical and informational materials of universities and bibliographic sources. Secondary analysis and interpretation of the results of sociological surveys, systematization and classification of theoretical and factual materials were used, analysis of management practices and experience of universities in the conditions of extreme transition to remote mode, including in comparison with foreign universities.Results. The study identified the key problems faced by the university community during the transition to distance work, among which are the growth of educational inequality, the dependence of the quality of education not only on the capabilities of educational institutions, but also on the competencies and technical capabilities of students and lecturers; increased academic load on both students and lecturers; possible quality reduction due to the spread of online education; the rising cost of education.The response of state authorities to the new “challenges” of the pandemic was timely: the regulatory framework was brought into line with modern conditions, the format of holding operational meetings of working groups with representatives of the university community was introduced and free access to a variety of domestic online courses was opened.Actions of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics to overcome threats during the pandemic, such as the revision of norms of time for calculating academic load, providing temporary use of laptops, webcams, organization of unlimited access to the largest electronic platforms for online learning, carrying out activities for administrative and teaching staff on issues of distance work, developing temporary local acts, organization of “Hot line” allowed to go into distance mode. Conclusion. Higher education institutions have passed a serious test for the strength and effectiveness of their work. Some countries, such as Brazil and a number of developing countries, have not been able to fully overcome the effects of the pandemic and switch to distance operation. The activities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the University Community of the Russian Federation have demonstrated high efficiency and cohesion.Distance education will not completely replace classical full-time education. The future development of the higher education system will be influenced by two multidirectional trends of support and rejection of the full distance learning format. However, the coronavirus pandemic has shown the possible effectiveness of converting part of the learning to digital format, which will make learning more flexible, personalized and effective in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 118-106
Alexander L. Drondin ◽  

The strategic orientation of any modern educational organization is to achieve competitive advantages in the market of educational services. The competitiveness of the university is directly dependent on the quality of its educational services. Evaluation of the quality of education, in turn, goes to such concepts as the rating of the university and its accreditation. Discussion of this area of higher education is actively conducted in the academic community, but its research, especially in the realities of the digital economy, is insufficient, which makes this publication relevant. The purpose of the study is to identify the actual features of achieving high competitiveness in the conditions of digital transformation by a domestic university. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the existing experience of Russian higher education in terms of responding to the challenges of digital transformation and develop recommendations for achieving high quality education in modern conditions. The research methodology is based on the theoretical foundations of professional education and the competitiveness of Russian universities. The article analyzes the domestic and international experience in assessing the quality of education, while proving that the main criterion for assessing the competitiveness of a university is the quality of learning outcomes. Methods of comparative analysis, observation and generalization are used. The study proves that modern Russian higher education does not always adequately respond to the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation. A number of systemic problems hindering the achievement of high quality of modern higher education are identified. The necessity of combining the introduction of innovative technologies of the educational process with the preservation of the advantages of traditional education is confirmed. Promising directions of constructive interaction of the university with the most important stakeholders of higher education – employers are proposed.

E. N. Netrebko

The article deals with the problem of leveling the reputational damage caused to private universities by negative public stereotypes. According to the author, the work of an educational institution to create a positive image of the organization should be based on monitoring customer satisfaction with the services provided by the University. The method of identifying student’s satisfaction with the learning process at a commercial university was tested. It is revealed that the motivation for learning of the majority of respondents is based on the desire for personal and professional development. The main difficulties faced by students in the learning process are highlighted. The level of satisfaction of respondents with various components of the educational process is analyzed.There is no conflict of interests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-106
V. D. Vereskun ◽  
T. E. Isaeva ◽  
A. V. Chelokhyan

The article (a case) highlights the experience of the regional university in staff optimization caused by the requirements of federal legislation to improve the quality of higher education and to outline the personnel strategy prospects for the future.The methodological basis of the study is the systematic approach, which made it possible to comprehensively assess the qualitative changes in the university staff; the use of the method of situational analysis largely contributed to an increase in the objectivity of the results obtained. Besides, the researchers used the following methods: the study of legislative documents that determine the activities of a higher educational institution; the analysis of theoretical papers on the management of educational institutions and on human resource management; the method of mathematical modelling and the analysis of statistical data, the method of social forecasting.The study comes to be theoretically significant, as it clarifies the concept of «staff optimization» and introduces the concept of «university staff optimization» as a new scientific term. The research also distinguishes the basic principles of university staff optimization and substantiates the reasons that caused this process, mainly related to the demographic, social and economic situation in our country and the tasks of reforming the higher education system. The article also examines the concept of «university personnel strategy» and highlights its components, focused on preserving academic traditions, on creating conditions for increasing the staff competency and on encouraging the faculty to intensify their activity. On the example of the regional university, there is carried out an analysis of quantitative and qualitative changes in the educational process staffing (in terms of academic degrees and titles, faculty compliance with the profile of the disciplines taught, etc.); the effectiveness of a number of new mechanisms introduced into the universities’ practice in order to update the requirements for the selection of candidates for teaching positions is studied. Thus appearing to be scientifically significant, the paper presents a regional university staff optimization model, which includes several logically related stages, allowing this process to be carried out most effectively: scientific, normative, practical and social. The recommendations to improve the personnel strategy and systematically enhance the quality of personnel in the educational process are formulated.The work is original, as it shows the systemic nature of work with the faculty when optimizing the staff in accordance with the university’s personnel strategy. The article might be of use for university leaders and researchers working on personnel issues and personnel management.

Валентина КРУПА ◽  

The article reveals the content of the defined in the study pedagogical conditions of training physical rehabilitation specialists in higher education institutions. The features and impact of these conditions on the quality of training of specialists as one of the main elements of the fundamental basic components of improving the educational process in an educational institution are briefly presented. Various aspects of training future specialists in physical rehabilitation are presented in the works of national and foreign scientists. The study of the issues of forming the professional competence to physical rehabilitation specialists is one of the topical areas of interdisciplinary research, both in our country and abroad. Methodological and theoretical aspects of the development of personal professional competence have been considered by scientists of different generations. The authors focus on the fact that the reform of higher education and Ukraine’s entry into the European educational and scientific space is due to increasing demands on the professionalism of graduates of higher education institutions in a competitive market environment. Orientation on the development of the student as a personality, individuality and active subject of professional activity can be realized only on the humanistic and democratic basis of pedagogical activity in higher education institutions.In the process under study, there is a whole set of contradictions that require a constructive solution. In order to eliminate these contradictions, there was conducted a study and worked out the pedagogical technology to improve the formation of professional competence to physical rehabilitation specialists. The authors made appropriate conclusions about the participation of the teaching staff for improving this process and the features of the psychological readiness of students for their future profession.

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