Ilegal Fishing: Penggunaan Alat Tangkap Ikan di Kepulauan Kabupaten Pangkep 1975-2015

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Akbar Akbar ◽  
Najamuddin Najamuddin ◽  
Bustan Bustan

Karya ini menjelaskan tentang penangkapan ikan secara ilegal di Kepulauan Kabupaten Pangkep pada masa pemerintahan Presiden ke-2 sampai tahun 2015. Alat tangkap tersebut mulai ada sejak tahun 1975 seperti Dodoro’ (Bom ikan), dan Racun potassium yang digunakan oleh sebagian nelayan yang ada di Kepuluan Kabupaten Pangkep. Masuknya orang Jawa ke perairan Selam Makassar Pada tahun 1989 memperkenalkan alat tangkap baru kepada nelayan dan melakukan aktivitas penangkapan ikan dengan menggunakan alat tangkap Catrang atau yang biasa disebut Trawl (Trol). Dari sinilah awal nelayan mengenal yang namanya Cantrang/trawl. Sebagai akibatnya, sebagian nelayan di Kecamatan Liukang Tupabiring khusunya Pulau Podang-podang Lompo terdorong melakukan praktek penangkapan ikan secara ilegal karena permintaan pasar semakin meningkat serta, cara prakteknya pun mudah dilakukan dan bisa mendapatkan hasil yang sangat memuaskan. Semasa penggunaan alat illegal (Bom ikan, Potasium, dan Trawl) terus beroperasi sampai mengalami perkembangan dari tahun 2000-2015 dan berdampak pada rusaknya terumbu karang dan memiliki potensi besar mengancam kepunahan ikan dan biota laut lainnya selain itu membahayakan nyawa orang lain..Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian historis (Historical Research), yang terdiri atas beberapa tahapan yakni: (1) Heuristik, dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap para nelayan Kecamatan Liukang Tupabiring seperti Dg. Mudo, Dg. Ilyas, Dg. Harrang, Haerul, dll. Mengumpulkan sumber di Perpustakaan Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, Perpustakaan Wilayah Provinsi Sulawesi-selatan, data-data Kecamatan Liukang Tupabiring, sera artikel-artikel yang ada dikoran Fajar. (2) Kritik atau proses verifikasi keaslian sumber sejarah. (3) Interpretasi atau penafsiran sumber sejarah, dan (4) Historiografi, yakni tahap penulisan sejarah. Kata Kunci: Illegal fishing, alat tangkap, Kecamatan Liukang Tupabiring.  AbstractThis work describes illegal fishing in the Pangkep Regency Islands during the 2nd President's administration until 2015. The fishing gear began to exist since 1975 such as Dodoro (Fish Bomb), and Potassium Poisons used by some fishermen in Head of Pangkep Regency. The entry of Javanese into the waters of Makassar Submarine In 1989 introduced new fishing gear to fishermen and carried out fishing activities using Catrang fishing gear or commonly called Trawl. From here the fishermen knew the name Cantrang / trawl. As a result, some fishermen in the Liukang District of Tupabiring, especially Podang-podang Island, Lompo, are encouraged to practice illegal fishing because market demand is increasing and the practice is easy and can get very satisfying results. During the use of illegal tools (Fish bombs, Potassium and Trawlers) continued to operate until they developed from 2000-2015 and had an impact on the destruction of coral reefs and had great potential to threaten the extinction of fish and other marine biota in addition to endangering the lives of others ... This study is a qualitative research with historical research approach (Historical Research), which consists of several stages, namely: (1) Heuristics, by conducting interviews with fishermen in the Liukang Tupabiring District such as Dg. Mudo, Dg. Ilyas, Dg. Harrang, Haerul, etc. Gathering resources in the Library of the Faculty of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, University of Hasanuddin Makassar, Regional Library of South Sulawesi Province, data from the Liukang Tupabiring District, as well as articles in the newspaper Fajar. (2) Criticism or the process of verifying the authenticity of historical sources. (3) Interpretation or interpretation of historical sources, and (4) Historiography, namely the stage of historical writing. Keywords: Illegal fishing, fishing gear, Liukang Tupabiring District.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 281
Hesti Asriwandari ◽  
Rina Susanti ◽  
Yoskar Kadarisman

The Zamrud Area is designated as a National Park through the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 350/ Menlhk/Setjen/PLA.2/5/2016 Year 2016. Within this area there are two lakes namely Pulau Besar Lake and Bawah Lake and have a diversity of flora and fauna. In the area of the Zamrud National Park, there are fishing communities who have been fishing for generations since the 70s, “mandah” and living in the area, and are involved in guarding and protecting the area from the threat of illegal logging and protected bird catching. The research approach used is qualitative. Research informants were taken based on criteria, namely to obtain a complete picture of the actions of traditional fishermen in securing and protecting the Zamrud National Park. The results showed that the forms of security measures taken by traditional fishermen in preserving the Zamrud National Park were: 1) Conducting river patrols, 2) Disseminating regional regulations, 3) Reprimanding visitors who violated the law, 4) Reporting violations and special incidents to the Forest Police. and BKSDA Riau. In an effort to maintain and maintain the sustainability of fishing activities in the Pulau Besar and Bawah Lake areas, traditional fishermen do: 1) Limit the use of fishing gear, 2) Limit the number and types of catches (not catching fish that are prohibited), 3) Maintain Lakeside Vegetation, 4) Not clearing land and taking forest products in the form of wood, and 5) Cooperating with various parties such as the local government.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-55
Ahmad Ferdi Abdullah

This research is motivated to find out the extent of Blambangan people's struggle in dealing with voc using a qualitative research approach to the study of literature and interviews. the results of the study showed that the Blambangan kingdom suffered the consequences VOC power which tortures the people through its monopil, this is the cause of people's resistance. To be able to answer that problem, this study aims to describe the resistance of the people of Blambangan against the VOC in 1767 1773. Specifically, this study aims to find out (1) the people of Blambangan make a fight against the VOC. (2) the factors that caused the people of Blambangan to resist the VOC. (3) the impact of resistance to the VOC in Blambangan. To achieve these research objectives, the research method that I use is a type of historical research with data collection techniques through library research sourced from books, documentation and observations. Meanwhile, to analyze the data the authors used source criticism techniques both externally and internally, after that the authors conducted the analysis. From the results of this analysis the authors reference in answering the problems in this study. The results of the study showed that the Blambangan Rakyat Resistance was led by two great figures of his time, who had many followers, namely Wong Agung Willis and Mas Rempeg (Jagapati). Agung Willis's position in Blambangan became stronger when Mas Anom and Mas Weka, two Blambangan regents appointed by the Company decided to join him, the Dutch expected Blambangan to increase because ethnic Chinese and Bugis joined him, with this power the resistance succeeded in winning even though in the end Agung Willis was captured and Mas Rempeg was injured and later died.

2016 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-130 ◽  
Christian Stutz ◽  
Sybille Sachs

This article explores methodological problems of qualitative research templates, that is, the Eisenhardt and the Gioia case study approaches, which are relevant for the business and society (B&S) scholarship and outlines a reflexive historical research methodology that has the potential to face these challenges. Building on Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics, we draw critical attention to qualitative B&S research and frame the methodological problems identified as the normative challenges of qualitative research, that is, to productively deal with both the researchers’ norms and the research subjects’ norms. We then introduce the reflexive historical case study (RHCS), a distinct research strategy to face normative challenges based on philosophical hermeneutics and the interpretive tradition of studying organizations. This research approach aims at theory elaboration while its mode of enquiry is reflexive. By explicating three of its key characteristics and using a case example to illustrate our approach, we demonstrate how B&S scholars can benefit from the “temporal filter” of the historical lens and from reflexive concerns about the nature of theory and empirical material. To tap the potential of historical research, we finally envision a research program for studying issues and debates associated with B&S scholarship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 158 (3) ◽  
pp. S108-S109
Carine Khalil ◽  
Welmoed van Deen ◽  
Taylor Dupuy ◽  
Nirupama Bonthala ◽  
Christopher Almario ◽  

Mousaion ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
Samson Mutsagondo ◽  
Getrude Maduyu ◽  
Godfrey Tsvuura

This paper discusses the challenges of records management that arise from the use of adapted buildings as records centres in Zimbabwe, despite the advantages of using such buildings. A qualitative research approach was used as well as a case study research design. Data were collected from seven officers of the Gweru Records Centre through semi-structured interviews. Personal observation was used to triangulate findings from interviews. It was found that the use of adapted buildings as records centres was a cheaper and quicker way of establishing records centres throughout the country. However, a number of preservation, security and management challenges cropped up as the conditions of the buildings and the environment of the adapted buildings were not conducive to the proper and professional management of records. This study is important in that it explores the prospects and challenges of using adapted buildings as records centres in Zimbabwe, an area that has not been researched by many authors. This provokes archival authorities and the government to seriously consider establishing purpose-built records and archival centres.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 2145 ◽  
Jian Ming Luo ◽  
Chi Fung Lam ◽  
Ben Haobin Ye

Entertainment tourism is attracting attention from the industry and the academics. This study aimed to discover the barriers for the development of entertainment tourism in Macau from the industry’s perspective. A qualitative research approach was used to collect data from the entertainment tourism industry. Results show that policies and regulations, economy, marketing, management, government attitude, expertise and manpower, facilities and attractions as well as infrastructure problems are the main barriers for the development of entertainment tourism. Implications and suggestions for entertainment tourism practitioners are provided.

2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-43 ◽  
Elina I. Tobias ◽  
Sourav Mukhopadhyay

This article explores the experiences of social exclusion of individuals with visual impairment (IWVI) as they negotiate their daily lives in their homes and societal settings in the Oshana and Oshikoto regions of Namibia. Employing qualitative research approach, this research tried to better understand the lived experiences of IWVI. Nine IWVI with ages ranging from 30 to 90 years were initially engaged in focus group discussions, followed by semi-structured in-depth individual interviews. The findings of this research indicated that IWVI experience exclusion from education, employment and social and community participation as well as relationships. Based on these findings, we suggest more inclusive policies to address social exclusion of IWVI. At the same time, this group of individuals should be empowered to participate in community activities to promote interaction with people without visual impairments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-78
Ejo Imandeka ◽  
Agung Agung

This study aims to analyze the form of application of virtual money as a medium of exchange in meeting the needs of the Class I detention center in Depok as an effort to optimize the duties and functions of detention centers in the service, maintenance and security of prisoners. As well as knowing what obstacles are experienced and are expected to find solutions. This research uses a qualitative research approach. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, the application of virtual money as a medium of exchange has been implemented since August 2019, virtual money has been used by all prisoners and prisoners, one virtual accounts are used by one person and no one is the same, the media for using virtual money is the e-pass card and the corresponding fingerprint, and there are minimum and maximum limits on the amount of balances that can be stored in one virtual account. To optimize the application of virtual money as a medium of exchange, all parties must integrate each other in its application, coordinate with the parties responsible for maintaining facilities and operations, and be committed to improving services for meeting needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-296
Restu Yulia Hidayatul Umah

Character education is considered the best solution to produce excellent students in character, personality and uphold the nation's noble values. Through local wisdom in each area, such as the Dongkrek dance culture, it is important to understand and improve character education in students. Therefore, it is necessary to explore more deeply character education based on local wisdom by exploring the Dongkrek dance culture to internalize character values in learning art in elementary schools. This study aims to describe the character education of Dongkrek dance and efforts to internalize it in learning arts in elementary schools. This research is qualitative research using descriptive analysis and a library research approach. Five main character educations are explored in the Dongkrek dance, including religion, cooperation, nationalism, independence, and integrity. Meanwhile, efforts to internalize it into art learning are by understanding the contents of the dance, performing, and developing the Dongkrek dance into a show.

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