Yaroslava Samchynska ◽  
Michael Sherman ◽  
Mariya Sikelinda

The advisability of modifying the content of “Office Computer Technologies” discipline is reflected in this article by introducing “Development of chatbots with the help of free online development frameworks” topic implementation. The choice of this educational topic is due to the fact that a chatbot is one of the most promising information and communication tools to improve the efficiency of companies. The use of chatbots is one of the most relevant modern ways of communicating with users of mobile devices, which allows companies to reduce marketing costs and the cost of promoting their products and services. The implementation of chatbots can significantly speed up the process of interaction with customers; knowledge and skills in this technology are currently a popular competence for IT professionals in the business environment. The result of studying this topic while studying “Office Computer Technologies” discipline by students is the development of a bot-consultant to work in the Telegram platform, which provides brief information and answers to the company's activities. The implementation of “Development of chatbots with the help of free online development frameworks” topic to the content of “Office Computer Technologies” discipline corresponds to the main focus of educational programs of “Software Engineering”, “Computer Science” and “Information systems and technologies” of the first (bachelor) level of education. The experience of working with students of Kherson State University to study “Development of chatbots with free online resources” topic and the results of the pedagogical experiment showed that it can be successfully implemented into “Office Computer Technology” training course for bachelors - 121 “Software Engineering”, 122 “Computer Science”, 126 “Information Systems and Technologies”, as well as students of related specialties in order to motivate them to solve professional problems and to form research competences.

Liguo Yu

Software development is the process to produce an information technology solution to a real-world problem. Teaching and integrating non-technical software engineering skills into the curriculum is considered one of the most challenging tasks in an academic environment. This becomes even more challenging when the curriculum is supposed to be internationalized and applied in different countries because of the cultural difference, policy difference, and business model difference. In this chapter, the authors present their experience of teaching a software engineering course both locally and globally, where two universities of USA and China are chosen for this study. Specifically, they describe how they adjust homework assignments and student performance evaluations to reflect different government policies, different business environment, and different real-world customer requirement. The chapter shows that it is possible to create an internationalized computer science curriculum that contains both common core learning standards and adjustable custom learning standards.

10.28945/2604 ◽  
2003 ◽  
Kay Fielden

This paper describes a qualitative participatory research project conducted at the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications Conference in New Zealand (NACCQ2002). Data was gathered at a dynamic poster session. Results obtained indicated that majority of computing academics in the polytechnic community in New Zealand regard themselves as teaching in the core overlapping areas of Software Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems, regardless of their professional affiliation. Most participants taught subjects that lay within the Information Systems area; very few positioned themselves in the exclusively Computer Science or Software Engineering areas, or in the ove r-lap between Software Engineering and Computer. Results from this research are discussed in the paper.

Ángel Pisco Gómez ◽  
Yanina Holanda Campozano Pilay ◽  
Jimmy Leonardo Gutiérrez García ◽  
Mario Javier Marcillo Merino ◽  
Robards Javier Lima Pisco

La investigación realizada presenta una perspectiva de Análisis de las principales técnicas de hacking para la Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí. Actualmente las universidades, organizaciones y compañías están expuestas  a numerosas amenazas  que violan sus sistemas informáticos, ya que esto pone en riesgo la integridad de la información. Un  hacker es  una persona con grandes conocimientos de informática que se dedica a acceder ilegalmente a sistemas informáticos ajenos y a manipularlos. Ya que uno de los métodos para lograr mitigar eficazmente los impactos provocados por un ataque informático, es precisamente tener conocimiento de la manera como estos atacan y conocer los posibles puntos débiles de un sistema comúnmente explotados y en los cuales se debe hacer especial énfasis al momento de concentrar los esfuerzos de seguridad propensos a la prevención de los mismos. La metodología que se utilizo fue la cualitativa la cual nos ayudó a describir de forma minuciosa los hechos, situaciones, comportamientos, interacciones que se observan mediante la investigación realizada. Ya que la información representa un papel muy importante dentro de las instituciones pues es la parte más primordial y día a día se encuentra expuesta a sufrir modificaciones y en muchos casos a ser hacheada  en su totalidad y es por eso importante asegurar la integridad de la  información. Por lo tanto, es necesario determinar que herramientas utilizar, y las técnicas fundamentales para probar la vulnerabilidad de los sistemas de información y de las redes instaladas. PALABRAS CLAVE: herramientas; información; seguridad; técnicas; vulnerabilidades. ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN HACKING TECHNIQUES FOR THE SOUTHERN MANABI STATE UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT The research carried out presents an analysis perspective of the main hacking techniques for the State University of the South of Manabí. Currently universities, organizations and companies are exposed to numerous threats that violate their computer systems, as this puts the integrity of the information at risk. A hacker is a person with great knowledge of computer science that is dedicated to illegally accessing foreign computer systems and manipulating them. The methodology that was used was the qualitative one which helped us to describe in a thorough way the facts, situations, behaviors, interactions that are observed through the research carried out. Since one of the methods to achieve effectively mitigate the impacts caused by a computer attack, is precisely to have knowledge of how they attack and know the possible weaknesses of a system commonly exploited and in which special emphasis should be made at the time to concentrate security efforts prone to the prevention of them. Since the information represents a very important role within the institutions because it is the most fundamental part and day to day is exposed to undergo modifications and in many cases to be hacked in its entirety and it is therefore important to ensure the integrity of the information . Therefore, it is necessary to determine which tools to use, and the fundamental techniques to test the vulnerability of the information systems and the installed networks. KEY WORDS: techniques; tools; vulnerabilities; information; security

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
Luciana Andréia Fondazzi Martimiano ◽  
Valéria Delisandra Feltrim

This paper presents an analysis about the number of incoming and graduate students,considering women and men, at the Department of Informatics (DIN) at State Universityof Maringá (UEM), in Brazil. The data were collected considering three graduate courses,Data Processing Technology (extinct in 1997), Computer Science and Informatics. Theresults show that the number of women is dropping drastically from the late 1990s. InComputer Science, from 1994 to 2016, of the 622 graduate students, 127 were women.In Informatics, from 2000 to 2016, only 38 women had graduated, of the 275 students.In 2017, there were 211 students enrolled in Computer Science, and 208 in Informatics.On average, 8.11% were women (34), being 8.65% in Informatics (18), and 7.58% inComputer Science (16). These percentages are lower than the national one in Brazil,which is 14.19%.

Abdulkareem Suleiman ◽  
Nathan Nachandiya

The examination is one of the most broadly used strategies for assessing learning and capacity of a student. Adamawa State University is engulfed in a lot of irregularities during examination and also delays of results after the examination. These and another manual method of processing results give room for errors during results compilation. The utilisation of Information and Communication Technology in directing examinations can enhance proficiency and decrease the delay of student's result after examination. A Computer Based Testing System (CBT) was designed and implemented to diminish the delay of student's examination result. The CBTS was designed using the Agile model of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Implementation was done utilising the open source technologies, like XAMPP server, MySQL, PhP, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheet and Hypertext Markup Language. The CBT presents notice of student's outcome quickly in the wake of taking the examination, enable the student to retake the exam (where necessary), and furthermore give diverse kinds of questions. The utilisation of CBT system can enhance the productivity and gainfulness of scholarly establishments as it diminishes the cost of stationeries and work associated with conducting examination manually. This by implication can reduce the cost of buying examination materials (papers, printers, turners etc) and students can have their results immediately after the examination.  The developed system proved to be efficient and can be enhanced by adding other forms of questions like diagrammatic question to make the test address more diverse areas.  

Thomas Hainey ◽  
Thomas Connolly ◽  
Mark Stansfield ◽  
Liz Boyle

Games-based learning has captured the interest of educationalists as it is perceived as a potentially highly motivating approach for learning in a diverse number of areas. Despite this, there is a dearth of empirical evidence in the GBL literature, and confusion as to where games-based learning fits in relation to games, simulations, and serious games. This chapter will present a review of the current state of the GBL empirical literature, but will particularly focus on the fields of software engineering, Information Systems, and computer science. This chapter will also take into account the advantages and disadvantages that have to be considered when selecting a GBL approach.

Liguo Yu

Software development is the process to produce an information technology solution to a real-world problem. Teaching and integrating non-technical software engineering skills into the curriculum is considered one of the most challenging tasks in an academic environment. This becomes even more challenging when the curriculum is supposed to be internationalized and applied in different countries because of the cultural difference, policy difference, and business model difference. In this chapter, the authors present their experience of teaching a software engineering course both locally and globally, where two universities of USA and China are chosen for this study. Specifically, they describe how they adjust homework assignments and student performance evaluations to reflect different government policies, different business environment, and different real-world customer requirement. The chapter shows that it is possible to create an internationalized computer science curriculum that contains both common core learning standards and adjustable custom learning standards.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (166) ◽  
pp. 20-27
M. Vasilenko ◽  
V. Boyko ◽  
V. Slatvinska

The article examines the problems of survivability and stability of functioning of components of Smart City Information Systems. The relevance of the topic is related to the wide dissemination and implementation of information and communication technologies at various levels. The degree of relevance is great. The authors analyze the situation with modern integrated systems of various levels of the smart city information ecosystem. One of the main problems of implementing smart home systems is the fragmentation and fragmentation of the market - each manufacturer seeks to lock the user to its standard, which leads to the lack of uniform standards of interaction. As a result, the usability of smart home systems worsens, the cost of ownership and support increases, and the security of their use decreases – including potentially increasing the area of cyberattacks. In addition, disparity in standards and vendor lock-in lead to excessive complexity of interaction between smart home systems and the smart city information ecosystem. All of the above pushes users away from the existing market and leads to a decrease in sales, which leads to stagnation in this market segment. The alternative model of system development proposed by the authors is based on the experience of implementing and developing existing solutions for Global Information Systems. The solution should be based on open interaction protocols at all levels of the information ecosystem, which will allow manufacturers to develop their product taking into account and in the context of interaction with other products. The construction of modules and components of such a system is considered separately. ideally, each of the smart home modules should not lose its qualities both in the context of the Smart Home information ecosystem and outside it.

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