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Е.В. Усанова

Актуальность статьи обусловлена проблемами организации базовой геометро-графической подготовки на фоне информатизации образования и интенсивного внедрения в высокотехнологичное производство передовых наукоёмких компьютерных технологий. Цель статьи заключается в обосновании модели организации информационного образовательного пространства базовой геометро-графической подготовки специалистов в области техники и технологий в технических вузах контексте наукоёмких компьютерных технологий. С учетом имеющегося опыта мирового и отечественного профессионального образования, направлений системной интеграции образовательных структур с целью обеспечения целостности и системности проектно-конструкторской деятельности выпускников вузов в высокотехнологичных наукоёмких отраслях производства предложенаавторская трактовка модели содержания и дидактической организации информационного образовательного пространства базовой геометро-графической подготовки. Представлены результаты опыта реализации модели по мере ее совершенствования для проектно-конструкторской деятельности в среде наукоёмких компьютерных технологий. Статья предназначена для обсуждения научно-педагогическим сообществом. The relevance of the article is due to the problems of organizing basic geometric and graphic training against the background of informatization of education and intensive introduction of advanced high-tech computer technologies into high-tech production. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the model of the organization of the information educational space of the basic geometric and graphic training of specialists in the field of engineering and technology in technical universities in the context of high-tech computer technologies. Taking into account the existing experience of world and domestic professional education, the directions of system integration of educational structures in order to ensure the integrity and consistency of the design activities of university graduates in high-tech knowledge-intensive industries, the author's interpretation of the content model and didactic organization of the information educational space of basic geometric and graphic training is proposed. The results of the experience of implementing the model as it is improved for design activities in the environment of high-tech computer technologies are presented. The article is intended for discussion by the scientific and pedagogical community.

A.D. Kaksin

The article is devoted to the development of a combined methodology. We are talking about the process of sociolinguistic study of the languages of small peoples. Most of these idiom languages (in Russia they are concentrated mainly in Siberia) are younger and little-studied (in relation to speech and texts). They need extensive documentation on European standards. Documentation and subsequent processing of the collected material are made using modern technical means: computer technologies and programs. We also believe that other methods of research can be applied to them, including traditional sociolinguistic ones. The article justifies the development of a combined methodology for these languages. The essence of this approach is as follows: using methods and techniques from the arsenal of sociolinguistics, it is necessary to fix specific structural characteristics. The combined presentation of the information of sociolinguistic and structural-semantic plans gives a combined description of the desired linguistic formations as idiom languages. Most idioms of Siberia (in particular, the Soyot language, the Koibal dialect of the Khakass language) have scientific descriptions, but they are not enough. In addition, these languages are not described as idioms in them. Understanding the available materials from this angle will help clarify the ways of developing the languages of small peoples in modern times.

Gavhar Saparovna Abdullayeva

In the educational process, it is not the information technology itself that is important, but the extent to which its use serves to achieve the actual educational goals. The choice of means of communication should be determined by content, not technology. This means that the choice of technologies should be based on the study of the content of training courses, the degree of necessary activity of trainees, their involvement in the learning process, specific goals and expected learning outcomes. The result of training depends not on the type of communication and information technologies, but on the quality of the development and provision of courses.

2021 ◽  
pp. 96-113
Т.П. Чванова

Роль звукозаписи как источника и  катализатора изменений, произошедших в  фортепианном исполнительстве в  XX веке, мало исследована в  отечественном музыкознании. Цель автора — восполнить данный пробел, раскрыв влияние звукозаписи на развитие фортепианного искусства. В центре внимания — репертуарные предпочтения, возможности и подходы исполнителей; анализ производится в рамках предложенной периодизации звукозаписи (ранней, классической, цифровой). В эпоху ранней звукозаписи трансформация исполнительских средств связана с временны´ м аспектом. Период классической звукозаписи характеризуется стремлением к идеальному исполнению в студии звукозаписи, что обусловлено технологическими открытиями в области обработки звука, становлением типа пианиста-интерпретатора и  возникновением типа исполнителя-постмодерниста. Идеалы качества эпохи цифровой записи привели к  формированию высоких стандартов концертных исполнений, а  развитие компьютерных технологий — к  появлению новых исполнительских техник. В  статье представлены основные стилевые тенденции, возникшие под влиянием звукозаписи, обозначены основные проблемы современного исполнительства. The role of the sound recording as a source and catalyst of changes that took place in the piano performance in the XX century is researched rather little in the native musicology. The aim of the author is to fill this gap by examining the influence of the sound recording on the piano performing style. In the spotlight there are performing techniques, repertoire preferences and interpretative approaches which are analyzed within the framework of the suggested periodization of the sound recording — early, classical, digital. In the days of early sound recording, transformation of performing techniques is connected with the temporal aspect. The period of classical sound recording is characterized by the desire of an ideal performance in the studio of sound recording, owing to technological discoveries in the area of sound processing, and emergence of such types of musicians as pianist-interpreter and postmodern performer. The ideals of quality of the era of digital recording led to formation of high standards in concert performance, and development of computer technologies created new performing techniques. The article presents the main stylistic trends which appeared under the influence of sound recording, and outlines the main problems of the contemporary performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4(38)) ◽  
pp. 16-18
Nasiba Alizhanovna Abdukhalikova

This article is based on the report of the author of an all-institute seminar dedicated to the preliminary defense of the dissertation topic «Ethical education as a factor in preventing Internet addiction.» Internet addiction is understood here as the excessive computer enthusiasm of young people. The popularization of digital high-tech computer technologies creates addictions to computers, which leads to pathological disorders, as well as other diseases. In this regard, the authors seek to analyze the essence and content of computer addiction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 299-316
Yulia N. Ebzeeva

This article summarizes some of the results of the first QS Subject Focus Summit on Linguistics and Modern Languages held jointly with the RUDN University on December 15-17, 2020. It provides rationale for the choice of venue of this linguistic forum and analyzes the most relevant topics of discussion, including interdisciplinarity in modern linguistic research, comparative studies of languages and cultures, and intercultural and cross-cultural communication. Participants explored the topics as diverse as the role of linguistics in developing artificial intelligence systems and application of artificial intelligence in linguistic research, the dynamics of languages in minority situations and the efforts in preserving endangered languages. They dwelt on the current state of translation studies and discussed prospects for their future in view of advances in computer technologies, and many others. The articles included in this issue and authored by the Summit participants clearly show that language has become an object of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies. Moreover, the interdisciplinary research paradigm is manifested not only in the convergence of linguistics with other areas of humanities, but also with sciences. This article provides a brief overview of the contributions which present major paradigms of modern linguistics. It highlights the importance of applying computer technologies in linguistic research and emphasizes the necessity to modify language policies in order to preserve minority languages and meet the needs of language education in a multilingual and multicultural environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-87
Viktor S. Kornilov ◽  
Alexey S. Rusinov

Problem and goal. In modern conditions, specialists in various subject areas who have an information culture and are able to solve complex professional problems using modern information and communication technologies are in demand. Currently, specialists in the field of applied mathematics are required, which plays an important role in the development of human civilization. Therefore, in the process of teaching various academic disciplines of applied mathematics at the university, including the discipline Equations of mathematical physics, attention should be paid to the development of students information culture. Methodology. When teaching students the discipline Equations of mathematical physics, it is extremely important that the teacher knows not only the content of teaching this discipline of applied mathematics, but also has practical experience in solving equations of mathematical physics by computer means. Such qualities of the teacher will allow him to successfully conduct training sessions in the conditions of informatization of teaching mentioned discipline. At the same time, it ought to be clearly understood that the use of computer technologies in teaching the discipline Equations of mathematical physics must be correct. The necessity to develop and implement in practice a variety of methodological approaches that allow students to develop an information culture in training sessions on that discipline is obvious. Results. The use of advanced pedagogical technologies in training sessions on the discipline Equations of mathematical physics, where computer technologies are used, will allow students to develop an information culture. Conclusion. Computer technologies that students use in the process of solving educational problems require them to have certain skills and abilities to identify their broad capabilities. Students are aware of the role of computer technologies in conducting applied scientific research, understand the role of computer modeling methodology and computational experiment in studying the world around them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 248-257
Viktor S. Kornilov

Problem and goal . Since the mid-50s of the 20th century, both Russian and foreign scientists began to actively conduct, and, at present, scientific research on inverse and incorrectly posed problems is being successfully carried out. Often, research on inverse and incorrect problems is carried out jointly by Russian and foreign experts. At present, the results of joint research by specialists on inverse and incorrect problems from Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Sweden, Japan and other countries are discussed at various thematic international scientific conferences and are subsequently published on the pages of scientific Russian and foreign journals. Many such publications can be found in the electronic libraries of scientific publications, CyberLeninka, in the bibliographic and abstract database Scopus and other bibliographic and abstract databases. The wide availability of such bibliographic and abstract electronic databases allows the teacher who teaches students inverse and incorrect problems to keep abreast of modern scientific achievements in the scientific world and to form the content of a variety of elective courses, including modern mathematical methods and approaches to researching inverse and incorrect problems. When teaching inverse and incorrect problems, the teacher must realize the goals and objectives of not only the formation of deep scientific subject knowledge in students, but also the identification of the scientific and cognitive potential of such training. Methodology. Realization of the scientific and cognitive potential of teaching university students inverse and incorrect problems using computer technologies. Results. Understanding the scientific and cognitive potential of inverse and incorrect problems, their relationship with applied aspects, the ability to use computer technologies in the study of applied problems will allow students, after graduating from an educational institution, to prove themselves as a successful specialist in applied mathematics in general, and in inverse and incorrect problems, in particular. Conclusion. Graduates who have acquired solid knowledge of inverse and incorrect problems, possess modern scientific methods of their research developed by specialists from different countries of the world, understand the scientific and cognitive potential of inverse and incorrect problems, and possess the skills of independent selection of effective information technologies for solving applied mathematical problems will successfully work in research organizations and independently conduct applied research.


High requirements to quality of professional preparation of university students of linguistic departments at distant learning open wide access to the educational and educational resources that give possibilities to great students’ activity and fundamentally new means of their studies. The purpose of the article is to reveal the content of innovative teaching methods in the process of distant learning for the formation of the professional competence to university students of linguistic departments in theoretical course of the English language. A great number of research workers have been involved in the study of different problems of theory and practice of distant learning to university students of linguistic departments, but the problem must be investigated deeper at the present situation with Covid 19.The article emphasizes the need to find the ways to integrate the latest technologies into the distant learning process. Emphasis is placed on innovative learning technologies that have been successfully implemented in the present day educational process. The use of the Internet and computer technologies in the process of teaching English to university students of linguistic departments will increase students’ interest and motivation for learning, their communicative competence. The article deals with the peculiarities of using the Internet and computer technologies, modern platforms and programmes in teaching English at the process of distant learning. The article contains descriptions of such modern platforms as Zoom, GoogleClassroom, LearningApps and such programmes as English Audio Books, English Stories (Offline), Practice English Speaking та English Speaking PracticeApp, as well as the possibilities of their use in the process of teaching speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing to university students of linguistic departments. All of the programs and online resources described in the article are free and accessible to an English teacher. The teacher can use a certain set of Internet resources, but also to create the own materials necessary for learning.

2021 ◽  
pp. 51-63

Computer crime is characterized by an exceptional phenomenological diversity that complicates its unique and precise conceptual definition, and the permanent intensive development of computer technologies contributes to the constant expansion of its forms and poses increasing challenges to the authorities responsible for combating it. After a brief review of the concept and importance of criminology as a science, and criminological methodology as a branch of criminology, and the conceptual definition and basic characteristics of crime in general, and computer crime, the paper analyzes the most important aspects of crime detection methodology in this area. The conclusion is that the basic characteristics of computer crime, difficult detection, complicated proving and ineffective prevention certainly encourage potential perpetrators to make a decision on taking criminal acts in this area, which again indicates in which direction to move in order to eliminate difficulties in the methodology of detection and collection of evidence in criminal offenses of computer crime.

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