scholarly journals The structural components of the methodological competence of future leader of vocal ensemble

Lymarenko Valeriy

The article investigates the structural components of the methodological competence of the future leader of the vocal ensemble. The works of domestic and foreign scientists are analysed and the structural components of the methodological competence of the future leader of the vocal ensemble are developed. The essence of the concepts of “vocal ensemble”, “methodical competence” is revealed, the essence analysis and structure of the vocal ensemble has been carried out. The methodical competence of a modern specialist is a complex multi-component concept. Researchers come to the common opinion that methodological competence is an integrative set of knowledge, skills, and abilities that characterize the personality and mediate the specialist methodical experience, it is knowledge in the didactics field, teaching methods. Vocal training is a complex process, the training of the vocal ensemble future leader is impossible without it. The concept of “ensemble” is polysemantic. In musical performance it means any joint performance of a musical work. Therefore, such combinations as trio, quartet, quintet, and others are called ensembles. The vocal ensemble future leader must know the theoretical material and be acknowledged about the methods of working with the vocal ensemble.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (189) ◽  
pp. 189-192
Valerii Limarenko ◽  

The article reveals the features of such concept as «The vocal ensemble future leader methodological competence». It is necessary to distinguish such concepts as «preparedness» and «competence». The essence of the following concepts was revealed: «competence», «pedagogical competence», «methodical competenc», the essence analysis and structure of the vocal ensemble has been carried out. The professional competence of a modern specialist is a complex multi-component concept. Researchers come to the common opinion that methodological competence is an integrative set of knowledge, skills, and abilities that characterize the personality and mediate the specialist professional experience, it is knowledge in the didactics field, teaching methods. Vocal training is a complex process, the training of the vocal ensemble future leader is impossible without it. The concept of «ensemble» is polysemantic. In musical performance - it means any joint performance of a musical work. Therefore, such combinations as trio, quartet, quintet, and others are called ensembles. The vocal ensemble future leader must know the theoretical material and be acknowledged about the methods of working with the vocal ensemble. In the educational-professional program 025.00.02 «Solo singing» of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education the program, general and professional competences are specified. The purpose of the program is to prepare a competent competitive artist of the ensemble, a teacher of primary specialized art schools, capable of concert-performing and vocal-pedagogical activities. Provide higher vocal education with the possibility of teaching in primary specialized art schools. Vocal-methodical competence is defined as mastery of the method of voice production, methods of development of vocal technique, singing culture, creative potential of the singer. Knowledge of the principles of classification of singing voices and the ability to correctly determine the type of singer's voice. Ability to design vocal and pedagogical repertoire for different types of singing voices (children, adults). Possession of methods of work on vocal exercises, vocals, vocal works of various form, genre, style. Ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in the process of teaching solo singing in primary specialized art schools.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 357-368
Hanna Zalewska-Jura

This article discusses the relatively unknown poetry of Bessarion, the future Cardinal. The author argues with a negative opinion of F. M. Pontani concerning the three epicedia on the death of Theodora Comnena. The author analyses the composition, artistic means of expression and intertextual links in order to revise the common opinion in the subject and to prove the presence of literary values in the mentioned poems.

Olena Hudz

The article substantiates the essence, content and method of developing artistic empathy. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methods of vocal training that are effective in developing the artistic empathy of the future Music teachers. The purpose of the article is realised through the use of methods of theoretical research: analysis, synthesis, generalisation, deduction, induction, extrapolation. The article clarifies the meaning of the concept "empathy" as a psychological process based on penetration into the inner world of a person. Empathy is interpreted as the integration of emotional and cognitive aspects of cognition. The components of empathy in the context of psychological research have been determined. Empathy as a factor in regulating the effectiveness of pedagogical communication has been studied. Empathy acts as a tool for establishing emotional contact. The procedural aspect of empathy in the context of the teacher's activity is considered. The content of artistic empathy is considered as a process of sympathising with artistic phenomena. Artistic empathy is defined as the basis for comprehending an artistic image. In the context of Music teachers’ activities, artistic empathy is defined as a complex personal and professional entity that allows us to identify the emotional state of a person or the emotional portrait of a musical work. The artistic empathy causes a reaction of sympathy, which optimises artistic and pedagogical communication. It is noted that the vocal training of future Music teachers creates a unique platform for the development of artistic empathy. Two vectors of the artistic empathy within the activities of Music Arts teachers have been considered: empathic penetration into the emotional world of a musical work, and empathic penetration into the emotional world of students in the process of artistic and pedagogical communication. A list of effective methods of the vocal training which is aimed at developing art empathy of the future teachers of Musical Arts has been offered: a method of reflexive adjustment, a method of empathic supervision, a method of emotional collections, a method of vocal improvisation.

Nicholas J Severs

In his pioneering demonstration of the potential of freeze-etching in biological systems, Russell Steere assessed the future promise and limitations of the technique with remarkable foresight. Item 2 in his list of inherent difficulties as they then stood stated “The chemical nature of the objects seen in the replica cannot be determined”. This defined a major goal for practitioners of freeze-fracture which, for more than a decade, seemed unattainable. It was not until the introduction of the label-fracture-etch technique in the early 1970s that the mould was broken, and not until the following decade that the full scope of modern freeze-fracture cytochemistry took shape. The culmination of these developments in the 1990s now equips the researcher with a set of effective techniques for routine application in cell and membrane biology.Freeze-fracture cytochemical techniques are all designed to provide information on the chemical nature of structural components revealed by freeze-fracture, but differ in how this is achieved, in precisely what type of information is obtained, and in which types of specimen can be studied.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Debbie MacLellan ◽  
Jacqui Gingras ◽  
Daphne Lordly ◽  
Jennifer Brady

This paper explores beginning dietetic practitioners’ perspectives on the process of becoming dietetics professionals through the use of vignettes to illuminate the complex process of professional socialization.  Embedded in these vignettes are three themes related to the socialization process that occurs in the early years of dietetic practice: congruence, resilience, and relationships.  Our findings indicate that new dietitians struggle to develop their dietitian identity.  They feel unprepared for the relational and practice realities of the workplace and find the transition from dietetic intern to dietitian challenging.  They seek many ways to cope including seeking support from others and planning for the future but some consider leaving the profession.  It is important to understand the professional socialization and identity formation processes that occur during the early years of practice to ensure that dietitians feel prepared and supported as they begin their careers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-83
Novita Siswayanti

The stories in Qur'an are Allah’s decrees which convey more beau-tiful values beyond any religious text ever written. It is the holiest scripture and is written  in a wonderful, understandable, and attract-ive language humbly conveying a vast amount of information about life and events that happened in the past. It’s aim is to be an object of reflection for human beings living in this age and the future. Even more so, the stories in Al-Qur'an also entail an educative function providing learning materials,  and teaching methods, regarding the transformative power of Islam and the internalization of true religious values.

PMLA ◽  
1912 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-141
Robert Adger Law

The chief source of Shakespeare's tragedy of Richard the Third has long been acknowledged to be either Hall's or Holinshed's prose Chronicle. In addition, some echoes have been discovered in it of the Latin tragedy, Richardus Tertius, of the anonymous English True Tragedie of Richard the Third, and of Marlowe's play, Edward the Second. But for one of the longest and most impressive scenes in Shakespeare's drama, that in which Clarence in prison meets his death at the hands of two ruffians hired for the deed by his brother, the Duke of Gloucester, no source is generally known. For the basis of the entire scene, Hall's Chronicle, which is so close akin to most situations in the play, contains of Clarence's death merely the statement that “attainted was he by parliament and iudged to death, and there vpon hastely drowned in a butte of malmesey within the towre of London.” Mr. P. A. Daniel expresses the common opinion of Shakespearian scholars to-day in saying, “Shakespeare seems to have been indebted to his own imagination only, for the scene of Clarence in prison, his beautiful narrative of his dream, and the less happy dialogue of the murderers.”

Etienne Balibar

Many on the Left have looked upon “universal” as a dirty word, one that signals liberalism's failure to recognize the masculinist and Eurocentric assumptions from which it proceeds. In rejecting universalism, we have learned to reorient politics around particulars, positionalities, identities, immanence, and multiple modernities. This book builds on these critiques of the tacit exclusions of Enlightenment thought, while at the same time working to rescue and reinvent what universal claims can offer for a revolutionary politics answerable to the common. In the contemporary quarrel of universals, the book shows, the stakes are no less than the future of our democracies. The book investigates the paradoxical processes by which the universal is constructed and deconstructed, instituted and challenged, in modern society. It shows that every statement and institution of the universal—such as declarations of human rights—carry an exclusionary, particularizing principle within themselves and that every universalism immediately falls prey to countervailing universalisms. Always equivocal and plural, the universal is thus a persistent site of conflict within societies and within subjects themselves. And yet, the book suggests, the very conflict of the universal—constituted as an ever-unfolding performative contradiction—also provides the emancipatory force needed to reinvigorate and reimagine contemporary politics and philosophy. In conversation with a range of thinkers from Marx, Freud, and Benjamin through Foucault, Derrida, and Scott, the book shows the power that resides not in the adoption of a single universalism but in harnessing the energies made available by claims to universality in order to establish a common answerable to difference.

1913 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 595
Robert Ludlow Fowler

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