Sandra Oktaviana Pinaraswati ◽  
Saibat Saibat

The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze: The factors that influence students in choosing a Management study program at Dr. Soetomo University, Surabaya. This research is motivated by a fairly tight competition between private universities in Surabaya to attract students who will continue their studies at higher education, and the large number of study program choices. To win the competition, each private university tries to improve the quality of its study program with various strategies. On the other hand, students have many choices to decide what study program, and which private university to choose. There are certain study programs and private universities that are very popular, and some are less attractive. Therefore, it is very important that the student decision-making process in choosing a study program in a particular private university is analyzed through a study of consumer behavior. Data analysis used is quantitative, while to analyze quantitative data using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed the R Square coefficient of 0.682 means that variations in student decisions can be explained by the cultural, social, personality, and psychological variables of 68.2%. While the remaining 31.8% can be explained by other variables not examined by this study. Simultaneous testing shows that the independent variables, namely Culture, Social, Personality, Psychology, jointly affect student decisions. This is indicated by the F Count of 61.517. From testing the research variables partially shows that the independent variables, namely Culture, Social, Personality, Psychology, have an effect on the dependent variable, namely Student Decisions. From the independent variables, namely Culture, Social, Personality, the most dominant variable is psychological. This is indicated by the lowest level of significance, namely α = 0.000 and the greatest coefficient, namely the t value of 4.766. Keywords: Culture, Social, Personality, Psychology, Student Decisions

Sandra Oktaviana Pinaraswati

The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze: The influence of social and personality factors on students' decisions in choosing a Management study program. The research method used is explanatory research that is research that explains the causality relationship between several variables through hypothesis testing. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire or questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale. The research respondents were undergraduate students of 2017 management study program at Higher Education in Surabaya with a total sample of 281 students. The analytical model in this study is to use multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed the R Square coefficient of 0.504 means that the Student Decision variable can be explained by Social and Personality variables, by 50.4%. While the remaining 49.6% can be explained by other variables not examined by this study. Simultaneous testing shows that the independent variables namely Social and Personality together affect the Student's Decision. This is indicated by the F count of 141,161. The partial test of research variables shows that the independent variables, namely Social and Personality, influence the dependent variable, namely Student Decisions.Keywords                   : Social, Personality, Student Decisionss

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-86
Trisna Sary Lewaru

ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the factors that influence entrepreneurial intentions among college student. The five independent variables was used include need for achievement, locus of control, self-efficacy, instrumental readiness, entrepreneurship experience. Sample in this research is students on Pattimura University totaling 160 people. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to measure this study. The results of this study indicate that need for achievement, locus of control, entrepreneurship experience have no effect on the intentions of entrepreneurial among students. Whereas instrumental readiness and self-efficacy variable has positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial intention between students of Pattimura University. Keywords : Entrepreneurship, Intentions

Mira Labi Bandhaso ◽  
Natalia Paranoan

This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction and motivation on the lecturer performance at private universities in Makassar. The research conducted on the lecturer of faculty of economics at three private universities in Makassar South Sulawesi by using mail survey and sending 150 questionnaires to the respondents. Sampling technique used in this study is random sampling. Data were collected at 101 and analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis result showed that job satisfaction gives positive impact and significant on the performance of private university lecturers in Makassar, and motivation gives positive impact and significant on the performance of private university lecturers in Makassar. The results of multiple regression analysis showed motivation and job satisfaction simultaneously have positive and significant impact on the performance of private university lecturers in Makassar.

MBIA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-50
Sri Rahayu

The purpose of this study is: (1) to analyze and know how the effect of price on consumer purchasing decisions e-commerce Tokopedia, (2) to analyze and know how the effect of trust on consumer purchasing decisions e-commerce Tokopedia, and (3) to analyze and know how the effect of product quality on consumer purchasing decisions e-commerce Tokopedia.  The independent variables used are price, trust, and product quality, while the dependent variable is the purchase decision. The sample used in this study was one hundred and seven respondents were selected using the purposing sampling method; those were students of the informatics management study program at the Asian Mahakarya University PSDKU Baturaja Batch 2020. Using questionnaires and documentation collected the data. The data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The result showed that R square (R2) was 61,2%, and the significance level was 0.05. This result indicated that price, trust, and product quality positively and significantly affected consumers' purchasing decisions in e-commerce Tokopedia.   Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (1) untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh harga terhadap keputusan pembelian pengguna e-commerce Tokopedia, (2) untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh  kepercayaan  terhadap keputusan pembelian pengguna e-commerce Tokopedia, dan (3) untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh kualitas produk terhadap keputusan pembelian pengguna e-commerce Tokopedia. Variabel independen yang digunakan adalah harga, kepercayaan dan kualitas produk, sedangkan variabel dependen adalah keputusan pembelian.  Sampel  yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 107 responden yang dipilih menggunakan metode purposing sampling  yaitu  mahasiswa  program  studi  Manajemen Informatika Angkatan 2020 Universitas Mahakarya Asia PSDKU Baturaja. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan quisioner dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan Regresi Linier Berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai R2 sebesar 61,2% dan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Harga produk, Kepercayaan dan Kualitas Produk memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap keputusan pembelian pengguna e-commerce Tokopedia. Kata Kunci: Harga, Kepercayaan, Kualitas Produk dan Keputusan Pembelian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-43
William William ◽  
Tya Wildana Hapsari Lubis ◽  

This study aims to research the influence of student’s behavior, lecturer’s competency, and school’s facilities on the student’s quality at Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Mikroskil and Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Mikroskil Mikroskil. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative method approach. The population in this study were undergraduate students totaling 3.493 students, the sample size used in this study is 360 students obtained using the Slovin formula. The sampling technique is stratified random sampling techniques applied to each study program. The data analysis method is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that student’s behavior, lecturer’s competency, and school’s facilities had a positive and significant effect on Student’s quality by 43.5 %. Future researchers are suggested to carry out the process and learning management in improving student’s quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Adeliyanti Adeliyanti ◽  
Rikha Muftia Khoirunnisa

This study aims at finding out the influence of the perception of generation Y (consideration of job market, career motivation, family influence, social value of job, and career lifestyle) on career choice in students of Management Study Program of Ahmad Dahlah University. The population of the study was students of Management Study Program of Ahmad Dahlan University of class 2015. The sample collecting technique used was purposive sampling, with a sample critrion of those who took thesis subject with a total og 212 students. The data analysis used in the study was multiple linear regression analysis. The findings of the study show that the career motivation and socual value of the job significantly influenced career choice in students of Management Study Program of Ahmad Dahlan Unversity, while the consideration of job market, family influence and career lifestyle did not significantly influence career choice in students of Management Study Program of Ahmad Dahlan Unversity. Futhermore, through F test, is showed that the consideration of job market, career motivation, family influence the social value of job and career lifestyle simultaneously significantly influenced career choice in students of Management Study Program of Ahmad Dahlan University. The R square calue obtained was 0,772. This, it can be interpreted that the influence contribution of the independent variables (consideration of job market (X1), career motivation (X2), family influence (X3), social value of job (X4) and career lifestyle (X5) on the dependent variable career choice (Y) was 77,2%, while the other 22,8% can be explained by other variables that were not observed in this study.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Ade Nia Suryani

This study aims to determine: (1) the influence of brand image and cost of education partially to the student's decision in choosing Management Study Program at STIE Rahmaniyah Sekayu, (2) influence of brand image and educational cost simultaneously to student decision in choosing Management Studies Program STIE Rahmaniyah Sekayu. This research is a causality research. The population of this study is a student of Management Studies Program of 2013/2014 as much as 360 people. The number of samples of 79 people was determined using Slovin formula with a margin of error of 10%. The sample was chosen by using purposive sampling technique. Data were collected by using questionnaire method and analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The result of the research shows that (1) brand image have an effect on student's decision in choosing Management Study Program at STIE Rahmaniyah Sekayu, (2) education cost influence to student decision in choosing Management Study Program at STIE Rahmaniyah Sekayu, (3) brand image and cost of education influence student's decision in choosing Management Study Program at STIE Rahmaniyah Sekayu.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-55
Moch Aditya Hendro P ◽  
Ririt Iriani Sri Setiawati

The purpose of this study is to find out how many factors affect the rate of deposits and savings at commercial banks in East Java. This study uses secondary data for 15 years since 2001-2015 by using multiple linear regression analysis to determine the effect simultaneously and partially from Inflation variable, Gross Regional Domestic Product, Total Money Supply, Return On Assets to variable Interest Rate Deposit Rate And Savings as dependent variable. The results showed that simultaneously all the independent variables (X) affect the level of Deposits and savings. Partially variable of GRDP, JUB, ROA have an effect on significantly to deposit and saving interest rate while Inflation variable has no significant effect.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (04) ◽  
Sofyarifani Pu’o ◽  
Jullie J. Sondakh ◽  
Novi S. Budiarso

The purpose of this research is to examine the factors affecting interests of taxpayers in using e-Filing facility. The dependent variable used in this research is the interest of tax payers, while the independent variables are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, security and privacy, complexity, and readiness technology taxpayers information. The respondents are individual taxpayers who used e-Filing that are listed in Poso, Tax Office. This research used multiple linear regression analysis that involved 100 respondents. The results show that: (1) perceived usefulness affects positively the intention to use e-Filing, (2) perceived ease of use affects positively the intention to use e-Filing, (3) security and privacy affects positively the intention to use e-Filing, (4) complexity affects negatively the intention to use e-Filing, (5) readiness technology taxpayers information affects positively the intention to use e-Filing. Keywords: Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, Security and Privacy, Complexity, Readiness Technology Taxpayers Information, e-Filing.

Anita Purba ◽  
Semaria Eva Elita Girsang

This study aims to determine the effect of developing Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy in increasing literation capability of English text for 4th semester students of the 2019/2020 academic year of English Study Program, Education Faculty (FKIP) - Simalungun University (USI). The development of the TTW Strategy consists of three phases, namely Think, Talk and the Writing Phase. These three phases are the independent variables of the study, while the dependent variable is literation capability. The research was conducted for 30 students. The sampling technique used saturated sampling technique. The type of data used is primary data. Data were analysed using multiple linear regression analysis method. The results of the analysis show that the Think, Talk and Writing Phases have a positive and significant effect on increasing students’ literation capability in English text, both partially and simultaneously. Thus, it can be concluded that the development of the TTW Strategy has a positive and significant effect in improving students' literation capability.

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