2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Luluk Martha ◽  
Abdul Hakim ◽  
Rr. Diah Nugraheni Setyowati

Lack of green open space (RTH) can lead to flooding and even catastrophic flooding in the event of high rainfall intensity that falls in urban areas. Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya (UINSA) is one of the educational facilities in Surabaya City which is located in the flood prone area of Jemur Wonosari, Wonocolo. One of the technologies used to overcome inundation and flooding and to increase groundwater reserves is the Biopori Infiltration Hole (LRB). UINSA as one of the education facilities in Surabaya City can apply LRB technology to absorb rainwater so that it can reduce runoff of wasted rainwater into ditches to drainage systems. This study aims to determine the amount of LRB that can be applied in UINSA and the percentage of LRB in reducing drainage load. The method used is quantitative descriptive by conducting field survey of open land area, ground infiltration field test, soil type laboratory test and using secondary data daily rainfall. The results of the study showed that the number of LRB that can be applied at UINSA is 741 pieces in open spaces covering an area of 1481.84 m2 with a reduction in drainage load of 42.83%. Keywords: rainwater, biopori infiltration hole, infiltration, drainage load reduction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Almira Muthi Faliha ◽  
Annisa Aulia Suwandi ◽  
Dewi M Z S Pertiwi ◽  
Dedi Hantono

The increasing demand for space, especially for settlements and built-up land, has an impact on the declining environmental quality of the area. The Spatial Plan that has been made is not able to prevent land conversion in urban areas so that the existence of Green Open Space (RTH) is increasingly threatened and the city is increasingly uncomfortable for activities, especially for joint activities. This study will discuss the "Identification of the Use of Green Open Land for the Development of Culinary Areas in Pluit, North Jakarta". The purpose of this study is to determine the availability of green open space in North Jakarta, as well as to find out the existence of matters concerning the misuse of green open space in Pluit, North Jakarta based on local regulations governing Green Open Space. The method used in this analysis is a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of secondary data. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the availability of green open land in North Jakarta is only about 5% of the total area, this percentage is still far from meeting the provisions of the law which stipulates that the proportion of green open space in urban areas must reach 30%. The development of the culinary area in Pluit has several violations such as Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning, which only provides 11% open space, Regional Regulation no. 8 of 2007 concerning Public Order in DKI Jakarta in article 36, because it builds a culinary area adjacent to the High Voltage Air Line (SUTET) and there are buildings that stand on Green Open Land.

2021 ◽  
Almira Muthi Faliha ◽  
Annisa Aulia Suwandi ◽  
Dewi M Z S Pertiwi ◽  
Dedi Hantono

The increasing demand for space, especially for settlements and built-up land, has an impact on the declining environmental quality of the area. The Spatial Plan that has been made is not able to prevent land conversion in urban areas so that the existence of Green Open Space (RTH) is increasingly threatened and the city is increasingly uncomfortable for activities, especially for joint activities. This study will discuss the "Identification of the Use of Green Open Land for the Development of Culinary Areas in Pluit, North Jakarta". The purpose of this study is to determine the availability of green open space in North Jakarta, as well as to find out the existence of matters concerning the misuse of green open space in Pluit, North Jakarta based on local regulations governing Green Open Space. The method used in this analysis is a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of secondary data. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the availability of green open land in North Jakarta is only about 5% of the total area, this percentage is still far from meeting the provisions of the law which stipulates that the proportion of green open space in urban areas must reach 30%. The development of the culinary area in Pluit has several violations such as Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning, which only provides 11% open space, Regional Regulation no. 8 of 2007 concerning Public Order in DKI Jakarta in article 36, because it builds a culinary area adjacent to the High Voltage Air Line (SUTET) and there are buildings that stand on Green Open Land.

2020 ◽  
Vol 200 ◽  
pp. 03011
Djaka Marwasta ◽  
Theresia D. K. Rahayu

Slums commonly distributed in susceptible environment or in location that occupied by low economic household, especially in urban areas. Empirically, in Indonesia, the data about distribution and total area of slums is quite hard to be acquired, since slums indicators is not standardized yet. This study aimed to (1) identify the distribution of slums in Yogyakarta City, based on multi-sources data; and (2) elaborate the linkage between slums location and disaster vulnerability in research area. This research uses a mixed methods, i.e utilization of secondary data, survey method, and GIS mapping. Analysis units of this research are “Kelurahan”, where all “Kelurahan” which have slums are chosen as members of population (census technique). Indepth interview conducted in order to collect disaster vulnerability data in each “Kelurahan”. Informant that chosen as representative person in each “Kelurahan” are “Lurah” or “Secretary of Lurah”. All of the data are analyzed by qualitative and quantitative descriptive method. Conclusion of this study are: (1) Slums in Yogyakarta City distributed mainly along three main rivers, and (2) There are very closed association between slums area and disaster vulnerable zones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7134
Jin-Wook Park ◽  
Cheol Min Lee

Urbanization involves the profound alteration of original habitats and causes habitat loss and biodiversity decline. This study aims to clarify the response of ground beetle communities to the effect of urbanization in southern Osaka, Japan. In total, 2950 individuals from 53 species of ground beetle were collected in nine urban green areas. The categories of land use regarding the study sites were determined based on GIS data. The community index was not significantly different between areas. Urban areas and roads in land use mainly have a negative influence on ground beetles. Paddies, fields, parks and green spaces, and open space were positively correlated with species richness of forest species and large-sized species, and open space was positively correlated with species richness and the density of open land species. However, ground beetle communities in different areas of varying sizes did not group separately. These results suggest that changes in paddies, fields, parks and green spaces, forests, and open space associated with the expanding urban area and road greatly influenced species composition, and the community structure remained similar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 366
Maria Ulfa ◽  
Fazriyas Fazriyas

Jambi City is the capital of Jambi Province and the largest city in the province. However, the area of Green Open Space (GOS) in Jambi City was decreasing year by year. Continuous development in Jambi City must be balanced with the existence of adequate GOS. This study aims to identify the existence of public GOS in Jambi City and analyze the needs of public GOS in Jambi City based on population and oxygen needs. The study was conducted in March-October 2019 in Jambi City. The data collected consists of primary data obtained through field observations in public GOS and secondary data relating to population data, public GOS area, number of vehicles, and temperature changes. The data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the public GOS in Jambi City in 2018 reached 167,18 ha. The need for public GOS in Jambi City based on the need for population growth in 2035 is 1.414,01 ha. The need for public GOS in Jambi City based on oxygen demand that in line with the population growth in 2035 is 4.169,91 ha.Keywords: green open space, Jambi City, needs analysis

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-41
MN Hossain ◽  
MN Uddin ◽  
M Rokanuzzaman ◽  
MA Miah ◽  
M Alauddin

The study observed the effects of flooding on socio-economic status of two integrated char lands of Jamuna River in Bangladesh during the period from March 2011-September 2011. Data were collected on primary and secondary sources. The Primary data was collected from the field level through intrinsic study and secondary data were collected from various sources vz. Bangladesh Water Development Board, Statistical Bureau, Agricultural office, published journals etc. The questionnaire survey was conducted on the char land’s people in order to reveal their perception regarding effects of flooding and management and adaptation strategies. The study revealed that floods have long-term negative implications on socio-economic status. According to survey followed by the most affected sector was agriculture (53.33%), followed by health (17.77%) and property (26.66%), diseases as Diarrhea occurred at alarming levels (77.77%). In the year 2011 the crop damage (57.77%) and house damage wise significant (26.66%) and roads communications were also highly affected by flood. The study obtained the difference-in-difference estimates the magnitude of impact of flood on socio-economic status depending on the relative flood prone area and the severity of flooding and its associated impacts.DOI: J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 37-41 2013

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Amiludin Amiludin ◽  
Muhammad Asmawi

The writing of this article starts from the problems that exist in the development situation in each region, especially in spatial planning, almost certainly has the same problem, such as the absence of consistent and strict licensing in development. Such as floods that occurred in urban areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi due to the development of the city. It is increasing the number of population, activities, and land requirements both for settlements and economic activities so that there is a change of function that should be used as a conservation area and green open space has turned into a residential area. This research uses the normative legal research method or discusses this problem more to the study of literature or secondary data. The normative legal analysis includes research on constitutional principles, research on legal systematics, research on the degree of vertical and horizontal synchronization, comparison of law, and history of law. Law enforcement on sustainable spatial planning is a very complex phenomenon with various approaches, both legal, social, political, economic and cultural issues so that for the benefit of the community, the interests of the government as well as the harmony of spatial planning, environmental sustainability needs supporting capacity of the environment and resources nature is included in the case of sustainable development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-93
Bitta Pigawati ◽  
Shabrina Ghaisani

Abstract. The increase in population has an impact on increasing the demand for land. In addition, the available land in the city is relatively limited. Therefore, the development leads to the peri-urban area. The development of the core city will have an impact on the physical, social, and economic transformation of the peri-urban area. Interactions that occur between rural-urban areas can affect the development of peri-urban areas. Interaction between rural-urban areas also occurs in Mranggen Sub – district as the peri – urban area of Semarang. This study aims to examine changes in the typology of peri-urban areas in Mranggen Sub – district, Demak District in 2008 - 2018. This research used a quantitative descriptive method with a spatial approach. The remote sensing data were used as the main data source and document review as secondary data. The change in the typology of Potential Urban to Semi Urban was caused by changes in people's livelihoods, increased education, percentage of permanent buildings, educational facilities, and health facilities. The change in typology from Semi Urban to Predominantly Urban is caused by various variables that cause increasingly urbanization. The results showed a change in the study area, 7 villages changed from the typology of Potential Urban to Semi Urban and 2 villages changed from the Semi Urban typology to Predominantly Urban.

Slums are a problem faced by almost all major cities in Indonesia and even large cities in other developing countries. The study of slum settlements (slum) generally covers three aspects, first the physical condition, the other socio-economic conditions of the community living in the agreement, and the three impacts by the two states. These physical conditions, among others, can be seen from the very stable state of the building with low-quality construction, non-patterned, and non-hardened road network, public sanitation, and non-functioning drainage, and waste that has not been adequately managed. (1) (2) The study aimed to form a collaboration model for Healthy Cities through a Program of No Slum Cities in the Coastal Area of Makassar City. Method This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method as an approach to Secondary Data Analysis (ADS). ADS is a method using secondary data as the primary data source. Utilizing the secondary data in question is to use a statistical test technique that is appropriate for obtaining the desired information from a mature body of material derived from certain agencies or institutions (such as PUPR, departments, or educational institutions) to be systematically and objectively processed. Observations found that the tendency towards collaboration with various sectors to reduce the number of slums in settlements. As for the indicators used, there are 7 + 1 from the City program without slums. The conclusions of the study were to reduce the number of slums in Makassar, especially in the coastal areas of Makassar City with an approach, namely by improving housing, environmental roads, drainage, garbage, fire fighting, and green open space by involving various sectors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 03023
Lutfiyatul Wahdah ◽  
Maryono Maryono

Urban farming is one of the new cultivation methods in the urban area. It becomes one of Semarang City government’s efforts to fulfil urban society food needs. The background of the urban farming concept is the limitations of land in agriculture production by people living in the urban area. Urban farming in Semarang City consists of hydroponic and aquaponic. Hydroponic cultivation is easier to do because of the nutrients needed measurably derived from artificial nutrients (non-chemical). While in aquaponic have two elements, they are aquaculture and vegetables grown. Both of these urban farming concepts have the principle of planting media with no use of land and are appropriately implemented in urban areas. The purpose of this research is to know how urban farming management system in Semarang City. The research method used is quantitative descriptive and conducted in Semarang City. The primary data were collected by questionnaires and field observations, while the secondary data came from the literature study and previous research. From the result of this research recommend the application of urban farming technology that prioritizes environmental protection with social and economic aspects.

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