scholarly journals Canned Products Based on Animal Hearts as Collagen and Ferrum Sources

Food Industry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Olga Mitryashkina ◽  
Lydia Shulgina ◽  
Yuriy Shulgin

To activate the elastic tissues regeneration, a man needs to receive at least 5 g of such amino acids as proline and oxyproline, which are involved in the process of the body’s own collagen production, with food every day. The source of collagen can be products made from the hearts of farm animals. High temperature influence destroys collagen, and there is an accumulation of low-molecular peptides that are available to the human body. The article presents the results on the development of new types of canned food based on the farm animal hearts and plant raw materials. The animal hearts are high-protein raw materials in terms of protein content. The fat content does not exceed 3.7 ± 0.5 %, which results in a lower energy value compared to muscle tissue. Proteins in animal hearts are balanced in terms of amino acid composition; the content of collagen in them is 4.8–4.5 %, which is significantly higher than its amount in muscle tissue proteins. The researchers developed technology and recipes of canned food based on animal hearts and vegetable raw materials. The mass fraction of hearts in canned food recipes is 60.0–65.0 %. The additional components were beans and vegetables. Developed canned food made on the basis of animal hearts and vegetable raw materials had high organoleptic characteristics: protein content was 10.7–12.6 %; fat – 7.6–9.1 %. 100 g of canned food contains 0.85 ± ± 0.5 g of collagen-forming amino acids, which allows the human body to provide 16.5 ± ± 0.5 % of the daily need for them. Canned food is an additional source of iron (the content of which is 2.9 ± 0.3 g/100 g). A man recommends canned foods based on animal hearts and vegetable raw materials as specialized products for dietary and preventive nutrition of people of older age groups and persons with reduced processes of elastic tissue regeneration.


Спроектированы рецептуры пюреобразных консервов функционального назначения для детского питания. Проектирование рецептур поликомпонентных пюре проводили на основе принципов пищевой комбинаторики с учетом суточной потребности детского организма в функциональных ингредиентах: инулине, пищевых волокнах, витаминах С и Р, β-каротине, железе и калии. Выбрано овощное сырье – клубни топинамбура, содержащие инулин, обладающий гипогликемическими свойствами, морковь и тыква, содержащие антиоксиданты и антитоксические ингредиенты, а также фруктовое сырье – яблоки, содержащие комплекс антиоксидантов. Эталоном служил продукт, содержащий функциональные ингредиенты в количестве 10–50% суточной нормы, что отвечает требованиям, предъявляемым ГОСТ Р 52349–2005. Наиболее высокие дегустационные оценки получили образцы, содержащие, %: пюре из топинамбура 20–50, пюре из яблок 20–65, пюре из тыквы (смесь 1) или моркови (смесь 2) 10–35. Соотношение компонентов в смеси 3 определяли, приняв количество пюре топинамбура в продукте постоянным и равным 45%, а остальные компоненты варьировали в пределах 0–55% от массы смеси. Исследован химический состав предназначенного для детского питания овощного и фруктового сырья как источник биологически активных веществ. После оптимизации рецептурных компонентов методом компьютерного моделирования изготовлены опытные образцы и проведена органолептическая оценка разработанных рецептур. Установлено, что разработанные рецептуры обеспечивают получение продуктов, сбалансированных по содержанию физиологически функциональных ингредиентов и обладающих высокими органолептическими свойствами. Have been designed formulations of puree canned food of functional use for baby food. Development of compoundings of multicomponent purees was carried out on the basis of the principles of food combination theory taking into account the daily need of a children's organism for functional ingredients: inulin, food fibers, vitamins C and P, β-carotene, iron and potassium. Vegetable raw materials are chosen – Jerusalem artichoke tubers containing inulin, which has hypoglycemic properties, carrots and pumpkin, containing antioxidants and antitoxic ingredients, as well as fruit raw materials – apples, containing a complex of antioxidants. The product containing functional ingredients in number of 10–50% of standard daily rate that meets requirements of GOST P 52349–2005 served as a standard. The highest tasting estimates have received the samples containing, %: Jerusalem artichoke puree 20–50, puree apples 20–65, puree pumpkin (mix 1) or puree carrots (mix 2) 10–35. The ratio of the components in the mixture 3 was determined as follows: the amount of Jerusalem artichoke puree in a product was accepted to constant and equal 45%, and other components – within the limits 0–55% of the mass of mix. The chemical composition of the vegetable and fruit raw materials as a source of biologically active agents for products of baby food is investigated. After optimization of prescription components the method of computer modeling has made prototypes and organoleptic assessment of the developed compoundings is carried out. It is established that the developed compounds provide the products balanced on the content of physiologically functional ingredients and having high organoleptic properties.

M. V. Manukovskaya ◽  
I. P. Shchetilina ◽  
A. G. Kudryakova ◽  
S. R. Kozlova ◽  
A. O. Torosyan ◽  

The development of targeted beverages is a priority for healthy eating. Plant raw materials containing a wide variety of biologically active substances are used for their production. The presence of these ingredients helps to improve many physiological processes in the body, as well as to increase its immune status. The high efficiency of ultrasonic effects on various technological processes was confirmed by numerous studies. Ultrasonic extraction was carried out at t = 20 ? and an ultrasonic wave frequency of 22 kHz. As a result of the research, it was found that the equilibrium state is achieved within 15 minutes with ultrasound exposure. Natural raw materials, their chemical composition and the influence on the human body were studied in the work to develop new beverages recipes. The selected ingredients in a certain quantitative ratio made it possible to obtain beverages with improved bio-corrective properties, which allows satisfying the daily requirement of the human body for biologically active substances. Ultrasonic exposure has a positive effect on the organoleptic characteristics of the beverage and the aftertaste, as proved by the comparative organoleptic evaluation of the samples. The functional properties of the beverages developed were confirmed experimentally. The following was determined in the beverages: macronutrients content, antioxidant activity, vitamin C content, shelf life duration. The ultrasonic extraction method application in the technology of beverages manufacturing allows: to reduce the preparation time by half, to reduce the amount of raw materials by 15%, to increase the content of macronutrients by 45%, to increase the content of vitamin C by 35%, to increase the antioxidant activity by 45-50%, to increase storage stability by 50-60%, to improve organoleptic characteristics. The results obtained prove the intensifying effect of ultrasonic exposure in the production of functional beverages.

Fisheries ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 98-105
Anna Vasyukova ◽  
Taronik Tonapetyn ◽  
Dmitry Tikhonov ◽  
Tamara Sharova ◽  
V. Kulakov

The purpose of scientific research is to develop technologies and recipes for minced fish products with dietary supplements. The objects of research, when obtaining the recipe and technology of model minced fish, were: pollock, cod, wheat bread made from premium flour, and the dietary supplements introduced were oil extract of dried mushrooms, juniper oil extract, coriander oil extract and a complex additive "Moby Lux Universal". Vegetable oil extracts were used as a plasticizing component and additional raw materials containing flavoring substances. The use of additives of plant origin allows you to stabilize the functional and technological properties of raw materials, increase the biological value, emphasize the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product. Oil extracts of vegetable raw materials and "Moby-lux Universal" are rich in minerals and vitamins, dietary fibers, proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Aziza Isamutdinovna Miralimova ◽  
Pulatxo’ja Tursunxodjaev ◽  
Ulug’bek Narbayevich Baltabayev ◽  

The object of research is the development of compound feed recipes from local oilseeds grown in Uzbekistan. The purpose of this study is to correctly compile a feed recipe, determine the quality and protein content of feed and digestibility use rich protein nutritional value in feeding farm animals for fattened cattle to produce a batch of feed. The conditions for obtaining high-quality feed food for wide use in industrial feed production are defined.

I. A. Bogonosova ◽  
A. T. Vasyukova

By the method of selecting components, promising compositions were identified for enriching traditional recipes for vegetable casseroles. Eggplant, zucchini, apples and pumpkin were chosen as promising components. To use vegetable raw materials in the production of casseroles, the chemical composition and nutritional value of promising raw materials were studied, the cost of developed products was determined. As a protein fortifier used a mixture of protein composite dry. As a result of research, a characteristic of microbiological, organoleptic indicators and nutritional value of vegetable casseroles was obtained. It was established that the nutritional and energy value of all developed samples in terms of the content of basic food substances has higher values: proteins – by 169.9–295.22%; fats – by 85.4–218%; carbohydrates – by 13.57–26.68% compared with traditional casseroles. The cost of produced vegetable casseroles is directly proportional to the concentration of dry protein composite mixture. The losses during the heat treatment of enriched vegetable casseroles are studied. It was found that casseroles have large mass losses compared to control samples. This is due to the fact that up to 50% of juicy vegetable raw materials (pumpkin, squash) are added to the recipes of enriched casseroles. In assessing the quality of new products used qualitative and quantitative methods. Organoleptic quality assessment of the developed casseroles was carried out on a 10 point scale. It was established that all presented samples of enriched casseroles: cabbage, potato, carrot and vegetable had high organoleptic characteristics. Casseroles with the addition of 2-3 types of vegetables possessed the best organoleptic properties. Microbiological indicators of casseroles (semi-finished product of high degree of readiness) comply with the requirements of SanPiN, index The cost of produced vegetable casseroles depends on the price of the dry protein composite mixture. Protein-rich vegetable casseroles are recommended in rational and dietary diets with protein deficiency and are included in the diets of standard diets - low-protein and low-calorie.

2019 ◽  
pp. 38-47
Gasparyan ◽  
Maslovsky ◽  
Zamyatina ◽  
Nesterenko ◽  
Karpova ◽  

Marinating is one of the most common ways of processing vegetable raw materials. The use of new, non-traditional types of raw materials, in particular root chicory, should be considered as one of the directions for expanding the assortment of marinated products, increasing its consumer properties. Researches in this direction were conducted in 2018 on the basis of the Department of Technology for storing and processing fruits and vegetables of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. The object of research was the root chicory varieties Yaroslavsky. The scheme of experience included biochemical studies of raw materials, laboratory production of weakly acidic and acidic pickles using in the formulation of acetic essence, wine and apple vinegar, organoleptic and biochemical studies of the finished product. Studies have shown that the production of pickled products from chicory allows you to get products with high organoleptic characteristics. Improving the quality of pickled products is promoted by replacing the vinegar essence with apple or wine vinegar in the recipe - the taste becomes less sharp, the aroma is enriched with fruit tones. Neutral taste of chicory with a slightly bitter aftertaste is optimally combined with the high content of acetic acid (up to 0.9%), characteristic of sour pickles. Sour marinade using tartaric acid in the recipe according to the results of tasting received the highest score - 9.8 points on a 10-point scale.

E. Yushina ◽  
Zh. Novikova ◽  
S. Sergeeva ◽  
A. Lisovskii

The use of biomass preparation micromycete Mortierella alliaceae in production technology sterilizable canned food using defrosted vegetable raw materials improves color stability and improves the consistency of the finished product.

2021 ◽  
pp. 20-25
Елена Владимировна Буракова ◽  
Татьяна Ноевна Слуцкая ◽  
Екатерина Васильевна Шадрина

Обоснована возможность получения мясных кулинарных продуктов с добавлением компонентов морского происхождения (макруруса малоглазого, тепловых экстрактов из голотурий - трепанга и кукумарии). В качестве основного сырья использованы мясо индейки и курицы, баранина и говядина. Критериями для оценки данного направления в технологии служили результаты органолептического исследования образцов и показателей биологической ценности. Установлено, что рациональным количеством при производстве котлет из мяса птицы мышечной ткани макруруса малоглазого является 25 % от основного ингредиента рецептуры; биологическая ценность готового изделия при этом увеличивается почти на 20 %. Тепловые экстракты из голотурий (трепанга и кукумарии), применяемые практически вместо воды в составе рецептур котлет из говядины или баранины, способствуют повышению органолептической оценки, а также положительно влияют на биологическую ценность, которая выше, чем у контроля, почти на 18 %. Использование тепловых экстрактов из морского сырья (голотурий) приводит к обогащению продукции растворимыми коллагеновыми фрагментами (установлено по увеличению количества свободного оксипролина), биологически активными аминокислотами (глутаминовая и аспарагиновая, аланин, глицин, пролин), аминосахарами и тритерпеновыми гликозидами. The possibility of obtaining meat culinary products with the addition of components of marine origin (small-eyed macrurus, thermal extracts from holothurium-trepang and cucumaria) is justified. Turkey and chicken meat, lamb and beef are used as the main raw materials. The criteria for evaluating this direction in the technology were the results of organoleptic examination of samples and indicators of biological value. It is established that the rational amount in the production of cutlets from poultry meat of muscle tissue of small - eyed macrurus is 25 % of the main ingredient of the recipe; the biological value of the finished product increases by almost 20 %. Thermal extracts from holothurias (trepang and cucumaria), used instead of water in the recipes of beef or lamb cutlets, contributes to an increase in organoleptic evaluation, and also positively affects the biological value, which is higher than that of the control by almost 18 %. The use of thermal extracts from marine raw materials (holothurias) leads to the enrichment of products with soluble collagen fragments, biologically active amino acids (glutamic and aspartic, alanine, glycine, proline), amino sugars and triterpene glycosides.

2020 ◽  
pp. 66-69
A.T. Vasyukova ◽  
T.A. Tonapetyan

The basic information about the functional properties of combined minced fish meat developed on the basis of a combination of animal and vegetable products in a specialized product is presented. This mutual addition of the recipe with various components allows creating a model functional minced meat and products based on it that best meet the needs of the body in terms of nutritional and biological value. Food products that have functional properties are timely, and their development is relevant. The purpose of the research was to develop technologies and recipes for minced fish products with dietary supplements. The objects of the research in the development of the recipe and technology of model minced fish meat were: pollock, cod, wheat bread made from premium flour, dried mushroom oil extract, juniper oil extract, coriander oil extract and "Moby Lux Universal" as a dietary supplement. Oil extracts of vegetable raw materials were used as plasticizing additives and flavoring agents. The use of additives of plant origin allows stabilizing the functional and technological properties of raw materials, increase the biological value, and emphasize the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product.


Проведено конструирование рецептуры соусов на основе творожной сыворотки к мясным и рыбным блюдам. Разработана рецептура пикантных соусов с использованием творожной сыворотки, овощного сырья и СО2-экстрактов пряностей. Сбалансированность рецептурного состава новых пищевых продуктов достигнута симплекс-методом. Оптимизационная задача решена по органолептическим показателям, химическому составу и энергетической ценности продукта. Для моделирования рецептур использовали трехфакторные симплекс-центроидные планы. Согласно матрице планирования приготовлены образцы смесей, содержащие в качестве постоянной части творожную сыворотку (43%); оставшуюся вариативную часть составили, %: пшеничные хлопья 13,0; томатная паста 34,4; растительное масло 2,3; соль 3,0; сахар 3,0; уксус столовый 1,0; хитозан 0,2; СО2-экстракты 0,004. Образцы с различным соотношением компонентов получили высокую органолептическую оценку по 5-балльной дегустационной шкале. Пищевая ценность разработанного соуса 116,6 ккал – выше классического томатного (95 ккал), ниже майонеза (510 ккал/100 г), что позволяет рекомендовать новый продукт для диетического питания. The formulation of sauces based on curd whey for meat and fish dishes was designed. The formulation of spicy sauces using curd whey, vegetable raw materials and СО2-extracts of spices was developed. The balance of the formulation composition of new foods is achieved by simplex method. The optimization problem is solved on organoleptic characteristics, chemical composition and energy value of the product. Three-factor simplex-centroid plans were used to model formulations. According to the planning matrix prepared samples of mixtures containing as a permanent part of the whey (43%); the remaining variable part was, %: wheat flakes 13,0; tomato paste 34,4; vegetable oil 2,3; salt 3,0; sugar 3,0; vinegar table 1,0; chitosan 0,2; СО2-extracts 0,004. Samples with different ratios of components received high organoleptic evaluation by five-points tasting scale of assessments. The nutritional value of the developed sauce 116,6 kcal – above the classic tomato sauce (95 kcal), below mayonnaise (510 kcal/100 g), which allows us to recommend a new product for dietary nutrition.

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