Wikipedia and Historiography: The Case of Singapore and the Philippines Compared

Brendan Luyt

This paper explores the intellectual space of Wikipedia history-writing and raises questions about the nature of the relationship between this new virtual territory and the world of older print media history-writing using as examples the pages devoted to the national histories of the Philippines and Singapore.Cet article explore l’espace intellectuel que constitue Wikipédia dans la rédaction de l’histoire et questionne la nature du lien entre ce nouveau territoire virtuel et le monde traditionnel de l’imprimé. Seront examinées en exemple les pages consacrées à l’histoire nationale des Philippines et de Singapour. 

Natalia A. Zherlitsyna

The article examines the relationship between local and global radical Islamist movements in the countries of Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The author set out to determine the reasons for the attractiveness of the rhetoric of modern global jihadist movements for the local population in remote regions of the world.  The study showed that the ideology of jihadism is based on a return to identity, the main pole of which is religion. After examining the origins of radical Islamist movements in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, the author concluded that the Afghan War was the impetus for their development. The purpose of this study is to find common and distinctive characteristics of the situation with Islamist radicalism in each of the countries of the region.  Analyzing the situation in Indonesia, the author concludes that the priority for local groups is local goals, and the issue of armed jihad has split the Indonesian Islamist movement into a moderate and radical wing associated with Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The article traces the evolution of secular power in Malaysia to the institutionalization of political Islam, starting in the 1970s.  The author argues that the grows of the Islamization in Malaysia led to the fact that the modern religious and ethnic discourse of the country as a whole was prepared for the perception of the ideology of radicals when ISIS appeared in the region. The author found that the jihadist movements in the Philippines are motivated by the separatist conflict, they pursue local goals and use the rhetoric of global jihad to stimulate the struggle and intimidate opponents.

Harrod J. Suarez

The Work of Mothering: Globalization and the Filipino Diaspora argues for a strict relationship between the world-historical situation of the Philippines under empire, nationalism, and globalization and the phenomenon of overseas domestic labor, drawing on the contours that inform the latter but arguing that it is part of a much larger framework of nurture, care, and service structuring the relationship between the postcolonial Philippines and the world. It analyzes maternal figures in novels by Carlos Bulosan, Jessica Hagedorn, and Brian Ascalon Roley; short stories by Nick Joaquin and Mia Alvar; poems by Luisa Igloria; and a film by Kidlat Tahimik. By developing incisive readings of subtle, passing moments in these texts, The Work of Mothering opens up narratives within which the cultural, political, and economic logics of overseas Filipina/o migration, especially but not only domestic labor, emerges. It does so by advancing an archipelagic reading practice that addresses diasporic literatures and cultures without reinscribing them either within nationalist or global paradigms. In doing so, it draws crucially on debates within the sociology of globalization and cultural studies, offering a critical and innovative vantage point that identifies alternative practices of the maternal, pushing up against the historical and political conditions that manage Filipina/o identity for nationalism and globalization.

Meri Andriani ◽  
Asnawi ◽  

The Langsa City Government-issued Circular Number 443.1 / 1066/2020 regarding one of the contents of wearing a mask when outside the home, due to the increasing spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. The Covid-19 outbreak has spread throughout the world, making it a global problem. ASEAN countries that have confirmed positive for contracting Covid-19 are Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Philippines, Indonesia. Indonesia determined 1,528 positive Covid-19 and 136 cases of death, especially Aceh Province, there were 9 people who tested positive for Covid-19. The recommendation of the Langsa City Government is very hard to be implemented by the residents of Langsa City, it is proven that there are still many Langsa City residents who do not wear masks when outside the house. The aim of this service is to minimize the transmission of the covid-19 outbreak in Langsa City by providing ergonomic masks to the residents of Langsa City. The masks provided are designed so that humans are comfortable wearing them. The Community Service activities started from a field survey, designing ergonomic masks and what Langsa City residents wanted, making masks, then the Service Team and Partners gave Langsa City Residents who did not wear masks while outside the house. Service outputs are ISSN service journals (publish), print media (publish), and products (ergonomic masks). The target that the Service Team hopes for is that residents of Langsa City wear ergonomic masks when they are outside the house and avoid the Covis-19 outbreak by using ergonomic masks.

Archeion ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 122 ◽  
Tomasz Olejniczak ◽  
Anna Pikos

Celem artykułu jest inicjacja dyskusji nad możliwościami rozwoju archiwistyki biznesowej w Polsce w świetle dorobku i corocznych konferencji Sekcji Archiwów Biznesowych Międzynarodowej Rady Archiwów (ICA SBA). Artykuł zawiera streszczenia 14 konferencji zorganizowanych w latach 2010–2021 oraz 4 monografii pokonferencyjnych wydanych przez ICA SBA. Dodatkowo w artykule szczegółowo omówiona została publikacja The International Business Archives Handbook stanowiąca jedno z najważniejszych osiągnięć w dotychczasowym dorobku międzynarodowej społeczności archiwistów biznesowych. Przegląd tematyki poszczególnych konferencji oraz dorobku piśmienniczego uwzględnia szeroką gamę zagadnień, takich jak: definicja i specyfika archiwum biznesowego; różnorodność modeli funkcjonowania archiwów biznesowych na świecie; rola archiwistów biznesowych i ich relacje z wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi interesariuszami organizacji; wykorzystanie archiwów w marketingu i podnoszeniu wartości firm; organizacja projektów obchodów rocznicowych i badań historii korporacyjnych; relacja pomiędzy światem archiwów a światem innowacji, mediów społecznościowych i nowych technologii; rola archiwów w promocji zrównoważonego rozwoju oraz fundamentalne znaczenie etyki i zaufania w działalności archiwów biznesowych. Ostatnia część artykułu poświęcona została próbie diagnozy sytuacji i kierunków rozwoju archiwistyki biznesowej w Polsce, stanowiąc zaproszenie do podjęcia szerszej dyskusji na ten temat i aktywności polskich archiwistów na forum ICA SBA. The role and tasks of business archives in the light of the achievements of International Council on Archives Section on Business Archives and prospects for development of Polish business archives The aim of the article is to initiate a discussion about the potential for the development of business archives in Poland in the light of the achievements and annual conferences of the International Council on Archives Section on Business Archives (ICA SBA). The article includes summaries of 14 conferences organized between 2010–2021, as well as 4 publications containing conference proceedings published by ICA SBA. Additionally, the article discusses in detail the monograph entitled The International Business Archives Handbook, which to this day constitutes one of the most important achievements in the international community of business archivists. The review of literature and debates during individual conferences cover a wide range of topics including: definition and characteristics of the business archive; diversity of business archives models functioning around the world; the role of business archivists and their relations with internal and external stakeholders of the organization; potential use of archives in marketing and increasing the value of companies; organization of anniversary projects and corporate history writing; the relationship between the world of archives and the world of innovation, social media and new technologies; the role of business archives in promoting sustainable development; and the fundamental importance of ethics and trust in the business archives activities. The last part of the article is devoted to diagnosing the situation and potential for the development of Polish business archives and ends with an open invitation to a wider discussion and active participation of Polish archivists in the international forum of ICA SBA.

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-88
Luc Tien Nguyen

Recently, China has shown her strong expansionism in East Sea while The US also expresses her determination of implementing the “coming back to Asia” policy. In that context, Japan openly expresses the concerns and actively establishes its role in solving the issues of East Sea. The recent move of Japan is not a single move but in a series of strategic policies of Japan in order to ensure maritime security of Japan as well as restrain the expansionism of China. ASEAN countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines give a cheerful reception toward this move of Japan and hope that Japan can play an active role and more effective in resolving the issue of East Sea dispute. This paper will clarify the following issues: 1. The concern of Japan toward the East Sea Dispute and the move of Japan in the issue. 2. Expectation of ASEAN countries and the world about the role of Japan in resolving the East Sea dispute. 3. From Japan’s perspective of its maritime policy and international relationship strategy, particularly the relationship with the US, China, and ASEAN, the paper will examine whether Japan can meet the expectations of ASEAN countries and the world in resolving the issue of East Sea Dispute.

2006 ◽  
pp. 133-146 ◽  
K. Arystanbekov

Kazakhstan’s economic policy results in 1995-2005 are considered in the article. In particular, the analysis of the relationship between economic growth and some indicators of nation states - population, territory, direct access to the World Ocean, and extraction of crude petroleum - is presented. Basic problems in the sphere of economic policy in Kazakhstan are formulated.

Emma Simone

Virginia Woolf and Being-in-the-world: A Heideggerian Study explores Woolf’s treatment of the relationship between self and world from a phenomenological-existential perspective. This study presents a timely and compelling interpretation of Virginia Woolf’s textual treatment of the relationship between self and world from the perspective of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Drawing on Woolf’s novels, essays, reviews, letters, diary entries, short stories, and memoirs, the book explores the political and the ontological, as the individual’s connection to the world comes to be defined by an involvement and engagement that is always already situated within a particular physical, societal, and historical context. Emma Simone argues that at the heart of what it means to be an individual making his or her way in the world, the perspectives of Woolf and Heidegger are founded upon certain shared concerns, including the sustained critique of Cartesian dualism, particularly the resultant binary oppositions of subject and object, and self and Other; the understanding that the individual is a temporal being; an emphasis upon intersubjective relations insofar as Being-in-the-world is defined by Being-with-Others; and a consistent emphasis upon average everydayness as both determinative and representative of the individual’s relationship to and with the world.

Alistair Fox

This chapter examines Merata Mita’s Mauri, the first fiction feature film in the world to be solely written and directed by an indigenous woman, as an example of “Fourth Cinema” – that is, a form of filmmaking that aims to create, produce, and transmit the stories of indigenous people, and in their own image – showing how Mita presents the coming-of-age story of a Māori girl who grows into an understanding of the spiritual dimension of the relationship of her people to the natural world, and to the ancestors who have preceded them. The discussion demonstrates how the film adopts storytelling procedures that reflect a distinctively Māori view of time and are designed to signify the presence of the mauri (or life force) in the Māori world.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-259
Joseph Acquisto

This essay examines a polemic between two Baudelaire critics of the 1930s, Jean Cassou and Benjamin Fondane, which centered on the relationship of poetry to progressive politics and metaphysics. I argue that a return to Baudelaire's poetry can yield insight into what seems like an impasse in Cassou and Fondane. Baudelaire provides the possibility of realigning metaphysics and politics so that poetry has the potential to become the space in which we can begin to think the two of them together, as opposed to seeing them in unresolvable tension. Or rather, the tension that Baudelaire animates between the two allows us a new way of thinking about the role of esthetics in moments of political crisis. We can in some ways see Baudelaire as responding, avant la lettre, to two of his early twentieth-century readers who correctly perceived his work as the space that breathes a new urgency into the questions of how modern poetry relates to the world from which it springs and in which it intervenes.

Gerald Pratley

PRODUCTION ACTIVITY It was not so many years ago it seems when speaking of motion pictures from Asia meant Japanese films as represented by Akira Kurosawa and films from India made by Satyajit Ray. But suddenly time passes and now we are impressed and immersed in the flow of films from Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, South Korea, the Philippines, with Japan a less significant player, and India and Pakistan more prolific than ever in making entertainment for the mass audience. No one has given it a name or described it as "New Wave," it is simply Asian Cinema -- the most exciting development in filmmaking taking place in the world today. In China everything is falling apart yet it manages to hold together, nothing works yet it keeps on going, nothing is ever finished or properly maintained, and yes, here time does wait for every man. But as far...

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