Global Science Society: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
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Published By Fakultas Hukum Universitas Samudra

2685-2497, 2655-3414

Asnawi ◽  
Ronald Fransyaigu ◽  
Hanafiah ◽  
Ary Kiswanto Kenedi ◽  

The ginger industry in East Aceh district is widely developed through home industries which are an important part of small and medium industries. This industry is mostly done by housewives on the sidelines of their busy household. The "Halia Instans" industry is one of the small businesses that develops processed ginger products. The raw materials for Instant Ginger will be processed through the following production process, first the ginger is washed clean or the soil is gone, then drained for a few seconds, then the ginger is blended, then after blending the finely ground ginger is squeezed using a machine and processed or cooked with an existing recipe so that produce ginger extract.. the results of the implementation of activities Encourage partners to cooperate with related parties in order to increase the production and marketing of Instant Ginger and add facilities to help increase ginger commodities in the overseas safe area

Zuleha ◽  
Fatimah ◽  
Nur Asyiah

The implementation of restrictions on community activities, often called Micro PPKM, is carried out in a limited manner in several cities/districts with the aim of reducing the spread of Covid-19 to the village/gampong level and seeking to increase the community's economy slowly and gradually. Micro PPKM is regulated by the issuance of the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction Number 01 of 2021 on January 6 and is enforced from January 11-25 and extended until March 2021. Prior to PPKM Micro, PPKM has been implemented to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Meanwhile, Aceh Province applies restrictions on micro community activities (PPKM) for the period 6-19 April 2021. Micro community activity restrictions (PPKM) are implemented by considering areas that have high risk and become the epicenter of an increase in Covid-19 cases. Indra Makmu Sub-district, which is East Aceh Regency, has implemented a Micro PPKM policy so that the impact of the spread of Covid-19 does not expand which causes the decline in the economic sector and other multidimensional impacts..

Rini Fitriani ◽  
Zulfiani ◽  
Ellida Novita Lydia

Gampong Kuala Langsa West Langsa subdistrict is a coastal area where the people mostly live fishermen's livelihoods. The natural wealth produced by the community is one of the sea shells, where the shells are usually sold already in a peeled state that leaves the shell waste that accumulates. Shell waste is not used by the community into something that has value because there is no driver, for that the Community Service Team (PKM) socializes to the community so that the shell waste has economic value and can be utilized by the Gampong Kuala Langsa community and can also be marketed around Langsa City, namely in the form of making paints whose raw materials from shell waste can be used. The resulting wall paint is a natural and environmentally friendly wall paint. In addition, the resulting paint has the same value or quality as the paint sold in the market.

Firdasari Firda ◽  
Nina Fahriana ◽  
Haikal Fajri

Pengelolaan dana desa masih perlu ditingkatkan sehingga pemerintah selalu berupaya mendorong perkembangan dana desa agar tercapainya pengelolaan yang baik. Penyusunan RAB merupakan hal penting yang harus dikuasai agar target mutu, biaya, dan waktu yang direncanakan dapat sesuai dengan kegiatan yang berlangsung. Mitra Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat merupakan perangkat Desa Alue Beurawe dan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuan perangkat desa dalam perhitungan RAB infrastruktur desa. Perangkat desa yang berpartisipasi pada kegiatan ini akan dilatih dan didampingi untuk membuat RAB infrastruktur desa. Tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan dimulai dengan  koordinasi dengan Keuchik Desa Alue Beurawe; melakukan kerja sama; membuat buku panduan penyusunan RAB besertra aplikasinya; koordinasi pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan dengan mitra dan tahap terakhir yaitu pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan perangkat desa.  Pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan melakukan sosialisasi tentang RAB dan komponen penyusunnya, penjelasan membaca dan memahami gambar teknik, pembahasan analisa harga satuan pekerjaan (AHSP), perhitungan volume setiap pekerjaan dan perhitungan RAB. Luaran pengabdian adalah buku panduan penyusunan RAB yang dapat digunakan oleh perangkat desa dan aplikasi penyusunan RAB dengan Microsoft Excel. Pengabdian ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi desa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia di desa. Manfaat dari kegiatan  inidiharapkan  mampu mengoptimalkan pengetahuan, ketrampilan dan kemampuan perangkat desa dalam penyusunan anggaran biaya infrastruktur desa. Kata Kunci : rencana anggaran biaya, dana desa  

Hartutik Hartutik ◽  
Marjanah ◽  

Bendahara sub-district, to be precise, Teupah mature village is a location that is the target place for the community service eam to make a product that is beneficial to the community. As we know that in a mature village, the majority of the population are farmers. So that the business opportunity that we provide to the community is to make Libuai Soap (Anti-Irritation Aloe Vera) products. The Libuai bath soap making training targets the local community, especially mothers and young women. This soap is used to clean the skin from dirt, dust, and bacteria that stick to the skin. The objectives of community service activities are: (1) providing training to the local community on how to make anti-irritant aloe vera soap products that are not yet known to the wider community; (2) providing knowledge to the public regarding the prospects and competitiveness of anti-irritant aloe vera soap products compared to other soaps; (3) provide knowledge to the public about the methods that can be used to market anti-irritant aloe vera soap products. Implementation methods in community service activities are planning, process, marketing and evaluation. The results of this activity are in accordance with the predetermined plan and the activities run well and smoothly starting from the planning, marketing, and evaluation processes. It is hoped that with the implementation of this activity the local community can process their own soap with other variations so that they can foster entrepreneurial opportunities.

Meri Andriani ◽  
Asnawi ◽  

The Langsa City Government-issued Circular Number 443.1 / 1066/2020 regarding one of the contents of wearing a mask when outside the home, due to the increasing spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. The Covid-19 outbreak has spread throughout the world, making it a global problem. ASEAN countries that have confirmed positive for contracting Covid-19 are Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Philippines, Indonesia. Indonesia determined 1,528 positive Covid-19 and 136 cases of death, especially Aceh Province, there were 9 people who tested positive for Covid-19. The recommendation of the Langsa City Government is very hard to be implemented by the residents of Langsa City, it is proven that there are still many Langsa City residents who do not wear masks when outside the house. The aim of this service is to minimize the transmission of the covid-19 outbreak in Langsa City by providing ergonomic masks to the residents of Langsa City. The masks provided are designed so that humans are comfortable wearing them. The Community Service activities started from a field survey, designing ergonomic masks and what Langsa City residents wanted, making masks, then the Service Team and Partners gave Langsa City Residents who did not wear masks while outside the house. Service outputs are ISSN service journals (publish), print media (publish), and products (ergonomic masks). The target that the Service Team hopes for is that residents of Langsa City wear ergonomic masks when they are outside the house and avoid the Covis-19 outbreak by using ergonomic masks.

Maria Heviyanti ◽  
Cut Mulyani ◽  
Muhammad Muaz Munauwwar

  Epidemi global mengindikasikan infeksi Covid-19 yang sangat cepat menyebar di seluruh Negara di Dunia. Dalam situasi pandemic Covid 19 seperti sekarang ini, pangan menjadi permasalahan utama yang menjadi perhatian khusus. Petani yang merupakan penggerak utama dalam upaya meningkatkan produksi pangan  harus memiliki imunitas atau kekebalan tubuh yang baik sebagai mekanisme pertahanan tubuh bagi petani. Desa Suka Jadi, Kecamatan Banda Mulia, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang merupakan salah satu Desa yang sebagian besar penduduknya adalah petani. Selama pandemic Covid-19, petani-petani di Desa Suka Jadi tetap melakukan kegiatan pertanian seperti biasanya tanpa mengikuti protocol kesehatan. Hal ini sangat menghawatirkan mengingat bahwa penyebaran virus ini dapat terjadi dengan sangat cepat dan meluas, sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan para petani juga dapat terinfeksi oleh virus ini. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat tentang bahaya virus Covid-19 dan peningkatan imunitas tubuh dengan mengkonsumsi jamu herbal sebagai imunomodulator alami. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan adalah sosialisasi, demonstrasi pembuatan jamu herbal temulawak dan kunyit, dan pelatihan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah dapat merubah pola fikir dan pengetahuan petani tentang bahaya infeksi dan penyebaran Covid-19, pentingnya menjaga kesehatan dengan mengkonsumsi imunomodulator alami berupa jamu, dan masyarakat tani telah mampu berinovasi dalam pembuatan jamu herbal menjadi berbagai macam produk.      

Tengku Putri Lindung Bulan ◽  
Suri Amilia ◽  
Ziaul Maula

Kondisi di tengah pandemi Covid-19 berdampak bagi kaum perempuan. Perempuan harus mampu memberdayakan dirinya secara optimal agar mereka dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi keluarga. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada Gampong Sukajadi Kebun Ireng Kecamatan Langsa Lama Kota Langsa yang bertujuan: (1) untuk memberikan sosialisasi kepada ibu rumah tangga tentang penggunaan teknologi internet dan penggunaan metode-metode pemasaran berbasis teknologi digital marketing, (2) untuk memberikan motivasi pemanfaatan penggunaan metode-metode pemasaran berbasis teknologi digital marketing untuk berwirausaha, dan (3) pendampingan pembuatan media penjualan online. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, praktek langsung, dan diskusi serta tanya jawab. Kegiatan ini diakhiri dengan evaluasi program kegiatan. Evaluasi kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan oleh Tim PKM bersama-sama masyarakat dan perangkat Gampong Sukajadi Kebun Ireng. Hasil yang dicapai adalah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Ini dapat dilihat dari antusiasme dan semangat peserta dalam mengikuti sosialisasi. Perangkat gampong dan para ibu rumah tangga sangat aktif dan ikut terlibat selama kegiatan sosialisasi ini berlangsung karena mereka ingin menjadi perempuan yang kuat, mandiri dan sejahtera agar dapat membantu perekonomian keluarga.

Rahmi Meutia ◽  
Maulana Rahman ◽  
Iqlima Azhar ◽  

Langsa City has 3,579  Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) which are divided into 5 sub-districts in Langsa City. Of course our daily sights and activities cannot be separated from various services and goods created by MSME actors. GampongSukajadiKebunIreng is one of the areas where various MSMEsbusinesses take place. Business actors say that there is still a lack of a touch of technology in running their business, especially in sales transactions record that manually done, even they do not record sales transactions because they do not know how, and do not understand the importance of recording transactions.Some business actors think it is enough to calculate by themselves and just remember how much money issued for capital, sales created, and profit earned. Based on these problems, the service team wants to help introduce digital bookkeeping.The implementation method is in the form of counseling and socialization the importance of accounting, conduct digital accountingtraining and direct assistance. By having thesesactivities we hope participants will understand the importance of accounting and be able to do digital accounting. The goals are they can know sales cash flow, havemonthly transactions record, know sales record and several other benefits obtained for increasing their business, help family’s economic and in general will support of GampongSukajadiKebunIreng’s economic.

Whenyutariningsih ◽  
Khairunnisa Z ◽  
Vera Novalia

Lhoksumawe adalah satu kota di Provinsi Banda Aceh yang berisiko tinggi terhadap bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami. Berdasaran Kajian Risiko Bencana Aceh 2016-2020, di Kota Lhoseumawe terdapat 6.032 jiwa yang terpapar bencana tsunami. Terdapat 125 sekolah yang terancam oleh bahaya gempa bumi dan tsunami, termasuk sekolah-sekolah yang menerapkan boarding school. Dua puluh empat jam kehidupan peserta didik pada sekolah yang menerapan boarding school berada di sekolah. Sehingga sekolah harus menyiapkan anak didiknya dalam menghadapi bahaya yang mengancamnya yaitu dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan anak didik. Salah satu sekolah yang menerapkan boarding school di Kota Lhokseumawe adalah Dayah Modern Ihyaaussunnah. Dayah Modern Ihyaaussunnah hanya berjarak 1 km dari pantai. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan adalah untuk menghasilkan perubahan sudut pandang peserta terhadap bencana, peningkatan pemahaman, kesadaran, kesiapsiagaan, dan kesanggupan dalam menghadapi dan mengevakuasi ketika terjadi bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami di Sekolah. Sedangkan untuk target luarannya adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan santri Dayah Modern Ihyaaussunnah dalam menghadapi bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami dan terwujudnya sikap kesiapsiagaan Dayah Modern Ihyaaussunnah dalam menghadapi bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegitan ini adalah ceramah dan simulasi/demostrasi dengan permainan. Berdasarkan data yang didapat, pelatihan ini mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa hingga 44%.  

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