scholarly journals Career Development Expert System Application Using the Entrepreneurship Personality Inventory

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-171
Resmi Darni ◽  
Dony Novaliendry ◽  
Ika Parma Dewi

This study aims to describe the process of designing expert system  applications in career development using entrepreneurship personality inventory. The reason for conducting this research is a) the limited number of instruments that are able to measure the entrepreneurship personality of vocational students, b) the high costs incurred in conducting personality tests in career development of vocational students, c) The need for an application that is able to speed up the process of identifying personality and provide recommendations careers for vocational students. The research methodology used is Research and Development. There are four stages that must be carried out: Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. The instrument used to measure entrepreneurial personality is inventory (non-test) with four indicators of entrepreneurship personality, namely Extroverted, Leader, Moderate Risk Taker, Ambisious, and tested fit using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The research sample was 30 vocational high school students in the field of Information Technology and Computers. Bayes Method is used for the process of transferring knowledge from experts to the system and decision making, after Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that a) Career development applications based on Entrepreneurship Personality are valid with a percentage (0.887) and very practical (91.11), the results of product effectiveness are 82.47 (effective). Therefore this application is declared valid, practical and effective in measuring the personality of vocational student entrepreneurship.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 00093
Sri Tutur Martaningsih

Career success is the achievement and self-actualization of the individual in his chosen career path. Understanding self-potentials and self-weaknesses, choice suitability, readiness and decisions, and understanding career development are expected to support individual career success. Facilitating the preparation of individual career development needs to be pursued for individual careers optimal development to benefit themselves and many others. Vocational high school students armed with relevant job competences, prepared for working after graduation. On the other hand, vocational high school graduates are still in their adolescent age with the development stage of search for identity, not yet thinking about career, so they needed more intensive career insight briefing through career guidance. Career guidance in vocational high school should be able to build students’ career readiness, and the maturity in their adolescent age which is relatively unstable in their socio-emotional. This review of career guidance program evaluation is conducted qualitatively through surveys, interviews and leiterature studies to provide an overview of evaluation program and its relevance to the necessity. Understanding the quality, weaknesses, obstacles to service implementation, and potential utilization are expected to improve career guidance effectiveness services in vocational high school. An evaluation on the overall career guidance program, will provide feedback for ongoing improvement. Various evaluation models are available, it needs to be selected about the relevance to the career counseling program characteristics, so that evaluation feedback is more optimal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 439
Dewi Urip Wahyuni ◽  
Rismawati Rismawati

This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education, self-efficacy and family environment on entrepreneurial spirit through personality. This research is a quantitative study using an approachcluster proportional sampling with primary data by distributing questionnaires to vocational high school students in Surabaya. The number of samples in this study were 180 vocational students. The data analysis method uses SEM. The results showed that entrepreneurship education influences entrepreneurial personality, self-efficacy influences entrepreneurial personality, family environment influences entrepreneurial personality, entrepreneurship education influences entrepreneurial spirit, self-efficacy influences entrepreneurial spirit, family environment influences entrepreneurial personality and entrepreneurial personality influences entrepreneurial spirit entrepreneurship. 

Abdul Haris Setiawan

<p>The objectives of this study are; (1) designing instructional media Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (PTB) PTK FKIP UNS and Vocational High School (SMK) Building Construction Department, (2) to produce a viable medium of learning CAD, (3) determine whether the CAD design of learning media can improve the competence of students in PTB and vocational students Building Construction Department.<br />The designing of instructional Media is made at Vocational High School (SMKN 5 Surakarta) given in the form of video instructional media learning is needed. The method used in this research is the development of research methods. Criteria for success of this study refers to the successful implementation of product testing. The success include process and outcome indicators: (1) it is compliance with aspects of the substance of learning, aspects of media and instructional aspects, (2) It fits for use as a medium of learning, (3) vocational students receive as an innovative product in the learning, (4) it can help Vocational High School students (SMK) in learning more effective and efficient.<br />The conclusion of this study include: (1) CAD design of instructional media for PTB and SMK is carried out in accordance with the procedures, (2) media products of CAD Learning Media is worth to use in PTB FKIP UNS and SMK Building Construction Department, (3) CAD instructional media products can increase the competence of student at PTB and vocational students Building Construction Department.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 42 ◽  
Nurmaliza Nurmaliza ◽  
Caska Caska ◽  
Henny Indrawati

The highest unemployment rate (TPT) in Indonesia is from graduated of Vocational High School (SMK), which is 9.27%. This phenomenon cannot be separated from the low interest of entrepreneurship. SMK graduates are expected to be able to work directly and can open employment area; the fact is far different from expectations. This study aims to analyze the factors that affect student entrepreneurship interest in SMK. The population of this study was 1845 students of class XII SMK Negeri in Pekanbaru City. The sampling method used in this research was Simple Random Sampling so that it obtained 329 students. The data collection used questionnaire with Likert scale that is suitable for exogenous variable (entrepreneurship interest), endogen variable (entrepreneurship education and family environment), and intervening variable (personality). The data analysis technique employed the path analysis method. The results of the analysis show that entrepreneurship education, and family environment have positive and significant influence on entrepreneurship interest through the personality. This shows that interest in entrepreneurship can be enhanced if the quality of entrepreneurship education, family environment and student personality are improved.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 275-280
Erika Revida

Tujuan daripada penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Model Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Wirausaha Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Di Pematang Siantar Sumatera Utara. Menemukan temuan baru terhadap Model Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan dalam meningkatkan Minat Wirausaha Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Di Pematang Siantar Sumatera Utara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMKN yang saat ini duduk di kelas XII di tiga SMKN yang ada di Pematang Siantar Sumatera Utara dan yang menjadi sampel penelitian diambil sebahagian dari populasi. sebanyak 240 orang. Adapun teknik analisis data penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial. Statistik deskriptif tujuannya adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran karakteristik penyebaran skor setiap variabel yang diteliti dengan menghitung nilai rata-rata (mean), median, standar deviasi, frekuensi, dan histogram. Analisis selanjutnya adalah dengan statistik inferensial (induktif), yaitu untuk uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan teknik korelasi dan analisis regresi linear. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara Model Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan terhadap Minat Wirausaha Siswa SMK Di Pematang Siantar Sumatera Utara. Besar sumbangan pengaruh Model Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan terhadap Minat Wirausaha Siswa SMK Di Pematang Siantar Sumatera Utara adalah sebesar 51,26%. Hal ini mengandung arti bahwa Model Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan cukup tinggi dalam meningkatkan Minat Wirausaha Siswa SMK Negeri Di Pematang Siantar Sumatera Utara. Tingkat Kecenderungan Minat Wirausaha Siswa SMK Negeri Di Pematang Siantar Sumatera Utara berada kategori sedang sebesar 71,33% dan 28,67% berada pada kategori tinggi.   The purpose of this study was to analyze the Model of Education Service Quality in Increasing Entrepreneurial Interest in Vocational High School Students in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra and to discover new findings on the Model of Quality of Education Services in Increasing Entrepreneurial Interest in Vocational High School Students in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra. The research method used was a survey method with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The population of this research was all SMKN students who currently sat in class XII in the three SMKs in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra, and those who were the part of this study samples were taken from the population with 240 people. The research data analysis techniques were carried out using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics aimed to obtain a description of the characteristics of the score distribution of each variable studied by calculating the mean, median, standard deviation, frequency, and histogram values. The next analysis was inferential statistics (inductive) to test hypotheses using correlation techniques and linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence between the Education Service Quality Model on Entrepreneurial Interest in Vocational Students in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra. The contribution of the influence of the Education Service Quality Model to the Entrepreneurial Interest of Vocational Students in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra was 51.26%. This implied that the Education Service Quality Model was quite high in increasing Entrepreneurial Interest in Students of State Vocational Schools in Pematang Siantar North Sumatra. The Level of Entrepreneurial Interest in Students of State Vocational Schools in Pematang Siantar North Sumatra was in the moderate category of 71.33% and 28.67% in the high category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-240
Atmoko Putra Pratama ◽  
Herminarto Sofyan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan kamus perbaikan bodi otomotif berbasis android yang layak dan efektif untuk penguasaan istilah asing autobody repair pada bahan ajaruntuk siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK). penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu pada model Borg and Gall. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMK Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif sebanyak 3 siswa untuk tahap uji coba lapangan awal, 6 siswa untuk uji coba lapangan utama dan 20 siswa untuk tahap uji coba lapangan operasional. Penilaian kelayakan produk berdasarkan penilaian ahli materi, ahli media, dan penilaian guru. Validasi instrumen ini melibatkan ahli pembelajaran teknik otomotif di sekolah kejuruan. Aspek penilaian kelayakan meliputi aspek kebenaran, keluasan, teori, format, dan konten. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kamus Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif berbasis android layak digunakan sebagai sumber belajar pada materi penguasaan istilah asing autobody repair untuk siswa SMK. Kamus yang dikembangkan efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap istilah asing dengan peningkatan dalam kategori sedang. Penggunaan teknologi mendukung peningkatan proses dan kualitas pembelajaran di SMK.DEVELOPING AUTOBODY REPAIR DICTIONARY BASED ON ANDROID FOR VOCATIONAL STUDENTS The purpose of this study was to develop an android-based automotive body repair dictionary that is feasible and effective for mastering foreign terms autobody repair in teaching materials for vocational high school students. This development research refers to the Borg and Gall model. The research subjects were 3 students of Vocational High School for Automotive Body Repair Engineering Skills, as many as 3 students for the initial field trial phase, 6 students for the main field trial and 20 students for the operational field trial. The assessment of product feasibility based on the assessment of material experts, media experts, and teacher. The validation of this instrument involves learning experts in automotive engineering in vocational schools. The aspects of the feasibility assessment include aspects of validity, aspects of breadth, aspects of theory, aspects of format and aspects of content. The results of this study indicate that the Android-based Automotive Body Repair Dictionary is appropriate for use as a learning resource on mastering foreign terms related to autobody repair for vocational students. The dictionary developed is effective to improve students' understanding of foreign terms with an increase in the medium category. The use of technology supports the improvement of the learning process and quality in vocational level.

Johar Maknun ◽  
Mokhammad Syaom Barliana ◽  
Diah Cahyani

Environmental literacy as individual knowledge and understanding of aspects of the build environment, the principles that occur in the environment, and is able to act in maintaining environmental quality which is applied in everyday life. Changes in the environment each year will occur both in local and global contexts, so the goal of increased environmental literacy is to prepare people who understand and can cope with environmental issues, so it can be prepared reformer environmental agents that have a positive attitude and action on the environment. The purpose of this research is to gain an environmental profile literacy levels of students Vocational High School (SMK) in West Java. To achieve these objectives, the research method used is descriptive research method. The results showed that the knowledge and understanding of vocational students about the environment, including the unfavorable category. This suggests that environmental literacy vocational students are low. Environmental literacy is essential in tackling the environmental problems. This shows that the necessary efforts to improve environmental literacy vocational students. One of the efforts is the learning environment must be integrated on activities intrakulikuler with election materials in line with the skills of vocational students. In the process of learning needs to be done by implementing the learning that adopts konstruksivisme.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 695-706
Rita Zahara

The purpose of this study is to describe the influence of high school / vocational high school students' perceptions about the role of the teacher and the teaching profession on the interest in becoming a teacher. The population in this study was all students of class XII in FKIP_UNLA partner schools, namely SMAN 8 Bandung, SMAN XI Bandung, SMKN 3 Bandung, and SMK Bandung Community Development, by using quota sampling. This type of research is quantitative research with correlation research methods. Data collection techniques were obtained using: Questionnaire, and interview, namely in the form of statements relating to the perceptions of high school / vocational students about the role of the teacher and the teaching profession the effect on student interest in becoming the teaching profession. Research results show that the perception of high school / vocational students about the role of teachers and the teaching profession contributes effectively to changes in the variable of student interest to become a teacher, and of these two variables the perception of students gives an influence on students' interest in becoming teachers.

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