scholarly journals Fintech for Sharia Micro Finance Institution: Qualitative Analysis toward Utilization of Financial Technology in BPRS and BMT

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Trimulato Trimulato

Purpose:The articles aims to highlight the pattern of existing financial technology utilized by BPRS and BMT. Besides studying the pattern of Fintech, the article also effors to describe the growth of sharia micro financials--BPRS and BMT, as a main product of applied-FintechDesign/Methodology/Approach: Qualitative used consistenly as approach. To support that approach, analitical interpretation used to understand data.Findings: The results of this paper indicate that BPRS experienced good growth. Third Party Funds grew by 19.144% and financing grew by 14.862%, while the number of offices decreased by 0.222%. The BMT experienced 72.418 percent of receivables growth, 52.885 percent financing, and assets and placements grew below 40 percent. The pattern of financial technologhy (fintech) is very good for the development of sharia micro financial institutions such as BMT and BPRS. All existing fintech forms can be applied, such as crowfunding, peer to peer, payment and BMT and BPRS can serve as an intermediary for people who want to invest in sharia-compliant instruments/bussiness.Originality/Value: A set of novelty that can be stated from the article is that the study succesfully indentifacated in which the Fintech can be applied extensively in large typical financialmacro and micro financial industries.

Tri Mulato

Abstract The growth of sharia financial institutions in Indonesia has experienced excellent growth, and has contributed to the development of the country. The existence of sharia financial institutions is increasingly in demand and many investors to develop sharia financial institutions. Without exception, sharia micro financial institutions consisting of BPRS and BMT. The account of BMT and BPRS continues to grow and experience growth, requiring governance in line with its character. This paper is qualitative, and uses descriptive qualitative analysis method, by describing the growth of sharia micro financial institution that is BPRS and BMT. Then describes the existing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) with BPRS and BMT. The results of this paper indicate that BPRS experienced good growth. Third Party Funds grew by 19.144% and financing grew by 14.862%, while the number of offices decreased by 0.222%. The BMT experienced 72.418 percent of receivables growth, 52.885 percent financing, and assets and placements grew below 40 percent. The concept of GCG with the five principles of Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Professional, and Fairness, fits perfectly with BPRS and BMT. It's just that it has different characters so it needs to be added the principle of partnership / friendship.  Keywords: Sharia of Financing Banking (BPRS), Baitul Maal Wattamwil (BMT), and  Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Abstrak Pertumbuhan lembaga keuangan syariah di Indonesia mengalami pertumbuhan yang sangat baik, serta telah memberikan kontribusi untuk pembangunan negara. Keberadaan lembaga keuangan syariah semakin banyak diminati dan banyak investor untuk mengembangkan lembaga keuangan syariah. Tana terkecuali lembaga keuangan mikro syariah yang terdiri dari BPRS dan BMT. Jumlah BMT dan BPRS terus bertambah serta mengalami pertumbuhan sehingga membutuhkan tata kelola yang sejalan dengan karakternya. Tulisan ini bersifat kualitatif, dan menggunakan metode analisis deskriftif kualitatif, dengan menguraikan pertumbuhan lembaga keuangan mikro syariah yaitu BPRS dan BMT. Kemudian menguraikan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) yang sudah ada dengan BPRS dan BMT. Hasil dalam tulisan ini menujukkan bahwa BPRS mengalami pertumbuhan yang baik Dana Pihak ketiga tumbuh sebesar 19,144 persen dan pembiayaan tumbuh sebesar 14,862 persen, sedangkan jumlah kantor mengalami penurunan sebesar 0,222 persen. Adapun BMT mengalami pertumbuhan piutang sebesar 72,418 persen, pembiayaan 52,885 persen, dan aset serta penempatan tumbuh dibawah 40 persen. Konsep GCG dengan lima prinsip Transparansi, Akuntabilitas, Tanggungjawab, Profesional, dan Kewajaran, sangat cocok dengan BPRS dan BMT. Hanya saja memiliki karakter yang berbeda sehingga perlu ditambah prinsip kemitraan/silaturahim dalam kegiatannya. Kata Kunci : Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS), Baitul Maal Wattamwil (BMT), dan Good Corporate Governance (GCG)

Donovan Peter Chan Wai Loon ◽  
Sameer Kumar

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network that facilitates transactions between parties minus the proof requirement of an appointed third party (i.e., banks or financial institutions). Accurate understanding into the implementation of bitcoin can be acquired from data of the universal record of bitcoin transactions. Although data from numerous websites show that bitcoin daily transactions count has reached capacities of tens of thousands, it is widely believed that most of these transactions comprise activities between speculators and only a few are actually used for trading of goods and services. The chapter explores if bitcoin has achieved the characteristics of money. For it to survive, bitcoin must overcome the problems of its unconventional pricing mechanism, shortage of vendors who accept it, and the circuitous way of obtaining it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Ignatia Rahmadani Putri Palupi ◽  
Agriani Hermita Sadeli ◽  
Tuti Karyani ◽  
Endah Djuwendah

<p align="justify"><em>Capital is one of the most important factors in conducting a business. These days, farmers are still struggling to access loans as their capital from financial institutions due to complex requirements to fulfill and wholesalers that are not </em><em>profitabl</em><em>e for farmers. The solution to this problem is the utilization of financial technology with </em><em>a </em><em>Peer-to-Peer Lending system.  PT CROWDE Membangun Bangsa is one of the start-ups that conducted a Peer-to-Peer Lending system in Indonesia. </em><em>T</em><em>his study aimed to identify the strategy that </em><em>the </em><em>company use</em><em>s</em><em> to distribute digital capital to farmers by using SOAR analysis. SOAR analysis focuses on the strength and results the</em><em> </em><em>company wants to achieve and creates </em><em>a </em><em>strategy to increase farmers’ productivity and company profits. The results of this study were strategies the company can apply to increase farmer’s productivity by creating a program with farmers to adjust the agriculture practices theoretically and practically, empower farmers to do </em><em>the </em><em>post-harvest process, and increase partnership with other institutions to supply agriculture inputs and human resources such as agronomist.</em><em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Indah Kusuma Wardhani ◽  
Fawzia Apriandini

The fastest growing financial technology (fintech) in Indonesia is peer to peer lending, where customers could obtain loans in a simple, easy, and fast way, yet without collateral. However, in practice, peer to peer lending has a very high credit risk because the ability of fintech companies in assessing prospective loan recipients is not as good as other financial institutions. Therefore, preventive and repressive legal protection are needed, especially for lenders, which are regulated in OJK Regulation Number 77/POJK.01/2016 concerning the Implementation of Information Technology-Based Lending and Borrowing and OJK Regulation Number 1/POJK.07/2013 concerning Consumers’ Protection in Financial Services Sector. With the two OJK Regulations, lenders have received sufficient legal protection, but it must be further strengthened, especially in terms of credit risk mitigation.Keywords: Legal Protection for Lenders, Peer To Peer Lending, Credit Risk

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-103 ◽  
Antoni Tjandra

Today is the era of the modern economy which is made non-bank financial institutions sector experiencing growth. One form of this development is marked by the emergence of Financial Technology. One of the products of the Financial Technology is Peer to Peer Lending that have business activities provide loans accompanied by interest to the debtor. Currently lending restrictions imposed on the debtor fintech is 0.8% per day (maximum limit), but this maximum interest limit was issued by Asosiasi Fintech Pendanaan Bersama Indonesia (AFPI) which is an association of Fintech organizers. This paper discusses the legal protection of the debtor against the Peer to Peer Lending lending rate. The method used is normative juridical. The collection of legal materials through the literature and qualitative normative analysis.  The results of this study aims to determine the legal protection for debtors in the Financial Technology in the Peer to Peer Lending agreement to interest rate loan Peer to Peer Lending determined by Asosiasi Fintech Pendanaan Bersama Indonesia (AFPI).Saat ini adalah jaman dari perekonomian modern yang dimana hal ini kemudian membuat sektor lembaga keuangan bukan bank mengalami perkembangan. Salah satu bentuk dari perkembangan tersebut adalah ditandai dengan munculnya Financial Technology. Salah satu produk dari Financial Technology adalah Peer to Peer Lending yang mempunyai kegiatan usaha memberikan pinjaman yang disertai dengan bunga kepada debitur. Saat ini batasan bunga pinjaman fintech yang dikenakan kepada debitur adalah 0,8% per hari (batas maksimum), namun batasan bunga maksimum ini dikeluarkan oleh Asosiasi Fintech Pendanaan Bersama Indonesia (AFPI) yang merupakan asosiasi para penyelenggara Fintech. Penulisan ini membahas perlindungan hukum terhadap debitur terhadap suku bunga pinjaman Peer to Peer Lending. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan yuridis normatif. Pengumpulan bahan hukum melalui kepustakaan dan dianalisis normatif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perlindungan hukum bagi debitur dalam Financial Technology  di dalam perjanjian Peer to Peer Lending terhadap suku bunga pinjaman Peer to Peer Lending yang ditentukan oleh Asosiasi Fintech Pendanaan Bersama Indonesia (AFPI).

Donovan Peter Chan Wai Loon ◽  
Sameer Kumar

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network that facilitates transactions between parties minus the proof requirement of an appointed third party; i.e. banks or financial institutions. Accurate understanding into the implementation of bitcoin can be acquired from data of the universal record of bitcoin transactions. Although, data from numerous websites show that bitcoin daily transactions count has reached capacities of tens of thousands, it is widely believed that most of these transactions comprise of activities between speculators, and only a few are actually used for trading of goods and services. The paper looks if bitcoin has achieved the characteristics of money. For it to survive, bitcoin must overcome the problems of its unconventional pricing mechanism, shortage of vendors who accept it, and the circuitous way of obtaining it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 80
Nur Afifah Aminuddin

<p><em>Financial technology is the implementation of the use of technology to improve banking and financial services. The emergence of Fintech-based companies, especially those offering lending and borrowing services or Peer To Peer Lending (P2PL) is currently getting the attention of the public and regulators. P2PL-based fintech services are one of the solutions for limited access to financial services in the country and realizing financial inclusion through synergies with financial institutions and technology companies. With the development of fintech peer to peer lending, illegal fintech problems arise which are detrimental to society, so it is necessary to study the legal protection of the regulations that govern it, and how to resolve disputes against it This research is normative by examining legal issues regarding legal protection for consumers and fintech peer to peer lending services and dispute resolution in the fintech business. The research method used includes a statue approach and a conceptual approach.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Legal Protection, Financial Technology Peer to Peer Lending.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Financial technology </em>merupakan implementasi dari pemanfaatan teknologi untuk peningkatan layanan jasa perbankan dan keuangan. Kemunculan perusahaan-perusahaan berbasis <em>Fintech </em>terutama yang menawarkan layanan pinjam meminjam uang atau <em>Peer To Peer Lending </em>(P2PL) saat ini semakin mendapatkan perhatian publik dan regulator. Layanan <em>fintech </em>berbasis <em>P2PL </em>menjadi salah satu solusi terbatasnya akses layanan keuangan di tanah air dan mewujudkan iklusi keuangan melalui sinerginya dengan istitusi-institusi keuangan dan perusahaan-perusahaan teknologi. Semakin berkembangnya <em>fintech peer to peer lending </em>timbul permasalahan <em>fintech </em>illegal yang banyak merugikan masyarakat, maka itu perlu dilakukan kajian perlindungan hukum terhadap regulasi yang mengaturnya, serta bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa terhadapnya. Penelitian ini bersifat normatif dengan mengkaji isu hukum tentang perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen dan layanan <em>fintech peer to peer lending</em> dan penyelesaian sengketa pada bisnis <em>fintech.</em> Metode penelitian yang digunakan meliputi pendekatan undang-undang <em>(statue approach)</em> dan pendekatan konseptual <em>(conceptual approach). </em></p><strong>Kata Kunci : </strong>Perlindungan hukum, <em>financial technology peer to peer lending.</em>

Rachel Conrad Bracken ◽  
Ajay Major ◽  
Aleena Paul ◽  
Kirsten Ostherr

AbstractNarrative analysis, creative writing, and interactive reflective writing have been identified as valuable for professional identity formation and resilience among medical and premedical students alike. This study proposes that medical student blogs are novel pedagogical tools for fostering peer-to-peer learning in academic medicine and are currently underutilized as a near-peer resource for premedical students to learn about the medical profession. To evaluate the pedagogical utility of medical student blogs for introducing core themes in the medical humanities, the authors conducted qualitative analysis of one hundred seventy-six reflective essays by baccalaureate premedical students written in response to medical student-authored narrative blog posts. Using an iterative thematic approach, the authors identified common patterns in the reflective essays, distilled major themes, coded the essays, and conducted narrative analysis through close reading. Qualitative analysis identified three core themes (empathic conflict, bias in healthcare, and the humanity of medicine) and one overarching theme (near-peer affinities). The premedical students’ essays demonstrated significant self-reflection in response to near-peer works, discussed their perceptions of medical professionalism, and expressed concerns about their future progress through the medical education system. The essays consistently attributed the impact of the medical student narratives to the authors’ status as near-peers. The authors conclude that reading and engaging in reflective writing about near-peer blog posts encourages premedical students to develop an understanding of core concepts in the medical humanities and promotes their reflection on the profession of medicine. Thus, incorporating online blogs written by medical trainees as narrative works in medical humanities classrooms is a novel pedagogical method for fostering peer-to-peer learning in academic medicine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 789
Hendrawan Agusta

Perkembangan teknologi informasi sangat pesat, adanya kolaborasi antara teknologi informasi dengan berbagai bidang kehidupan melahirkan berbagai macam inovasi yang membuat kehidupan masyarakat semakin mudah. Inovasi di bidang teknologi informasi melahirkan model bisnis baru yang pada gilirannya mampu menghasilkan efisiensi bagi masyarakat. Revolusi teknologi informasi tersebut terus berkembang dan sekarang memasuki bidang keuangan yang regulasinya ketat. Kolaborasi antara teknologi informasi dengan bidang keuangan melahirkan Teknologi Finansial atau Financial Technology (Fintech), salah satunya pinjam-meminjam uang berbasis teknologi informasi (Peer to Peer Lending/P2P Lending). Masyarakat menjadi lebih mudah mengakses kebutuhan keuangannya melalui P2P Lending. Di sisi lain, muncul tantangan dalam P2P Lending mengenai perlindungan data (data pribadi, data transaksi dan data keuangan). Dalam penelitian ini yang akan dibahas hanya data pribadi Penerima Pinjaman, dimana data pribadi tersebut perlu dilindungi agar tidak terjadi penyalahgunaan yang menimbulkan permasalahan hukum

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 117 ◽  
Luca Mainetti ◽  
Luigi Patrono ◽  
Roberto Vergallo

The evolution of modern mobile devices towards novel Radio Frequency (RF) capabilities, such as Near Field Communication, leads to a potential for delivering innovative mobile services, which is still partially unexplored. Mobile proximity payment systems are going to enhance the daily shopping experience, but the access to payment security resources of a mobile device (e.g. the “Secure Element”) by third party applications is still blocked by smartphone and Operating System manufacturers. In this paper, the IDA-Pay system is presented, an innovative and secure NFC micro-payment system based on Peer-to-Peer NFC operating mode for Android mobile phones. It allows to deliver mobile-to-POS micro-payment services, bypassing the need for special hardware. A validation scenario and a system evaluation are also reported to demonstrate the system effectiveness and performance.

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