2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-174
Siti Atikah ◽  
Intan Rakhmawati ◽  
Baiq Rosyida Dwi Astuti ◽  
D.Tialurra Della Nabila

This study aims to evaluate Siskeudes V2.0. R.0.1., from the system and its output, which is also analyzed is related to the measurement of efficiency and effectiveness of the use of village funds. Data collection is done by evaluating the application system, and calculating the financial ratio of siskeudes application output, in villages in West Lombok Regency. In terms of system evaluation, as a connection effect between the planning and budgeting stages, implementation and administration, to financial reporting, traceability and connectivity Siskeudes V2.0 R.0.1. better than Siskeudes V1.0.R1.06. The existence of the Activity Package in budgeting and implementing expenditures also makes it easier for the village government to make village financial statements. From the point of view of the village government, the average person has been able to estimate the using of funds and allocation in the activities field. Thus, the ability of the village government in West Lombok Regency in estimating routine expenditures and village capital expenditures (harmony), which has an effect on the efficiency and effectiveness of village funds, has been good. As a suggestion, because there is no automatic measurement of financial efficiency and effectiveness in Siskeudes to measure the financial performance of village governments, researchers advised the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs to draw up regulations for calculating village financial ratios, as well as integrate them in Siskeudes applications.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-113
Mohammad Djufri

There are differences of opinion regarding the collected of VAT when Villlage Government Treasurers - who now changed his name to Head of Financial Affairs - deals with Non Taxable Entrepreneur partners with practices. The opinion states that there is no collected VAT by the Head of Financial Affairs  whenever deals with Non Taxable Entrepreneur partners. There are two reasons how to collected VAT by  Head of Financial Affairs. Firstly, status of Taxable Entrepreneur  is a condition for tax payable mechanism and secondly, must be a tax invoice for each transaction. Practically, the Village Government Treasurer collected VAT on each transaction with Non Taxable Entrepreneur partners. This paper aims to clarify this issue through normative research. The result of this paper, that two reasons of collected VAT (status of Taxable Entrepreneur and the existence of tax invoices) are inappropriate. The most appropriate is set by the decree of the Director General of Taxes No. Kep-382 / PJ. / 2002, which clearly states that the VAT collector does not need to collect VAT on delivery of Taxable Goods or Taxable service by Non Taxable Entrepreneur. The rule can be a reference for the Head of Financial Affairs not to collect VAT to Non Taxable Entrepreneur partners. In fact, the rule can be interpreted differently because there are special rules (provisio) in the VAT Act and the issuance of this rule does not comply with the principle of lex superior derogat legi inferior. To provide legal certainty that is clear and firm and does not contain double meaning or provide an opportunity to be interpreted, new regulations are required at the lowest level of the Ministry of Finance Regulation as mandated by the VAT Law, and in that rule to be returned to special rule as stated in Article 16A.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Naswar Naswar ◽  
Muhammad Yunus Wahid ◽  
Aminuddin Aminuddin ◽  
Syamsul Bachri ◽  
Muhammad Yunus Wahid ◽  

Congko Village is one of the villages in the district of  Marioriwawo, Soppeng District. In terms of its formation, this village is a unit of government known as 'local self-government', the village formed or formed supra village government. BUMDes is obliged to make the financial statements of all BUM Desa business units every month honestly and transparently. In addition, BUMDes is also required to report the progress of BUM Desa business units to village communities through village meetings at least twice a year.  BUMDes must perform systematically written records or bookkeeping of daily transactions. Listing recording generally uses an accounting system. The function of accounting is to present financial information to internal and external parties and as a basis for making decisions. BUMDes internal party is the manager and the Board of Commissioners, while the external parties are district governments, banks, and communities that provide equity, as well as tax officials.  AbstrakDesa Congko adalah salah satu desa di distrik Marioriwawo, Distrik Soppeng. Dalam hal pembentukannya, desa ini adalah unit pemerintahan yang dikenal sebagai 'pemerintahan sendiri lokal', desa yang membentuk atau membentuk pemerintahan desa supra. BUMDes wajib membuat laporan keuangan semua unit usaha BUM Desa setiap bulan secara jujur ​​dan transparan. Selain itu, BUMDes juga diharuskan melaporkan perkembangan unit bisnis BUM Desa kepada masyarakat desa melalui pertemuan desa setidaknya dua kali setahun. BUMDes harus melakukan catatan tertulis secara sistematis atau pembukuan transaksi harian. Pencatatan listing umumnya menggunakan sistem akuntansi. Fungsi akuntansi adalah untuk menyajikan informasi keuangan kepada pihak internal dan eksternal dan sebagai dasar untuk membuat keputusan. Pihak internal BUMDes adalah manajer dan Dewan Komisaris, sedangkan pihak eksternal adalah pemerintah kabupaten, bank, dan masyarakat yang menyediakan ekuitas, serta pejabat pajak.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Wijoseno Lelono, Titin Ruliana, Umi Kulsum

This study aims to analyze the differences between the Rempanga Village Government Financial Statements of TA 2016 and Permendagri Number 113 of 2014, and to know and analyze the process of preparing the Rempanga Village Government Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2016 through the accounting cycle.The hypothesis of this study is that there is a difference between the Rempanga Village Government Financial Report 2016 and Permendagri Number 113 of 2014, and the accounting cycle is not carried out in the process of compiling the Rempanga Village Government Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2016.The basis of this research theory uses Permendagri Number 113 of 2014 concerning Village Financial Management. In this study the author uses a comparative analysis tool that compares the Realization Accountability Report of the Village Budget Implementation for Fiscal Year 2016, Village Property Report as of December 31, Fiscal Year 2016, and Government and Regional Government Program Reports that enter the village in the form of Financial Statements in accordance with Financial Management Guidelines Village Permendagri Number 113 of 2014 and using the method of observation that is observing in documents which are outputs from the implementation of the accounting cycle in the form of journal memos, ledgers, unadjusted balance sheets, adjusting journal entries, and adjusted trial balance.The results of the study concluded that there were 11 Differences between the Rempanga Village Government Financial Statements of Fiscal Year 2016 with the Village Financial Management Guidelines Permendagri 113 of 2014 which were 4 differences found from observations of the Rempanga Village Government Financial Statements Fiscal Year 2016, and there were 7 differences found from interviews with the Village Secretary Rempanga as Financial Management Technical Implementation Coordinator. These differences have shown that the accounting cycle is not carried out in the process of compiling the Rempanga Government Financial Report Fiscal Year 2016, the hypothesis is accepted.

Jana Gláserová

This paper is focused on the operations with the company (business combinations). These are those operations that are associated with the formation or dissolution of companies or reorganization of their ownership structure. They are often referred as equity transactions. In the concept of Czech accounting legislation, these are the purchase, sale, investment (deposit) of firms or their parts, and various forms of transformation of enterprises. There are analyzed the accounting practices of recording of these issues under the Czech accounting legislation and International Financial Reporting Standards. Consequently there are identified newly acquired assets and liabilities arising directly in connection with the business combinations. In the conclusion of this paper there are examined the effects of different reporting of newly acquired items in the context of business combinations according to Czech accounting legislation and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards on the significant items of balance sheet and profit and loss statement from the material and time point of view.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 233 ◽  
Wikil Kwak ◽  
Yong Shi ◽  
Gang Kou

Our study proposes several current data mining methods to predict bankruptcy after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) using 2007-2008 U.S. data. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 was introduced to improve the quality of financial reporting and minimize corporate fraud in the U.S. Because of this SOX implementation, a companys financial statements are assumed to provide higher quality financial information for investors and other stakeholders. The results of our data mining approaches in our bankruptcy prediction study show that Bayesian Net method performs the best (85% overall prediction rate with 94% in AUC), followed by J48 (85% with 82% AUC), Decision Table (83.52%), and Decision Tree (82%) methods using financial and other data from the 10-K report and Compustat. These results are better than previous bankruptcy prediction studies before the SOX implementation using most current data mining approaches.

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 1469 ◽  
Nooraslinda Abdul Aris ◽  
Siti Maznah Mohd Arif ◽  
Rohana Othman ◽  
Mustafa Mohamed Zain

Fraudulent financial statements (FFS) are now placed under greater public scrutiny following an increase in the number of collapses among companies due to management fraud with loses on average at 5% of revenue (ACFE, 2014). There is consensus that management fraud is an on-going reality and no single organization is immune from the damage caused by the fraudsters (KPMG Malaysia, 2009). Small and medium sized businesses are also threatened by fraudulent activities and statistics showed organizations with fewer than 100 employees experienced more fraud cases than larger corporations (ACFE, 2008). Most of the companies in the automotive industry in Malaysia are small and medium scaled, hence these companies bear a greater burden and face higher risks of fraud. Precautionary measures in preventing fraud are crucial; however, with limited resources, effective detection may be severely curtailed. This paper assesses the possibility of FFS in a small medium automotive company in Malaysia using three statistical analyses namely the Beneish model, Altman Z-Score and Financial Ratio. The findings show that there are riskier zones that need to be further investigated by the management. It is suggested for the company to establish an internal audit unit to provide assurance on the companys operations, financial reporting accuracy and adherence to the regulations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 323
Ari Kuncara Widagdo ◽  
Agus Widodo ◽  
Muhammad Ismail

<p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p><em>In 2014, the government and parliament passed Law No. 6 of 2014 stipulates the rights and obligations of the village. A key point in the Act is allocation large enough of the village fund for each village across Indonesia. As a follow up of the Act, the government has also issued Regulation of the Minister of the Home Affair No. 113/2015 on the Financial Management of the Village which serves as a guide for the government in the villages to manage their of village fund. Legalization of this Act rise polemic in community. Some argue that the village funds that will be allocated to the village would pose a potential corruption of village officials. Therefore, this community service aims to find a variety of problems related to  management of the village fund and to provide guidance of village fund management. The community service is done in the village and the village Giriroto Kismoyoso Ngemplak District of Boyolali. In the early stages of community service, a team do an observation and direct discussions with the Village Head of Kismoyoso and Giriroto. It aims to gain a deeper knowledge of the issues related to the management of funds of village. The observation and discussion shows that the main problem that arises is the lack of knowledge of the village head in both villages to the technical implementing financial management of villages based on Regulation No. 113/2015. It is coupled with a lack of facilitators from Boyolali district to assist in both villages. The team considers that implementation of the financial reporting using computerized system | is a solution to overcome these obstacles. With the computerized system, village fund reporting will be done quickly and the finacial statements will also be more reliable than reporting manually. Therefore, the team filed the application computerized reporting by using the reporting software that generates the village fund financial statements as set out in Regulation No. 113/2015.</em></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong>SARIPATI</strong></p>Pada tahun 2014, pemerintah dan DPR mengesahkan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 mengatur tentang hak dan kewajiban desa. Hal pokok dalam UU adalah adanya alokasi dana desa yang cukup besar untuk setiap desa. Pengesahan UU ini menimbulkan polemik dimasyarakat. Beberapa pihak menyambut gembira terbitnya UU tersebut karena adanya dana desa akan menjadikan desa sebagai pusat pembangunan. Sebaliknya, beberapa pihak berpendapat bahwa dana desa yang akan dialokasikan kepada desa akan menimbulkan potensi korupsi yang dilakukan aparat desa. Sebagai tindak lanjut UU tersebut, pemerintah juga telah menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri No. 113/2015 tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa yang menjadi panduan bagi pemerintah desa dalam penata kelolaan keuangan desa. Oleh karena itu, pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk  mengetahui berbagai permasalahan yang dialami desa terkait pengelolaan dana desa dan memberikan bimbingan dan pelatihan pengelolaan dana desa. Pengabdian di lakukan di Desa Kismoyoso dan Desa Giriroto Kecamatan Ngemplak Boyolali. Pada tahap awal pengabdian dilakukan observasi dan diskusi secara langsung dengan Kepala Desa Kismoyoso dan  Giriroto. Hal ini  bertujuan untuk memahami lebih dalam permasalahan kedua desa terkait pengelolaan dana desa. Hasil observasi dan diskusi menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan utama yang timbul adalah rendahnya pengetahuan dari kepala desa di kedua desa tersebut berserta pelaksana teknis terkait pengelolaan keuangannya desa berdasarkan Permendagri No. 113/2015. Hal itu ditambah lagi dengan belum adanya tenaga pendamping dari Kabupaten Boyolali yang diturunkan untuk mendampingi di kedua desa tersebut. Tim pengabdian menganggap pelaporan keuangan dana desa secara komputer merupakan solusi untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut. Permendagri No. 113/2015 hanya mengatur  format-format pelaporan secara manual dan tidak mensyaratkan adanya komputerisasi dalam pelaporannya. Disisi lain,  teknologi informasi komputer (TIK) telah semakin banyak digunakan karena biaya hardware dan software sudah cukup murah. Selain itu, sistem terkomputerisasi memiliki banyak keuntungan dibandingkan dengan sistem manual. Pelaporan dana desa mampu dilakukan dengan cepat dan output laporan keuangannnya juga akan lebih handal dibanding dengan pelaporan secara manual.  Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdian mengajukan penerapan pelaporan berkomputer dengan menggunakansoftware pelaporan dana desa yang menghasilkan laporan keuangan seperti yang diatur dalam Permendagri No. 113/2015. Proses pencatatan dan output laporan dari software ini dikembangkan mengacu pada Permendagri No. 113/2015 yang menjadi pedoman pengelolaan keuangan desa uantuk seluruh desa di Indonesia.

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Devi Riza Umami ◽  
Heri Widodo

This research aims to determine the accounting treatment in increasing accountability and transparency of budget management with the concept of Value for Money in Gelang Village. This type of research is a qualitative research that uses data collection methods through interview, documentation, and observation. Types and sources of data using primary data and secobdary data. The technique of determining the informants in this study uses a purposive sampling technique, which means that the technique is intented to select informants according to the object under study. The results of the study indicate that the management of APBDes in Gelang Village has carried out a system of planning, implementation, administration, reporting, and accountability according to the rules. The application of the concept of Value for Money in budget management has been implemented through the 3E (Economy, Efficiency, and Effectiveness) well in Gelang Village. It can also be said to be transparent, because the village government has realized the APBDes funds by placing the APBDes realization report in front of the village office and holding a village meeting to discuss the APBDes program development plan

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Gugun Geusan Akbar ◽  
Yusuf Hermawan ◽  
Ai Lina Karlina

The background of this research is the phenomenon of village development planning in Sukamaju village which has not been implemented well due to the low human resources in knowledge about RKPDes. The planning of the development in Sukamaju Village using the theory of Syaodih consists of achieving better goals in the future, utilizing resources optimally, paying attention to limitations and striving for efficiency and effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to know the Village Government Working Plan in Sukamaju Village Cilawu District Garut Regency in 2018. This research uses descriptive analysis method. The author took the research location in Sukamaju Village Cilawu District Garut Regency, involving Sukamaju Village government and community Sukamaju Village District Cilawu Garut regency with the number of informants 5 people. From the interviews and observations, it is found that RKPDes in Sukamaju village is still lacking in human resources aspect because the team in RKPDes is still new and not yet understand its duty and its function to run RKPDes. But the effort from Sukamaju Village is to conduct guidance and counseling for Sukamaju Village employees.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Moh. Hudi Setyobakti

Business Unit of Village Unit or Bumdesa is mandate of Law no. 6 Year 2014 on the Village. The establishment of BUMDesa is an effort to accommodate all activities in the field of economy and / or public services managed by the village and / or inter-village cooperation. The regulation on BUMDesa is regulated through Village Regulations. Bumdesa Gesang Sejahtera was established in 2017, with a legal umbrella of village law. The effort developed by Bumdesa is based on the potential of agriculture and other sectors that have become embryos before. Businesses managed by Bumdesa include; (1) agriculture with organic rice production and fertilizer business, organic agricultural medicine, (2) waste transportation services, (3) HIPPA water service. The problem faced by Bumdesa Gesang Sejahtera as a partner is not yet optimal financial management Bumdesa, which consists of planning, implementation, administration and financial accountability. The pressing issue is financial administration, where Bumdesa has not been able to present financial reports and report to the Village Government. Devotion is done, is training and mentoring activities on (1) standardization of financial format, (2) process of preparation of financial statement, (3) OJT prepare financial report. The output of this devotion is the management capability for the operational operators in the process of administration and financial reporting Bumdesa covers the aspects of cognitive, psychomotor and affective.

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