scholarly journals The Relationship Between The Level of Knowledge About The Health of Adolescent’s Reproduction and The Prevention of White Discharge on Student at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Sleman Yogyakarta

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Tri Arini ◽  
Rista Islamarida ◽  
Maria Merdiana

Background: Reproductive health in women is not independent of the health of sex organs. Whitish is a symptom of disease characterized by discharge of fluid from the reproductive organs rather than blood. To be able to perform the attitude of prevention of whiteness required good knowledge to the student concerned. Purpose: Is know the relationship between the level of knowledge about the health of adolescent’s reproduction and the prevention of white discharge on student at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Sleman Yogyakarta Method: This is the non experiment research with quantitative method and Cross Sectional approach. This research is done at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Sleman Yogyakarta on March 2017. The data is collected by giving questionnaire Result: The result of this research is obtained that there are 43 students (84,3%) have a good level of knowledge about the health of adolescent’s reproduction and 8 students (15,7%) have enough level of knowledge. Where as, the determent demeanor of white discharge obtained 47 students (92,2%) have good demeanor and 4 students (7,8%) have bad demeanor. The result of statistic experiment is obtained correlation coefficient value (r) in the amount of r = 0,676 with significance p = 0,000 (p<0,05). Conclusion: There is the relationship between the level of knowledge about the health of adolescent’s reproduction and the prevention of white discharge on student at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Sleman Yogyakarta.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Lilik Pranata

Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being not only free from disease or disability in all aspects related to the reproductive system, its functions and processes. Reproductive health includes: reproductive organs, adolescent sexual behavior, pregnancy, risky sexual behavior of adolescents, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).Objective: Knowing the image of young women's knowledge about reproductive health class X SMAN 1 Lalan Musi Banyuasin.Method: Descriptive quantitative by using Cross Sectional design done with interview technique with questioner to 60 respondents with purposive sampling technique.Results: Knowledge of reproduction tools, 34 respondents (56.7%) had enough knowledge and 11 respondents (18.3%) had good knowledge. Knowledge of adolescent sexual behavior, 25 respondents (41,6) have enough knowledge and 16 respondents (26,7%) have good knowledge. Knowledge of pregnancy, 33 respondents (55%) have enough knowledge and 5 respondents (8.3%) have good knowledge. Knowledge about risky sexual behavior, 25 respondents (42%) have less knowledge and 13 respondents (21.6%) have good knowledge. Knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 35 respondents (58.3%) had less knowledge and 7 respondents (11.7%) had good knowledge. Improving adolescent knowledge should be carried out for health counseling to schools, as well as providing additional materials on reproductive health and using UKS facilities to the maximum extent possible.

Zuryati M.Kes

Informatio relates to reproductive health from parents and schools is not enough. It was obtaind that teenagers has lack knowledge of reproductive health about personal hygiene. A preliminary study of 10 teenage girls found that 6 teenage girls had less personal hygiene measures. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between knowledge about reproductive organs treatment with personal hygiene actions in teenagers in SMP 2 Socah. The method used in this study was analytical with cross sectional approach. The population was 32 girls and the sample was 30 girls in class VII and VIII in SMP 2 Socah. The sampling technique used is Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. The independent variable knowledge of reproductive organ care, and the dependent variable of personal hygiene action. The research instrument used questionnaire, then tested with Pearson statistical test with α = 0,05. The results showed that girls of grade VII and VIII mostly had sufficient knowledge about reproductive organ care (53%), while half of the girls were taking enough and less hygiene action (50%). Pearson statistical test results obtained ρ value 0.001 <α 0.05 means Ho rejected there was a relationship between knowledge about reproductive organs treatment and personal hygiene actions teenagers in SMP 2 Socah. Efforts are used to improve knowledge about reproductive organ care by giving counseling as well as expected teenagers add information about reproduction organ care by accessing information from various source in order to prevent the happening of problem at reproduction organ

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 136
Niken Purbowati ◽  
Wa Ode Hajrah ◽  
Novia Nuraini

Climacteric is a transitional period from the reproductive phase to the old age phase (senium). Climacteric period 40-85% of women have complaints both physically and psychologically. The differences in knowledge based on personal backgrounds cause the attitude of each individual is different in overcoming the inconvenience of the climacteric phase. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes towards overcoming discomfort during the climacteric phase at the Sawah Besar District Health Center in Jakarta Pusat. It was a descriptive-analytic research method using a cross-sectional research design. The research sample was 81 respondents. Sampling was stratified random sampling, that is, samples taken per work area randomly. Statistical tests use logistic regression. The results of 81 mothers showed that the proportion of mothers with good knowledge was 87.9%, compared to a lack of knowledge as many as 20.8%. There was a significant relationship between knowledge and behavior to overcome climacteric discomfort (p = 0.029; CI95% = 1.2-27.1). Mothers with good knowledge had a 5.7 times higher chance to behave well in dealing with discomfort during climacteric times, compared to mothers with less knowledge after being controlled by attitude, family roles, and health worker roles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Niken Purbowati ◽  
Wa ode Hajrah ◽  
Novia Nuraini

Climacteric is a transitional period from the reproductive phase to the old age phase (senium). Climacteric period 40-85% of women have complaints both physically and psychologically. The differences in knowledge based on personal backgrounds cause the attitude of each individual is different in overcoming the inconvenience of the climacteric phase. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes towards overcoming discomfort during the climacteric phase. It was a descriptive-analytic research method using a cross-sectional research design. The research sample was 81 respondents. Sampling was stratified random sampling, that is, samples taken per work area randomly. Statistical tests use logistic regression. The results of 81 mothers showed that the proportion of mothers with good knowledge was 87.9%, compared to a lack of knowledge as many as 20.8%. There was a significant relationship between knowledge and behavior to overcome climacteric discomfort (p = 0.029; CI95% = 1.2-27.1). Mothers with good knowledge had a 5.7 times higher chance to behave well in dealing with discomfort during climacteric times, compared to mothers with less knowledge after being controlled by attitude, family roles, and health worker roles.

Lu'lu'il Maqnun ◽  
Pudji Lestari ◽  
Laksmi Wulandari

The use of e-cigarettes year by year increases among adolescents. The increase correlates with their lack of knowledge about e-cigarettes and the perception that e-cigarettes are safer than conventional cigarettes. This research aims to analyze the relationship between the level of knowledge and perception of e-cigarettes to vaping behavior in adolescents in Bangil, Pasuruan. This study was analytic observational with a cross-sectional approach conducted from September until October 2019. The subjects in this study were 76 respondents selected by the purposive sampling method. The respondents were recruited from 3 cafes in Bangil by distributing questionnaires to those who met the inclusion criteria. The independent variables are the respondent’s knowledge level and perception about e-cigarettes, while the dependent variable is vaping behavior. The data has been analyzed with Spearman’s rho. From the analysis, there was a correlation between level of knowledge and vaping behavior with p=0.019 (p<0.05) and 0.269 correlation coefficient. Also, a correlation between perception and vaping behavior with p=0.000 (p<0.05) and 0.420 correlation coefficient. There was a correlation between knowledge level and perception of e-cigarettes to vaping behavior among adolescent users.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Galuh Adityani ◽  
Muh Abdurrouf ◽  
Dyah Wiji Puspita Sari

ABSTRAKGaluh Adityani HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN PERAWAT DENGAN PELAYANAN SYARIAH DALAM BIDANG KEPERAWATAN DI RUMAH SAKIT ISLAM SULTAN AGUNG SEMARANG  58 halaman + 14 tabel + 2 gambar  + 16 lampiran + xviii Latar Belakang: Pelayanan Syariah di bidang keperawatan merupakan pelayanan keperawatan yang terdiri dari standar pelayanan minimal rumah sakit syariah berupa hijab untuk pasien, pemasangan EKG sesuai gender, pemakaian hijab bagi ibu menyusui dan indikator mutu wajib syariah yaitu pemasangan kateter sesuai gender, dimana pelayanan Syariah tersebut merupakan pelayanan yang diharapkan oleh pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi adakah hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan perawat dengan pelayanan syariah di RSISA Semarang Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 96. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dan diolah secara statistik dengan menggunakan korelasi spearmen. Hasil: Dari data karakteristik responden dalam penelitian ini dengan jumlah 96 responden 40,6% responden berumur 26-35 tahun, 66,7% responden berjenis kelamin perempuan, 62,5% responden berstatus sudah menikah, 60,4% responden pendidikan terakhir DIII, dan 56,3% responden lama kerja 1-5 tahun.Simpulan: Ada hubungan tingkat pengetahuan perawat dengan pelayanan syariah dalam bidang keperawatan di Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang  nilai  p value 0,000 (p value <0,05 dan keeratan hubungan yaitu kuat (0,711) serta arah hubungannya positif Kata Kunci                :    Pelayanan Syariah Dalam Bidang keperawatan, Tingkat PengetahuanDaftrar Pustaka        :    40 (2002-2017)        NURSING SCIENCE STUDY PROGRAMFACULTY OF NURSING SCIENCEISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SULTAN AGUNG SEMARANGThesis, January 2020 ABSTRACTGaluh Adityani THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF NURSES AND ISLAMIC SERVICES ON NURSING AT SULTAN AGUNG ISLAMIC HOSPITAL SEMARANG58  pages  + 14 tables + 2 pictures  + 16 appendices  + xviii  Background: Islamic services on nursing is the nursing services performed by nurses based on the quran and the hadist, which include indicators of the minimum service standard and quality indicators of compulsory shariah, between other reading basmalah in administering drugs and action, the hijab for patients, the ECG installation of appropriate gender, reminiscent of the time of prayer, the DC installation of appropriate gender. The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between the level of knowledge of nurses and Islamic services on nursing at sultan agung Islamic hospital semarangMathod: This study used quantitative method with cross sectional approach. The data collection used observation. The total of respondents was 96 nurses with simple random sampling. The data analysis used Spearman test.Results: Research shows that islamic services are good as many as 62 respondents (98.4%), indicating that islamic services are sufficient 1 respondent (1.6%) and which shows less than 0 respondents (0.0%) islamicservices. At the level of knowledge of nurses with sufficient categories that showed good Islamic services as many as 13 respondents (68.4%), showed enough Islamic  services 5 respondents (26.3%) and who showed less Islamic services as much as 1 respondent (5.3%). While the level of knowledge of nurses with less categories that indicate good Islamic services as many as 2 respondents (14.3%), which shows enough Islamic services as many as 2 respondents (14.3%) and who show less Islamic services as many as 10 respondents (71.4% ).Conclusion: There is a significant the relationship between the level of knowledge of nurses and Islamic services on nursing at sultan agung Islamic hospital semarang with p-value 0.000 (p-value<0.05) and the closeness of the relationship was moderate (0.711) as well as the direction of the relationship was positive Keyword            : Islamic services on nursing, level knowledgeBibliography     :    40  (1989 – 2017) 

e-CliniC ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Emi Fadilla ◽  
Maya Mewengkang ◽  
John Wantania

Abstract: Reproductive organs is one of the organs that are sensitive and require special care.Vaginal discharge is the health common problems of women genital area. The purpose of this research is to determine the knowledge of vaginal discharge  and the relationship between the factors that affect the mother's knowledge about vaginal discharge .This research used observational analytic method with a cross sectional study trough primary data based on questionnaires. From 200 respondents,  there were 7 respondents with a poor knowledge , 39 respondents with a moderete knowledge, and 154 respondents with a good knowledge. There is no significant relationship between mother's level of knowledge about vaginal discharge and age (p-value = 0.171), education (p-value = 0.090) ,  resources (p value = 0.174) and experience (p value = 0.052). There is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge about vaginal discharge and occupation (p value = 0.000). Mother’s knowledge of vaginal discharge in manado city is good. In this research only occupation has a significant relationship with the level of knowledge about vaginal discharge. Key words: vaginal discharge,knowledge   Abstrak: Organ reproduksi merupakan salah satu organ tubuh yang sensitif dan memerlukan perawatan khusus. Masalah kesehatan area genital yang umum terjadi pada wanita adalah keputihan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pengetahuan ibu tentang keputihan dan hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang keputihan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan studi cross sectional menggunakan data primer berdasarkan kuesioner.Dari 200 responden penelitian didapatkan 7 responden dengan pengetahuan kurang, 39 responden dengan pengetahuan cukup (sedang), dan 154 responden dengan pengetahuan baik. Tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan umur (nilai p = 0,171), pendidikan (nilai p = 0,090), sumber informasi (nilai p = 0,174) dan pengalaman ( nilai p = 0,052). Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor pekerjaan (dengan nilai p = 0,000)  dengan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang keputihan.Pengetahuan ibu tentang keputihan di kota Manado adalah baik.  Pada penelitian ini hanya pekerjaan yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang keputihan. Kata kunci: keputihan, pengetahuan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 57
Widyah Setiyowati ◽  
Titik Kurniawati ◽  
Dwi Jayanti

ABSTRAKMasa remaja adalah suatu tahap dengan perubahan yang cepat dan penuh tantangan yang sulit. Berbagai tantangan ini kadang-kadang sulit diatasi walaupun secara fisik sudah dewasa namun secara psikologis belum tentu. Sebagian kelompok remaja mengalami kebingungan untuk memahami tentang apa yang boleh dilakukan dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan. Pada usia 15-19 tahun, proporsi terbesar berpacaran pertama kali pada usia 15-17 tahun. Sekita 33,3% remaja perempuan dan 34,5% remaja laki-laki yang berusia 15-19 tahun mulai berpacaran pada saat mereka berlum berusia 15 tahun. Pada usia tersebut dikhawatirkan belum memiliki perilaku pacaran tidak sehat, antara lain melakukan hubungan seks pra nikah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi Dengan Perilaku Seksual Pada Siswi Kelas X-XI Di SMK Al-Asror Gunungpati, Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Menurut sifat dasar penelitian, penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian analitik korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswi kelas X-XI Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 di SMK Al-Asror Gunungpati Kota Semarang. sejumlah adalah 35 responden. Teknik sampling pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling pada keseluruhan populasi. Analisa data pada penelitian ini menggunakan Uji chi square yang dilakukan untuk mencari hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan remaja putri tentang kesehatan reproduksi dengan perilaku seksual  diperoleh hasil p value sebesar 0,195 ( 0,195 ? 0,05 ) maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho diterima Ha ditolak artinya tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi dengan perilaku seksual . Saran Ditujukan kepada Tenaga Kesehatan, Peneliti, Institusi dan Masyarakat Khususnya remaja putri hendaknya tetap menjaga perilaku positif yang selama ini telah diterapkan Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Kesehatan Reproduksi, Perilaku Seksual.  ANALYSIS OF HEALTH KNOWLEDGE LEVELS REPRODUCTION WITH SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN CLASS X - XI STUDENTS IN SMK AL-ASROR GUNUNGPATI SEMARANG CITYABSTRACTAdolescence is a stage of rapid change and full of difficult challenges. These challenges are sometimes difficult to overcome despite being physically mature but psychologically uncertain. Some groups of adolescents experience confusion about what to do and what not to do. At the age of 15-19 years, the largest proportion of dating was first aged 15-17 years. About 33.3% of female teenagers and 34.5% of male teenagers aged 15-19 start dating when they are not yet 15 years old. At that age it was feared that he did not yet have unhealthy courtship behavior, including pre-marital sex. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Relationship between Reproductive Health Knowledge Levels and Sexual Behavior in X-XI Grade Students at Al-Asror Gunungpati Vocational School, Semarang City. This study uses a cross sectional design. According to the nature of the study, this research is a type of correlation analytic study. The population in this study were students of class X-XI 2018/2019 Academic Year at Al-Asror Vocational School Gunungpati Semarang City. a number are 35 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used a total sampling technique in the entire population. Analysis of the data in this study using the chi square test conducted to look for the relationship between the level of knowledge. Adolescent girls about reproductive health with sexual behavior obtained p value of 0.195 (0.195 ? 0.05 ) then it can be concluded that Ho is accepted Ha is rejected, meaning that there is no relationship between the level of knowledge about reproductive health with sexual behavior.. Suggestions Aimed at Health Workers, Researchers, Institutions and Society Especially young women should continue to maintain positive behavior that has been applied so far. Keywords: Knowledge, Reproductive Health, Sexual Behavior.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-12
B Zaman ◽  
RM Shampa ◽  
MA Rahman

Introduction: Adolescent is an important segment of life while a child undergoes biological transformation.Objective: The study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge of mothers about reproductive health needs of their adolescent girls. Methods: This descriptive cross sectional study was conducted on the mothers having adolescent girls. Data was collected by face to face interview with a semi structured questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS. The knowledge of mothers was assessed by Likert scale.Place of study: The study was conducted at 5 schools of Dhaka city on 118 respondents over a period of four months.Results: It was revealed from the findings that among 118 mothers the mean age of respondents were 40.71 years with standard deviation ± 3.707 years. Majority (70%) of respondents were undergraduate qualified and rest were post graduats. Among the respondents, 64% of mothers did not want to provide information on reproductive health to their daughters. Seventy two percent of the respondents had average knowledge about puberty. Among the respondents, 47% had average knowledge regarding adolescent reproductive health problems and 77% of respondents had average knowledge about safe motherhood. Regarding the complication of unsafe abortion, 73% had average knowledge and 70% had average knowledge about consequence of early pregnancy. Fifty seven percent of the respondents had good knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Sixty one percent of the respondents had good knowledge regarding the high risk behaviour of the adolescents. Significant statistical association was found between knowledge and education, knowledge and occupation, and knowledge and source of information of reproductive health (p<0.05).Conclusion: The study findings may be helpful for baseline information and would be beneficial to the policymakers and programme planners to sophisticate further strategy to increase mothers' knowledge about the reproductive health needs of their adolescent girls.Key words: Knowledge; adolescent; reproductive health needs DOI: 10.3329/jafmc.v6i2.7266JAFMC Bangladesh. Vol 6, No 2 (December) 2010 pp.9-12

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 371-380 ◽  
Barbara Baranowska ◽  
Marta Malinowska ◽  
Ewelina Stanaszek ◽  
Dorota Sys ◽  
Grażyna Bączek ◽  

Background: Extended breastfeeding is rare in Poland, and lack of acceptance and understanding is often evident in public opinion. The ability to provide reliable information about breastfeeding beyond infancy depends on health professionals’ levels of knowledge and attitudes. They are considered by most parents in Poland to be authorities in the field of child nutrition. Research aims: To determine (1) the level of knowledge and the attitudes of Polish health professionals towards extended breastfeeding; (2) the relationship between personal breastfeeding experience and attitudes towards extended breastfeeding; and (3) the relationship between knowledge about breastfeeding beyond twelve months and attitudes towards breastfeeding beyond infancy. Methods: A one-group prospective, cross-sectional, self-report style survey was used. The convenience sample ( N = 495) comprised gynaecologists, neonatologists and midwives. Data were collected via an online questionnaire and the results were analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics, a chi-square independence test, Fisher’s exact test, post-hoc testing, and two-part tables using SPSS. Results: Most of the respondents (76.7%; n = 384) had a low level of knowledge about the benefits of breastfeeding beyond twelve months and even emphasized that this nutritional choice could have negative impacts. There was a positive correlation ( F = 105.847; p = < .01) between levels of knowledge and respondents’ attitudes towards breastfeeding beyond infancy. Attitudes were also influenced by the length of time respondents had breastfed. Conclusion: Healthcare providers have an insufficient level of knowledge about extended breastfeeding and need further education in this area.

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