scholarly journals (R)Evolusi Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam Mentransformasi Kehidupan Siswa

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Bimo Setyo Utomo

If we look deeper, one of the most important issues in the education world is that we (as teachers) are not doing the education in the real sense, but merely teach as a formality. Transformation happens only on transfer of knowledge that only involves the role of science teachers and students ignorance. So, the teacher does not give an understanding to the students, but only move a formula or proposition for students to memorize which then will be issued if necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to have r(evolution) which is not only good, but more importantly, can transform the lives of students. We are fully aware that this time, the teacher is an agent of change which has the task of both institutional and non-institutional. Teacheris a person who daily teach spiritual values, norms, morals, ethics, and positive character habituation.Jika kita melihat lebih dalam, salah satu permasalahan terpenting dalam dunia pendidikan sesungguhnya adalah kita (sebagai guru) tidak sedang melakukan tugas pendidikan dalam arti sesungguhnya, namun hanya sekedar mengajar secara formalitas. Transformasi yang terjadi hanya sebatas transfer ilmu yang hanya melibatkan peran keilmuan guru dan kebodohan murid. Dalam proses mengajar yang demikian, guru tidak memberikan pemahaman kepada anak didik, namun hanya memindahkan sejumlah rumusan atau dalil kepada siswa untuk dihafal yang kemudian akan dikeluarkan jika diperlukan. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan adanya r(evolusi) yang tidak hanya baik, tetapi yang lebih penting, yaitu dapat mentransformasi kehidupan siswa. Kita sadar sepenuhnya, bahwa saat ini, guru merupakan satu-satunya agen perubahan yang memiliki tugas  baik secara institusional maupun non-institusional. Gurulah yang setiap hari mengajarkan nilai rohani, norma, moral, etika, serta pembiasaan karakter positif.

Laura Balsalobre Aguilar ◽  
Rosario Isabel Herrada Valverde

RESUMEN El Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) es una metodología activa que está adquiriendo una gran importancia a la hora de promover la implicación de toda la comunidad educativa, dar respuesta a las necesidades de su alumnado, y atender a las demandas sociales emergentes. En el presente estudio, se indaga en el papel desarrollado por el orientador como agente de cambio y asesor para el desarrollo de innovaciones educativas y metodologías activas en un instituto de educación secundaria (IES) en el que se aplica ABP. Entre otros aspectos, se analizan las funciones que desempeña el orientador a la hora de aplicar dicha metodología; qué conceptos manejan el orientador, los docentes y el alumnado sobre metodologías activas; los cambios provocados por el ABP en términos de coordinación, organización y relación entre personas; así como la relevancia y proyección de futuro de esta metodología en el currículo. Para ello, se lleva a cabo una investigación cualitativa basada en el paradigma fenomenológico o etnográfico, en el que se analizan las opiniones del orientador, director, docentes, y alumnos de este centro educativo. Para la recogida de información con los docentes y el orientador, se escogió la técnica de la entrevista semi-estructurada. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que el orientador es un agente de cambio fundamental no solo por el asesoramiento y apoyo que ofrece al equipo directivo, sino también para toda la comunidad educativa en la que se involucra.ABSTRACT Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an active methodology that is becoming increasingly important in promoting the involvement of the entire educational community, responding to the needs of its students, and meeting emerging social demands. The present investigation analyzes the role of the school counselor as an agent of change and advisor for the development of educational innovations and active methodologies in a secondary school in which PBL is applied. In particular, they are analyzed the functions that the school counselor plays when applying this methodology; the information the counselor, teachers and students have about active methodologies; the changes caused by the ABP in terms of coordination, organization and relationship between people; as well as the relevance and future projection of this methodology in the curriculum. To this end, qualitative research is carried out based on the phenomenological or ethnographic paradigm, in which the opinions of the advisor, director, teachers and students are analysed. The semi-structured interview technique was chosen for the collection of information with the teachers and the counsellor. From the results obtained, it is concluded that the school counsellors are important agents of change not only because of the advice and support they offer to the management team, but also the entire educational community.

L. O. Firsova ◽  
N. Y. Shved ◽  
V. H. Bessarab

The growth of the Ukrainian economy largely depends on the effective use of the intellectual, scientific and technological potential of the country, the rapid pace of commercialization of high-tech scientific developments and its implementation in key areas of the national economy. In the period 2018–2020, the State Scientific Organization “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information” (hereinafter — UkrISTEI) implements the project “Development of the Interregional Technology Transfer Network” (hereinafter — Project), within the framework of which the Interregional Office for the Transfer of Knowledge and Technologies on the basis of UkrISTEI was created; two pilot regional centers for the transfer of knowledge and technology in Odesa and Kharkiv were created. This Project is aimed at the widespread introduction of modern technologies in the real sector of the economy — as one of the tasks on the agenda of not only Ukraine, but also the European Union. The article assesses the potential of pilot regions through research that unites enterprises, scientific institutions, organizations, universities and other legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership, which create or use technologies or objects of intellectual property rights or relate to innovation infrastructure. The activities within the framework of the project “Development of an interregional technology transfer network” (hereinafter referred to as the Project) to increase the competitiveness of regions and increase their innovative development were presented, the role of the Project in the innovative development of regions was highlighted. The article defines the role of the Interregional Office and regional centers as centers of technology transfer and innovation: also a number of measures to activate the startup movement in Kharkiv and Odesa were taken. The work within the framework of the project “Development of an interregional technology transfer network” allowed to improve the results of domestic scientific and technical developments introduction in the real sector of the economy and to give impetus to its dynamic growth, to raise the employees’ awareness level in offices, departments, etc. for the technologies transfer, developers, startups, etc.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 168
Niluh Ari Kusumawati ◽  
Kadek Aria Prima Dewi PF

<p>In this globalization era the role of science and technology covers various aspects of life, especially the world of Education. Education is an aspect of supporting the success of a nation. Hinduism Education is a subject that instills Hinduism. In learning Hinduism Education learning media becomes the main  support of the learning process. Learning  media as a channel for information and messages in learning. Information technology-based learning media is a demand in facing the challenges of 21st century Education. 21st century education has four skills in learning communication (Communication), Collaboration (Collaboration), Critical Thingking and Problem Solving (Critical Thinking and problem solving) and Creativity and Innovation (Creativity and Innovation). With the guidance of the age development, the use of IT-based learning  media  in  learning  Hinduism Education  will  facilitate the transfer  of knowledge  in learning. The benefit of using IT-based learning media is to facilitate the interaction between teachers and students so that learning activities become effective and efficient The use of Information Technology-based learning media such as the internet, mobile phones, flash disks, etc. facilitates the transfer of knowledge in learning.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 429-447
Zainal Abidin

Artikel ini mengkaji bagaimana sebenarnya nilai-nilai islam dapat dituangkan dalam dinamika bisnis yang dikembangkan oleh para kiai sebagai tokoh pengawal agama (Islam). penulis mencoba menganalisis peran kiai madura dalam pengembangan ekonomi berbasis syari’ah (hukum Islam), Islam sebagai agama juga dapat memiliki nilai-nilai atau spirit khas dalam upaya mengembangkan ekonomi umat. Disinilah urgensi peran para kiai madura –sebagai pengawal tegaknya nilai-nilai Islam dalam segala sektor, termasuk sektor di ekonomi dan bisnis. Nilai-nilai spiritual dari aktivitas bisnis yang dilakukan oleh para kiai madura dapat dipandang sebagai sebuah bentuk  jihad di bidang ekonomi, yakni tegaknya nilai syari’ah (hukum islam) dalam bingkai ekonomi dan bisnis yang ditekuni dan kembangkan bersama masyarakat(This Article discusses how the real values of Islam can be poured into the business dynamics developed by Islamic Scholar (Kyai) as a guardian figure of Islam. The author tries to analyze the role of Madurese Kyai in developing Islamic economics, Islam as a religion can also have values  and special spirit in developing public economics. Here is the importance of Kyai in Madura as the guard of Islamic values maintenance in all sectors, including in economics and business sectors. Spiritual values and Islamic business activities carried out by the Kyai can be seen as a form of jihad in economics, namely the establishment of the value of Shariah (Islamic law) in the frame of economics and business applied and developed by the community)

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Hardi Budiyana ◽  
Paulus Purwoto

The success of Christian religious education can be observed from the joint corporation between Christian religious education teachers and students and maximizing the teaching which is the goal. Therefore, the role of the teacher in building models and learning strategies for Jesus based on the synoptic Gospels can be applied in the learning process. Using a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, it can be concluded that teachers and all church leaders are expected to be able to convey the value of the Jesus Learning model and strategy for the congregation and students. Because the learning carried out by Jesus in developing spiritual values ​​and can be implemented is what is expected to be maximized in the teaching carried out. Because this is based first on the importance of Christian education, for the congregation's spirituality and for students who continue to aim and focus on Jesus as an example in learning. So that it can bring the role of Christian religious education teachers in learning to explore in studies in the Synoptic Gospels to obtain a Jesus Learning model. Keberhasilan pendidikan agama Kristen dapat dicermati dari koorporasi  bersama antara guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan peserta didik serta memaksimalkan pengajaran yang yang menjadi tujuan tersebut. Oleh karena  itu peran guru dalam membangun model dan strategi pembelajaran Yesus berdasarkan Injil sinoptik dapat diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran. Menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka maka didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa Guru dan seluruh pimpinan gereja sangat diharapkan dapat menyampaikan nilai dari model dan strategi pembelajaran Yesus bagi para jemaat maupun peserta didik.  Sebab pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh Yesus dalam mengembangkan nilai kerohanian serta dapat di implementasikan menjadi hal yang sangat diharapkan dapat dimaksimalkan dalam pengajaran yang dilakukan. Karena hal tersebut didasari  pertama pentingnya pendidikan Kristen, bagi spiritual jemaat maupun peserta didik yang tetap mengarah dan berfokus kepada Yesus sebagai teladan dalam pembelajaran. Sehingga dapat membawa peran guru pendidikan agama Kristen dalam pembelajaran dapat mengeksplore dalam kajian dalam Injil sinoptik untuk didapatkan model Pembelajaran Yesus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 97-105
Feruza Davronova ◽  

The purpose of this article is to study the image of socio-political activity of women, their role and importance in the life of the state and society.In this, we referred to the unique books of orientalists and studied their opinions and views on this topic. The article considers the socio-political activity of women, their role in the state and society, the role of the mother in the family and raising a child, oriental culture, national and spiritual values, traditions and social significance of women

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