scholarly journals Peranan PPAT Dalam Pembuatan Akta Peralihan Hak Atas Tanah Dan/Atau Bangunan Bekas Hak Milik Adat Berkaitan Dengan Pembayaran Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah Dan/Atau Bangunan

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 159
Eko Puji Hartono ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

ABSTRAK BPHTB adalah pajak yang dikenakan atas peralihan hak atas tanah dan/atau bangunan, yang mengakibatkan terjadinya peralihan hak atas tanah dan/atau bangunan dari yang mempunyai hak kepada yang memperoleh hak atas tanah dan/atau bangunan, sedangkan hak atas tanah adalah sebagaimana yang dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria. Untuk membuktikan adanya peralihan hak atas tanah dan/atau bangunan kecuali pemindahan hak melalui lelang, sebagaimana yang dikehendaki UUPA harus dibuktikan dengan akta otentik yang dibuat oleh PPAT.Sebagai salah satu Pejabat yang berwenang untuk membuat akta peralihan hak aias tanah dan/atau bangunan, PPAT tunduk pada ketentuan Pasal 91 ayat (1)Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2009 tentang Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah jo Peraturan Daerah Nomor 13 Tahun 2010 tentang Pajak Daerah. Atas dasar hal tersebut dipandang perlu melakukan penelitian berkenaan dengan implementasinya dalam praktek, terutama terkait dengan peranan PPAT dalam pembayaran BPHTB oleh Wajib Pajak dan akibat hukum terhadap PPAT yang menandatangani akta peralihan hak atas tanah dan/atau bangunan bekas hak milik adat, dan bagaimana keabsahan terhadap akta peralihan hak atas tanah dan/atau bangunan bekas hak milik adat tersebut.Metode pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan bersifat yuridis empiris, pengumpulan data dilakukan secara primer dan sekunder, sehingga diperoleh pembahasan yang sistematis, yang selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif.Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan peranan PPAT dalam pembuatan akta peralihan hak atas tanah dan/atau bangunan bekas Hak Milik Adat berkaitan dengan Pembayaran Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan/atau Bangunan Bekas hak Milik Adat di Kabupaten Magelang berperanan dalam membantu tugas Kantor Pajak Daerah guna mengamankan Penerimaan Daerah dari sektor Pajak Daerah yaitu BPHTB. Konsekuensi hukum terhadap akta peralihan hak atas tanah dan/atau bangunan bekas hak milik adat yang telah ditandatangani oleh PPAT sebelum dilaksanakannya pembayaran BPHTB atas peralihan hak atas tanah daniatau bangunan bekas hak milik adat tersebut dan sanksi hukum apa yang diberikan kepada PPAT tidak mempengaruhi keabsahan akta tersebut.Kata Kunci : PPAT, BPHTB, Tanah Bekas Hak Milik Adat. ABSTRACTBPHTB is a tax imposed on the transfer of rights to land and / or buildings, resulting in the transfer of rights to land and / or buildings from those who have rights to those who have rights to land and / or buildings, while land rights are referred to in Law Number 5 Year 1960 on Basic Regulation of Agrarian Principles. To prove the transfer of rights to land and / or buildings except the transfer of rights through auctions, as required by the BAL shall be proven by an authentic deed made by PPAT.As one of the Officials authorized to make a land / building title transfer deed, PPAT subject to the provisions of Article 91 paragraph (1) of Law Number 28 Year 2009 regarding Regional Tax and Regional Levy jo Local Regulation Number 13 Year 2010 on Regional Taxes. On the basis of this matter, it is deemed necessary to conduct research related to its implementation in practice, especially related to the role of PPAT in the payment of BPHTB by the Taxpayer and the legal effect on the PPAT signing the deed of transfer of land rights and / or the building of customary property rights, and how the legality deed of transfer of rights over the land and / or the former building of customary property rights.The research method used is empirical juridical, data collection is done in primary and secondary, so that obtained a systematic discussion, which then analyzed qualitatively.The result of the research reveals the role of PPAT in making the deed of transfer of rights to the land and / or the building of the former Customary Property in relation to the Payment of Acquisition of Land Ownership and / or Used Customary Rights in Magelang Regency to assist the Regional Tax Office duty to secure the Regional Revenue of the Regional Tax Sector ie BPHTB. Legal consequences to the deed of transfer of land rights and / or buildings of customary property rights that have been signed by PPAT prior to the implementation of the payment of BPHTB over the transfer of land rights and or the building of the former customary property rights and the legal sanction given to the PPAT does not affect the validity of the deed .Keywords: PPAT, BPHTB, Land Used Indigenous Rights.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-263
Adhitya Dimas Pratama

Intermarriage is a phenomenon that is rife with the development of increasingly rapid technology weapons. Implementation of mixed marriages must not be separated from the constraints and risks will dihadi offender Mixed Marriage itself. One of the problems that arise are related to the occurrence of the Joint Treasure especially over land rights as legal consequences arising from the holding of intermarriage intermarriage especially if implemented without prenuptial agreement. The author of this thesis wants to study and analyze more about the law as a result of intermarriage without severance agreement treasure to land ownership and settlement of land ownership issues arising from mixed marriage without separation agreement treasure. The method used is a normative legal research, namely legal research done by researching library materials or secondary law while in locating and collecting data is done by two approaches, namely legislation and conceptual approaches. The results showed that the legal consequences of intermarriage in the absence of agreement separating property to the ownership rights to the land after the enactment of Law No. 1 of 1974 About the marriage, property acquired during the marriage is community property as engaging joint property so that if it is not made an prenuptial agreement the property rights to land shall be released within a period of one (1) year or the land falls to the state. The resolution attempts to do to the problems of land ownership arising from mixed marriages without the agreement split the treasure is in the form of drafting of a treaty mate after marriage or reduction of land rights from property rights into rights of use in accordance with the provisions of that kind of tenure, which may possess by someone follow the status of their land rights subjects in accordance with the provisions of the legislation

Ario Patra Nugraha ◽  
Chamim Tohari

This research discusses about the status of land rights whose ownership has been not clear yet, which is the object of cooperation in utilization between the Sawir Village Government and PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk, according to the laws and principles in force in Indonesia. The problems that will be answered in this study include: (1) What is the status of land rights that are used as objects of utilization between the Sawir Village Government and PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk? (2) How is the land use cooperation between Sawir Village Government and PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk according to Western and Islamic Covenant Law? This type of research is a qualitative research, while the approach used is an empirical juridical approach, namely legal research that functions to see the laws that apply in the community. The results of this research are: (1) According to the Sawir Village Government, the land belongs to the Village Government as evidenced by the existence of a field map in the village C book. Meanwhile, according to the Tuban Regency Government, the Tuban Regency National Land Agency, and PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk, the land ownership is not registered and cannot be claimed as an asset of Sawir Village. According to Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles article 19 paragraph 1, the land cannot be referred to as land belonging to Sawir Village until the certification is completed on behalf of the village. And to get the ownership certificate, the Sawir Village Government must register or submit an application for ownership of the land to the National Land Agency of Tuban Regency. (2) According to the Islamic Covenant Law, the status of the land does not meet the requirements as an object of the agreement. This is because the land has not been legally proven to be owned by the Sawir Village Government. Whereas one of the main requirements for the validity of an agreement is that the object of the agreement must be legally owned by one of the parties who entered into the agreement.Keywords: Utilization, Non-Certified Land, Covenant Law, Customary Rights

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Desi Handayani Simbolon ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

<p class="JudulAbstrakInggris"><em>Juridical Issues Regarding Transition of Land Rights in the Object of Disputes</em></p><p class="JudulAbstrakInggris">Abstract</p><h1>Land is a place for human settlements as well as a source of livelihood for those who make a living through agriculture and ultimately land is also the last place for people to die. The law regarding land in Indonesia is influenced by a colonial legal system. This is because for hundreds of years Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch, so that there are two kinds of land ownership, namely lands with western rights and lands with customary rights, of course different about the transition, in terms of buying and selling, also ways of legal protection and legal certainty for the land owner concerned. Transition of land rights is a legal action aimed at transferring rights from one party to another. When someone has transferred his rights (land rights), to someone else "legally" then that person has no more rights to the land that has been transferred since the transfer of rights. The purpose of this study was to find out the process of transferring land rights in the object of the dispute and to find out the judges' consideration in deciding on land rights cases. This type of research is normative ayuridis. The nature of this research is descriptive analytical.</h1><p class="JudulAbstrakInggris"> </p>

Ennio Bilancini ◽  
Simone D'Alessandro

Abstract In this paper we analyse how the distribution of land property rights affects industrial takeoff and aggregate income through its impact on effective demand. We apply a modified version of the model provided in Murphy et al. (1989, QJE) which allows us to analyse the role of land distribution when it is independent of the distribution of firm ownership. We extend the result of Murphy et al. (1989, QJE) by showing that industrialization and income depend non-monotonically on the distribution of land and by demonstrating that this result is due to the way land distribution affects the distribution of profits among firms. Moreover, we show that there may be a tradeoff between industrialization and income, the latter being associated with a distribution of land which is more equal than that associated with maximum industrialization.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Liz Alden Wily

AbstractThis paper reflects upon the role of law in the contemporary surge in global large-scale land acquisitions. Its point of reference is the land security of several billion rural poor who traditionally own and use untitled lands that are classified as state lands or unowned public lands in national laws. Most of the affected lands are off-farm areas including forests, marshlands, and rangelands. Investors target these lands in belief they are unowned. Governments concur, selling or leasing these lands on grounds of being technically the lawful owner and despite awareness that these lands are occupied and used. Despite the longstanding nature of such conflicts as well known and long debated, the present land rush brings unresolved contradictions between statutory and customary law and associated meanings of property firmly to the fore. Using Sub-Saharan Africa as the example, this paper examines the legal effects. It is shown that while millions of local land rights are threatened, the land rush also vitalises demands for improved national law status for unregistered customary rights, including those such as forest and rangelands purposely held by communities in common. To this extent, the contemporary rush could prove as much legal friend as foe to majority land rights in agrarian economies. This is partly because the current rush, unlike those that have gone before it, occurs in an environment of advanced popular communication, emergent mass empowerment, and has the advantage of a pre-rush era of legal improvement in the handling of indigenous and customary land rights that has established alternative precedents. Opportunities to coerce modification of classical dispossessory paths of economic growth strongly exist. Global advocacy for secure community land rights is rapidly advancing.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 517
Thomas Alexander Birehina

Transfer of land ownership through buying and selling is done by surrendering his land as an object in the form of a certificate. This certificate is used as evidence that states the owner of the rights to his land that will be traded to the buyer. In practice, there is still land for sale in the field that does not yet have a certificate. The purpose of this research is to find out how the procedure of buying and selling land rights that have not been certified as well as the legal consequences of buying and selling land rights that are not yet certified. Empirical juridical research is a type of research in this paper. From the results of the study, the procedure that must be carried out first is by making a purchase agreement before a Notary to secure the interests of both parties, then the land is registered through a conversion at the Land Office for certificate issuance, so that the sale and purchase can be processed before the PPAT to be able to registered at the Land Office so that it is processed behind the name on behalf of the buyer. The legal consequences if the sale and purchase of land that has not been certified is not legal according to the law, unless first done through conversion at the Land Office and preceded by the making of the purchase agreement before the Notary. So that the seller's rights shift to the buyer. Pengalihan kepemilikan tanah melalui jual beli dilakukan dengan menyerahkan tanahnya sebagai obyek dalam bentuk sertipikat. Sertipikat ini dijadikan alat bukti yang menyatakan pemilik dari hak atas tanahnya yang akan diperjualbelikan kepada pihak pembeli. Pada prakteknya dilapangan masih ada tanah yang diperjualbelikan tersebut belum memiliki sertipikat. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosedur jual beli hak atas tanah yang belum bersertipikat serta akibat hukum jual beli hak atas tanah yang belum bersertipikat. Penelitian yuridis empiris menjadi jenis penelitian dalam penulisan ini. Dari hasil penelitian, prosedur yang harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu adalah dengan pembuatan perikatan jual beli dihadapan Notaris untuk mengamankan kepentingan kedua belah pihak, kemudian tanahnya di daftarkan melalui konversi di Kantor Pertanahan untuk diterbitkan sertipikat, dengan begitu barulah dapat diproses akta jual beli dihadapan PPAT untuk dapat didaftarkan di Kantor Pertanahan agar diproses balik nama atas nama pembeli. Akibat hukum bilamana jual beli tanah yang belum bersertipikat tersebut dilakukan belum sah menurut hukum, kecuali terlebih dahulu dilakukan melalui konversi di Kantor Pertanahan dan didahului pembuatan perikatan jual beli dihadapan Notaris. Sehingga haknya penjual beralih kepada pembeli.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 462
Emerlanda Leticia ◽  
Hasni Hasni

The certificate is a proof of ownership that is strong, this certificate comes from land rights which are the right to use and exploit the land which it occupies. Rights to land are also divided into Property Rights, Cultivation Rights, Building Use Rights, Use Rights, Rental Rights for Buildings, Use Rights and Temporary Land Rights. In this case the author will only explain the ownership rights related to legal issues, namely the right of ownership. Property rights are the strongest and most complete rights that humans can have. This right is obtained based on land registration. Own land registration is carried out by the authorized party, namely the National Land Agency. But in this case on the island of Pari, the certificate was declared maladministration by the ORI which caused the author to write about the validity of the certificate of land ownership based on law. With the formulation of the problem, how is the validity of the Certificate of Property Ownership according to uupa and Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 related to the statement of maladministration by the ORI? and What are the legal consequences for certificate holders due to the administrative maladministration? By using explanatory research methods. In this case the researcher gets the result that in the process of land registration the measurement process is not carried out which is one of the requirements to obtain physical data and there is no announcements must be made because to provide an opportunity to file an objection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 161
Eviandi Ibrahim

Sumatra in general and Banuhampu District in particular the existence of customary rights is decreasing day by day both in terms of quantity and quality. The reduced existence of customary rights is because the customary rights have been traded by the legal community, in the case that Minangkabau customary law prohibits the sale and purchase of customary rights, this is stated in the customary kato "Jua indak eaten by bali, pawning indak eaten sando" means that ulayat rights can not be traded and transferred ownership to parties outside the legal community fellowship. Based on the above, the authors are interested in conducting research with the following problems: How are customary rights in Banuhampu District? What is the role of the leader / Pangatuo of the tribe / clan or the head of the inheritance of the ulayat rights in Banuhampu? What is the solution taken to defend the existence of customary rights in Banuhampu District? This research is juridical-social, because the researcher will examine how the application of law, namely customary law, in the development of the existence of customary rights among the Banuhampu community. Based on the discussion that the author puts forward, the following conclusions can be drawn: Whereas Customary Land (Ulayat) Currently its existence in Banuhampum can still be maintained. Even though it's been much less. This can be proven that until now the Legal Alliance in the Customary Law Community, namely Nagari, Tribe, Kaum, are still alive and existent, and each Legal Alliance still has customary rights although both in terms of quantity and quality have decreased. Whereas Ninik mamak / Penghulu / Pangatuo Suku / Kaum is a person who plays a very big role in the midst of his community / association, because ninik mamak has the right and obligation to take care of his children and nephews along with their communal customary rights, and has the obligation to preserve their customary rights. Whereas the customary rights must be maintained, because the ulayat rights are the identity of the association and the ulayat rights are not property rights, therefore the ulayat rights are prohibited from being transferred or sold.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
M. Adib Luthfi ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

ABSTRAKHasil penelitian menyimpulkan, bahewa akibat hukum dari peralihan hak milik atas tanah yang belum lunas pembayarannya adalah sah secara jual beli, akan tetapi apabila pembayaran harga tanahnya tersebut belum dilunasi terlebih dahulu maka peralihan hak nya dapat ditangguhkan (sesuai perjanjian pengikatan jual beli lunas). Setelah pembayaran harganya dilunasi baru proses peralihan haknya dilanjutkan (pembuatan Akta Jual Beli dan proses sertifikat). PPAT membuatkan Akta Jual Beli selanjutnya akta tersebut dijadikan alat bukti autentik yang menerangkan telah terjadi peralihan hak atas tanah melalui jual beli selanjutnya untuk didaftarkan. Sedangkan jual beli tanah yang menganut hukum adat bersifat konkret, kontan, nyata dan riil. Artinya peran PPAT dalam melaksanakan amanat Undang-Undang tersebut harus benar-benar terlaksana dan kaitannya dengan peralihan hak milik atas tanah yang belum lunas pembayarannya, PPAT harus menentukan sikap tegas untuk tidak membuatkan Akta Jual Beli tersebut sebelum seluruh pembayaran harganya lunas meskipun cara pembayarannya secara bertahap. Solusinya apabila ada permasalahan seperti itu maka PPAT harus membuatkan perjanjian pengikatan jual beli lunas sebelum dibuatkan Akta Jual Belinya. Hal tersebut dilakukan supaya terwujud rasa keadilan dan meminimalisir wanprestasi antara penjual dan pembeli dalam kaitannya dengan jual beli tanah.Kata Kunci : Akibat Hukum, Jual Beli Tanah, Belum Lunas. ABSTRACT The result of this study concludes that the legal effect of the transfer of ownership of land that has not paid off is valid for the sale and purchase, but if the payment of the land price has not been paid in advance then the transfer of its rights can be suspended (in accordance with the agreement of sale and purchase settlement paid). After payment of the price is paid a new process of transfer of rights continue (making Deed of Sale and Purchase certificate process). PPAT makes the Deed of Sale and then the deed is used as authentic proof that there has been a transfer of land rights through subsequent sale and sale to be registered. While the sale and purchase of land that adheres to customary law is concrete, cash, real and real. This means that the role of PPAT in carrying out the mandate of the Act must be fully implemented and related to the transfer of ownership rights to land that has not paid off, PPAT must determine the firm stance to not make the Deed and Sell before all payment of the price paid in full even though the payment method gradually . The solution if there are problems like that then PPAT must make a binding agreement to buy and sell paid before the Deed of Sale. This is done in order to realize the sense of justice and minimize the default between the seller and the buyer in relation to the sale and purchase of land.Keywords: Legal Effect, Sale and Purchase Land, Not Filled.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 154
Bayu Sagita

Abstract : In the process of buying and selling land as the basis for the transition of land rights from the seller to buyers in the area of Bolaang Mongondow, especially in Lolak Village District Lolak is done in two ways, namely the process of buying and selling as in general the sale and purchase of land ownership is a unity of land and buildings and plants above it and the process of buying and selling of land is not a unity between the land and buildings and plants above it or the sale and purchase by using the principle of separation horizontal is separate sale and purchase. However, in the development of the practice of the process of buying and selling land that is considered as part of the process of buying and selling property rights on customary land or customary law, it raises legal problems, the process of buying and selling property rights on land that can not provide legal protection of the status of property in full for the buyer in the land and enjoy the benefits and functions of the land itself.

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