2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Diah Astuti

This study aims to describe the essential roles of motives as humans drive in reaching ones goals and purposes in life. The analysis on motives of the female character, Helena de Narbon, was portrayed psychologically in two perspectives namely the psychological factors that have become the background of Helena de Narbons insistence to get married with Bertram and the point of view from Helena de Narbon in viewing the feminine roles at that age that she has from her family valuesKeywords: Psychoanalysis, motive, motivational drive, masculine, feminine

Asian Studies ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-52

Femininity and the feminine figure itself in Noh theatre plays an important role, though nowadays the interpreter is fundamentally masculine. The central aim of impersonating feminine roles by masculine performers, and therefore creating the masculine femininity consists of transmitting the spirit and the state of mind in place of ordinary copies of external femininity signs. That is the basis of the work of interpretation of the actor in the Noh theatre, similar in the case of both male and female roles. However, this paper will examine the technique in both occasions, and the difference in the event that there is a difference.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (61) ◽  
pp. 145
Naira Almeida Nascimento

Resumo: Enquadrado no bojo da produção identificada como “literatura dos retornados”, o interesse principal de Ana de Amsterdam (2016a), de Ana Cássia Rebelo, não recai nas imagens traumáticas do retorno ou na violência praticada entre colonizadores e colonizados, como é recorrente no gênero. De forma até sintomática, as lembranças de África são esporádicas na menina de cinco anos que deixou Moçambique junto à família. Em seu lugar, a exuberância de uma Índia portuguesa sonhada e projetada por ela ocupam as lacunas de um presente insatisfatório, dividido entre a criação dos três filhos de um casamento em crise e o emprego burocrático desempenhado numa Lisboa pouco atrativa. Em ambos, tanto na Goa portuguesa como no trajeto para o trabalho, despontam narrativas de mulheres que constituem a síntese entre o diário íntimo de Ana e a escrita testemunhal da diáspora. Numa primeira parte do estudo, recupera-se a gênese do romance no formato do blog assinado pela autora, evidenciando a “escrita do eu”, nos moldes dos estudos de autobiografias, diários e afins. O segundo momento volta-se para a escrita testemunhal no lastro da narrativa pós-colonial e também da pós-memória. Em comum, os dois planos tratam da perspectiva feminina, seja na batalha contemporânea da cosmopolita Lisboa, seja nos desdobramentos silenciados do pós-colonialismo, em meio às histórias duplicadas de outras tantas Anas.Palavras-chave: Ana de Amsterdam; Ana Cássia Rebelo; diário íntimo; literatura de testemunho; blogs.Abstract: Framed in the center of the production identified as “literature of the returnees”, the main focus of Ana de Amsterdam (2016a) by Ana Cássia Rebelo, does not lie in the traumatic images of the return or in the violence practiced between colonizers and colonized, as it is usually the case in this genre. Somehow, even symptomatically, African memories are sporadic in the five-year-old girl who left Mozambique with her family. Instead, the exuberance of a Portuguese India, dreamed and projected by her, occupies the gaps of an unsatisfactory present, dividing herself to raise three children of a marriage in crisis and work in the bureaucratic employment situated in an unattractive Lisbon. In both, Portuguese Goa and on the way to work, narratives of women emerge and represent the synthesis between Ana’s private diary and the testimonial writing of the diaspora. In a first part of the study, the genesis of the novel is recovered in the form of a blog signed by the author, emphasizing the “writing of the self”, in the molds of autobiographies, journals and etc. The second moment turns to the testimonial writing in the basis of the postcolonial narrative and also of the post-memory. In common, the two plans deal with the feminine perspective, whether in the contemporary battle of cosmopolitan Lisbon or in the silenced developments of postcolonialism, in the middle of the duplicate stories of so many Anas.Keywords: Ana de Amsterdam; Ana Cássia Rebelo; diary; testimonial literature; blogs.

2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (31) ◽  
pp. 211
Cleonice Nascimento da Silva

<p>Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar como está representada a imagem feminina em alguns poemas selecionados da obra de Florbela Espanca e Gilka Machado. As marcas de sensualidade e o natural rompimento com a tradicional visão do amor no discurso feminino, atuam como características predominantes do universo poético dessas poetisas. Tais características explicitam o processo de individuação feminina que reflete em seu discurso libertário e irreverente uma espécie de <em>donjuanismo </em>feminino. Nosso propósito é focalizar a construção desse processo de individuação feminina que, se por vezes mostra uma sensibilidade exacerbada por fortes impulsos eróticos, por outras, revela toda a angustiante experiência sentimental nas quais as poetisas extravasam as lutas que travam dentro de si entre tendências e sentimentos opostos. Acreditando que a trajetória e a representação da imagem feminina no discurso poético florbeliano e gilkiano refletem uma proposta pioneira de valores transgressores da sociedade burguesa cristã, o estudo mostra o perfil da mulher na obra de Florbela Espanca e de Gilka Machado.</p> <p>This written work aims to show how Florbela Espanca and Gilka Machado have represented the feminine image in some selected pieces of their poetry oeuvre. Sensuality traits and natural rupture with the traditional point of view about love affection within feminine discourse act as predominant features into the authors’ poetic universe. Such features expound the women individualization process which express through authors’ setting-free and non-obeying discourse a kind of feminine donjuanism. It is intend here to spot the building of this feminine individualization process. sometimes this building process exposes a sensibility exaggerated by strong erotic impulses, and in others times that process reveals the very sentimental anghuishening experience through which both poets set free their inner struggles involving oppostie tendencies and feelings. This study draws a woman’s profile inside Floberla Espanca and Gilka Machado’s poetry by taking for granted that the feminine image trajectory and representation within authors’ poetic discourse expresses a pioneer proposal of breaking-rules values of christian burgeois society.</p>

Lila Lamrous

The study of Maïssa Bey’s novel Surtout ne te retourne pas allows to examine how the Francophone novel represents an earthquake as a poetic, metaphorical and political shockwave. The novel is part of a literary tradition but also shows the singularity of the writing and the engagement of the Algerian novelist Maïssa Bey. It allows to examine the feminine agentivity in the context of the disaster camps in Algeria: from the ravaged space/country emerge the voices of women who enter into resistance to improvise, invent their lives and their identities. The earthquake allows them to free themselves, to take a subversive point of view at society and their status as women in an oppressive patriarchal society. The staged female characters arrogate to themselves the right to reread history and take their destiny back.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 146-159
Renata Elizabetta Ntelia

In this article, I look at contemporary romances as a source of transgressive pleasure that may inspire its audience to reject patriarchy. I focus solely on romances between a man and a woman with emphasis on the psychological dimension of the female character upon her trajectory from an object of desire to the man’s ideal partner. I argue that the pleasure of romance is, indeed, a means towards the dismissal of patriarchy. Drawing on feminist theory, I contend that romance constitutes a nucleus of a feminine ideal that women may use as a comparative reference point for their real-life relationships, revealing any problematic and inadequate behavior of real-life partners. Even though romance pertains to the prescripts of patriarchy, I argue that it can be seen as an intertext: a product of the interlanguage used to translate the male discourse to the female bodily experience. In producing and consuming the romance, women can contrast this experience of the feminine ideal with the lack of pleasure patriarchy entails for them. In this respect, the romance possesses a transgressive power that may facilitate women’s realization of their dissatisfaction and the refusal of their role as emotional labor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 743-758
Ânderson Martins Pereira

ABSTRACT Contemporary dystopia has distinguished itself from the canonic texts of the genre since it has problematized technology and is permeated by posthumanism. This update in the dystopian genre has a utopic subtext within the narrative. In it, utopia is only achieved by a return to nature; such a connection between humanity and nature will only be restored by the feminine who will work as a bridge to a posthuman relation among species. This paper will start from the contributions of Derrida (1997, 2008), Dunja M. Mohr (2007), Rita Terezinha Schmidt (2017) and Cary Wolfe (2009) to analyze the trilogy Hunger Games (2008, 2009, 2010), aiming to discuss epistemologically the utopic subtext. The paper will show that Rue and Katniss will create a strong bond with nature, being the last female character responsible to lead society to a posthuman utopic place.

1952 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-65 ◽  
Else Frenkel-Brunswik

The theoretical models developed to deal with the interaction of sociological and psychological factors in the formation of political behavior indicate a wide divergence of opinion. At one extreme area group of scientists, mainly psychiatrists and anthropologists, who see most social phenomena as deriving from the subjective experiences of the individual. The specific traumata inherent in different methods of upbringing and in the resulting renunciations imposed upon the child are regarded by them as the formative basis for customs, religions, social attitudes, and so forth. Some specific examples of their point of view may be found in attempts to explain war as an expression of the destructive instincts, or capitalism as a manifestation of the anal syndrome. But at the other extreme are proponents of the view that the social structure is independent of the single individual and that individual behavior can be explained and predicted in terms of membership in classes and groups as they have developed historically, mainly on the basis of mode of subsistence.Failing to agree with either of these extreme points of view, one may argue that any speculation about the causal interrelation of sociological and psychological factors in the group and in the individual must recognize the fact that these factors have been artificially isolated and abstracted and that no exclusive factual primacy can be given to any of the aspects in a pattern so closely interwoven.

2007 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Flavyana Silva dos Santos ◽  
Oliana Cristina Ferraz Lima ◽  
Ednaldo Cavalcante de Araújo ◽  
Eliane Maria Ribeiro de Vasconcelos

RESUMOEstudo exploratório e descritivo, de natureza quantitativa, com o objetivo de identificar a opinião dos adolescentes de um colégio público federal da cidade de Recife (PE) sobre métodos contraceptivos, com enfoque na pílula anticoncepcional e nos preservativos masculino e feminino. A população compreendeu 431 estudantes e a amostra, do tipo intencional, foi composta por 72 adolescentes, de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre os 10 aos 14 anos, que respondeu um questionário com 29 questões, no período de julho a agosto de 2006, após aprovação do projeto de pesquisa pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Agamenon Magalhães. Os dados foram tabulados e organizados por meio do programa Excel, que após análise foi identificado que 65,0% dos adolescentes não tinham o conhecimento sobre os benefícios da pílula anticoncepcional; 74,0% não sabiam dos efeitos adversos da pílula anticoncepcional; 43,0% não sabiam a finalidade da pílula anticoncepcional; 94,0% ainda não usaram preservativos, pois não iniciaram a vida sexual; 57,0% opinaram que a maneira de abrir a embalagem do preservativo seria com a tesoura; 40,0% assinalaram que a camisinha feminina deveria ser usada ao mesmo tempo com a camisinha masculina. Diante desses resultados, considera-se importante a implantação de ações de saúde que enfatizem assuntos relacionados aos métodos contraceptivos, de modo a contribuir com a melhoria das informações desses adolescentes.Descritores: Conhecimento; Adolescentes; Métodos contraceptivos; Sexualidade. ABSTRACTDescriptive and exploratory study, of quantitative boarding, with the aim at identifying the adolescents opinion of a school public federal at Recife (PE) city, about contraceptive methods, based on contraceptive pill and feminine and masculine condoms. The intentional sample was composed from 72 adolescents of both genders, with age from 10 to 14 years, which had answered a questionnaire with 29 questions, from July to August of 2006, after approval of the project of research for the Commission of Ethics in Research of the Hospital Agamenon Magalhães, whose data had been analyzed and presented in tables. In accordance with the results, it was identified that adolescents 65,0% hadn’t any knowledge about contraceptive pill benefits; 74,0% did not know about contraceptive pill adverse effect; 43,0% did not know the contraceptive pill purpose and had designated that the contraceptive pill would only be taken to prevent the pregnancy; 94,0% didn’t use both the condoms, therefore they hadn’t initiated the sexual life; 57,0% had answered that the way to open the packing of the condom would be with the shears; 40,0% had designated that the feminine condom would used at the same time with the masculine condom. Ahead of these results, health actions implementation is considered important that emphasize subjects related to the contraceptive methods, in order to contribute with the adolescent’s information improvement.Descriptors: Knowledge; Adolescents; Contraceptive methods; Sexuality.RESUMENEstudio descriptivo y exploratorio, de enfoque cuantitativo, con el objetivo de identificar la opinión de los adolescentes de una escuela público federal en la ciudad de Recife (el PE), sobre los métodos anticonceptivos, basados en píldora anticonceptiva y condones femeninos y masculinos. La muestra intencional fue compuesta de 72 adolescentes de ambos los géneros, con edad de 10 a 14 años, que habían contestado a un cuestionario con 29 preguntas, de julio a agosto de 2006, después de la aprobación del proyecto de la investigación para la Comisión de Ética en la investigación del Hospital Agamenon Magalhães. Los datos habían sido analizados y presentados en tablas. De acuerdo con los resultados, fue identificado que 65,0% de los adolescentes no tenían ningún conocimiento sobre ventajas anticonceptivas de la píldora; 74,0% no sabían sobre efecto nocivo de la píldora anticonceptiva; 43,0% no sabían el propósito anticonceptivo de la píldora y lo habían señalado que la píldora anticonceptiva sería tomada solamente para prevenir el embarazo; 94,0% no utilizaron ambos los condones, por lo tanto no habían iniciado la vida sexual; 57,0% habían contestado a que la manera de abrir el embalaje del condón estaría con los esquileos; 40,0% habían señalado que el condón femenino utilizado al mismo tiempo con el condón masculino. Delante de estos resultados, se considera importante puesta en práctica las acciones de la salud que acentuar los temas relacionados con los métodos anticonceptivos, para contribuir con la mejora de la información del adolescente. Descriptores: Conocimiento; Adolescentes; Métodos anticonceptivos; Sexualidad.   

Scriptorium ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 2
Ana Lúcia Montano Boessio ◽  
Neemias Flor Brandão

A partir de uma abordagem comparatista, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a representação do feminino enquanto ressonância de uma cultura dominante masculina em A Casa de Bernarda Alba – Drama de mulheres em povoados da Espanha (1936), de Federico García Lorca, contemplando três perspectivas: cultural, de acordo com o conceito trazido por Roy Wagner de cultura enquanto invenção; histórica, a partir da teoria da meta-história proposta por Hayden White, que relativiza o campo ao reconhecer o jogo de influências que o mesmo sofre e ao inserir no discurso histórico uma dimensão ficcional; e uma perspectiva religiosa, com base na visão de Pierre Debergé sobre o papel da mulher na sociedade. A construção ficcional de Lorca configura-se como um jogo de ressonâncias signíficas, onde o espaço da mulher e sua voz se (des)constituem no emaranhado das invenções e convenções sociais, culturais e históricas, desvelando, assim, a sua condição de silenciamento. *** The masculine culture in women’s voice in A Casa de Bernarda Alba – a matter of resonance ***From a comparative approach, this paper aims to analyze the representation of the feminine as a resonance of a dominant masculine culture in A Casa de Bernarda Alba – Drama de mulheres em povoados da Espanha (1936), by Federico García Lorca, considering three perspectives: cultural, according to Roy Wagner’s concept of culture as an invention; historical, through Hayden White’s metahistory theory, which relativizes the field by inserting a fictional dimension into the historical discourse, recognizing therefore the game of influences it undergoes; and a religious perspective based on Pierre Debergé’s point of view about the role of women in society. Lorca’s fictional construction constitutes itself as a game of signifying resonances, where women’s space and their voices (de)constitute themselves in the intertwinement of cultural, social and historical inventions and conventions, unveiling thus their silenced condition.Keywords: literature; feminine; culture; Federico Garcia Lorca.

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