Syrian Refugees in Brazil: Protection of Human Rights and their Developments

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-82
Victoria Teles Valois De Amorim ◽  
Michely Vargas del Puppo Romanelo

This study will present the issue of Syrian refugees in Brazil, whose immigration event occurs because of the terrible conditions offered in their native country, which makes these individuals seek refuge in other countries, seeking, in addition to a better condition, a life that is worthy. It is understood that the concept of dignified life goes against what is advocated by the Brazilian Federal Constitution, as well as fundamental rights, and even more related to the dignity of the human person. Thus, this article will bring an analysis of the context of this event, which has been happening quite frequently, making Brazil one of the countries that most welcome immigrants in the world. However, one factor draws attention in the middle of this process, as the Covid-19 pandemic has been following the population for more than a year, which makes border controls more rigid. In addition, Brazil, with its native population, is already experiencing various social problems, such as hunger, unemployment, poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. with its native population, is already experiencing various social problems, such as hunger, unemployment, poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. with its native population, is already experiencing various social problems, such as hunger, unemployment, poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. Poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. poor distribution of income and gold, which makes us rethink whether the rights and dealings with these refugees are being truly effective, in order to welcome and help in the development of a dignified life. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. The research will have its principle bibliographic reviews, in books, journals and articles referring to the area, in order to bring different standards that can be worked in society and contribute to the scientific community. It is evident that a dignified life is only possible if the guarantees, freedom, equity, and other principles, such as the dignity of the human person, provided by the Federal Constitution are observed. Keywords: Refugees; Syria; Human rights; Dignity of human person; Warranties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 275-302
Gabrielle Bezerra Sales Sarlet ◽  
Adriana Dornelles Farias

This article is an application of the methodology Law in Literature, with bibliographic research. It develops the concept of education in Human Rights, based on the dignity of the human person, the right to non-discrimination, and the general principle of equality in law, all ideas acknowledged by the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 and the current norms in the context of family and domestic violence in Brazil. It presents an interdisciplinary dialogue between the legal doctrine and the novel "Purple Hibiscus", in attempt to map the main actions applied in Brazil by the Interamerican Human Rights System in the Maria da Penha case. Thus, it is possible to establish an exchange between human and fundamental rights, through inclusion policies, information sharing and empowerment, especially regarding women and children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Francisco Cleiton Silva Paiva

This work aims to present and discuss the contemporary conception of human rights theory.Based on the defense of the dignity of the human person, human rights are the result of conquests throughout history, having taken effect in the international order since the end of the Second World War, when the United Nations (UN) promulgated the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human Rights, in 1948, when this document became the normative framework for humanitarian protection worldwide. The aforementioned Declaration provides for a set of rights belonging to every human person, regardless of nationality, race, sex, religion or any other characteristic. Among these rights are the right to life, freedom, food, work, among others, which underpin a dignified existence. In contemporary theory, although there are various ways of designating human rights, such as “human rights","individual rights","fundamental rights", “natural rights", among others, these expressions have the same meaning. However, the majority doctrine essentially distinguishes two terminologies as to its scope: “human rights”, which are used to define the rights established by international law; and “fundamental rights”, which corresponds to those referring to the rights recognized and affirmed by the States, as occurs in Brazil, in the text of the Federal Constitution of 1988. In methodological terms, this article deals with a review study, categorized as qualitative (as to nature), descriptive (as to objective) and bibliographic (as to object) research.

Celso Maran de Oliveira

Access to potable water is absolutely essential to the maintenance of life, as well as to provide regular exercise of other human rights. The lack of access to water in sufficient quantity or access to non-potable water may cause serious and irreparable damage to people. This paper investigates the evolution of international and national recognition of this fundamental human right, whether implicit or explicit. This was accomplished by the study of international human rights treaties, bibliographic information on water resources and their corresponding legal systems, national and international. The results suggest that sustainable access to drinking water is a fundamental human right in the context of international relations and the State. Further, even without explicitly stating this right in the Constitution of 1988, Brazil has incorporated the main international provisions on the subject, but this right must be acknowledged according to the principles of non-typical fundamental rights and the dignity of the human person. This right should be universally guaranteed by the Government in sufficient quantity and quality, regardless of the economic resources of individuals.

Percurso ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (29) ◽  
pp. 377
Sirlene Elias RIBEIRO

RESUMOO presente artigo cuida de uma análise da atuação dos poderes Legislativo Executivo e Judiciário na realização e implementação dos direitos fundamentais previstos na Constituição Federal do Brasil. O Enfoque dado ao trabalho é a análise de considerações e definições doutrinárias acerca do tema proposto, bem como de julgados do Supremo Tribunal Federal, com o objetivo de uma conclusão acerca do crescimento do ativismo judicial e da judicialização das políticas públicas voltadas aos direitos humanos, passando por uma análise da elaboração de legislação simbolicamente e de uma atuação simbólica do Tribunal nas questões de direitos fundamentais. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Ativismo; Judicialização; Divisão de Poderes; Legislação Simbólica. ABSTRACTThis article analyzes the performance of the Executive and Judiciary Legislative powers in the realization and implementation of fundamental rights foreseen in the Federal Constitution of Brazil. The focus of the work is the analysis of doctrinal considerations and definitions about the proposed theme, as well as of the Brasilian Federal Supreme Court, with the objective of a conclusion about the growth of judicial activism and the judicialization of public policies focused on human rights, through the analysis of the symbolic drafting of legislation and a symbolic role of the Court in matters of fundamental rights. KEYWORDS: Activism; Judicialization; Division of powers; Symbolic Legislation.

2021 ◽  
Elinda dwi sari

Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms for all people, regardless of nationality, gender, gender, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language or other status. Two values form the basis of the concept of human rights. The first is “human dignity” and the second is “equality”. Human rights are actually a (experimental) definition of the basic standards necessary for a dignified life. This paper was written to present information on human rights (HAM). The results of this discussion are Human Rights and Health Rights to Food.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-221
Claudine Ceolla Gaudêncio Knoblauch ◽  
Levi Hülse ◽  
Joel Haroldo Baade

A Constituição Federal de 1.988 traz em seu conteúdo princípios constitucionais de extrema importância, tais como, o princípio da isonomia ou da igualdade e o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana.  O primeiro especifica, segundo a máxima Aristotélica, o tratamento igualitário a todos em situação de igualdade e desigual ao desiguais na medida de suas desigualdades. Já o segundo, tem caráter subjetivo e pressupõe as condições mínimas que garantam a um indivíduo uma vida digna. Com caráter protetivo, a Constituição Federal visa assegurar aos cidadãos um rol de direitos fundamentais, entre eles a saúde. Tratam-se de prestações positivas atribuídas ao Estado que, em suma, deve assegurar o acesso à saúde a todos os cidadãos de maneira universal, integral e igualitária em todo o território nacional. Assim, para dar atendimento ao disposto no texto constitucional políticas públicas são desenvolvidas seguindo os parâmetros definidos pela Lei Orgânica da Saúde (LOS), Lei n° 8080/90, pela Lei n° 8.142/90. Temos também a Lei n° 12.401/11 e a Lei nº 9.782/99, sendo que esta criou a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e aquela criou a Comissão Nacional de Incorporação de Tecnologias no Sistema Único de Saúde. Inobstante a todo aparato legal criado para dar cumprimento ao dever do Estado em disponibilizar serviços de saúde à população, evidencia-se que na prática tal prestação por parte deste é ineficiente levando à crescente judicialização da saúde, atribuindo-se ao Poder Judiciário o dever de, mesmo que indiretamente, interferir em questões administrativas e orçamentárias de atribuição do Poder Executivo, no que diz respeito às questões de saúde.Palavras-chave: JUDICIALIZATION OF HEALTH: THE OBLIGATION OF THE STATE TO PROVIDE MEDICATION / TREATMENT WITHOUT FORECASTING IN THE PUBLIC, HIGH COST OR PROHIBITED EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM ABSTRACT: The Federal Constitution of 1988 brings in its content constitutional principles of extreme importance, such as the principle of equality or equality and the principle of the dignity of the human person. The first specifies, according to the Aristotelian maxim, equal treatment to all in a situation of equality and unequal to the unequal in the measure of their inequalities. The second is subjective and presupposes the minimum conditions that guarantee an individual a dignified life. With a protective character, the Federal Constitution aims to assure citizens a list of fundamental rights, among them health. These are positive benefits attributed to the State, which, in short, must ensure access to health for all citizens in a universal, integral and egalitarian manner throughout the national territory. Thus, in order to comply with the provisions of the constitutional text, public policies are developed following the parameters defined by the Organic Law of Health (LOS), Law n 8080/90, by Law n. 8.142 / 90. We also have Law No. 12,401 / 11 and Law No. 9,782 / 99, which created the National Health Surveillance Agency and created the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies into the Single Health System. compliance with the State's duty to provide health services to the population, it is evident that in practice this provision on the part of the latter is inefficient leading to a growing judicialization of health, being attributed to the Judiciary the duty, even indirectly, to interfere in administrative and budgetary matters of attribution of the Executive Power, with regard to health issues.Keywords: Constitutional principles. Principle of Equality. Principle of the Dignity of the Human Person. Unified Health System. Judicialization of health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Mariele Schmidt Canabarro Quinteiro ◽  
Rogério Quinteiro Barcellos

In the socio-economic-cultural context in which the Lucas do Rio Verde Municipality is inserted, to talk about the dignity of the human being is to have a dialectic discussion that visits many areas of knowledge, but that can only be understood when related to the reality in which the Municipality is inserted. The phenomenon that occurs in the Lucas do Rio Verde - MT municipality, which has one of the best human development indexes in Brazil and astonishing economic growth, is the starting point for relating the category of human dignity to the environment. This is because in the case of the Municipality of Lucas do Rio Verde - MT environmental issues and social issues are so intertwined that dealing with the environment is the outcome of a discussion about the dignity of the human person. And when it comes to this Fundamental Right, so recognized by the Brazilian Federal Constitution, it covers not only the simple survival but also a dignified survival, that is, it is the guarantee that the human being can enjoy a dignified life. The contradictions presented by the Municipality of Lucas do Rio Verde - MT, are the starting point to verify that the development that emerged after the Second World War starts to be questioned because, instead of finding autonomy with individual emancipation, we found anonymity. Instead of secularization finding freedom from religious dogma, it has brought the loss of human foundations. In this context, it can be seen that economic development cannot prosper alone, under penalty of damaging the environment and affecting the dignity of the human being to such an extent that the human being, the protagonist of this development, is robbed of the possibility of enjoying a dignified life. The dignity of the human person is an inherent human principle that must always be analyzed in an empirical and real context. It is necessary to analyze a context, with all perspectives, to contemplate the most varied facets of the dignity of the human person. In the exemplary case of Lucas do Rio Verde - MT, it was verified that the violation of the environment brutally affects the dignity of the human being. Through this unit of analysis, which is the Municipality of Lucas do Rio Verde - MT, it is possible to verify that the environment and the dignity of the human being are related, making it possible to discuss Democracy and Human Rights.

Cássio Guilherme Alves ◽  
Caroline Müller Bitencourt

O DIREITO FUNDAMENTAL SOCIAL À SAÚDE NA CONSTITUIÇÃO DE 1988: A GARANTIA DA DIGNIDADE DA PESSOA HUMANA ENTRE O PODER JUDICIÁRIO E A PONDERAÇÃO DE PRINCÍPIOS  The FUNDAMENTAL SOCIAL RIGHT to HEALTH IN THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION of 1988: the guarantee of HUMAN DIGNITY AMONG the judiciary and the BALANCE of PRINCIPLES  Cássio Guilherme Alves* Caroline Müller Bitencourt**  RESUMO: No presente estudo se buscará a análise da realização do direito fundamental social à saúde no Estado Democrático de Direito, haja vista sua proteção constitucional na Carta de 1988. Após o reconhecimento da saúde como direito fundamental social, imprescindível a criação de mecanismos que garantam sua concretização quando o Estado for ineficiente ou se negar à prestação material necessária. Para fins deste artigo será utilizado o método hipotético-dedutivo com análise das teorias da reserva do possível x mínimo existencial vinculado aos princípios de direitos fundamentais para a garantia do direito à saúde. Dessa forma, o Poder Judiciário enquanto poder constituído possui em sua natureza jurisdicional a competência e prerrogativa para compor conflitos, devendo decidir o caso concreto na esfera da jurisdição constitucional, evitando que sejam cometidos abusos e restrições contra os direitos fundamentais. Assim, o direito fundamental social à saúde possui estreita vinculação com a dignidade da pessoa humana, não sendo possível pensar em vida com dignidade com restrições a este direito. Nessa seara, o Poder Judiciário se apresenta como importante ator na concretização e garantia do direito à saúde quando o Poder Público for ineficiente na sua promoção, devendo agir através da jurisdição constitucional para, com o uso do instituto da ponderação, preservar os direitos fundamentais na garantia do mínimo existencial vinculado à dignidade da pessoa humana no Estado Democrático de Direito. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Dignidade da Pessoa Humana. Direito Fundamental Social à Saúde. Poder Judiciário. Ponderação de Princípios. ABSTRACT: In this study will seek to analyze the carry out of the fundamental social right to health in democratic State of law, its constitutional protection in 1988. After the recognition of health as a fundamental right, essential to the creation of mechanisms to ensure its implementation when the State is inefficient or refuse to provide necessary material. For the purposes of this article shall be used the hypothetical-deductive method with analysis of theories of possible x existential minimum linked to the fundamental rights to the guarantee of the right to health. In this way, the Judiciary while power constituted has the jurisdiction and prerogative Court nature to compose disputes, and decide the case in the sphere of constitutional jurisdiction, preventing are committed abuses and restrictions against fundamental rights. Thus, the fundamental social right health has close linkage with the dignity of the human person, it is not possible to think of life with dignity with restrictions on this right. In this field, the Judiciary presents itself as an important actor in the implementation and guarantee of the right to health when the Government is inefficient in its promotion and should act through the constitutional jurisdiction to, with the use of weighting Institute, preserving fundamental rights in existential minimum guarantee linked to the dignity of the human person in the democratic State of law. KEYWORDS: Dignity of the Human Person. Fundamental Social Right to the Health. Judiciary. Balance of Principles.  SUMÁRIO: Introdução. 1 A Saúde como um Direito Fundamental Social e sua Vinculação com a Dignidade da Pessoa Humana. 2 A Colisão de Direitos Fundamentais e a Ponderação de Princípios. Considerações Finais. Referências.* Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), Rio Grande do Sul.   ** Doutora em Direito pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), Rio Grande do Sul. Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), Rio Grande do Sul.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (55) ◽  
pp. 53

RESUMENEn este trabajo se hará inicialmente una evolución histórica del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, tomando el marco teórico referencial de Karel Vasak, Norberto Bobbio y Antonio Augusto Cançado Trindade, para abordar la discusión del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos en generaciones / dimensiones. A continuación se abordarán el estado de arte, límites y desafíos del derecho fundamental del extranjero privado de la libertad a la asistencia consular. Se plantearán cuestiones como, si al privado de la libertad no se le ofreció asistencia consular, qué implicaciones generaría para la garantía del debido proceso legal e incluso la posibilidad de la nulidad de una sentencia penal condenatoria. Se analizará jurisprudencia internacional al respecto, incluida la opinión consultiva de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. PALABRAS-CLAVE: Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos; Derechos Fundamentales de la Persona Humana; Derecho a la asistencia consular; Garantías del debido proceso legal. RESUMONeste trabalho far-se-á, inicialmente, uma evolução histórica do direito internacional dos direitos humanos, utilizando-se o referencial teórico de Karel Vasak, Norberto Bobbio e Antonio Augusto Cançado Trindade, para pautar a discussão do direito internacional dos direitos humanos em gerações/dimensões. Em seguida, analisar-seão os desafios, limites, estado de arte, do direito fundamental do preso estrangeiro à assistência consular. Levantar-se-ão questões como, caso ao preso estrangeiro não lhe tenha sido oferecida a assistência consular, as implicações que isso geraria para as garantias do devido processo legal e até mesmo para a nulidade de uma sentença penal condenatória. Considerar-se-á jurisprudência internacional a respeito, incluindo a opinião Consultiva da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos; Direitos Fundamentais da Pessoa Humana; Direito à assistência consular; Garantias do devido processo legal. ABSTRACTIn this work, initially, a historical evolution of the international law of the human rights will be made, using the theoretical reference of Karel Vasak, Norberto Bobbio and Antonio Augusto Cançado Trindade, to guide the discussion of international law of the human rights in generations / dimensions. Afterwards, will be analyzed the challenges, limits, state of art, the fundamental right of the foreign detainee to consular assistance. Questions will arise as, if the detainee has not been notified of his right to consular assistance, the implications that this would generate for the guarantees of the due process of law. International law cases will be considered, including the Advisory Opinion of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. KEYWORDS: International Human Rights Law; Fundamental Rights of the Human Person; Right to consular assistance; Guarantees of the due process of law.

2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-158
Thomas Schlag

AbstractBy taking recourse to the conditions surrounding the origin of the specific content of Germany’s federal Constitution which is relevant for matters of religion, the essential constitutional foundations of the responsibility to offer religious education also come into view. At the same time, such an historical orientation allows to define more closely, in accordance with the “spirit” of the Constitution, what the current challenges for religious education are and to do it in such a way as to inform current and future discussions of it. The stipulations of the Constitution and of fundamental rights which are relevant for the topic of religion are, in the truest sense of the term, not carved in stone. They require, rather, an ongoing transformation which is appropriate to the current situation and which results in concrete processes of education which are oriented towards democracy and human rights.

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