South Florida Journal of Environmental and Animal Science
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Published By South Florida Publishing LLC


2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 144-151
Victória Galheriano Maia ◽  
Daniele Mesquita Grangeiro ◽  
Marcos Levi Santos ◽  
Danilo Cabral ◽  
Everton José Buzzo ◽  

Os jabutis (Chelonoidis carbonaria) são quelônios de hábitos terrestres, pertencentes à família Testudinidae, sendo provavelmente o quelônio que mais tem sido mantido em cativeiro como animal de estimação. Dentre as principais patologias reprodutivas encontradas nesta espécie podemos destacar a distocia, que raramente tem sido relatada em répteis selvagens. A retenção de ovos é uma  enfermidade em que os sinais clínicos não são específicos e debilitam o animal severamente. Os processos patológicos que envolvem a retenção de ovos relacionam-se a diversos fatores. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo relatar um caso clinico cirúrgico de retenção de ovos em Chelonoidis carbonaria, diagnosticado através de exame físico, anamnese e o uso de estudo radiográfico. O tratamento clinico convencional sugerido não foi eficiente. Sendo assim, o animal foi encaminhado ao tratamento cirúrgico por celiotomia e remoção dos ovos retidos. Todos os ovos foram retirados e o animal foi acompanhado clinicamente por 60 dias, sem complicações durante esse período.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 131-143
Edris Queiroz Lopes ◽  
Tais Elena Caneloi ◽  
Tatiane Gonçalves De Lima ◽  
Drielly Stefany Queiroz de Lucca

Connatural alterations can be deformations or malformations discovered in the embryonic development phase of the animal, which can disguise structures or roles of the systems. Congenital disorders can range from small changes, slight changes, serious adulterations and also genetic inconsistencies. There are no apparent defined reasons, and these changes may be caused by environmental and genetic factors. Pigopagus twins are joined at the back, have a coccyx, the gastrointestinal tract may have a single or separate rectum, a single bladder in some cases and obligatorily separate spinal cord and always with sharing of the pelvic bones. The ischiopagus are united by the ventral region from the navel to the pelvis, two sacrum and two pubic symphysis, in addition to a single gastrointestinal tract and a varied number of limbs. Reporting and discussing the morphological and anatomical deformities presented in a species of Squalus acanthias, recorded by LOPES in 2020, is a big step to better understand the anatomy and physiology of animals, which are considered the top of the food chain in the oceans and are in serious trouble. risk of extinction. RESUMO Alterações conaturais podem ser deformações ou más-formações descobertas na fase de desenvolvimento embrionário do animal, podendo disfarçar estruturas ou papéis dos sistemas. Os distúrbios congênitos podem ocorrer desde pequenas mudanças, alterações leves, adulterações sérias e também incoerências genéticas. Não existem motivos aparentes definidos, podendo estas alterações serem causados por fatores ambientais e genéticos. Os gêmeos Pigopagus são unidos pelo dorso, apresentam um coccix, o trato gastrointestinal pode apresentar reto único ou separado, bexiga única em alguns casos e obrigatoriamente medula espinhal separada e sempre com compartilhamento dos ossos pélvicos. Os isquiópagos apresentam-se unidos pela região ventral do umbigo à pelve, dois sacros e duas sínfises púpicas além de tratos gastrointestinal único e número de membros variados. Relatar e discutir as deformidades morfológicas e anatômicas apresentadas em uma especie de Squalus acanthias, registrada por LOPES em 2020, é um grande passo para entender melhor a anatomia e fisiologia de animais, que são considerados o topo da cadeia alimentar nos oceanos e correm um sério risco de extinção.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 120-130
Edris Queiroz Lopes ◽  
Tatiane Gonçalves De Lima ◽  
Luana Félix De Melo ◽  
Rose Eli Grassi Rici

The green turtle (Chelonia mydas) present in tropical seas, uses as a feeding area the coastal region of Peruíbe, has the skull as a relatively large and solid structure, and a strong jaw formed by the junction of small bones as it has very abrasive feeding. By applying scanning electron microscopy techniques, it was possible to identify the presence of a bone structure located in the hyoid in the ventral region of the skull along with the mandible of juvenile individuals of green turtles, and as there is no related research, it was necessary to perform a CT scan, decalcification and histology of the quelonian hyoid, to discover the morphological composition of this new structure, described only in the species Chelonia mydas. Thus, the morphology of the structures and its confirmation as a real bone, with characteristic of spongy bone, described as certobranchial II, was confirmed, thus helping researchers to seek other ways to understand the feeding processes of these animals that are going through a series of serious environmental problems and therefore perhaps having to change their eating habits to overcome the high level of pollution that we are finding in the oceans.   RESUMO A tartaruga verde (Chelonia mydas) presente nos mares tropicais, utiliza como zona de alimentação a região costeira do Peruíbe, tem o crânio como uma estrutura relativamente grande e sólida, e uma mandíbula forte formada pela junção de pequenos ossos, uma vez que tem uma alimentação muito abrasiva. Aplicando técnicas de microscopia electrónica de varrimento, foi possível identificar a presença de uma estrutura óssea localizada no hióide na região ventral do crânio, juntamente com a mandíbula de indivíduos juvenis de tartarugas verdes, e como não existe investigação relacionada, foi necessário realizar um TAC, descalcificação e histologia do hióide quelónico, para descobrir a composição morfológica desta nova estrutura, descrita apenas na espécie Chelonia mydas. Assim, a morfologia das estruturas e a sua confirmação como um osso real, com característica de osso esponjoso, descrito como certobranchial II, foi confirmada, ajudando assim os investigadores a procurar outras formas de compreender os processos de alimentação destes animais que estão a passar por uma série de graves problemas ambientais e, por conseguinte, talvez tenham de alterar os seus hábitos alimentares para superar o elevado nível de poluição que estamos a encontrar nos oceanos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 104-119
Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza Borges ◽  
Zaíra Morais dos Santos Hurtado De Mendoza ◽  
Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza Morais

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo la previsión del ambiente térmico para el ganado lechero mediante redes neuronales artificiales, de acordó con la temperatura y humedad diaria. En la investigación se utilizaron los valores diarios de esas variables, disponibles en el Instituto Nacional de Meteorología de Brasil. Los datos correspondieron a las series históricas registradas en estaciones convencionales con tiempo de operación superior a 30 años hasta 2020. A continuación, se seleccionaron los municipios Canarana, Matupá, Nova Xavantina y Santo Antônio de Leverger, localizados en Mato Grosso, Brasil. Con base en los dados climatológicos, se estimó el Índice de Temperatura y Humedad diario en el calendario Juliano. Posteriormente, se probaron 35 arquitecturas de redes neuronales artificiales con tipología perceptrón de múltiples camadas, siendo la variable de entrada el día Juliano y la de salida el Índice de Temperatura y Humedad. La idoneidad de las redes fue verificada por el coeficiente de determinación, el error absoluto medio, el error cuadrático medio, el porciento medio del error absoluto y la normalidad de los residuos. No hubo diferencias entre los valores estimados por las redes y los obtenidos a partir de las series históricas. La rede de mejor desempeño y eficiencia para cada municipio, también fue comprobada por el análisis gráfico de los residuos. Se concluyó que las redes neuronales con tipología perceptron de dos camadas ocultas fueron apropiadas en el pronóstico del ambiente térmico natural para el ganado lechero.   The present study aimed to forecast the thermal environment for dairy cattle through artificial neural networks, according to the daily temperature and humidity. The research used the daily values of these variables, available in the National Institute of Meteorology of  Brazil. The data corresponded to the historical series registered in conventional stations with an operating time of more than 30 years until 2020. Next, the municipalities Canarana, Matupá, Nova Xavantina and Santo Antônio de Leverger, located in Mato Grosso, Brazil, were selected. Based on the climatological data, the Temperature and Humidity Index was determined for each day of the year in the Julian calendar. Subsequently, 35 artificial neural network architectures with multiple layer perceptron typology were tested, the input variable being the Julian day and the output variable being the Temperature and Humidity Index. The suitability of the networks was verified by the coefficient of determination, the mean absolute error, the mean square error, the mean percentage of the absolute error and the normality of the residuals. There were no differences between the values estimated by the networks and those obtained from the historical series. The network with the best performance and efficiency for each municipality was also verified by the graphic analysis of the residuals. It was concluded that the neural networks with perceptron typology of two hidden layers were appropriate in the forecast of the natural thermal environment for dairy cattle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 94-102
Ricardo O. Russo

The objective of this opinion is to reflect the role of silvopastoral systems (SPS) in Costa Rica's Low Carbon Livestock Strategy (EGBC, for its acronym in Spanish), and how these sustainable and extensive integrated livestock production function as a model, and how the woody component is integrated in the system, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases favoring the mitigation of climate change. Applying relevance to the purpose, this revision refers to the integration of forestry activity in livestock production, as a viable alternative of its production system. Based on SPS criteria from which a tree component (natural or established) is associated with an herbaceous community (natural or improved pastures) and a farming component (livestock) in the same site, where biological interactions exist among components, and land use is maximized. This essay also clarifies how SPS are grouped striving to be fair-minded in evaluating the economic, productive, social, and environmental points of view, and the effects of the interaction among its components. Therefore, this analysis applies significance to the interpretation of the SPS relation among biology, society, and culture, and its role in Costa Rica's Low Carbon Livestock Strategy.   El objetivo de este dictamen es reflejar el papel de los sistemas silvopastoriles (SPS) en la Estrategia de Ganadería Baja en Carbono (EGBC) de Costa Rica, y cómo funcionan como modelo estas producciones ganaderas integradas, sostenibles y extensivas, y cómo se integra el componente leñoso en el sistema, contribuyendo a la reducción de gases de efecto invernadero favoreciendo la mitigación del cambio climático. Aplicando la relevancia al propósito, esta revisión se refiere a la integración de la actividad forestal en la producción ganadera, como una alternativa viable de su sistema de producción. Con base en los criterios de SPS a partir de los cuales se asocia un componente arbóreo (natural o establecido) con una comunidad herbácea (pastos naturales o mejorados) y un componente agrícola (ganadería) en un mismo sitio, donde existen interacciones biológicas entre los componentes, y se maximiza el uso de la tierra. Este ensayo también aclara cómo se agrupan los SPS tratando de ser justos en la evaluación de los puntos de vista económico, productivo, social y ambiental, y los efectos de la interacción entre sus componentes. Por lo tanto, este análisis aplica la importancia de la interpretación de la relación de los SPS entre la biología, la sociedad y la cultura, y su papel en la Estrategia de Ganadería Baja en Carbono de Costa Rica.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 81-93
Daniel Alejandro Paiz ◽  
Pablo Guillermo Rimoldi

ABSTRACT In this paper we present the birds that make up the diet of Tyto furcata in four environments in the south of the province of Santa Fe, where previous data were practically nonexistent. From this contribution, 37 individuals corresponding to three Orders and 10 Families could be established as part of the diet of this raptor. The family with the most predated representatives was Thraupidae (n=19) with three genera: Sicalis, Zonotrichia and Sporophila. The average body size of the prey was 17cm. The peri-urban/suburban (AP/S) environment had the greatest diversity of prey consumed. In all environments, the highest abundance occurred in the warm seasons (spring-summer), corresponding to the decrease in micromammal populations. This type of study demonstrates the effectiveness of pellet analysis as a tool to know the existing species in highly anthropized environments.   RESUMEN En este trabajo se presentan las aves que componen la dieta de Tyto furcata en cuatro ambientes del sur de la provincia de Santa Fe, donde los datos anteriores eran prácticamente inexistentes. A partir de este aporte se pudo establecer que 37 individuos correspondientes a tres órdenes y 10 familias forman parte de la dieta de esta rapaz. La familia con más representantes depredados fue Thraupidae (n=19) con tres géneros: Sicalis, Zonotrichia y Sporophila. El tamaño medio del cuerpo de las presas fue de 17 cm. El entorno periurbano/suburbano (PA/S) presentó la mayor diversidad de presas consumidas. En todos los entornos, la mayor abundancia se produjo en las estaciones cálidas (primavera-verano), lo que se corresponde con la disminución de las poblaciones de micromamíferos. Este tipo de estudio demuestra la eficacia del análisis de egagrópilas como herramienta para conocer las especies existentes en ambientes altamente antropizados.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Evaldo de Paiva Lima ◽  
Rosandro Boligon Minuzzi ◽  
Yuri de Almeida Lyra Corrêa ◽  
Camila Sanches De Oliveira

Soloteca is the term used in Brazil to refer to the place where reference soil samples are stored. The Soloteca of Embrapa Solos-RJ, for example, stores soil samples from different regions of Brazil, and these samples need to be stored in conditions that preserve their intrinsic characteristics. In this context, the objective of this work was to determine the air temperature and relative humidity conditions in the Soloteca of Embrapa Solos-RJ. The data were collected by three Thermo hygrometers, installed inside and outside the place where the samples are stored, in the period from December 1, 2016, to March 31, 2017, corresponding to summer 2016/17. The difference between the mean and variance of the data for each environment/height was evaluated at the 5% level, respectively, by the  t-Student and Snedecor's F tests. The other statistical analyses were presented by boxplots. It was observed that the air temperature, on average, did not differ between the indoor and outdoor environments at a height of 1.6 meters, but there was a difference with the sensor installed near the surface (0.5 meters). On the other hand, the dispersion of the data attested by the variance and the coefficient of variation in the external environment was greater than those recorded internally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-71
Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza Borges ◽  
Zaíra Morais dos Santos Hurtado De Mendoza ◽  
Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza Morais ◽  
Charles Esteffan Cavalcante

This study aimed to determine the enthalpy index in three municipalities of Mato Grosso, to characterize the bioclimatic profile for the poultry industry. In the research, the compensated daily dry bulb temperature and the daily average relative humidity were used. The data corresponding to a historical series of 35 years, between 01/01/1985 and 12/31/2020, recorded in conventional meteorological stations in the municipalities of Canarana, Nova Xavantina, and Santo Antônio de Leverger, available in the Meteorological Database for Teaching and Research of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET). Then, monthly descriptive statistics of the historical series were determined and bar plot graphs with enthalpy values were developed. These graphs included the lower and upper enthalpy limits, suitable for laying hens and broilers, to qualify the thermal conditions of environmental comfort in the three municipalities of Mato Grosso. It was concluded that the enthalpy index made it possible to characterize the bioclimatic profile of the mentioned municipalities for poultry farming, according to the months of the year. The natural thermal conditions in these municipalities were not favorable to poultry farming, requiring extra investments in the air conditioning of the sheds. The increase in thermal discomfort for broilers was accentuated from the fourth week of the production cycle. The applied methodology presented itself as an adequate tool to assist in the elaboration of projects related to environmental changes in aviaries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-79
George Jefferson Gomes Maia ◽  
Mariana Silva Albuquerque ◽  
Vitória Elizabeth de Souza Rocha ◽  
Jamires Silva De Souza ◽  
Edson Francisco do Espírito Santo

American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis (ATL) is characterized as a zoonosis caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania spp., presenting a chronic, non-contagious evolution, and its transmission occurs through the bite of sand fly insects (Diptera: Psychodidae). The process of expansion of cities, agricultural frontiers, and the occupation of peripheral areas contribute to the occurrence of epidemic outbreaks of the disease. This article aimed to study the incidence of human cases of ATL in the city of Manaus, describing qualitatively and quantitatively the occurrence of this disease. From the transfer of data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System - SINAN, made available by the Amazonas Health Surveillance Foundation - FVS/AM, this study describes a total of 789 cases, which occurred between 2018 and 2019, in the capital of Amazonas, which were classified according to age, gender, occupation, clinical signs, as well as the condition of the autochthonous case, the relationship with work, and the evolution of the case. As a result, 789 cases were confirmed, ranging in age from 1 to 90 years, and with a higher prevalence in males. As for the form of the lesion, the cutaneous type was identified in 98.73% of the cases, and 57% of the cases had a clinical cure. The results show ATL as a disease related to the socioeconomic and mainly health conditions in which the patient fits, with a high number of patients in large expanding cities, such as the city of Manaus. Thus, further work is needed to provide clarification on the disease, especially in the state of Amazonas, as it is still a neglected disease and related to the population's living conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-38
Maria de Fátima Miranda Lopes De Carvalho ◽  
Maria de Valdivia Costa Norat

The general objective of this paper is to verify how the collection and final disposal of solid domestic and/or commercial waste produced by the riverside population of the Ilha Grande, Caciri, Tem-Tem, and Vila do Juaba, in the municipality of Cametá - PA is done, geographically situated in the extend in the River Tocantins extension. This is bibliographical research, complemented by quantitative and qualitative research with data collected through a questionnaire with closed-ended questions (quantitative approach) and semi-structured survey script (qualitative approach) applied in September 2015 to forty subjects (ten for each location) residing in the four municipalities. The qualitative collection results show that 52,5% of the subjects are woman; 70% work; 62,5% work in autonomous activities; 42,5% has incomplete middle school; 92,5% reside in an unpaved place; 92,5% do not have piped water system; 100% has access to electricity; 97,5% do not have sewage system 62,5% live in a wood build house, and 65% already had the opportunity to witness acts against the preservation of the environment. In this qualitative research, the results of the four questions utilizing a semi-structured script place that a sanitary landfill should be built; selective garbage collection at least once a week; an end to disposable bags and the use of cloth bags; the environment should be protected from solid waste; and the research subjects do not agree with taking returnable waste to a collection point. In final considerations, every offender of the environment should be fined.

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