scholarly journals Persepsi Terhadap Kualitas Calon Legislatif (Caleg), Dan Kepercayaan Politik (Political trust) dengan Partisipasi Politik.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (03) ◽  
Rohana Handaningrum ◽  
Rr. Amanda Pasca Rini

Abstract. This study aims to determine the relationship of perception of the quality of candidates and political trust with political participation. The population in this study were students at the University August 17, 1945 Surabaya who already have the right to vote or voting rights (age> 17 years or married). While the sample in this study was 150 students, with incidental sampling method. The results of this study were analyzed using multiple regression analysis and resulted in: 1) The relationship between perceptions of quality candidates (candidates) and political beliefs (political trust) with political participation, the value of F = 1.056 with a significance level of 0.351> 0.05. It can be concluded that this hypothesis is rejected or not proven, that means there is no significant relationship between perceptions of quality candidates (candidates) and political beliefs (Political Trust) with Political Participation. 2) partial test results perceptions of the quality of candidates (X1) with political participation, the value of t = 0.297 and 0.767 significance level> 0.05. This suggests that partial perception of the quality factor candidates (candidates) (X1), there was no significant relationship to political participation (Y). It can be concluded that this hypothesis is not proven or rejected. 3) The results of the partial test of political beliefs (political trust) (X2) with political participation, the value of t = -1.424 and a significance level of 0.157> 0.05. This suggests that partial political trust factor (X2) there is no significant relationship to political participation (Y). value of R Square (R2) of 0.14. R Square value of 0.14 indicates the percentage contribution of the effect of independent variables (perception of the quality of candidates and political beliefs) on the dependent variable (political participation) only by 1.4%, while the remaining 98.6% is influenced by other variables not variables included in the study. Keywords : Perception of the quality of candidates, Political trust, Political participation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (5) ◽  
pp. 385-390
Amit Kumar ◽  
Kuldeep Singh ◽  
Anil Kumar Siwach

National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was launched on 29 September 2015 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India to rank the academic & research institutions across the country. The NIRF E-release of India Ranking 2020 was held on 11th June 2020. The present study analyses the top 100 Universities in terms of visualisation of data, the relationship of ranking with the parameters, and the relations among these parameters. Results of the study indicate that the Teaching, Learning & Resources (TLR) score for all the universities was almost similar while Research and Professional Practice (RP) score had a considerable variation and played a significant role in ranking by having a positive linear correlation with the total score with the value of R2= 0.746. RP also has a strong correlation with the Peer Perception (PR) of the university. The average library expenditure of top-10 universities was 9.45 crore per annum. It was also found that library expenditure has a positive correlation with RP and the universities with higher research productivity also have a more outstanding quality of publication in terms of citations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-28
Irfan Mahendra

This research aims to analyze the success of the website of Borobudur University using Delone & Mclean Model. Variables used in this research are the quality of information, system quality, service quality, and user satisfaction. The research population is a regular student at the University of Borobudur, with a population of 431 people. The number of samples used in this research was 82 people, with a significance level of 10%. Meanwhile, in determining the sample using non probability sampling approach by using accidental sampling technique. Data collection activities were conducted using questionnaires, while the data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, to describe the profile of respondents and to know the user perception of research variables. Based on the results of research, showed that students' perceptions of the website of the University of Borobudur is high. While based on the results of hypothesis testing, also obtained result that all hypothesis in test accepted, where there is a positive and significant relationship between information quality to the user satisfaction of website, there is a positive and significant relationship between system quality to the user satisfaction of website, and there is a positive and significant relationship between service quality to user satisfaction of website.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Peshraw A. Mohammed Ameen

Power is the legitimate use of force in a socially acceptable manner, the legitimate force exercised by a person or group over others. The element of legitimacy is an important element of the idea of ​​power, which is the primary means by which power distinguishes itself from other, more general concepts of force. Force can be imposed forcibly or violently. On the other hand, the Authority relies on the acceptance of the subordinates, granting the right to those above them to issue orders or directives. the relationship of psychology and political power is a strong relationship, and through the study of the psychology of the masses and rulers in any state or region can be interpreted and predict the behavior of power and the masses in this country, and the subject of authority in the Kurdistan region as a subject directly related to the subject of psychology of power and the quality of this authority in this region is a place Controversy for everyone who monitors and deals with this power, so determine the quality of power and how to conduct it through the study of the psychology of power, according to current reality and one of the most important jobs for researchers in the Kurdistan Region so we know the quality of political authority in this region, so we try in this modest research to determine the quality and type of power in the Kurdistan Region through the analysis of the psychology of power in Kurdistan region.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Moh Akbar P. Djufri ◽  
Jimmy Posangi ◽  
Wenda Oroh

Abstract : Sex education is teaching effortsm awareness and provision of information aboutsexual problems, information provided including knowledge of the functions of reproductiveorgans by instilling morals, ethics, commitment, and religion, so as not to abuse thesereproductive organs. Sex education provided through parenting is expected so that childrenget the right information about sex, this is due to other media that can teach children aboutsex. Every parentusually has a different parenting pattern, parenting pattern of perents isdivied into three, democratic parenting pattern, permissivea parenting and authoritarianparenting. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of parenting parentswith the provision of sex education in 5th and 6th graders of SD N Inpres Boyong Pante.Thedesign of this study using Cross Sectional approach, sampling method by total sampling is41 parents. Instruments in this study from of questionnaires an analyzed using spearmanrank statistic with a significance level of 95%.: α = 0,05. Spearman rank test results with asignificance level of 95% (α = 0,05).Conclusion, three is a relationship of parenting patternswith the provision of sex education in 5th and 6th graders of SD N InpresBoyongPante, wherethe p.value of both is 0,000samller than (α = 0,05).Keywords: The Parenting Parents, giving sex education to childrenAbstrak: Pendidikan seks adalah upaya pengajaran, penyadaran, dan pemberian informasitentang masalah seksual. Informasi yang diberikan di antaranya adalah pengetahuan tentangfungsi organ reproduksi dengan menanamkan moral, etika, komitmen, dan agama, agar tidakterjadi penyalahgunaan organ reproduksi tersebut. Pendidikan seks yang diberikan melalui polaasuh orang tua diharapkan agar anak mendapat informasi yang tepat mengenaiseks, hal inidikarenakan adanya media lain yang dapat mengajari anak mengenai pendidikan seks. Polaasuh orang tua berpengaruh terhadap pemberian pendidikan seks pada anak. Setiap orang tuabiasanya memiliki pola asuh terhadap anak yang berbeda-beda. Pola asuh orang tua terbagiatas tiga yaitu pola asuh demokratis, pola asuh permisif dan pola asuh otoriter. Tujuanpenelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh dengan pemberian pendidikan seks padaanak kelas 5 dan 6 SD N Inpres Boyong Pante. Metode penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan cross sectional. Cara pengambilan sampel dengan caratotal sampling yaitusejumlah 41 orang tua. Instrumen penelitian ini berupa kuesioner dan di analisa menggunakanuji statistic spearman rank dengan tingkat kemaknaan 95%: α = 0,05. Hasil uji spearman rankdengan tingkat kemaknaan 95% (α = 0,05), menunjukkan ada hubungan pola asuh denganpemberian pendidika seks pada anak kelas 5 dan 6 SD N Inpres Boyong Pante, dimana nilai padalah 0,000 lebih kecil dari α = 0,05.Kata Kunci: Pola asuh Orang Tua, Pemberian Pendidikan Seks Pada Ana

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-150
Mei Fitria Kurniati ◽  
Ahmad Zainal Abidin Abidin

The nurse is obligated to examine the basic human needs for determining the action plan and implementation to be delivered tro the patient. Patient satisfaction is one indicator of the quality of service we provide and patient satisfaction is a capital to get more patients and to get patients loyalty.The purpose of this study is to know the relationship of implementation of nursing actions based on basic human needs from Virginia Handerson with satisfaction of patient at Bhayangkara Wahyu tutuko Bojonegoro Hospital This research desaign using Cross Sectional. The sampling methode used is Purposive Sampling. A sampling of 23 nurses and 30 patients met the inclution criteria. The variables studied are the independent variables of nursing action and the dependent variable is patient satisfaction. Data were collected using questionnaire and analyzed by using Spearman Rho test with significance level 0,05. The result showed that all nurses performed a good nursing action that is as much  as 23 respondents (100 %).Patient satisfaction data found that most of respondents stated very satisfied that as many as 29 respondents (96.7%) and 1 respondent (3.3%) expressed satisfaction. The result of Spearman Rho test showed sig. ρ = 0,000 means ρ <0.05 so that  is accepted so that there is a relationship of implementation of nursing actions based on basic human needs from Virginia Handerson with satisfaction of patient at Bhayangkara Wahyu tutuko Bojonegoro Hospital. Nurses should be more active to improve the quality of the implementation of nursing actions by meeting basic human needs as a responsibility in providing professional services to improve patient satisfaction as a service user

e-NERS ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Nurfiana Matfikih ◽  
Sarah M. Warouw ◽  
Julia Rottie

Abstract: Independence of self is one of the most important aspects that should be possessed by each individual and the child, because in addition to affect performance, it also serves to help achieve the goal of life, achievements, success and earn rewards. Without the support of an independent nature, the individual and the child will be difficult to reach something in the maximum, and it will also be difficult to achieve succes. The  support of parents and the right of parenting, in accordance with conditions expected to establish children in pre-school indepedence in the exercise of an daily personal hygiene. This research to know the relationship of parenting parents with personal hygiene independence to children in pre-school at Kindergarten of Kartika Manado. The design of this study using the cross sectional approach. The method of sampling in this study is a total sampling way that some 50 parents/guardians of students. This study used a questionnaire instrument and analys Chi-Square statistical test at a significance level of 95 %: (α 0,05). The result showed there were 19 samples that had authotitarian parents, 12 samples didn’t have the independence in maintaining personal hygiene and 7 samples are independent. There are 31 samples that have parents democratic, 7 samples don’t have the independence in maintaining personal hygiene and 24 samples are independent. Result of Chi-Square test (X2) at 95 % confidence level (α 0,05), showed an association with parenting parents with personal hygiene independence to children in pre-school at Kindergarten of Kartika Manado, where the value of ρ=0,004, smaller than α=0,05. Democratic parenting was able to indepedence to children to maintain personal hygiene, it’s expected that managers at Kindergarten of Kartika Manado to promote democratic parenting to parents, so that parents can implement it in the family life. Keywords: The Parenting Parents, personal hygiene independence to children in pre-school.     Abstrak: Kemandirian merupakan salah satu aspek terpenting yang harus dimiliki setiap individu dan anak, karena selain dapat mempengaruhi kinerja, juga berfungsi untuk membantu mencapai tujuan hidup, prestasi, kesuksesan serta memperoleh penghargaan. Tanpa didukung oleh sifat mandiri, maka individu maupun anak akan sulit untuk mencapai sesuatu secara maksimal, dan akan sulit pula untuk meraih kesuksesan. Dukungan orangtua serta pola asuh yang tepat, sesuai dengan keadaan anak diharapkan mampu membentuk kemandirian anak pra sekolah dalam pelaksanaan kebersihan perorangan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan kemandirian kebersihan perorangan pada anak pra sekolah di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kartika Manado. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Cara pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara total sampling yaitu sejumlah 50 orangtua/wali siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen kuesioner dan dianalisa menggunkan uji statistic Chi-Square pada tingkat kemaknaan 95 %: (α 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 19 sampel yang memiliki orang tua otoriter, 12 sampel tidak memiliki kemandirian dalam menjaga kebersihan perorangan dan 7 sampel memiliki kemandirian. Dari 31 sampel yang memiliki orang tua demokratis, 7 sampel tidak memiliki kemandirian dalam menjaga kebersihan perorangan dan 24 sampel memiliki kemandirian. Hasil uji Chi Square (X2) pada tingkat  kepercayaan 95% (α 0,05), menunjukkan ada hubungan hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan kemandirian kebersihan perorangan pada anak pra sekolah di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kartika Manado, dimana nilai ρ= 0,004, lebih kecil dari α=0,05. Pola asuh demokratis ternyata mampu memandirikan anak pra sekolah untuk menjaga kebersihan perorangan, diharapkan agar pengelola Taman Kanak-Kanak Kartika Manado mensosialisasikan pola asuh demokratis kepada orang tua, agar orang tua dapat mengimplementasikannya di dalam kehidupan berkeluarga. Kata Kunci: Pola Asuh Orangtua, Kemandirian Kebersihan Perorangan Anak Pra Sekolah.

2021 ◽  
pp. 019459982110268
Zeyao Jia ◽  
Jinhong Li ◽  
Christine Harrison ◽  
Elizabeth Pawlowicz ◽  
David Anthony Clump ◽  

Objective We aim to (1) determine the prevalence and predictors of trismus and (2) examine the relationship of trismus, swallowing dysfunction, and quality of life (QOL) in survivors of head and neck cancer (HNC). Study Design Case series with chart review. Setting Multidisciplinary HNC survivorship clinic. Methods Data on trismus and patient-reported outcomes were obtained from survivors of HNC between December 2016 and October 2019. Trismus was defined as a maximum interincisal opening ≤35 mm. QOL and swallowing dysfunction were measured with the University of Washington Quality of Life questionnaire and EAT-10 (Eating Assessment Tool–10), respectively. Linear regressions were applied to investigate the relationship of trismus with QOL and swallowing dysfunction. Results Of the 237 survivors, 22.78% (n = 54) had trismus. Advanced stage of cancer (stage III/IV vs Tis-II, P = .002) and treatment (nonsurgical and surgery + adjuvant treatment vs surgery only, P = .006) were correlated with a higher prevalence of trismus. After controlling for cancer stage and treatment type, EAT-10 scores for survivors with trismus were 9.342 (95% CI, 6.262-12.423; P < .0001) higher than those without trismus. The University of Washington Quality of Life Physical and Social-Emotional subscales for patients with trismus were 14.088 (95% CI, 9.042-19.134; P < .0001) and 10.470 (95% CI, 4.793-16.147; P = .0003) lower than those without trismus, respectively. Conclusion Trismus is a common, treatment-related consequence and is associated with increased symptoms of dysphagia and decreased QOL. Early detection and management of trismus in survivors of HNC are essential to optimize QOL and reduce morbidity.

Nihad Ayub Qadr

There is a difference in terms of the views of coaches and specialists regarding the fixed foot and position of the body. No study has been noted on futsal in which the variables of the kinematics of the fixed foot and body were analyzed. These variables have a significant importance in terms of the angle of fixed foot and body and their direction and distance. They are important in order to be accurate in scoring and specifically in the fixed balls. The objective of the study was to identify the relationship of some kinematic variables of the fixed foot and body to the accuracy of scoring when performing penalty by futsal players. The research participants were the team of the University of Koya for the academic year 2016-2017. The researcher chose the sample by deliberate method and reached 13 players. Each player has played for at least four years, and all players use the right foot, while the the average age of sample  is 23.4 years, body mass 67.37 kg, body height 171 cm, and leg length 93.76 cm. The conclusions of the researcher are that the fixed foot as other parts of the body have an effective role during the scoring of a fixed ball in the game of futsal. The direction angle of the fixed foot has an impact on the mechanical axis of the body and is reflected on the accuracy of the scoring in fixed balls in futsal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 37-43 ◽  
A. I. Vasil’ev

The article examines the relationship between the theoretical categories “quality of education” and “competitiveness of education”, as applied to educational activities of higher educational institutions. Based on a review of the scientific literature, the author adduces the examples of the opposition and mixing of the quality and competitiveness of education. The quality of education and its competitiveness are characterized as fundamental values that are the objects of analysis and evaluation in the university management system. The author’s definition of the competitiveness of educational organization as a feature reflecting the relative superiority over rivals at the pre-active stage is proposed. The author considers the relationship of competitiveness and quality of education by highlighting the methods and indicators of their evaluation and analysis in the intra-university management system. The mutual dependence of the quality and competitiveness of education is manifested in the formulation of indicators and methods for their evaluation. Assessment of the competitiveness of education and evaluation of its quality have a methodological commonality – using assessment approaches based on the “resource” and the “resultant” methodology. It has been proved that when evaluating the competitiveness of education, the results of educational activities should be taken into account, and using only an approach focusing on the resources of educational activities to assess the competitiveness of education will make such an assessment incomplete. The “quality” – “competitiveness” matrix built by the author allows to reveal four types of universities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (10) ◽  
pp. 3273-3275
Sam Cemil Tuğrulhan ◽  
Yilmaz Hasan Hüseyin

Objective: To examine the relationship between static and dynamic balance and the shooting performance of curling athletes who continue their sports life actively at the elite level. Materials and Methods: A total of 15 athletes in the curling A national women's and men's teams participated in the research. The body compositions of the subjects were measured using the BODPOD device. SPORKAT 300 device was used to determine the static and dynamic balance levels. Static and Dynamic balance measurements were performed on both feet, right feet and left feet. In order to evaluate the shooting performance of the subjects, the curling shooting performance evaluation scale developed by Bedir and Erhan was used. SPSS v25 was used in the analysis of the data obtained from the measurements. The significance level was accepted as 0.05 in all statistical evaluations. Results: When the data obtained from the subjects were examined, it was determined that there was a significant relationship between both static and dynamic balance and shooting performance. In addition, it was determined that there were significant relationships between the subjects' body compositions, static/dynamic balance levels and shooting performances. Conclusion: It was determined that there is a significant relationship between static and dynamic balance and shooting performance. Significant relationships were determined between body composition and static and dynamic balance. Keywords: Curling, Shooting Performance, Balance, Body Composition

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