scholarly journals The Common Access as Pro People Management of Natural Resources (An Analysis of Decision Number 3/PUU-VIII/2010 about Judicial Review of Law 27/2007)

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
Faiq Tobroni ◽  
Izzatin Kamala

This paper aims to explore the new concept as an alternative management of natural resources (specifically Coastal Areas and Small Islands/CA-SI). In Decision Number 3/PUU-VIII/2010 (the Court Decision), the Constitutional Court uses the new concept as considerations to cancel the Concession Rights on Coastal Waters (CR-CW) as the mechanism of management of CA-SI in Law Number 27 Year 2007 about Management of Coastal Area and Small Islands (Law 27/2007). Some important questions in this paper are why did the Constitutional Court annul CR-CW in Law 27/2007? Whether the new concept offered in the Court Decision and consistent with 1945 Constitution? And how is the new concept offered consistent with people empowerment?The revoke of CR-CW in Law 27/2007 is caused that the concept of concession is contrary to the norms of natural resources management in the 1945 Constitution and the spirit of people empowerment. The new concept offered in the Decision is the common access. In this concept of access, CA-SI is   regarded as the common property with the rules from members of the community itself. The provisions to access CA-SI  as  the common  property are also determined by agreements of the community itself. Management of CA-SI on the common access is in accordance with people empowerment. The consistency is shown by the relevancy of concept of common access to include three key issues of people empowerment (access, assets and collective  capabilities).

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 04003
Nurul Huda ◽  
A.H. Asy’ari T. ◽  
Yusuf Saefudin ◽  
Muhammad Bahrus Syakirin

Law no. 27 of 2007 on Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands has the basis of consideration dimension of economic prosperity. The Act obtained Judicial Review to the Constitutional Court due to the rights of Coastal Waters Concession (HP-3). This article examines how the existence of indigenous and tribal peoples who have the right to be protected by the state constitution and how the legal analysis of the Judicial Review of the Act is reviewed. This research was conducted by a normative juridical method. The results show that indigenous and tribal peoples have not fully existed in the regulation and legal politics of Indonesia, particularly in the management of coastal areas and small islands. Judicial Review conducted to the Constitutional Court through Decision No. 3/ PUU-VIII / 2010 states that in certain articles in Law No. 27 of 2007 on the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands is contrary to the state constitution and has no binding power, which relates to Coastal Waters Rights which tend to be more liberal/capitalist because it can only be utilized by the owner of capital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 080
Zaka Firma Aditya

Tulisan ini hendak membahas mengenai konsistensi putusan-putusan mahkamah konstitusi dalam pengujian undang-undang berdasarkan asas preseden. MK beberapa kali dipandang tidak konsisten karena kerap mengeluarkan putusan yang bersifat overrulling. Namun, sebenarnya tidak sedikit juga putusan MK yang konsisten mengikuti preseden. Meskipun penggunaan asas preseden hanya dikenal di negara yang menganut tradisi common law, MK ternyata juga menerapkannya. Putusan MK tentang pengujian UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama adalah salah satu bentuk dianutnya asas preseden di MK. Putusan ini secara konsisten menyatakan bahwa UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama tetap konstitusional karena akan terjadi kekosongan hukum apabila UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama diputus inkonstitusional. Dalam perkara tersebut, MK mempertahankan ratio decidendinya terhadap konstitusionalnya UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama karena meskipun MK sadar bahwa UU a quo banyak mengandung kelemahan. Konsistensi standing MK terhadap UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama ini merupakan salah satu bentuk dari dipraktekannya doktrin preseden.This paper will discuss the consistency of the constitutional court decision in the judicial review cases based on the principle of precedent. MK several times deemed inconsistent because often issued a ruling that is overruling. However, there were actually a lot of MK decisions that consistently followed the precedent. Although the use of the precedent principle is only known in common law tradition, the Constitutional Court apparently also applies it. The Constitutional Court’s decision regarding the Blasphemy Prevention Act was one form of the principle of precedent in the Constitutional Court. This decision consistently states that the Blasphemy Prevention Act remains constitutional because a legal vacuum will occur if the Blasphemy Prevention Law was decided to be unconstitutional. In this case, the Court retained its ratio decidendi to the constitutionality of the Blasphemy Prevention Law, even though the Court was aware that the Law contained many weaknesses. The consistency of the Constitutional Court on the judicial review of the Blasphemy Prevention Act is one form of the practice of precedent doctrine.

Steven Gow Calabresi

This chapter examines the two models of judicial review that exist in the common law countries: the Diffuse Model and the Second Look Model. The Diffuse Model of judicial review originated in the United States and has spread to India, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, most of the countries of Latin America, the Scandinavian countries (except for the Netherlands), and Japan. It is premised on the idea that a country’s written constitution is its supreme law and that courts, when deciding cases or controversies that are properly before them, are thus duty-bound to follow the constitution, which is supreme law, and not a contrary statute whenever those two items conflict. Meanwhile, the essence of the Second Look Model of judicial review is that a Supreme or Constitutional Court ought to have the power of judicial review, subject to some kind of legislative power of override. This, it is said, best harmonizes the advantages of a written constitution and a bill of rights enforced by courts with the imperatives of democratic self-government. The underlying goal is to obtain the advantages of both constitutional government and also of democratic government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (29) ◽  
pp. 104-117
Péter Hegyes ◽  
Csaba Varga

The purpose of the paper is to introduce the legal practices of the Constitutional Court in connection with the ‘sustainability clause’ of the Fundamental Law in relation to natural resources. Subsection (1) of Article P) of the Fundamental Law is in the centre of the research, according to which: „Natural resources, in particular arable land, forests and the reserves of water, biodiversity, in particular native plant and animal species, as well as cultural assets shall corm the common heritage of the nation; it shall be the obligation of the State and everyone to protect and maintain them, and to preserve them for future generations.”

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 369
Titis Anindyajati

Pada pokoknya, persekongkolan tender merupakan salah satu bentuk persekongkolan yang dilarang UU Nomor 5/1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat dan juga menjadi perkara yang paling sering diproses KPPU. Namun baik secara teoritis maupun praktik menimbulkan permasalahan yaitu karena adanya pemaknaan yang bias akan frasa “pihak lain” dalam Pasal 22 UU Nomor 5/1999. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi adanya pengujian Pasal 22 ke MK. Dalam penulisan ini yang dibahas yaitu bagaimana pengaturan persekongkolan tender menurut peraturan perundang-undangan, bagaimanakah implikasi yuridis Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 85/PUU-XIV/2016 tentang pengujian Pasal 22 UU Nomor 5/1999 serta bagaimana analisis hukum terhadap pertimbangan hukum Putusan MK tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif dimana obyek penelitian ini adalah peraturan perundang-undangan dan Putusan MK. Dalam hal ini Penulis menyimpulkan, yaitu, Pertama, persekongkolan tender yang merupakan suatu bentuk kerja sama antara dua pihak atau lebih untuk menguasai pasar yang bersangkutan dan/atau memenangkan peserta tender yang mengakibatkan terjadinya persaingan usaha tidak sehat diatur secara eksplisit dalam Pasal 1 angka 8 dan Pasal 22 UU Nomor 5/1999 serta Peraturan KPPU Nomor 2/2010, Kedua, Implikasi yuridis Putusan MK Nomor 85/PUU-XIV/2016 bermanfaat untuk menjamin kepastian hukum dan keadilan bagi para pihak seperti pengusaha utamanya masyarakat. Untuk itu, perlu adanya harmonisasi antara satu peraturan dengan peraturan lainnya, pengujian UU terhadap UUD terkait pengaturan persekongkolan tender dalam persaingan usaha tidak sehat ataupun revisi terhadap UU Nomor 5/1999.Principally, tender conspiracy is one form of conspiracy that subjected by the Law No. 5/1999 on The Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition, and also as a type of case that frequently occurred and processed by the KPPU. However, in theory, and in practice, there are some issues that plague the regulation, because of the occurrence of bias and unclear interpretation of the phrases “other parties” contained in Article 22 of Law 5/1999. This interpretation issue then became the background in the petition for review of Article 22 to the Constitutional Court. This paper mainly discussed the regulation of tender conspiracy according to the existing Law, and also to study the juridical implications of Constitutional Court Decision Number 85/PUU-XIV/2016 concerning the review of Article 22 Law 5/1999. This paper also delves into the legal analysis of the court considered in the aforementioned Decision. This paper utilized the means of normative juridical research methodology, with the existing regulations and Constitutional Court Decision as the object of research. In the paper, the writer concludes that, first, tender conspiracy is a form of cooperation between one party or more to control particular market and/or to determine the awardees of tenders which may cause unfair business competition explicitly regulated in Article 1 number 8 and Article 22 Law 5/1999 and also the KPPU Regulation Number 2/2010, second, the juridical implications of Constitutional Court Decision Number 85/PUU-XIV/2016 was necessary in order to guarantee the equitable legal certainty and fairness toward all parties especially business practising citizens. Thus, there is a necessity to achieve harmony among these regulations, which can be obtained through the judicial review of laws against the Constitution concerning the regulations of tender conspiracy and by means of legislative revision toward Law 5/1999.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-205
Sartika Intaning Pradhani

Indigenous peoples are victims of agrarian conflict, but their existence are not recognized by Indonesia. Indonesia recognizes Adat Law Community, distinct community living in Indonesia according to their Adat Law, and their traditional right. This paper is written based on legal normative research to analyze right of Adat Law Community towards their land and territory; and rule of the court regarding right of Adat Law Community. Adat Law Community has strong relation with their land and territory, namely Ulayat Right which guaranteed in Constitution and regulated in various law and regulation, especially regarding natural resources. Recognition towards Ulayat Right held by Adat Law Community through regional law product is declaratory because it only confirms the exiting right. Court has prominent role to enforce right of Adat Law Community. Constitutional Court has revoked several provisions in law which neglect Ulayat Right of Adat Law Community, such as Adat Forest which defined as state forest located in Adat Law Community’s territory; and Right of Coastal Water which limits Ulayat Right of Adat Law Community to access natural resources in coastal area and small islands. Though Constitutional Court has strengthen right of Adat Law Community, this community still face difficulties to claim their right towards land and territory against government and investor before District Court, High Court, and Supreme Court because those Court more focus on formal legal certainty of Adat Law Community’s authorization towards their land and territory than factual authorization as narrated by the community.

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Enny Nurbaningsih

Presidential System Government as the result of 1945 Constitution Amandments has not been accomplised yet since its implementation reminds anomaly. President (executive) in presidential system has decision authority to produce acts with House of Representatives (DPR), without involving People Council (DPD) as one of parlement chambers. To restore DPD legislation role, Constitutional Court Decision No. 91/PUU-X/2012 states that DPD has equal position with DPR and President in acts establishment. It implicates that DPD should be involved since the legislation planning, but still does not have authority to make decision even for bills concerned with its authority. This Constitutional Court brings about the trilateral relationship model in legislation process without any institutional construction towards interchambers relation between DPD and DPR. It will result in Judicial Review despite the involvement of DPD in phase 1 and 2 Process, since this involvement does not bind DPR and President. Sistem pemerintahan presidensial hasil revisi UUD 1945 belum tuntas karena implementasinya masih memunculkan keganjilan, Presiden (eksekutif) dalam sistem presidensial ikut mengambil keputusan untuk menghasilkan undang-undang bersama DPR, tanpa pelibatan peran DPD sebagai salah satu kamar di parlemen. Untuk memulihkan peran legislasi DPD bidang tertentu, Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 92/PUU-X/2012 menyatakan bahwa DPD berkedudukan setara dengan DPR dan Presiden dalam proses pembentukan undang-undang. Implikasi dari putusan ini DPD dilibatkan mulai dari proses perencanaan legislasi, tetapi tetap tidak dapat mengambil keputusan sekalipun untuk RUU terkait dengan kewenangannya. Putusan MK melahirkan model hubungan trilateral proses legislasi tanpa ada konstruksi secara kelembagaan terhadap hubungan interkameral antara DPR dan DPD. Hal ini akan akan berdampak pada pengujian undang-undang, walaupun DPD telah dilibatkan dalam proses tahap 1 dan tahap 2, karena pelibatan ini tidak mengikat DPR dan Presiden.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Jantje Tjiptabudy ◽  
Revency Vania Rugebregt ◽  
S. S. Alfons ◽  
Adonia I. Laturette ◽  
Vica J. E. Saiya

On the territory of Aru in the management of natural resources. 3 Last year a lot of the problems occur. This is because their licenses  natural resources management provided by the government to investors who want control over land in this  region, and explore them without regard to the ecosystem and the environment and indigenous people who live in it and in the end lead to conflict.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Jantje Tjiptabudy ◽  
Revency Vania Rugebregt ◽  
S. S. Alfons ◽  
Adonia I. Laturette ◽  
Vica J. E. Saiya

On the territory of Aru in the management of natural resources. 3 Last year a lot of the problems occur. This is because their licenses  natural resources management provided by the government to investors who want control over land in this  region, and explore them without regard to the ecosystem and the environment and indigenous people who live in it and in the end lead to conflict.

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